Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

I see that the usual's have turned this into a liberal bashing site and have gotten off topic. This is about the slaves on the plantations, but some just can't help themselves and have to resort to bashing liberals, who they constantly lie about wanting free stuff, when it's been proven time and time again that it's the red states and the uneducated people in them who benefit from free stuff much more than those in the blue states.

It seems that the liberals are bashing conservatives as well. You did just that in a post about Mississippi and Alabama. so ypu participate in what you are claiming to be upset with.
Tipsy started it by turning it into a liberal bashing post. All I did was reply to her and point out that the poor red states take way more that their blue neighbors. She got off topic first....as usual.
Banging the Liberal narrative, never won a factual argument.

Neither does bashing the Conservative narrative, but it happens on this board all the time.

As far as slavery, it was America at it's worst, and there should be no doubt that greed and profits were the reason. To think any race, religion, ethnicity, sex is better than the other is pure ignorance. We should all be able to live our lives without a threat to our safety because of looks or beliefs.
What in your mind constitutes deserving to be beaten like the person in one of the pictures I posted? And you think putting value on another person so that they can be sold is a reason not to whip them almost to death? Most slaves were sold as families with children, or children alone, or young men and women before the torture started.
With every post, you revel yourself to be even more disgusting when I didn't think that was possible.
I have no idea what crime or crimes necessitated whipping to generate such scarring. Although, the extent of such scars suggest whipping on more than one occasion. This might possibly have been a multiple offense criminal. Today he might have been executed or killed in a drive by.

The financial investment in slaves certainly precluded endangering their lives. After all, no one mistreated horses or livestock. There is no reason to mistreat slaves without reason.

The treatment of slaves 200 years ago has no bearing on the mental desires of the natural slave today. We don't know whether black slaves truly wanted to be guaranteed employment and the level of care given to the owned person. Or, whether they would have preferred the dangers and risks of freedom. We do know that there are many people of various races today that would prefer the security of slavery. We call them democrats.
No matter what a slave did back then, he or she was never a criminal, because that slave never agreed to white man's law to begin with.

I know of no human being in my lifetime who has said they would prefer the recruitment of slavery. That is totally ridiculous.

They just want the trappings of slavery.
"Trappings of slavery?" Says who? You? That doesn't make any sense at all. If you are trapped into some form of willful slavery, it's because you found out that there was no other option. Section 8 Housing being one of them. That's entrapment by force, due to one's color. I still have yet to meet one black person who said they wanted that one and only opportunity.
The natural slave doesn't need to be black. The natural slave just wants to be cared for by someone more powerful like a government.
If for you there is such a thing, its origin is as simple as these typed words. People of privilege, power, and wealth, not only started that back when slaves arrived, it continued after the Civil Rights movement. Privilege never wanted their inclusion, and they still do not want it today. In other words, you are blaming a symptom, not a cause. And that is not right or fair, and you know it. Go to the source of the problem if you have issues, because the problem will never be solved by blaming the symptom.
I see that the usual's have turned this into a liberal bashing site and have gotten off topic. This is about the slaves on the plantations, but some just can't help themselves and have to resort to bashing liberals, who they constantly lie about wanting free stuff, when it's been proven time and time again that it's the red states and the uneducated people in them who benefit from free stuff much more than those in the blue states.

It seems that the liberals are bashing conservatives as well. You did just that in a post about Mississippi and Alabama. so ypu participate in what you are claiming to be upset with.
Tipsy started it by turning it into a liberal bashing post. All I did was reply to her and point out that the poor red states take way more that their blue neighbors. She got off topic first....as usual.
Banging the Liberal narrative, never won a factual argument.

Neither does bashing the Conservative narrative, but it happens on this board all the time.

As far as slavery, it was America at it's worst, and there should be no doubt that greed and profits were the reason. To think any race, religion, ethnicity, sex is better than the other is pure ignorance. We should all be able to live our lives without a threat to our safety because of looks or beliefs.
I agree, but with a big spike in white nationalism and white domestic terrorism, that's not happening now is it?
So. Your complaint against slavery is that the master was cruel and unjust.

You verify the truth of what I said. Slavery is the natural state of the liberal. You only want a just and generous master.
You're a fraud and clearly delusional if you believe that. No liberals want blacks, or anyone else to have a master of any kind. I've never heard any liberal say that slavery is the natural state. If it is, then why aren't you a slave? If it's so wonderful like you describe, then why aren't you signing up to be one?

My friend who told me who you really are is right, you really are a lunatic. He has a long memory and knew you by the screen name you had before. He said you are a far fringe lunatic. Now someone tells me you are a Russian troll. Either way, once again, you are a lunatic, and unhinged and that's why you worship tramp and accept him as your God and Messiah. SICK!
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.

You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.

And public education IS free.

The teachers work for no pay?

The buildings build, repair and clean themselves?

Public educations is NOT free.

someone, somewhere, is paying for it.
It's free for the students. Did you go to public school? Do your children? Do you expect the teachers and staff to work for free? They all work for the school district and the state who pays them. As do the police, fire fighters, road crew, and many more public servants who are there to help the general public. Are you against all of it? If so, lets do away with all of it and make every man fend for himself, so that if his house catches fire, he'd better have a hose ready. Or, if his car is stolen or his wife or daughter is raped, he'd better know how to investigate and find the thief/rapist. And don't worry about the potholes in the road because you can go out and buy asphalt and fill them in yourself. That won't work so good when the bridges start collapsing though, so you'd better get an engineering degree on how to repair the collapsed ones and hope you weren't crossing one when it collapsed. You pay for all of it with your taxes, as do all the rest of us. Try living without them and see how that goes.

It's free for the students.

So are charter schools.

The lunches are also free, but farmers and stores aren't giving away the food.

What does it take to get through peoples minds...

education is NOT free, it has to be paid for, thru donations, taxes, etc.

Now some of you fools want free college.

and you don't even try to understand...

SOMEONE is going to have to pay for it
There is no symptom. There is no black and white. There are as many white people who would be more comfortable as slaves as black people who would be more comfortable as slaves.
You're a fraud and clearly delusional if you believe that. No liberals want blacks, or anyone else to have a master of any kind. I've never heard any liberal say that slavery is the natural state. If it is, then why aren't you a slave? If it's so wonderful like you describe, then why aren't you signing up to be one?

My friend who told me who you really are is right, you really are a lunatic. He has a long memory and knew you by the screen name you had before. He said you are a far fringe lunatic. Now someone tells me you are a Russian troll. Either way, once again, you are a lunatic, and unhinged and that's why you worship tramp and accept him as your God and Messiah. SICK!
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.

You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.

And public education IS free.

The teachers work for no pay?

The buildings build, repair and clean themselves?

Public educations is NOT free.

someone, somewhere, is paying for it.
It's free for the students. Did you go to public school? Do your children? Do you expect the teachers and staff to work for free? They all work for the school district and the state who pays them. As do the police, fire fighters, road crew, and many more public servants who are there to help the general public. Are you against all of it? If so, lets do away with all of it and make every man fend for himself, so that if his house catches fire, he'd better have a hose ready. Or, if his car is stolen or his wife or daughter is raped, he'd better know how to investigate and find the thief/rapist. And don't worry about the potholes in the road because you can go out and buy asphalt and fill them in yourself. That won't work so good when the bridges start collapsing though, so you'd better get an engineering degree on how to repair the collapsed ones and hope you weren't crossing one when it collapsed. You pay for all of it with your taxes, as do all the rest of us. Try living without them and see how that goes.

It's free for the students.

So are charter schools.

The lunches are also free, but farmers and stores aren't giving away the food.

What does it take to get through peoples minds...

education is NOT free, it has to be paid for, thru donations, taxes, etc.

Now some of you fools want free college.

and you don't even try to understand...

SOMEONE is going to have to pay for it
The master pays for it. All of it.
Why should they remove it except under fear of progressive PC punishment if it was actually true? Are you saying that slaves COULDN'T have been happy and well taken care of just because its frowned upon now? They might have been owned people but you have to look at it under the context of the time it happened in, not some space age, futuristic view centuries in the future! Are you saying that the HUNDREDS of movies made depicting family owned slaves of that day as content and cared for were all factually gross lies? These people were living in a huge mansion, state of the art in its day, making beds, cooking, serving meals, cleaning, working various tasks around the place, caring for horses, children, running errands, learning english, pretty decent clothes to wear, surrounded by drapery and gardens, getting medical attention . . . . what would have been their lives back in Africa?

WHO ARE YOU to decide, centuries after the fact that this was wrong in every case and they weren't happy? How many surviving records from the 19th century have you checked where slaves were actually interviewed and ASKED THEIR OPINIONS?
The photographs of starving naked Africans, in Africa, are much worse then the photographs of clothed and well fed slaves of the antebellum south. Were some beaten? Sure. Did they deserve it? I have no idea. Injuring a slave and reducing its value would not be a practice widely performed. They were an investment.
The answer to your question is, none of them deserved to be beaten, because none of them should have been there to begin with. I'll ask you again. Who are you who gets to decide dominion over a man or woman?
I have decided nothing for no one. I recognize that the person who wants everything provided to them without cost is a natural slave only wanting a just and generous master.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the price of apples. You are playing up to ignorance, arrogrance, superiority, and racism, to weaponize your justifications. And everyone sees that for what it is. It's actually the exact reasons why we recruited slaves to begin with. You need lots of soul searching and education. And growing a heart, won't hurt anything either.
The observeration came from Marcus Aurelius in 161.

"The natural state of most people is the state of slavery. They only want for a just and generous master. "

I, of course, never mentioned race. You saw it but it wasn't there. The longing for a caring master belongs equally to white people. There are certainly plenty of white people demanding everything from free cosmetic surgery to free lap dances paid for on the EBT card.

Of course! During Roman times, the theme was, give the people bread and circus. And since thousands were enslaved, what else could they possibly live for? There is no "natural state of slavery" Get that in your head. That is a manipulation of the brain to control large populations. It's been done for centuries. There is nothing "natural" about it. It's a manipulation of the masses to control them. What do you think Trump tries to do every day with his base? He manipulates their brains to cheer lead against their own interests. Emperors and Oligarchs have been doing this since civilization began. Wake up people.
There is no symptom. There is no black and white. There are as many white people who would be more comfortable as slaves as black people who would be more comfortable as slaves.
Sure it is. The symptom is the result of the causation. It's brain manipulation. It's propaganda.

The Black and white thing is a result of privilege. That's the "cause" used by whites to exercise the wealth and power over blacks. The symptom being things like exclusion and segregated housing to keep us all separated.

If the shoe were on the other foot, it probably would be the same for blacks if they had the power.

Man's history has been to use power, wealth, and privilege to over power others. Man is still doing this today. And to blame the notion of some "natural slavery" as the cause, is just ludicrous.
The photographs of starving naked Africans, in Africa, are much worse then the photographs of clothed and well fed slaves of the antebellum south. Were some beaten? Sure. Did they deserve it? I have no idea. Injuring a slave and reducing its value would not be a practice widely performed. They were an investment.
The answer to your question is, none of them deserved to be beaten, because none of them should have been there to begin with. I'll ask you again. Who are you who gets to decide dominion over a man or woman?
I have decided nothing for no one. I recognize that the person who wants everything provided to them without cost is a natural slave only wanting a just and generous master.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the price of apples. You are playing up to ignorance, arrogrance, superiority, and racism, to weaponize your justifications. And everyone sees that for what it is. It's actually the exact reasons why we recruited slaves to begin with. You need lots of soul searching and education. And growing a heart, won't hurt anything either.
The observeration came from Marcus Aurelius in 161.

"The natural state of most people is the state of slavery. They only want for a just and generous master. "

I, of course, never mentioned race. You saw it but it wasn't there. The longing for a caring master belongs equally to white people. There are certainly plenty of white people demanding everything from free cosmetic surgery to free lap dances paid for on the EBT card.

Of course! During Roman times, the theme was, give the people bread and circus. And since thousands were enslaved, what else could they possibly live for? There is no "natural state of slavery" Get that in your head. That is a manipulation of the brain to control large populations. It's been done for centuries. There is nothing "natural" about it. It's a manipulation of the masses to control them. What do you think Trump tries to do every day with his base? He manipulates their brains to cheer lead against their own interests. Emperors and Oligarchs have been doing this since civilization began. Wake up people.
I see people either clamoring for slavery or promising slavery every day. When Cory Booker promises universal basic income what do you think that is? When Elizabeth Warren says they will demand medicare for all, what do you think that is? When Sandra Fluke demanded free birth control what did you think that was?
You're a fraud and clearly delusional if you believe that. No liberals want blacks, or anyone else to have a master of any kind. I've never heard any liberal say that slavery is the natural state. If it is, then why aren't you a slave? If it's so wonderful like you describe, then why aren't you signing up to be one?

My friend who told me who you really are is right, you really are a lunatic. He has a long memory and knew you by the screen name you had before. He said you are a far fringe lunatic. Now someone tells me you are a Russian troll. Either way, once again, you are a lunatic, and unhinged and that's why you worship tramp and accept him as your God and Messiah. SICK!
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.

You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.

And public education IS free.

The teachers work for no pay?

The buildings build, repair and clean themselves?

Public educations is NOT free.

someone, somewhere, is paying for it.
It's free for the students. Did you go to public school? Do your children? Do you expect the teachers and staff to work for free? They all work for the school district and the state who pays them. As do the police, fire fighters, road crew, and many more public servants who are there to help the general public. Are you against all of it? If so, lets do away with all of it and make every man fend for himself, so that if his house catches fire, he'd better have a hose ready. Or, if his car is stolen or his wife or daughter is raped, he'd better know how to investigate and find the thief/rapist. And don't worry about the potholes in the road because you can go out and buy asphalt and fill them in yourself. That won't work so good when the bridges start collapsing though, so you'd better get an engineering degree on how to repair the collapsed ones and hope you weren't crossing one when it collapsed. You pay for all of it with your taxes, as do all the rest of us. Try living without them and see how that goes.

It's free for the students.

So are charter schools.

The lunches are also free, but farmers and stores aren't giving away the food.

What does it take to get through peoples minds...

education is NOT free, it has to be paid for, thru donations, taxes, etc.

Now some of you fools want free college.

and you don't even try to understand...

SOMEONE is going to have to pay for it

Many charter schools only take certain kinds of students and take in smaller amounts of kids with disabilities. And the ones they usually do take are those with only minor disabilities, so they can pick and choose what kind of students they want to allow to attend their schools. Where do are the kids who they won't take supposed to go and will they be disadvantaged because they get a lesser education that the privileged kids? The public school has to take all kids regardless. Once enrolled, they do have the option of separating them into classes that fit the needs of each student. All of the schools here have classes for the gifted and classes for the special needs kids. There are a few charter schools here but not nearly enough to accommodate all of the kids who live. and how would it be fair to the parents paying taxes that go to the charter schools but their kids can't attend them for one reason or another? And do you think the parents of those in the charter schools are going to donate to the public ones?
You can't compartmentalize things as neatly as you did because there are so many variants out there.
And where did I even mention free college? Affordable college should be the norm. It's not now. Here, even a state school is many thousands of dollars a year. If you go on to be a doctor or a dentist, or any other specialist, you could be paying off student loans well into your 40's. It shouldn't be like that.
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.

You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.

And public education IS free.

The teachers work for no pay?

The buildings build, repair and clean themselves?

Public educations is NOT free.

someone, somewhere, is paying for it.
It's free for the students. Did you go to public school? Do your children? Do you expect the teachers and staff to work for free? They all work for the school district and the state who pays them. As do the police, fire fighters, road crew, and many more public servants who are there to help the general public. Are you against all of it? If so, lets do away with all of it and make every man fend for himself, so that if his house catches fire, he'd better have a hose ready. Or, if his car is stolen or his wife or daughter is raped, he'd better know how to investigate and find the thief/rapist. And don't worry about the potholes in the road because you can go out and buy asphalt and fill them in yourself. That won't work so good when the bridges start collapsing though, so you'd better get an engineering degree on how to repair the collapsed ones and hope you weren't crossing one when it collapsed. You pay for all of it with your taxes, as do all the rest of us. Try living without them and see how that goes.

It's free for the students.

So are charter schools.

The lunches are also free, but farmers and stores aren't giving away the food.

What does it take to get through peoples minds...

education is NOT free, it has to be paid for, thru donations, taxes, etc.

Now some of you fools want free college.

and you don't even try to understand...

SOMEONE is going to have to pay for it

Many charter schools only take certain kinds of students and take in smaller amounts of kids with disabilities. And the ones they usually do take are those with only minor disabilities, so they can pick and choose what kind of students they want to allow to attend their schools. Where do are the kids who they won't take supposed to go and will they be disadvantaged because they get a lesser education that the privileged kids? The public school has to take all kids regardless. Once enrolled, they do have the option of separating them into classes that fit the needs of each student. All of the schools here have classes for the gifted and classes for the special needs kids. There are a few charter schools here but not nearly enough to accommodate all of the kids who live. and how would it be fair to the parents paying taxes that go to the charter schools but their kids can't attend them for one reason or another? And do you think the parents of those in the charter schools are going to donate to the public ones?
You can't compartmentalize things as neatly as you did because there are so many variants out there.
And where did I even mention free college? Affordable college should be the norm. It's not now. Here, even a state school is many thousands of dollars a year. If you go on to be a doctor or a dentist, or any other specialist, you could be paying off student loans well into your 40's. It shouldn't be like that.

And do you think the parents of those in the charter schools are going to donate to the public ones?

They have no choice.

Funding is paid thru property taxes, among other things.

And where did I even mention free college?

Several politicians are discussing 'free college'.

You should listen to the news more
The answer to your question is, none of them deserved to be beaten, because none of them should have been there to begin with. I'll ask you again. Who are you who gets to decide dominion over a man or woman?
I have decided nothing for no one. I recognize that the person who wants everything provided to them without cost is a natural slave only wanting a just and generous master.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the price of apples. You are playing up to ignorance, arrogrance, superiority, and racism, to weaponize your justifications. And everyone sees that for what it is. It's actually the exact reasons why we recruited slaves to begin with. You need lots of soul searching and education. And growing a heart, won't hurt anything either.
The observeration came from Marcus Aurelius in 161.

"The natural state of most people is the state of slavery. They only want for a just and generous master. "

I, of course, never mentioned race. You saw it but it wasn't there. The longing for a caring master belongs equally to white people. There are certainly plenty of white people demanding everything from free cosmetic surgery to free lap dances paid for on the EBT card.

Of course! During Roman times, the theme was, give the people bread and circus. And since thousands were enslaved, what else could they possibly live for? There is no "natural state of slavery" Get that in your head. That is a manipulation of the brain to control large populations. It's been done for centuries. There is nothing "natural" about it. It's a manipulation of the masses to control them. What do you think Trump tries to do every day with his base? He manipulates their brains to cheer lead against their own interests. Emperors and Oligarchs have been doing this since civilization began. Wake up people.
I see people either clamoring for slavery or promising slavery every day. When Cory Booker promises universal basic income what do you think that is? When Elizabeth Warren says they will demand medicare for all, what do you think that is? When Sandra Fluke demanded free birth control what did you think that was?
None of that is free, and prove to me on paper that it is?
I have decided nothing for no one. I recognize that the person who wants everything provided to them without cost is a natural slave only wanting a just and generous master.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the price of apples. You are playing up to ignorance, arrogrance, superiority, and racism, to weaponize your justifications. And everyone sees that for what it is. It's actually the exact reasons why we recruited slaves to begin with. You need lots of soul searching and education. And growing a heart, won't hurt anything either.
The observeration came from Marcus Aurelius in 161.

"The natural state of most people is the state of slavery. They only want for a just and generous master. "

I, of course, never mentioned race. You saw it but it wasn't there. The longing for a caring master belongs equally to white people. There are certainly plenty of white people demanding everything from free cosmetic surgery to free lap dances paid for on the EBT card.

Of course! During Roman times, the theme was, give the people bread and circus. And since thousands were enslaved, what else could they possibly live for? There is no "natural state of slavery" Get that in your head. That is a manipulation of the brain to control large populations. It's been done for centuries. There is nothing "natural" about it. It's a manipulation of the masses to control them. What do you think Trump tries to do every day with his base? He manipulates their brains to cheer lead against their own interests. Emperors and Oligarchs have been doing this since civilization began. Wake up people.
I see people either clamoring for slavery or promising slavery every day. When Cory Booker promises universal basic income what do you think that is? When Elizabeth Warren says they will demand medicare for all, what do you think that is? When Sandra Fluke demanded free birth control what did you think that was?
None of that is free, and prove to me on paper that it is?
Isn't if funny how the most anti-choice people are also the most vocal on free birth control. And, if we had better and cheaper health care for people, it actually would be cheaper for all in the long run. Some people are just to stupid to realize this.
A just and generous master would treat his slaves equally. None would receive more than another.

Under freedom, taxes would not be used for schools. Parents would have that money and do with it what they will. The slow, the disadvantaged, the disabled might not receive the same education as the affluent. They might find themselves in a trade school or apprenticeship program. There would be no nonsense courses like the History of Transgenderism.

We have serious problems with education now. Many families, mostly Asian and White, have an intense emphasis on education. There is school, after school and tutoring all overseen by Tiger Moms.

Then we have children attending schools where the teachers mostly try to avoid student violence.

Our system doesn't work and has never worked. It needs a good triage.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the price of apples. You are playing up to ignorance, arrogrance, superiority, and racism, to weaponize your justifications. And everyone sees that for what it is. It's actually the exact reasons why we recruited slaves to begin with. You need lots of soul searching and education. And growing a heart, won't hurt anything either.
The observeration came from Marcus Aurelius in 161.

"The natural state of most people is the state of slavery. They only want for a just and generous master. "

I, of course, never mentioned race. You saw it but it wasn't there. The longing for a caring master belongs equally to white people. There are certainly plenty of white people demanding everything from free cosmetic surgery to free lap dances paid for on the EBT card.

Of course! During Roman times, the theme was, give the people bread and circus. And since thousands were enslaved, what else could they possibly live for? There is no "natural state of slavery" Get that in your head. That is a manipulation of the brain to control large populations. It's been done for centuries. There is nothing "natural" about it. It's a manipulation of the masses to control them. What do you think Trump tries to do every day with his base? He manipulates their brains to cheer lead against their own interests. Emperors and Oligarchs have been doing this since civilization began. Wake up people.
I see people either clamoring for slavery or promising slavery every day. When Cory Booker promises universal basic income what do you think that is? When Elizabeth Warren says they will demand medicare for all, what do you think that is? When Sandra Fluke demanded free birth control what did you think that was?
None of that is free, and prove to me on paper that it is?
Isn't if funny how the most anti-choice people are also the most vocal on free birth control. And, if we had better and cheaper health care for people, it actually would be cheaper for all in the long run. Some people are just to stupid to realize this.
Some people are destined to look the other way when the laws of logic are front and center, looking straight at them.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
This is PC gone mad.
When revisionists force these backward steps it becomes harder and harder to teach the youth about the very real benefits of slavery.
A just and generous master would treat his slaves equally. None would receive more than another.
What in God's name are you talking about? There is no such thing as a "generous master". And why would we have one to start with? This is crazy talk.
Under freedom, taxes would not be used for schools.
Without taxes there wouldn't be any schools, so how would that be a freedom, when we just eliminated it by not taxing its existence?
Parents would have that money and do with it what they will.
And what would they do with that money? This doesn't make any sense.
The slow, the disadvantaged, the disabled might not receive the same education as the affluent. They might find themselves in a trade school or apprenticeship program.
How do you know they can accomplish trade school activities? What happened to their freedom to choose? Again, this makes no sense.
There would be no nonsense courses like the History of Transgenderism.

We have serious problems with education now. Many families, mostly Asian and White, have an intense emphasis on education. There is school, after school and tutoring all overseen by Tiger Moms.
And overseen by privilege.

Then we have children attending schools where the teachers mostly try to avoid student violence.
Ah yes, code for budget cuts.

Our system doesn't work and has never worked. It needs a good triage.[/QUOTE]
In the estate of the slaveholder the master owns all. The art of the potter, the sculptor, the seamstress, the labor of the fieldhands. The master sells the work of the slaves and uses the proceeds for the benefit of the estate including the needs of the slaves. A thoughtful master would provide birth control. It is the free woman who could buy it for herself. But some women would rather have slavery.
A just and generous master would treat his slaves equally. None would receive more than another.
What in God's name are you talking about? There is no such thing as a "generous master". And why would we have one to start with? This is crazy talk.
Under freedom, taxes would not be used for schools.
Without taxes there wouldn't be any schools, so how would that be a freedom, when we just eliminated it by not taxing its existence?
Parents would have that money and do with it what they will.
And what would they do with that money? This doesn't make any sense.
The slow, the disadvantaged, the disabled might not receive the same education as the affluent. They might find themselves in a trade school or apprenticeship program.
How do you know they can accomplish trade school activities? What happened to their freedom to choose? Again, this makes no sense.
There would be no nonsense courses like the History of Transgenderism.

We have serious problems with education now. Many families, mostly Asian and White, have an intense emphasis on education. There is school, after school and tutoring all overseen by Tiger Moms.
And overseen by privilege.

Then we have children attending schools where the teachers mostly try to avoid student violence.
Ah yes, code for budget cuts.

Our system doesn't work and has never worked. It needs a good triage.
Your freedom to choose is limited by your ability. The world cannot be made equal or fair. You are sliding into nonsense. Having lost, you are casting about for a new discussion. One that you can win.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Let's clear out your delusion first... It was Democrat's, not America's original sin.
Democrats in that day, were the modern day Republican party today.
Lol there was never a change.. wouldn’t the south today be extremely racist if that was true? All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by Democrats

The racist deplorables now belong to the RepubliKlan Party
So why are people of color still crying in the streets of towns run by democrats and not the south any more lol
Red States lead the nation in poverty

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