Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Again, in case you blinked ---- see post 176. Go learn sump'm.

And then you'll know what the propaganda-transmitter statues are all about. As RW put it above:

Same thing with the statues, the monuments, the perverted history books. All part of the same cleanup. You see son, the Civil War didn't just end with the firing of the last physical shot.

Again, I don't see anyone saying the slaves were happy and dancing. Where are these people?

You posted a link about a group from the civil war period? So a bunch of people long dead, tried to make a false claims. And you, here, in 2019, are going to bravely destroy this 100+ year old myth that absolutely no one anywhere believes. Well you are right. I did 'Go learn sump'm'. Namely that you are terrible at English, and I was totally correct in my original assessment.

Apparently not, if this is your reading level.

The Cult of the Lost Cause isn't something "from the Civil War period". It's from far later. It rewrote history books (literally); it erected statues and monuments; it wrote that blurb in the OP here; and it spawned all manner of cultural artifacts from novels to theater plays to movies like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation, the latter of which in turn spawned the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Its whole purpose was to whitewash the slavery/racism roots of the war by selling the propaganda that it "wasn't really about slavery" because slavery was this "benevolent" state where the oppressed were actually "happy" and "fer god's sake protect da white wimmin lest they lust after the black man".

Here, let a guy in the thick of the correction of that propaganda tell you more. This is the mayor of New Orleans telling the story of the monuments removed two years ago, what they represented and why they were removed, the first of which was an obelisk that stood for 98 years (1891-1989) at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest most visible point in the city, that "celebrated" a coup d'êtat which drove out a legally elected biracial government and "gave us our state" as the plaque read. It was then moved to another spot, whereupon David Duke sued the city to put it back, which it did not. It remained in a less conspicuous place in the French Quarter until it was completely removed at the time of this speech.

Listen to his words. You need to hear them.


Right, and do tell, how many fewer black people have been killed today, because of this dumb statue being removed?

Are things better off, or worse off today, than 10 years ago as far as race is concerned? Because the statue wasn't removed 10 years ago, it was removed closer to today.

So has focusing on that, improved things or made it worse? Clearly race relations today are far far worse than they were at the end of Bush's term in office.

I don't see that anything you are pushing, is actually making anything better. If anything, it is making things worse. And you certainly are not helping black people.

Cult of Ignorance pukes yet again. Number one it ain't about "how many black people killed today" and number two it was removed just under two years ago (and number three it's not a 'statue').

Clearly you're paying no attention, probably because you're afraid you might learn something. I led you to the water, you're on your own.

The other person mentioned some statue or something. So whatever, same point applies.

This is about actually making a worth while difference. And if it isn't, then you have no point.

The left-wing consistently wastes it's time doing stuff that has no benefit to anyone, and then patting themselves as if they did something.

Now I don't care if you want to remove some words... fine. But don't think you did anything of any value, because you didn't. You haven't improved the life of one single person. Not one. You have done NOTHING.

Not one person, white, black, or other, is now better off because of this action. Not one. You show me the person that was living in poverty, or wrapped up in gang violence, or on drugs... and then because you fixed whatever where ever, now their lives are immeasurably better off. Where is this person?

"Well they were saying slaves were like Disneyland." Yeah, show me these millions of people who believed that all the slaves were treated fantastically. Where are they?

Again, you did nothing. NOTHING. If you want to do something that actually makes a difference, go help someone, or stop the violence, or get people off drugs, or teach people how to do a job that pays better.

But don't come on here with your empty moralizing, and claiming somehow by removing a few words, from some historic site that I wager not one person on this forum knew existed until this thread, is somehow a meaningful accomplishment.

What a broad standard

You can't take any action unless it cures societies ills
Again, in case you blinked ---- see post 176. Go learn sump'm.

And then you'll know what the propaganda-transmitter statues are all about. As RW put it above:

Same thing with the statues, the monuments, the perverted history books. All part of the same cleanup. You see son, the Civil War didn't just end with the firing of the last physical shot.

Again, I don't see anyone saying the slaves were happy and dancing. Where are these people?

You posted a link about a group from the civil war period? So a bunch of people long dead, tried to make a false claims. And you, here, in 2019, are going to bravely destroy this 100+ year old myth that absolutely no one anywhere believes. Well you are right. I did 'Go learn sump'm'. Namely that you are terrible at English, and I was totally correct in my original assessment.

Apparently not, if this is your reading level.

The Cult of the Lost Cause isn't something "from the Civil War period". It's from far later. It rewrote history books (literally); it erected statues and monuments; it wrote that blurb in the OP here; and it spawned all manner of cultural artifacts from novels to theater plays to movies like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation, the latter of which in turn spawned the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Its whole purpose was to whitewash the slavery/racism roots of the war by selling the propaganda that it "wasn't really about slavery" because slavery was this "benevolent" state where the oppressed were actually "happy" and "fer god's sake protect da white wimmin lest they lust after the black man".

Here, let a guy in the thick of the correction of that propaganda tell you more. This is the mayor of New Orleans telling the story of the monuments removed two years ago, what they represented and why they were removed, the first of which was an obelisk that stood for 98 years (1891-1989) at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest most visible point in the city, that "celebrated" a coup d'êtat which drove out a legally elected biracial government and "gave us our state" as the plaque read. It was then moved to another spot, whereupon David Duke sued the city to put it back, which it did not. It remained in a less conspicuous place in the French Quarter until it was completely removed at the time of this speech.

Listen to his words. You need to hear them.


Right, and do tell, how many fewer black people have been killed today, because of this dumb statue being removed?

Are things better off, or worse off today, than 10 years ago as far as race is concerned? Because the statue wasn't removed 10 years ago, it was removed closer to today.

So has focusing on that, improved things or made it worse? Clearly race relations today are far far worse than they were at the end of Bush's term in office.

I don't see that anything you are pushing, is actually making anything better. If anything, it is making things worse. And you certainly are not helping black people.

Cult of Ignorance pukes yet again. Number one it ain't about "how many black people killed today" and number two it was removed just under two years ago (and number three it's not a 'statue').

Clearly you're paying no attention, probably because you're afraid you might learn something. I led you to the water, you're on your own.

The other person mentioned some statue or something. So whatever, same point applies.

This is about actually making a worth while difference. And if it isn't, then you have no point.

The left-wing consistently wastes it's time doing stuff that has no benefit to anyone, and then patting themselves as if they did something.

Now I don't care if you want to remove some words... fine. But don't think you did anything of any value, because you didn't. You haven't improved the life of one single person. Not one. You have done NOTHING.

Not one person, white, black, or other, is now better off because of this action. Not one. You show me the person that was living in poverty, or wrapped up in gang violence, or on drugs... and then because you fixed whatever where ever, now their lives are immeasurably better off. Where is this person?

"Well they were saying slaves were like Disneyland." Yeah, show me these millions of people who believed that all the slaves were treated fantastically. Where are they?

Again, you did nothing. NOTHING. If you want to do something that actually makes a difference, go help someone, or stop the violence, or get people off drugs, or teach people how to do a job that pays better.

But don't come on here with your empty moralizing, and claiming somehow by removing a few words, from some historic site that I wager not one person on this forum knew existed until this thread, is somehow a meaningful accomplishment.

You go through an enormous amount of diaper rash here just to whine about history being corrected. Is there some reason you want to cling to fake history?

You also seem willfully blind to the effect here. You have a marker, statue, monument or whatever, that's telling a specific group of people that they don't matter, they're inferior, they're there to be subjugated, and you object to that propaganda being discontinued? What the fuck, Doodles?

I see your problem. You don't see why divisive, trolling, propaganda bullshit is a negative thing, and then you want to turn around and blame the targets of that divisive trolling propaganda bullshit when they react to it and stand there going "who, me?".

There is no scenario in any time or place, EVER, where fake history is okay. ***NONE***. If the truth hurts, grow a pair and deal with it.
Again, I don't see anyone saying the slaves were happy and dancing. Where are these people?

You posted a link about a group from the civil war period? So a bunch of people long dead, tried to make a false claims. And you, here, in 2019, are going to bravely destroy this 100+ year old myth that absolutely no one anywhere believes. Well you are right. I did 'Go learn sump'm'. Namely that you are terrible at English, and I was totally correct in my original assessment.

Apparently not, if this is your reading level.

The Cult of the Lost Cause isn't something "from the Civil War period". It's from far later. It rewrote history books (literally); it erected statues and monuments; it wrote that blurb in the OP here; and it spawned all manner of cultural artifacts from novels to theater plays to movies like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation, the latter of which in turn spawned the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Its whole purpose was to whitewash the slavery/racism roots of the war by selling the propaganda that it "wasn't really about slavery" because slavery was this "benevolent" state where the oppressed were actually "happy" and "fer god's sake protect da white wimmin lest they lust after the black man".

Here, let a guy in the thick of the correction of that propaganda tell you more. This is the mayor of New Orleans telling the story of the monuments removed two years ago, what they represented and why they were removed, the first of which was an obelisk that stood for 98 years (1891-1989) at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest most visible point in the city, that "celebrated" a coup d'êtat which drove out a legally elected biracial government and "gave us our state" as the plaque read. It was then moved to another spot, whereupon David Duke sued the city to put it back, which it did not. It remained in a less conspicuous place in the French Quarter until it was completely removed at the time of this speech.

Listen to his words. You need to hear them.


Right, and do tell, how many fewer black people have been killed today, because of this dumb statue being removed?

Are things better off, or worse off today, than 10 years ago as far as race is concerned? Because the statue wasn't removed 10 years ago, it was removed closer to today.

So has focusing on that, improved things or made it worse? Clearly race relations today are far far worse than they were at the end of Bush's term in office.

I don't see that anything you are pushing, is actually making anything better. If anything, it is making things worse. And you certainly are not helping black people.

Cult of Ignorance pukes yet again. Number one it ain't about "how many black people killed today" and number two it was removed just under two years ago (and number three it's not a 'statue').

Clearly you're paying no attention, probably because you're afraid you might learn something. I led you to the water, you're on your own.

The other person mentioned some statue or something. So whatever, same point applies.

This is about actually making a worth while difference. And if it isn't, then you have no point.

The left-wing consistently wastes it's time doing stuff that has no benefit to anyone, and then patting themselves as if they did something.

Now I don't care if you want to remove some words... fine. But don't think you did anything of any value, because you didn't. You haven't improved the life of one single person. Not one. You have done NOTHING.

Not one person, white, black, or other, is now better off because of this action. Not one. You show me the person that was living in poverty, or wrapped up in gang violence, or on drugs... and then because you fixed whatever where ever, now their lives are immeasurably better off. Where is this person?

"Well they were saying slaves were like Disneyland." Yeah, show me these millions of people who believed that all the slaves were treated fantastically. Where are they?

Again, you did nothing. NOTHING. If you want to do something that actually makes a difference, go help someone, or stop the violence, or get people off drugs, or teach people how to do a job that pays better.

But don't come on here with your empty moralizing, and claiming somehow by removing a few words, from some historic site that I wager not one person on this forum knew existed until this thread, is somehow a meaningful accomplishment.

What a broad standard

You can't take any action unless it cures societies ills

No of course you can.

I can go to a movie. I can enjoy the movie. I can like the movie and say so.

But I don't come onto a forum, and pretend that my going to the movie, is a grand fix for some social injustice, real or perceived.

Like I said, if removing some words, is what you want to do, knock yourself out. But don't come on here moralizing like you did something of value. You didn't.
Apparently not, if this is your reading level.

The Cult of the Lost Cause isn't something "from the Civil War period". It's from far later. It rewrote history books (literally); it erected statues and monuments; it wrote that blurb in the OP here; and it spawned all manner of cultural artifacts from novels to theater plays to movies like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation, the latter of which in turn spawned the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Its whole purpose was to whitewash the slavery/racism roots of the war by selling the propaganda that it "wasn't really about slavery" because slavery was this "benevolent" state where the oppressed were actually "happy" and "fer god's sake protect da white wimmin lest they lust after the black man".

Here, let a guy in the thick of the correction of that propaganda tell you more. This is the mayor of New Orleans telling the story of the monuments removed two years ago, what they represented and why they were removed, the first of which was an obelisk that stood for 98 years (1891-1989) at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest most visible point in the city, that "celebrated" a coup d'êtat which drove out a legally elected biracial government and "gave us our state" as the plaque read. It was then moved to another spot, whereupon David Duke sued the city to put it back, which it did not. It remained in a less conspicuous place in the French Quarter until it was completely removed at the time of this speech.

Listen to his words. You need to hear them.


Right, and do tell, how many fewer black people have been killed today, because of this dumb statue being removed?

Are things better off, or worse off today, than 10 years ago as far as race is concerned? Because the statue wasn't removed 10 years ago, it was removed closer to today.

So has focusing on that, improved things or made it worse? Clearly race relations today are far far worse than they were at the end of Bush's term in office.

I don't see that anything you are pushing, is actually making anything better. If anything, it is making things worse. And you certainly are not helping black people.

Cult of Ignorance pukes yet again. Number one it ain't about "how many black people killed today" and number two it was removed just under two years ago (and number three it's not a 'statue').

Clearly you're paying no attention, probably because you're afraid you might learn something. I led you to the water, you're on your own.

The other person mentioned some statue or something. So whatever, same point applies.

This is about actually making a worth while difference. And if it isn't, then you have no point.

The left-wing consistently wastes it's time doing stuff that has no benefit to anyone, and then patting themselves as if they did something.

Now I don't care if you want to remove some words... fine. But don't think you did anything of any value, because you didn't. You haven't improved the life of one single person. Not one. You have done NOTHING.

Not one person, white, black, or other, is now better off because of this action. Not one. You show me the person that was living in poverty, or wrapped up in gang violence, or on drugs... and then because you fixed whatever where ever, now their lives are immeasurably better off. Where is this person?

"Well they were saying slaves were like Disneyland." Yeah, show me these millions of people who believed that all the slaves were treated fantastically. Where are they?

Again, you did nothing. NOTHING. If you want to do something that actually makes a difference, go help someone, or stop the violence, or get people off drugs, or teach people how to do a job that pays better.

But don't come on here with your empty moralizing, and claiming somehow by removing a few words, from some historic site that I wager not one person on this forum knew existed until this thread, is somehow a meaningful accomplishment.

What a broad standard

You can't take any action unless it cures societies ills

No of course you can.

I can go to a movie. I can enjoy the movie. I can like the movie and say so.

But I don't come onto a forum, and pretend that my going to the movie, is a grand fix for some social injustice, real or perceived.

Like I said, if removing some words, is what you want to do, knock yourself out. But don't come on here moralizing like you did something of value. You didn't.

It is a correction of a historical misrepresentation

Not a cure for cancer
Most of the slave owners in Louisiana were black haha

I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
And some of the black posters on the Race and Racism board insists that the black owners did not mistreat their slaves, as the whites did, without proof. The ASSumed it.
Most people would enjoy slavery. They only long for a just and generous master.

Imagine to be provided housing, clothing, medical care, food, a guaranteed job. The evils of competition and the destruction of meritocracy don't exist. The master is the sole provider of the necessities of life.

Is this slavery or liberalism? It's the same thing.
Holy God! I can't even begin to state what is so disgustingly wrong with this! Women were repeatedly raped by their owners. Many women were made to bear children over and over so that they could be sold to other slave owners. Their housing was four walls and maybe some slats to sleep on.

And does this look like someone who should have been happy to be a slave?



I always thought you were heartless, but this is even worse that I could imagine.
Slavery was horrendous I think the post was that not all owners mistreated their slaves. Nobody will ever know for sure.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
Too bad their own people sold them into slavery.
Some black posters say the whites tried to change history by posting this "false" truth. While I agree, slavery should never have happened, it did happen and blacks did sell their own. But whitey is always responsible 100% according to some.
Most people would enjoy slavery. They only long for a just and generous master.

Imagine to be provided housing, clothing, medical care, food, a guaranteed job. The evils of competition and the destruction of meritocracy don't exist. The master is the sole provider of the necessities of life.

Is this slavery or liberalism? It's the same thing.
Holy God! I can't even begin to state what is so disgustingly wrong with this! Women were repeatedly raped by their owners. Many women were made to bear children over and over so that they could be sold to other slave owners. Their housing was four walls and maybe some slats to sleep on.

And does this look like someone who should have been happy to be a slave?



I always thought you were heartless, but this is even worse that I could imagine.
Slavery was horrendous I think the post was that not all owners mistreated their slaves. Nobody will ever know for sure.
Depends what you call mistreatment

Slaves who accepted their place in life, were deferential to their masters, didn’t make waves were given meals, housing and were allowed to marry, breed and increase their masters slave population

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
Too bad their own people sold them into slavery.
Some black posters say the whites tried to change history by posting this "false" truth. While I agree, slavery should never have happened, it did happen and blacks did sell their own. But whitey is always responsible 100% according to some.
They are

Didn’t see blacks holding whites as slaves
Stupid and ridiculous sign. Should never have been there in the first place.

You cannot simultaneously take a person's freedom away while you are claiming they are "well taken care of".
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Stupid and ridiculous sign. Should never have been there in the first place.

You cannot simultaneously take a person's freedom away while you are claiming they are "well taken care of".
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Do you whip it for not working hard enough?
You're a fraud and clearly delusional if you believe that. No liberals want blacks, or anyone else to have a master of any kind. I've never heard any liberal say that slavery is the natural state. If it is, then why aren't you a slave? If it's so wonderful like you describe, then why aren't you signing up to be one?

My friend who told me who you really are is right, you really are a lunatic. He has a long memory and knew you by the screen name you had before. He said you are a far fringe lunatic. Now someone tells me you are a Russian troll. Either way, once again, you are a lunatic, and unhinged and that's why you worship tramp and accept him as your God and Messiah. SICK!
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.

You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.

And public education IS free.

The teachers work for no pay?

The buildings build, repair and clean themselves?

Public educations is NOT free.

someone, somewhere, is paying for it.
It's free for the students. Did you go to public school? Do your children? Do you expect the teachers and staff to work for free? They all work for the school district and the state who pays them. As do the police, fire fighters, road crew, and many more public servants who are there to help the general public. Are you against all of it? If so, lets do away with all of it and make every man fend for himself, so that if his house catches fire, he'd better have a hose ready. Or, if his car is stolen or his wife or daughter is raped, he'd better know how to investigate and find the thief/rapist. And don't worry about the potholes in the road because you can go out and buy asphalt and fill them in yourself. That won't work so good when the bridges start collapsing though, so you'd better get an engineering degree on how to repair the collapsed ones and hope you weren't crossing one when it collapsed. You pay for all of it with your taxes, as do all the rest of us. Try living without them and see how that goes.

It's free for the students.

So are charter schools.

The lunches are also free, but farmers and stores aren't giving away the food.

What does it take to get through peoples minds...

education is NOT free, it has to be paid for, thru donations, taxes, etc.

Now some of you fools want free college.

and you don't even try to understand...

SOMEONE is going to have to pay for it

California had affordable college for everyone back in the day. It was something like two grand a year including living on campus. Then a guy name reagan became governor and he went after affordable higher education with a vengeance. It's a republican thing I guess. Squeeze the little guy so you can give more in tax breaks to the extremely wealthy.
Slaves in America were probably much happier than the slaves in Africa. It’s possible they were even better off than the vast majority of Africans at the time.

Maybe you should have given those Africans a choice like everyone else who came to America

I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol

Yes, 150 Republicans freed the slaves. Today the Republican Party is busy turning young men of colour over to for-profit prisons where their forced labour is sold to corporate America. There are currently more young black men of colour being slaved out by for profit prisons, than were held in the American South in 1860 when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Congratulations, you've right back where you were when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Why For-Profit Prisons House More Inmates Of Color

Let's talk about those Canadian slaves. :aargh:
OIC, American parties are still too far right to please Pogo. Whatever, Chumpley.

Pogo just knows what left and right mean in the big picko. But again, not the point here. Read the posts.

Every leftist government has had unnecessary dying and widespread human suffering. It never has been "good".

Sweden you say? Ok.


Yes Sweden

Can we post some similar photos to show the US is dying?
How about Vegas or Parkland ?

More like Detroit, Baltimore, and every other leftist run shithole. According to the US Constitution, things like that are punishable by removal from office, and/or a fine, and/or, up to 366 days in a Federal penitentiary.
Slaves in America were probably much happier than the slaves in Africa. It’s possible they were even better off than the vast majority of Africans at the time.

Maybe you should have given those Africans a choice like everyone else who came to America

A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol

Yes, 150 Republicans freed the slaves. Today the Republican Party is busy turning young men of colour over to for-profit prisons where their forced labour is sold to corporate America. There are currently more young black men of colour being slaved out by for profit prisons, than were held in the American South in 1860 when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Congratulations, you've right back where you were when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Why For-Profit Prisons House More Inmates Of Color

Let's talk about those Canadian slaves. :aargh:

Canada didn’t have its own Parliament until 1867, so Canada has never had slavery as an independent country.

Prior to 1867, we were subject to British law. Slavery ended in Canada in 1833, when the British ended all slavery in the Empire.

But nice try.
Historically, I would agree with that, but far leftists have now hijacked the Democrat party. So yes, "Far-left" is an accurate description of Democrats in 2018-2020.

Not if one actually knows what "far left" means. This country doesn't have a far left party, at least not a significant one. It has two right parties, one farther right than the other.

If you're standing on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania is technically "the West". Soon as you zoom out though... not so much.

To the point of the post though this illiterate idiot actually tried to paint the South --- the South --- as a "far left" place. The degree of abject ignorance exhibited there I don't even have a scale for.

OIC, American parties are still too far right to please Pogo. Whatever, Chumpley.

Pogo just knows what left and right mean in the big picko. But again, not the point here. Read the posts.

Every leftist government has had unnecessary dying and widespread human suffering. It never has been "good".

Are you being deliberately illiterate?

Once again ----- the post I pounced on said this:

"For many decades, the South was far Left."

--- that sound like any planet you ever heard of?

The KKK certainly was against the educated black Republicans for a long time, and still are! :eek:
Slaves in America were probably much happier than the slaves in Africa. It’s possible they were even better off than the vast majority of Africans at the time.

Maybe you should have given those Africans a choice like everyone else who came to America

Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol

Yes, 150 Republicans freed the slaves. Today the Republican Party is busy turning young men of colour over to for-profit prisons where their forced labour is sold to corporate America. There are currently more young black men of colour being slaved out by for profit prisons, than were held in the American South in 1860 when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Congratulations, you've right back where you were when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Why For-Profit Prisons House More Inmates Of Color

Let's talk about those Canadian slaves. :aargh:

Canada didn’t have its own Parliament until 1867, so Canada has never had slavery as an independent country.

Prior to 1867, we were subject to British law. Slavery ended in Canada in 1833, when the British ended all slavery in the Empire.

But nice try.

That don't befront me, Canuck girl, because I'm from the US. :04:

PS: I know for a fact you have no clue about Loosiana. I do.

FL/AL/LA is kinda close, nomsyain'?
I don't think slavery is wonderful. I don't want to be taken care of. I don't want a government to be my master and give me anything.

If you want to be cared for, given free medical care, food, housing, education, clothing, transportation vouchers, if you want the ordinary cares of living provided to you then you are a natural slave. You just want a master that will be nice to you and not hurt you.

Freedom is a painful experience. You fall. You fail. You might be ruined. You get hurt and patch yourself up. The slave is frightened by freedom. They want a safety net or a hammock.

You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.

And public education IS free.

The teachers work for no pay?

The buildings build, repair and clean themselves?

Public educations is NOT free.

someone, somewhere, is paying for it.
It's free for the students. Did you go to public school? Do your children? Do you expect the teachers and staff to work for free? They all work for the school district and the state who pays them. As do the police, fire fighters, road crew, and many more public servants who are there to help the general public. Are you against all of it? If so, lets do away with all of it and make every man fend for himself, so that if his house catches fire, he'd better have a hose ready. Or, if his car is stolen or his wife or daughter is raped, he'd better know how to investigate and find the thief/rapist. And don't worry about the potholes in the road because you can go out and buy asphalt and fill them in yourself. That won't work so good when the bridges start collapsing though, so you'd better get an engineering degree on how to repair the collapsed ones and hope you weren't crossing one when it collapsed. You pay for all of it with your taxes, as do all the rest of us. Try living without them and see how that goes.

It's free for the students.

So are charter schools.

The lunches are also free, but farmers and stores aren't giving away the food.

What does it take to get through peoples minds...

education is NOT free, it has to be paid for, thru donations, taxes, etc.

Now some of you fools want free college.

and you don't even try to understand...

SOMEONE is going to have to pay for it

California had affordable college for everyone back in the day. It was something like two grand a year including living on campus. Then a guy name reagan became governor and he went after affordable higher education with a vengeance. It's a republican thing I guess. Squeeze the little guy so you can give more in tax breaks to the extremely wealthy.
What destroyed affordable college was student loans. Once the student could borrow more than they could afford, schools began charging more and more.
You don't want to be taken care of but you think the black person should be and be damn grateful for it. that about right? You do realize that back then, women...ALL women were considered property and had to do what the man dictated, don't you? Is that how you want to live? Is it how you live now?

And public education IS free. And as far as the rest, the majority of this country doesn't rely on those, but many in poor Southern states do. And guess what color those states are....RED! Mississippi is at the bottom the the rung for everything in this country and it is a bright red. Alabama is a close second. And they're mostly WHITE.

And public education IS free.

The teachers work for no pay?

The buildings build, repair and clean themselves?

Public educations is NOT free.

someone, somewhere, is paying for it.
It's free for the students. Did you go to public school? Do your children? Do you expect the teachers and staff to work for free? They all work for the school district and the state who pays them. As do the police, fire fighters, road crew, and many more public servants who are there to help the general public. Are you against all of it? If so, lets do away with all of it and make every man fend for himself, so that if his house catches fire, he'd better have a hose ready. Or, if his car is stolen or his wife or daughter is raped, he'd better know how to investigate and find the thief/rapist. And don't worry about the potholes in the road because you can go out and buy asphalt and fill them in yourself. That won't work so good when the bridges start collapsing though, so you'd better get an engineering degree on how to repair the collapsed ones and hope you weren't crossing one when it collapsed. You pay for all of it with your taxes, as do all the rest of us. Try living without them and see how that goes.

It's free for the students.

So are charter schools.

The lunches are also free, but farmers and stores aren't giving away the food.

What does it take to get through peoples minds...

education is NOT free, it has to be paid for, thru donations, taxes, etc.

Now some of you fools want free college.

and you don't even try to understand...

SOMEONE is going to have to pay for it

California had affordable college for everyone back in the day. It was something like two grand a year including living on campus. Then a guy name reagan became governor and he went after affordable higher education with a vengeance. It's a republican thing I guess. Squeeze the little guy so you can give more in tax breaks to the extremely wealthy.
What destroyed affordable college was student loans. Once the student could borrow more than they could afford, schools began charging more and more.

Almost spot on. What jacked the price of college was lax admission standards and goverment backing the student loans.

Before that, if a failed student defaulted, it was on the financial institution.

After that, now it's on the taxpayer. What kinda shit is that?

Why should everyone have to pay for a student that never was to be college material's student loans?

The schools make profit, though. That's why.
Stupid and ridiculous sign. Should never have been there in the first place.

You cannot simultaneously take a person's freedom away while you are claiming they are "well taken care of".
Of course you can. We do it to loved pets every day. We feed them the best food, give them the softest beds. Their freedom would have terrified dogs running the streets eating out of garbage cans.
Pets?? Really?? People are NOT pets you ignorant bitch! God! There is something drastically wrong with you if you equate a person with a pet. We also get our pets spayed and neutered, so is this what you recommend for every boy and girl of reproduction age? Can't have it both ways insane woman, ya know?
You evidentally never loved a pet. I love my cat more than most humans.
Do you whip it for not working hard enough?
Pets are not whipped. Nor do they work. Favored slaves were likely not whipped either for the same reasons. Many people would far prefer to be a pet than the lot in life they have. They would love to be fed, housed, clothed, have their haircuts, massages and baths regularly scheduled at the spa. They would love to have an ergonomic bed, appropriate pillows, snacks, toys and entertainments. Including having social needs fulfilled with parties and play dates. And, never, ever, EVER have to do an hour's work. Not a minute's work.

If the master's efforts are not up to par, the pet will just shit in the master's shoes and YOU WILL CLEAN IT.
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