Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Pogo just knows what left and right mean in the big picko. But again, not the point here. Read the posts.

Every leftist government has had unnecessary dying and widespread human suffering. It never has been "good".

Sweden you say? Ok.


Yes Sweden

Can we post some similar photos to show the US is dying?
How about Vegas or Parkland ?

More like Detroit, Baltimore, and every other leftist run shithole. According to the US Constitution, things like that are punishable by removal from office, and/or a fine, and/or, up to 366 days in a Federal penitentiary.

Very true

We are the wealthiest nation on earth but have pockets of extreme poverty
Not just Detroit and Baltimore which Conservatives love to mock.....but Appalachia, Mississippi, Louisiana, west Texas...Red to the bone
Stupid and ridiculous sign. Should never have been there in the first place.

You cannot simultaneously take a person's freedom away while you are claiming they are "well taken care of".
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Do you whip it for not working hard enough?
Pets are not whipped. Nor do they work. Favored slaves were likely not whipped either for the same reasons. Many people would far prefer to be a pet than the lot in life they have. They would love to be fed, housed, clothed, have their haircuts, massages and baths regularly scheduled at the spa. They would love to have an ergonomic bed, appropriate pillows, snacks, toys and entertainments. Including having social needs fulfilled with parties and play dates. And, never, ever, EVER have to do an hour's work. Not a minute's work.
Your comparison of slavery to pampered pets is just offensive
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Do you whip it for not working hard enough?
Pets are not whipped. Nor do they work. Favored slaves were likely not whipped either for the same reasons. Many people would far prefer to be a pet than the lot in life they have. They would love to be fed, housed, clothed, have their haircuts, massages and baths regularly scheduled at the spa. They would love to have an ergonomic bed, appropriate pillows, snacks, toys and entertainments. Including having social needs fulfilled with parties and play dates. And, never, ever, EVER have to do an hour's work. Not a minute's work.
Your comparison of slavery to pampered pets is just offensive
Aww if I offend you - tell your friends.

Why do you hide from your desire for slavery? You know that given the right master, you would love it.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
Too bad their own people sold them into slavery.
Some black posters say the whites tried to change history by posting this "false" truth. While I agree, slavery should never have happened, it did happen and blacks did sell their own. But whitey is always responsible 100% according to some.
They are

Didn’t see blacks holding whites as slaves
Wrong. They were still slave masters. They had a choice to NOT own slaves.
Stupid and ridiculous sign. Should never have been there in the first place.

You cannot simultaneously take a person's freedom away while you are claiming they are "well taken care of".
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Do you whip it for not working hard enough?
Of course not. Like I said, I love my cat more than most humans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Do you whip it for not working hard enough?
Pets are not whipped. Nor do they work. Favored slaves were likely not whipped either for the same reasons. Many people would far prefer to be a pet than the lot in life they have. They would love to be fed, housed, clothed, have their haircuts, massages and baths regularly scheduled at the spa. They would love to have an ergonomic bed, appropriate pillows, snacks, toys and entertainments. Including having social needs fulfilled with parties and play dates. And, never, ever, EVER have to do an hour's work. Not a minute's work.
Your comparison of slavery to pampered pets is just offensive
Aww if I offend you - tell your friends.

Why do you hide from your desire for slavery? You know that given the right master, you would love it.
Stupid and ridiculous sign. Should never have been there in the first place.

You cannot simultaneously take a person's freedom away while you are claiming they are "well taken care of".
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Do you whip it for not working hard enough?
Of course not. Like I said, I love my cat more than most humans.

Under terms of posting, we are not allowed to discuss such things
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Do you whip it for not working hard enough?
Of course not. Like I said, I love my cat more than most humans.

Under terms of posting, we are not allowed to discuss such things
I am not the one who brought up pets. But since it WAS brought up, I responded.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
The state is run by Democrats. And Louisiana needs all the revenue that they can get to stay alive. They are showing that a Democrat run state is good for the economy. So that when the 2020 election comes, that the citizens will vote Democrat. And so they need that slave mansion to help bring in revenue for the state. But I'm surprised that they didn't say that MLK Jr had used the restroom there, right before he went on to the Selma's march.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
The state is run by Democrats. And Louisiana needs all the revenue that they can get to stay alive. They are showing that a Democrat run state is good for the economy. So that when the 2020 election comes, that the citizens will vote Democrat. And so they need that slave mansion to help bring in revenue for the state. But I'm surprised that they didn't say that MLK Jr had used the restroom there, right before he went on to the Selma's march.
They didn't say because they are still hiding the revelation that King took a dump on the floor and didn't wash his hands.
Every leftist government has had unnecessary dying and widespread human suffering. It never has been "good".

Sweden you say? Ok.


Yes Sweden

Can we post some similar photos to show the US is dying?
How about Vegas or Parkland ?

More like Detroit, Baltimore, and every other leftist run shithole. According to the US Constitution, things like that are punishable by removal from office, and/or a fine, and/or, up to 366 days in a Federal penitentiary.

Very true

We are the wealthiest nation on earth but have pockets of extreme poverty
Not just Detroit and Baltimore which Conservatives love to mock.....but Appalachia, Mississippi, Louisiana, west Texas...Red to the bone

War on poverty...........Over 50 years and going strong. Tens of trillions of dollars and tens of trillions more. With government unions and monopoly employees, contractors with many corrupted, and high price trades workers grabbing insane income and benefit and pensions to service it. The Vegas shooter was most likely a Progressive Socialist and we are not being told. The Parkland shooter was a Progressive Socialist.
You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.

And public education IS free.

The teachers work for no pay?

The buildings build, repair and clean themselves?

Public educations is NOT free.

someone, somewhere, is paying for it.
It's free for the students. Did you go to public school? Do your children? Do you expect the teachers and staff to work for free? They all work for the school district and the state who pays them. As do the police, fire fighters, road crew, and many more public servants who are there to help the general public. Are you against all of it? If so, lets do away with all of it and make every man fend for himself, so that if his house catches fire, he'd better have a hose ready. Or, if his car is stolen or his wife or daughter is raped, he'd better know how to investigate and find the thief/rapist. And don't worry about the potholes in the road because you can go out and buy asphalt and fill them in yourself. That won't work so good when the bridges start collapsing though, so you'd better get an engineering degree on how to repair the collapsed ones and hope you weren't crossing one when it collapsed. You pay for all of it with your taxes, as do all the rest of us. Try living without them and see how that goes.

It's free for the students.

So are charter schools.

The lunches are also free, but farmers and stores aren't giving away the food.

What does it take to get through peoples minds...

education is NOT free, it has to be paid for, thru donations, taxes, etc.

Now some of you fools want free college.

and you don't even try to understand...

SOMEONE is going to have to pay for it

California had affordable college for everyone back in the day. It was something like two grand a year including living on campus. Then a guy name reagan became governor and he went after affordable higher education with a vengeance. It's a republican thing I guess. Squeeze the little guy so you can give more in tax breaks to the extremely wealthy.
What destroyed affordable college was student loans. Once the student could borrow more than they could afford, schools began charging more and more.

The schools now charge parents exactly what they always did...plus the amount they can borrow and financial aid.
A whole generation set back thanks to government “help”.

Yes Sweden

Can we post some similar photos to show the US is dying?
How about Vegas or Parkland ?

More like Detroit, Baltimore, and every other leftist run shithole. According to the US Constitution, things like that are punishable by removal from office, and/or a fine, and/or, up to 366 days in a Federal penitentiary.

Very true

We are the wealthiest nation on earth but have pockets of extreme poverty
Not just Detroit and Baltimore which Conservatives love to mock.....but Appalachia, Mississippi, Louisiana, west Texas...Red to the bone

War on poverty...........Over 50 years and going strong. Tens of trillions of dollars and tens of trillions more. With government unions and monopoly employees, contractors with many corrupted, and high price trades workers grabbing insane income and benefit and pensions to service it. The Vegas shooter was most likely a Progressive Socialist and we are not being told. The Parkland shooter was a Progressive Socialist.

Republicans dismantled the war on poverty under Reagan
Can’t have a workforce that expects to be treated well

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

To our conservative friends.....

If you really want to be happy and well taken care of perhaps you should consent to be slaves to liberals?

just a thought....

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
Too bad their own people sold them into slavery.
Some black posters say the whites tried to change history by posting this "false" truth. While I agree, slavery should never have happened, it did happen and blacks did sell their own. But whitey is always responsible 100% according to some.
They are

Didn’t see blacks holding whites as slaves
You didn't see anybody holding slaves.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
The state is run by Democrats. And Louisiana needs all the revenue that they can get to stay alive. They are showing that a Democrat run state is good for the economy. So that when the 2020 election comes, that the citizens will vote Democrat. And so they need that slave mansion to help bring in revenue for the state. But I'm surprised that they didn't say that MLK Jr had used the restroom there, right before he went on to the Selma's march.

The state is run by Republicans and votes that way in Presidential elections. See, the trick is to know what you're talking about before posting, not get schooled on it afterwards.
Slaves in America were probably much happier than the slaves in Africa. It’s possible they were even better off than the vast majority of Africans at the time.

Maybe you should have given those Africans a choice like everyone else who came to America

Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol

Yes, 150 Republicans freed the slaves. Today the Republican Party is busy turning young men of colour over to for-profit prisons where their forced labour is sold to corporate America. There are currently more young black men of colour being slaved out by for profit prisons, than were held in the American South in 1860 when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Congratulations, you've right back where you were when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Why For-Profit Prisons House More Inmates Of Color

Let's talk about those Canadian slaves. :aargh:

Canada didn’t have its own Parliament until 1867, so Canada has never had slavery as an independent country.

Prior to 1867, we were subject to British law. Slavery ended in Canada in 1833, when the British ended all slavery in the Empire.

But nice try.

That don't befront me, Canuck girl, because I'm from the US. :04:

PS: I know for a fact you have no clue about Loosiana. I do.

FL/AL/LA is kinda close, nomsyain'?

You done skipped Mississippi. Where my people come from, right up the River Road from Rosedown.

It appears I outrank you, nomsane?
Slaves in America were probably much happier than the slaves in Africa. It’s possible they were even better off than the vast majority of Africans at the time.

Maybe you should have given those Africans a choice like everyone else who came to America

Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol

Yes, 150 Republicans freed the slaves. Today the Republican Party is busy turning young men of colour over to for-profit prisons where their forced labour is sold to corporate America. There are currently more young black men of colour being slaved out by for profit prisons, than were held in the American South in 1860 when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Congratulations, you've right back where you were when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Why For-Profit Prisons House More Inmates Of Color

Let's talk about those Canadian slaves. :aargh:

Canada didn’t have its own Parliament until 1867, so Canada has never had slavery as an independent country.

Prior to 1867, we were subject to British law. Slavery ended in Canada in 1833, when the British ended all slavery in the Empire.

But nice try.

That don't befront me, Canuck girl, because I'm from the US. :04:

PS: I know for a fact you have no clue about Loosiana. I do.

FL/AL/LA is kinda close, nomsyain'?

You done skipped Mississippi. Where my people come from, right up the River Road from Rosedown.

It appears I outrank you, nomsane?

Ain't no MS on the way from FL to LA. ;)

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
The state is run by Democrats. And Louisiana needs all the revenue that they can get to stay alive. They are showing that a Democrat run state is good for the economy. So that when the 2020 election comes, that the citizens will vote Democrat. And so they need that slave mansion to help bring in revenue for the state. But I'm surprised that they didn't say that MLK Jr had used the restroom there, right before he went on to the Selma's march.

The state is run by Republicans and votes that way in Presidential elections. See, the trick is to know what you're talking about before posting, not get schooled on it afterwards.
They only has been electing Democrats candidates. Do y'all has a state like Louisiana in your country?


An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
The state is run by Democrats. And Louisiana needs all the revenue that they can get to stay alive. They are showing that a Democrat run state is good for the economy. So that when the 2020 election comes, that the citizens will vote Democrat. And so they need that slave mansion to help bring in revenue for the state. But I'm surprised that they didn't say that MLK Jr had used the restroom there, right before he went on to the Selma's march.

The state is run by Republicans and votes that way in Presidential elections. See, the trick is to know what you're talking about before posting, not get schooled on it afterwards.
They only has been electing Democrats candidates. Do y'all has a state like Louisiana in your country?

I lived in Louisiana for a dozen years before I moved here. I've been familiar with the state since literally infancy.

The state Senate / House look like this:


25 R to 14 D / 59 R to 35 D with 3 independents​

And "Bobby" Jindal (named after Bobby Brady) is a Republican.

It must suck to be stupid.​
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