Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Treated like animals. You mean, fed, coddled, medicated, given ergonomic beds (for naps. Otherwise they sleep with you), treats on demand. Yeah treated like animals. The natural slave doesn't want freedom. It's too scary.

Now you are just going all goofy on us
She's clearly unhinged.
You are clearly a bore. We get it. You are a natural slave who has found her just master. You need not keep going on.
You are clearly insane! But keep replying to me and showing everyone how unhinged you really are.

Why do you think equal partners equates to a slave and master? My guy and I are equal partners. We both give and take equal amounts from our relationship. Neither one of us is a slave or master. We have fun, doing fun things like going out on his incredible scooter in summer, which I picked out for him to buy because it was SO darn gorgeous and powerful, or me helping him clear the land he just bought by driving his tractor, which is a blast for me to do, or us watching a movie together in the evening. We love each other and respect each other too. Jealous maybe that you don't have a relationship like that?
Actually no. It sounds simply horrid. It sounds suffocating. I could not be jealous of someone in a collar and leash.
Sorry but our ideas of what is enjoyable are too divergent. I am not the relationship kind. I tend to leave at the first wisp of the R word. Sit down and watch the movie! I'd walk out. I HAVE walked out.

On behalf of everybody you "walked out" on ---- THANK YOU.
Actually no. It sounds simply horrid. It sounds suffocating. I could not be jealous of someone in a collar and leash.
Sorry but our ideas of what is enjoyable are too divergent. I am not the relationship kind. I tend to leave at the first wisp of the R word. Sit down and watch the movie! I'd walk out. I HAVE walked out.
You're pathetic. We are not in a collar and a leash relationship, as much as you want to see it that way. And probably the reason you're so anti relationship is because no one wanted to have one with you after they really got to know you. You're just a dried up old prune and even worse, a bitter one too. I would really hate to be you.
Good. I would hate to be as needy and begging as you.
If you see a equal partnership as needy, then you really are nuts. Neither one of us are needy or begging, no matter how much your distorted mind thinks.
If you don't want to be thought of as needy, stop presenting yourself as needy.
An equal relationship is in your eyes needy? Get help!
From your words and only your words the relationship is not equal. You are needy and lonely. You have a man who provides relief. For that you are grateful. If you can't stop being needy you can stop projecting yourself as weak and needy. Don't be so intimidated. You actually do not have to justify your existence by yelling "see somebody wants me".
Actually no. It sounds simply horrid. It sounds suffocating. I could not be jealous of someone in a collar and leash.
Sorry but our ideas of what is enjoyable are too divergent. I am not the relationship kind. I tend to leave at the first wisp of the R word. Sit down and watch the movie! I'd walk out. I HAVE walked out.
Yes we get it, you have had a long history of not satisfying men -- now you make it seem like you are the one against relationships as a defense mechanism...we get it..

What the fuck does your interpersonal relationship failures have to do with slavery?
I am a not slave as opposed to slave pussymama. Pussymama is just trying to justify her needy existence.
So you jump from trying to claim slaves had it good because they were treated like animals -- to you being upset that someone has had a long term relationship and you couldn't?

I guess you aren't one of those fake family values conservatives....cool....still pathetic tho...
My original claim, that some people are natural slaves is absolutely true. Not everyone is a natural slave. Just those who want to be taken care of. People in long term relationships are in those relationships because they either need to be taken care of as a slave or want someone to take care of as a master. It's just human nature. It's been this way for tens of thousands of years. Nothing to get upset about.

Then there are those who neither want to be slave or master. All they way is the freedom from both. Like me.
So the great Ronald Reagan is a natural slave because he and Nancy were together until he died?

You do understand you are demonizing every two-parent household in America -- I bet you are one of those idiots who blame every ill of society on the lack of fathers in the home...while at the same time hating the fact that fathers are in the home...just not yours...

Nobody wanted you, maybe you need to re-examine yourself as the problem instead of trying to shame everyone else for being lovable...
And they adored each other. Even their children said so. They said they could see the love in his eyes every time he looked at their mother, and the same with her.

It's a pity that this woman is so bitter and rigid. And, filled with such obvious hate for anyone who is in a loving relationship.
You're pathetic. We are not in a collar and a leash relationship, as much as you want to see it that way. And probably the reason you're so anti relationship is because no one wanted to have one with you after they really got to know you. You're just a dried up old prune and even worse, a bitter one too. I would really hate to be you.
Good. I would hate to be as needy and begging as you.
If you see a equal partnership as needy, then you really are nuts. Neither one of us are needy or begging, no matter how much your distorted mind thinks.
If you don't want to be thought of as needy, stop presenting yourself as needy.
An equal relationship is in your eyes needy? Get help!
From your words and only your words the relationship is not equal. You are needy and lonely. You have a man who provides relief. For that you are grateful. If you can't stop being needy you can stop projecting yourself as weak and needy. Don't be so intimidated. You actually do not have to justify your existence by yelling "see somebody wants me".
You're problem is that no man wants you and probably never has. Crap, who would with an attitude like yours? You're sick, get help.
Actually no. It sounds simply horrid. It sounds suffocating. I could not be jealous of someone in a collar and leash.
Sorry but our ideas of what is enjoyable are too divergent. I am not the relationship kind. I tend to leave at the first wisp of the R word. Sit down and watch the movie! I'd walk out. I HAVE walked out.
Yes we get it, you have had a long history of not satisfying men -- now you make it seem like you are the one against relationships as a defense mechanism...we get it..

What the fuck does your interpersonal relationship failures have to do with slavery?
I am a not slave as opposed to slave pussymama. Pussymama is just trying to justify her needy existence.
So you jump from trying to claim slaves had it good because they were treated like animals -- to you being upset that someone has had a long term relationship and you couldn't?

I guess you aren't one of those fake family values conservatives....cool....still pathetic tho...
My original claim, that some people are natural slaves is absolutely true. Not everyone is a natural slave. Just those who want to be taken care of. People in long term relationships are in those relationships because they either need to be taken care of as a slave or want someone to take care of as a master. It's just human nature. It's been this way for tens of thousands of years. Nothing to get upset about.

Then there are those who neither want to be slave or master. All they way is the freedom from both. Like me.
So the great Ronald Reagan is a natural slave because he and Nancy were together until he died?

You do understand you are demonizing every two-parent household in America -- I bet you are one of those idiots who blame every ill of society on the lack of fathers in the home...while at the same time hating the fact that fathers are in the home...just not yours...

Nobody wanted you, maybe you need to re-examine yourself as the problem instead of trying to shame everyone else for being lovable...
You clearly have no understanding even of your own arguments. No one is being demonized. It is a statement of fact of the human condition. There are natural slaves who want to be taken care of. Who knows what Ronald Reagan was like. This, of course, has nothing to do with fatherless households. Don't be so insecure.

I wouldn't exactly say no one wanted me. I have certainly had more than my share of devotees. I just treated them all badly for my own enjoyment. As neither slave nor master, that leaves me out of the discussion altogether.

Get sensible.
Yes we get it, you have had a long history of not satisfying men -- now you make it seem like you are the one against relationships as a defense mechanism...we get it..

What the fuck does your interpersonal relationship failures have to do with slavery?
I am a not slave as opposed to slave pussymama. Pussymama is just trying to justify her needy existence.
So you jump from trying to claim slaves had it good because they were treated like animals -- to you being upset that someone has had a long term relationship and you couldn't?

I guess you aren't one of those fake family values conservatives....cool....still pathetic tho...
My original claim, that some people are natural slaves is absolutely true. Not everyone is a natural slave. Just those who want to be taken care of. People in long term relationships are in those relationships because they either need to be taken care of as a slave or want someone to take care of as a master. It's just human nature. It's been this way for tens of thousands of years. Nothing to get upset about.

Then there are those who neither want to be slave or master. All they way is the freedom from both. Like me.
So the great Ronald Reagan is a natural slave because he and Nancy were together until he died?

You do understand you are demonizing every two-parent household in America -- I bet you are one of those idiots who blame every ill of society on the lack of fathers in the home...while at the same time hating the fact that fathers are in the home...just not yours...

Nobody wanted you, maybe you need to re-examine yourself as the problem instead of trying to shame everyone else for being lovable...
You clearly have no understanding even of your own arguments. No one is being demonized. It is a statement of fact of the human condition. There are natural slaves who want to be taken care of. Who knows what Ronald Reagan was like. This, of course, has nothing to do with fatherless households. Don't be so insecure.

I wouldn't exactly say no one wanted me. I have certainly had more than my share of devotees. I just treated them all badly for my own enjoyment. As neither slave nor master, that leaves me out of the discussion altogether.

Get sensible.
You can keep telling yourself that....

Nobody wanted that sideways roast beef sandwich of a pussy you toting around.....
Good. I would hate to be as needy and begging as you.
If you see a equal partnership as needy, then you really are nuts. Neither one of us are needy or begging, no matter how much your distorted mind thinks.
If you don't want to be thought of as needy, stop presenting yourself as needy.
An equal relationship is in your eyes needy? Get help!
From your words and only your words the relationship is not equal. You are needy and lonely. You have a man who provides relief. For that you are grateful. If you can't stop being needy you can stop projecting yourself as weak and needy. Don't be so intimidated. You actually do not have to justify your existence by yelling "see somebody wants me".
You're problem is that no man wants you and probably never has. Crap, who would with an attitude like yours? You're sick, get help.

Is that the way you see life? Your worth is whether a man wants you or not. This is how you think of yourself. Do you see that? This is your breakthrough. You don't need to measure your self worth by whether a man wants you. Get independent.

Take it to the next step. How much is that man willing to pay? That's what makes you a natural slave.

Now you know why you are a slave and I am not.
I am a not slave as opposed to slave pussymama. Pussymama is just trying to justify her needy existence.
So you jump from trying to claim slaves had it good because they were treated like animals -- to you being upset that someone has had a long term relationship and you couldn't?

I guess you aren't one of those fake family values conservatives....cool....still pathetic tho...
My original claim, that some people are natural slaves is absolutely true. Not everyone is a natural slave. Just those who want to be taken care of. People in long term relationships are in those relationships because they either need to be taken care of as a slave or want someone to take care of as a master. It's just human nature. It's been this way for tens of thousands of years. Nothing to get upset about.

Then there are those who neither want to be slave or master. All they way is the freedom from both. Like me.
So the great Ronald Reagan is a natural slave because he and Nancy were together until he died?

You do understand you are demonizing every two-parent household in America -- I bet you are one of those idiots who blame every ill of society on the lack of fathers in the home...while at the same time hating the fact that fathers are in the home...just not yours...

Nobody wanted you, maybe you need to re-examine yourself as the problem instead of trying to shame everyone else for being lovable...
You clearly have no understanding even of your own arguments. No one is being demonized. It is a statement of fact of the human condition. There are natural slaves who want to be taken care of. Who knows what Ronald Reagan was like. This, of course, has nothing to do with fatherless households. Don't be so insecure.

I wouldn't exactly say no one wanted me. I have certainly had more than my share of devotees. I just treated them all badly for my own enjoyment. As neither slave nor master, that leaves me out of the discussion altogether.

Get sensible.
You can keep telling yourself that....

Nobody wanted that sideways roast beef sandwich of a pussy you toting around.....
A true insecure man who reduces women to their genitals.

Why can't men at least be original.
If you see a equal partnership as needy, then you really are nuts. Neither one of us are needy or begging, no matter how much your distorted mind thinks.
If you don't want to be thought of as needy, stop presenting yourself as needy.
An equal relationship is in your eyes needy? Get help!
From your words and only your words the relationship is not equal. You are needy and lonely. You have a man who provides relief. For that you are grateful. If you can't stop being needy you can stop projecting yourself as weak and needy. Don't be so intimidated. You actually do not have to justify your existence by yelling "see somebody wants me".
You're problem is that no man wants you and probably never has. Crap, who would with an attitude like yours? You're sick, get help.

Is that the way you see life? Your worth is whether a man wants you or not. This is how you think of yourself. Do you see that? This is your breakthrough. You don't need to measure your self worth by whether a man wants you. Get independent.

Take it to the next step. How much is that man willing to pay? That's what makes you a natural slave.

Now you know why you are a slave and I am not.
That's your take on it, but not mine. I don't see my worth is whether a man wants me, we want each other because we love each other. We are partners. We compliment each other. Neither of us is the dominant one, we're equals. And willing to pay? Seriously?? You put a monetary value on a relationship? Unlike some women who shall remain nameless, I never could be bought. He didn't buy me, I didn't buy him, get it?

It's so sad that you can't see this. I'd be willing to bet you don't even have any friends either because of your rigid attitude. You don't seem the type to let anyone into your life because you see yourself as superior and everyone else as inferior.
If you don't want to be thought of as needy, stop presenting yourself as needy.
An equal relationship is in your eyes needy? Get help!
From your words and only your words the relationship is not equal. You are needy and lonely. You have a man who provides relief. For that you are grateful. If you can't stop being needy you can stop projecting yourself as weak and needy. Don't be so intimidated. You actually do not have to justify your existence by yelling "see somebody wants me".
You're problem is that no man wants you and probably never has. Crap, who would with an attitude like yours? You're sick, get help.

Is that the way you see life? Your worth is whether a man wants you or not. This is how you think of yourself. Do you see that? This is your breakthrough. You don't need to measure your self worth by whether a man wants you. Get independent.

Take it to the next step. How much is that man willing to pay? That's what makes you a natural slave.

Now you know why you are a slave and I am not.
That's your take on it, but not mine. I don't see my worth is whether a man wants me, we want each other because we love each other. We are partners. We compliment each other. Neither of us is the dominant one, we're equals. And willing to pay? Seriously?? You put a monetary value on a relationship? Unlike some women who shall remain nameless, I never could be bought. He didn't buy me, I didn't buy him, get it?

It's so sad that you can't see this. I'd be willing to bet you don't even have any friends either because of your rigid attitude. You don't seem the type to let anyone into your life because you see yourself as superior and everyone else as inferior.
Your worth is all tied up with a man wanting you. Where is your backbone?
An equal relationship is in your eyes needy? Get help!
From your words and only your words the relationship is not equal. You are needy and lonely. You have a man who provides relief. For that you are grateful. If you can't stop being needy you can stop projecting yourself as weak and needy. Don't be so intimidated. You actually do not have to justify your existence by yelling "see somebody wants me".
You're problem is that no man wants you and probably never has. Crap, who would with an attitude like yours? You're sick, get help.

Is that the way you see life? Your worth is whether a man wants you or not. This is how you think of yourself. Do you see that? This is your breakthrough. You don't need to measure your self worth by whether a man wants you. Get independent.

Take it to the next step. How much is that man willing to pay? That's what makes you a natural slave.

Now you know why you are a slave and I am not.
That's your take on it, but not mine. I don't see my worth is whether a man wants me, we want each other because we love each other. We are partners. We compliment each other. Neither of us is the dominant one, we're equals. And willing to pay? Seriously?? You put a monetary value on a relationship? Unlike some women who shall remain nameless, I never could be bought. He didn't buy me, I didn't buy him, get it?

It's so sad that you can't see this. I'd be willing to bet you don't even have any friends either because of your rigid attitude. You don't seem the type to let anyone into your life because you see yourself as superior and everyone else as inferior.
Your worth is all tied up with a man wanting you. Where is your backbone?
You know what? I think you're just trolling at this point to keep this thread alive because your comments are getting crazier and crazier. You keep repeating the same shit and it makes you look more and more unhinged by the minute. If that's your opinion of me, then have at it. You're nothing to me and I'm done with you.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
What does this have to do with anything in 2019? As compared to other plantations they might have been happy. Who knows? Safer on this plantation than they are today on the south side of Chicago.

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