Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'


An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
I can't believe anyone would actually say this. It's like saying the convicts in jail are happy because they are being taken care of. It's still jail and slavery is still slavery. The statement "as they have a natural musical instinct" also sounds a little racist to me. While they may have been treated well for the time and Mr Turnbull sounds like did his best not to be a monster, he was probably one of only a few who actually treated his slaves somewhat decently. You can candy coat it all you want but the institution of slavery is still evil.
Not according to Tipsy. She thinks slavery for all but the elite is a desired thing. Read her posts, she says as much.

What I say is that most people desire slavery. It's security. They only want a just and generous master.

Freedom is messy. It's dangerous. The risks are seldom worth the reward. The slave never takes a risk. The master takes the risk.

Many prisoners do prefer the security of prison to the rigors of the outside. There is even a word for it. They are institutionalized and will never successfully live as a free person.
NO you stupid bitch!!! Most people DO NOT desire slavery! I don't, none of my friends do, and most all of the people in this country don't either. I know that you equate slavery with those on some kind of government assistance. Well, you're wrong. Some, not all, are on it because they're trying to lift themselves up to becoming a productive citizen and only need a temporary boost.

Do you want to become someone's slave? Maybe like someone's sex slave? Are you married and is your husband your master?
Isn't it against the rules to discuss someone's family?

I am not married. But you are. Aren't you? You have been trading on your **** smell your entire life. It's your security. We all know how slaves desire security. You wail how you don't desire slavery yet wallow in the security slavery gives you. Now you lie about it.

If you aren't a slave prove it. Walk out the door right now. Take nothing with you. Make your way in the world with nothing but your freedom. You will soon sob for bondage.

I tell ya what, face-shooting troll, if she wanted to she'd be welcome here, and she knows it. And she'd be treated nothing like a slave but as the Lady she is.

You on the other hand would be left out in the woods for the bears and coyotes to fight over.

To each what they deserve. Nomsane?

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
I can't believe anyone would actually say this. It's like saying the convicts in jail are happy because they are being taken care of. It's still jail and slavery is still slavery. The statement "as they have a natural musical instinct" also sounds a little racist to me. While they may have been treated well for the time and Mr Turnbull sounds like did his best not to be a monster, he was probably one of only a few who actually treated his slaves somewhat decently. You can candy coat it all you want but the institution of slavery is still evil.
Not according to Tipsy. She thinks slavery for all but the elite is a desired thing. Read her posts, she says as much.

What I say is that most people desire slavery. It's security. They only want a just and generous master.

Freedom is messy. It's dangerous. The risks are seldom worth the reward. The slave never takes a risk. The master takes the risk.

Many prisoners do prefer the security of prison to the rigors of the outside. There is even a word for it. They are institutionalized and will never successfully live as a free person.
NO you stupid bitch!!! Most people DO NOT desire slavery! I don't, none of my friends do, and most all of the people in this country don't either. I know that you equate slavery with those on some kind of government assistance. Well, you're wrong. Some, not all, are on it because they're trying to lift themselves up to becoming a productive citizen and only need a temporary boost.

Do you want to become someone's slave? Maybe like someone's sex slave? Are you married and is your husband your master?

I'd like to interview a slave to see if they were happy or not. Please find me one and we can know once and for all.

You can. There are recorded interviews. From Louisiana as a matter of fact.

Link to the video?

I don’t have a link to a video. But I give an example in the prior post. I wasn’t thinking of a video at all but they do exist. And they are fascinating.
Listen to this interview with an ex slave recorded in 1941. Amazing.

I can't believe anyone would actually say this. It's like saying the convicts in jail are happy because they are being taken care of. It's still jail and slavery is still slavery. The statement "as they have a natural musical instinct" also sounds a little racist to me. While they may have been treated well for the time and Mr Turnbull sounds like did his best not to be a monster, he was probably one of only a few who actually treated his slaves somewhat decently. You can candy coat it all you want but the institution of slavery is still evil.
Not according to Tipsy. She thinks slavery for all but the elite is a desired thing. Read her posts, she says as much.

What I say is that most people desire slavery. It's security. They only want a just and generous master.

Freedom is messy. It's dangerous. The risks are seldom worth the reward. The slave never takes a risk. The master takes the risk.

Many prisoners do prefer the security of prison to the rigors of the outside. There is even a word for it. They are institutionalized and will never successfully live as a free person.
NO you stupid bitch!!! Most people DO NOT desire slavery! I don't, none of my friends do, and most all of the people in this country don't either. I know that you equate slavery with those on some kind of government assistance. Well, you're wrong. Some, not all, are on it because they're trying to lift themselves up to becoming a productive citizen and only need a temporary boost.

Do you want to become someone's slave? Maybe like someone's sex slave? Are you married and is your husband your master?
Isn't it against the rules to discuss someone's family?

I am not married. But you are. Aren't you? You have been trading on your **** smell your entire life. It's your security. We all know how slaves desire security. You wail how you don't desire slavery yet wallow in the security slavery gives you. Now you lie about it.

If you aren't a slave prove it. Walk out the door right now. Take nothing with you. Make your way in the world with nothing but your freedom. You will soon sob for bondage.

I tell ya what, face-shooting troll, if she wanted to she'd be welcome here, and she knows it. And she'd be treated nothing like a slave but as the Lady she is.

You on the other hand would be left out in the woods for the bears and coyotes to fight over.

To each what they deserve. Nomsane?
It goes without saying that a well trained and grateful slave can always find a master to give them protection.

Didn't you say you put me on ignore? Or was that just another lie?
The slave Solomon Northup describing his first master.

View attachment 251957
The just and generous master.

If you haven’t read 12 Years a Slave you should. The movie was garbage and misleading. They even got the setting wrong. But the book is a gem. And the sites are still easily identifiable today if you know where to look. I’ve walked them many times and his powers of description are evident even today.
None of them are marked.
The slave Solomon Northup describing his first master.

View attachment 251957

Yea right. Since when does an uneducated black man used for slave labor talk like that?

Solomon Northup was an educated free black man born and raised in New York. A renowned musician and businessman. On a visit to DC he was captured, drugged and sold as a slave through New Orleans. (I suspect more to that incident but that’s neither here nor there).
It was 12 years before well connected friends in New York located and freed him. His book about the experience is fascinating reading.
White men were kidnapped right off the street by press gangs and sold into slavery on ships. The British Royal Navy built their fleet on press gangs.
Stupid and ridiculous sign. Should never have been there in the first place.

You cannot simultaneously take a person's freedom away while you are claiming they are "well taken care of".
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Reading what I wrote, how did you come to that conclusion? I was replying to that crazy person and she is the one who compared a person to a pet. I have cats and a dog. I just rescued a cat last summer, or rather, he rescued me. I think I have a huge sign above my house that only cats can see and it says, "sucker lives here." I am also a failed foster because I fall in love too easily then can't give them up. The one in my avi is my deaf girl Coconut. She was a rescue too.
Sorry, put your post reads as if pets aren't that important.
Stupid and ridiculous sign. Should never have been there in the first place.

You cannot simultaneously take a person's freedom away while you are claiming they are "well taken care of".
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Reading what I wrote, how did you come to that conclusion? I was replying to that crazy person and she is the one who compared a person to a pet. I have cats and a dog. I just rescued a cat last summer, or rather, he rescued me. I think I have a huge sign above my house that only cats can see and it says, "sucker lives here." I am also a failed foster because I fall in love too easily then can't give them up. The one in my avi is my deaf girl Coconut. She was a rescue too.
Sorry, put your post reads as if pets aren't that important.

Many humans would like to live the life of an indulged pet. They aren't good enough.
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Reading what I wrote, how did you come to that conclusion? I was replying to that crazy person and she is the one who compared a person to a pet. I have cats and a dog. I just rescued a cat last summer, or rather, he rescued me. I think I have a huge sign above my house that only cats can see and it says, "sucker lives here." I am also a failed foster because I fall in love too easily then can't give them up. The one in my avi is my deaf girl Coconut. She was a rescue too.
Sorry, put your post reads as if pets aren't that important.

Many humans would like to live the life of an indulged pet. They aren't good enough.
Were slaves an indulged pet?
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Reading what I wrote, how did you come to that conclusion? I was replying to that crazy person and she is the one who compared a person to a pet. I have cats and a dog. I just rescued a cat last summer, or rather, he rescued me. I think I have a huge sign above my house that only cats can see and it says, "sucker lives here." I am also a failed foster because I fall in love too easily then can't give them up. The one in my avi is my deaf girl Coconut. She was a rescue too.
Sorry, put your post reads as if pets aren't that important.

Many humans would like to live the life of an indulged pet. They aren't good enough.
Were slaves an indulged pet?
Now that you bring it up. Some of them undoubtedly were! Many were favored over others.

Today, however, the natural slave demands to be the indulged pet. They want free everything. Free medical care, free education, free housing, EBT cards with big balances to cover the free lap dances. And, massah, pay for the birth control and abortions if that doesn't work.

There is really no way around it. If there were no such thing as natural slaves there would be no such thing as socialism. One side is the yearning to be taken care of by someone else. The other side is the promise to fulfill that yearning.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
I can't believe anyone would actually say this. It's like saying the convicts in jail are happy because they are being taken care of. It's still jail and slavery is still slavery. The statement "as they have a natural musical instinct" also sounds a little racist to me. While they may have been treated well for the time and Mr Turnbull sounds like did his best not to be a monster, he was probably one of only a few who actually treated his slaves somewhat decently. You can candy coat it all you want but the institution of slavery is still evil.
Not according to Tipsy. She thinks slavery for all but the elite is a desired thing. Read her posts, she says as much.

What I say is that most people desire slavery. It's security. They only want a just and generous master.

Freedom is messy. It's dangerous. The risks are seldom worth the reward. The slave never takes a risk. The master takes the risk.

Many prisoners do prefer the security of prison to the rigors of the outside. There is even a word for it. They are institutionalized and will never successfully live as a free person.
NO you stupid bitch!!! Most people DO NOT desire slavery! I don't, none of my friends do, and most all of the people in this country don't either. I know that you equate slavery with those on some kind of government assistance. Well, you're wrong. Some, not all, are on it because they're trying to lift themselves up to becoming a productive citizen and only need a temporary boost.

Do you want to become someone's slave? Maybe like someone's sex slave? Are you married and is your husband your master?
Isn't it against the rules to discuss someone's family?

I am not married. But you are. Aren't you? You have been trading on your **** smell your entire life. It's your security. We all know how slaves desire security. You wail how you don't desire slavery yet wallow in the security slavery gives you. Now you lie about it.

If you aren't a slave prove it. Walk out the door right now. Take nothing with you. Make your way in the world with nothing but your freedom. You will soon sob for bondage.

Not surprised that you're not married. Who would want an insane woman such as yourself? and for the hundredth time (just in this thread alone), I am NOT married but have been with my guy for 19 years.

I did make my own way in the world. I own my own house and car and am not in any debt of any kind. You have clearly lost your mind to keep coming here and posting such insane things.
It's foolish to contend that all slave owners were cruel and of the devil. All human beings are just not all that way. I believe that there were owners who actualy respected many of their slaves and for those working in the home with the family, they became close.

The sign that stood so long was taken down when some racist objected and threatened the owners, imo.
But didn't respect them enough to let them be free human beings huh
If so many right wingers agree that no one alive today is responsible for slavery -- why is there always this reluctance to say slavery is was and always will be an evil institution, period...

Why this need to always find ways to show degrees of slavery, this need to say "not all slaves were treated poorly, "black people had slaves too.." -- none of that fucking matters if we are still talking about people being held captive, against their will, etc...

and for the 6000th time, a black person who votes Democrat is not a slave on a plantation anymore than a Jewish person who votes democrat is in a Democrat gas chamber..

But time and time again, I see republicans trying to shame black democrat voters by calling them slaves -- but you will NNEEEVVVEERRRRRR see them shaming Jewish voters as being gas chambers
It's foolish to contend that all slave owners were cruel and of the devil. All human beings are just not all that way. I believe that there were owners who actualy respected many of their slaves and for those working in the home with the family, they became close.

The sign that stood so long was taken down when some racist objected and threatened the owners, imo.
But didn't respect them enough to let them be free human beings huh
They weren't sent to Aruba each year for vacations, either.
It's foolish to contend that all slave owners were cruel and of the devil. All human beings are just not all that way. I believe that there were owners who actualy respected many of their slaves and for those working in the home with the family, they became close.

The sign that stood so long was taken down when some racist objected and threatened the owners, imo.
But didn't respect them enough to let them be free human beings huh
They weren't sent to Aruba each year for vacations, either.
There were slaves in Aruba then too...so I assure you it wouldn't have been a vacation

Don't you idiots get tired of trying to water down slavery?

Why don't you folks do that with the holocaust?

Why don't you idiots talk about how some Jews were treated nicely and not all of them were put in gas chambers?

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