Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK. Don't sit here and try to tell me my own history. You're not even within smelling distance of qualified.

Historically, I would agree with that, but far leftists have now hijacked the Democrat party. So yes, "Far-left" is an accurate description of Democrats in 2018-2020.

Not if one actually knows what "far left" means. This country doesn't have a far left party, at least not a significant one. It has two right parties, one farther right than the other.

If you're standing on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania is technically "the West". Soon as you zoom out though... not so much.

To the point of the post though this illiterate idiot actually tried to paint the South --- the South --- as a "far left" place. The degree of abject ignorance exhibited there I don't even have a scale for.

OIC, American parties are still too far right to please Pogo. Whatever, Chumpley.

Pogo just knows what left and right mean in the big picko. But again, not the point here. Read the posts.

Every leftist government has had unnecessary dying and widespread human suffering. It never has been "good".

Are you being deliberately illiterate?

Once again ----- the post I pounced on said this:

"For many decades, the South was far Left."

--- that sound like any planet you ever heard of?
Slaves in America were probably much happier than the slaves in Africa. It’s possible they were even better off than the vast majority of Africans at the time.

Based on -----------------?

Batfink didn't bite on my invitation to ask me why transAtlantic slavery was a whole different thing from traditional slavery, so I'll put it here.

"Traditional" slavery existed for thousands of years on every continent independently, and consisted of "my tribe conquered your tribe, therefore I get your land, your cattle or hunting grounds, your homes and your people. I'll take your women for sex and I'll take your men for work". Five years later your tribe vanquishes my tribe and everything reverses, ad infinitum.

That means two tribes living adjacent to each other sharing the same part of the world, and probably similar customs and similar if not identical languages. Neighbors in a common space.

TransAtlantic slavery on the other hand involved transporting human cargo thousands of miles across an ocean to a completely foreign unfamiliar land surrounded by unfamiliar people with unfamiliar customs and unfamiliar language giving them orders in an unfamiliar land populated with unfamiliar flora and fauna. The equivalent of you or I being abducted by aliens this evening and transported to another planet we had no idea existed. That served to strip away any sense of stability or community or culture, all of which were suppressed, and separating families served to worsen it even more.

That's why "slavery" as practiced throughout the millennia and transAtlantic slavery are two entirely different experiences, not to mention the fact that "traditional" slavery often offered a way out, attaining a certain age or working off the "debt" in a finite term, whereas transAtlantic African slavery was forever. Your life was forfeit and so were those of your children.
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Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic.

Who suggested that? Mal-Wart having a sale on strawmen?

Brazil imported WAY more slaves than came here. Then there was the West Indies and central America. How come you're suddenly pretending those didn't exist? And by implication that "the US" started it? That's bullshit.

TransAtlantic slavery was begun by European merchants, WAAAAY before there was a United States (or a Brazil, etc). That was purely for profit. And it's where the racism idea comes from --- justification made up without which they couldn't have done it. "It's OK, they're really not people". And you seem to be stepping gingerly around the stark fact that transAtlantic slavery was an entirely different situation from traditional slavery. Ask me why.

When you have to make up your own fake point to knock down you're not in a rhetorically legitimate place.
I hold the US to a higher standard than Brazil and the Caribbean islands

We don't have slavery in America anymore, bub.

But 40 million slaves live elsewhere around the world.

That's another thing --- your link isn't about modern "slavery". It's about playing word games with "wage slaves" and "sex slaves". While those are despicable abuses they're not the same as "slavery" where the victim is literally owned as property.
Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic.

Who suggested that? Mal-Wart having a sale on strawmen?

Brazil imported WAY more slaves than came here. Then there was the West Indies and central America. How come you're suddenly pretending those didn't exist? And by implication that "the US" started it? That's bullshit.

TransAtlantic slavery was begun by European merchants, WAAAAY before there was a United States (or a Brazil, etc). That was purely for profit. And it's where the racism idea comes from --- justification made up without which they couldn't have done it. "It's OK, they're really not people". And you seem to be stepping gingerly around the stark fact that transAtlantic slavery was an entirely different situation from traditional slavery. Ask me why.

When you have to make up your own fake point to knock down you're not in a rhetorically legitimate place.
I hold the US to a higher standard than Brazil and the Caribbean islands

We don't have slavery in America anymore, bub.

But 40 million slaves live elsewhere around the world.

We are talking about a plantation in Louisiana

Bragging that we no longer have slavery is not that impressive
Most of the slave owners in Louisiana were black haha

I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Slaves in America were probably much happier than the slaves in Africa. It’s possible they were even better off than the vast majority of Africans at the time.

Maybe you should have given those Africans a choice like everyone else who came to America
Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic.

Who suggested that? Mal-Wart having a sale on strawmen?

Brazil imported WAY more slaves than came here. Then there was the West Indies and central America. How come you're suddenly pretending those didn't exist? And by implication that "the US" started it? That's bullshit.

TransAtlantic slavery was begun by European merchants, WAAAAY before there was a United States (or a Brazil, etc). That was purely for profit. And it's where the racism idea comes from --- justification made up without which they couldn't have done it. "It's OK, they're really not people". And you seem to be stepping gingerly around the stark fact that transAtlantic slavery was an entirely different situation from traditional slavery. Ask me why.

When you have to make up your own fake point to knock down you're not in a rhetorically legitimate place.
I hold the US to a higher standard than Brazil and the Caribbean islands

In some respects, yes, in others no.

Brazil certainly isn't without its own racism but it didn't have a version of the Ku Klux Klan or lynching epidemics. Where the Spanish tended to either bring their families with them or make their fortunes to take back to Spain, the Portuguese freely intermarried with the natives and/or with the slaves. So while there's sometimes a striation in how races are valued, it's much more of a melting pot between the European, African and indigenous populations than exists here, and as a result there's a much wider pool of multiracial people to dilute that sentiment.
Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic.

Who suggested that? Mal-Wart having a sale on strawmen?

Brazil imported WAY more slaves than came here. Then there was the West Indies and central America. How come you're suddenly pretending those didn't exist? And by implication that "the US" started it? That's bullshit.

TransAtlantic slavery was begun by European merchants, WAAAAY before there was a United States (or a Brazil, etc). That was purely for profit. And it's where the racism idea comes from --- justification made up without which they couldn't have done it. "It's OK, they're really not people". And you seem to be stepping gingerly around the stark fact that transAtlantic slavery was an entirely different situation from traditional slavery. Ask me why.

When you have to make up your own fake point to knock down you're not in a rhetorically legitimate place.
I hold the US to a higher standard than Brazil and the Caribbean islands

We don't have slavery in America anymore, bub.

But 40 million slaves live elsewhere around the world.

That's another thing --- your link isn't about modern "slavery". It's about playing word games with "wage slaves" and "sex slaves". While those are despicable abuses they're not the same as "slavery" where the victim is literally owned as property.

Condolences on your dual lack of reading comprehension and morality.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Yet another Racist Race Baiting thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter.

How did the Africans who conquered and enslaved other Africans treat them? How did they feel about selling them as slaves? How did those slaves feel about being conquered and sold?

Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic. Most humans throughout history have lived as slaves or serfs. The values upon which English common law and our Constitution were founded enabled the abolition of slavery in both countries in the 19th century. Yet, slavery is still practiced in many parts of the world; have you ever wondered why? I'll save my concern for the 40 million people today who are currently slaves.

Slavery Today « Free the Slaves
Has nothing to do with this plantation and it’s slaves
None of whom were born in Africa all of whom were owned by white southern slave holders

B'loney. If you loons can argue for reparations for Africa-Americans today, then the slaves on this plantation can certainly be noted for having African roots and whose condition as slaves was often due to the actions of other Africans. Trying to blame slavery on Western Civ is historically ignorant.

Again, no one is blaming western civilization for slavery. Slavery has existed in all cultures throughout time, and was a tradiition way of co-opting and subduing enemies. But Transatlantic slavery was an entirely different matter. This was a system whereby free people were captured by well equipped slavers, sold to trading companies and transported from Africa to North America for the sole purpose of being resold to the plantation owners for labour. This was human trafficking, and it doesn't matter whether the people who captured the slaves were black, white or green, the ship owners and trading companies who purchased them in Africa and transported them across the sea were engaging in a type of commercialized human trafficking not seen before in human history. Western civilization in the early days of North American colonization monetized the slave trade in a way no one ever has, past or present.

This was all about white greed. Early settlers claimed vast swaths of land for themselves, but had no one to work the massive plantations. Slaves were a quick way of getting cheap labour without having to give up pieces of land to sharecroppers, or other European immigrants. Instead, the slaves were a balance sheet asset, and a very valuable asset at that. $600 for a health 18 year old male in 1845. Why share your profits with sharecroppers when you can buy slaves to work your land? You keep all the profits, the slaves are a big $$ asset on your balance sheet, and the rednecks won't have any claims on your lands.
Most of the slave owners in Louisiana were black haha

I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Most of the slave owners in Louisiana were black haha

I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol

Yes, 150 Republicans freed the slaves. Today the Republican Party is busy turning young men of colour over to for-profit prisons where their forced labour is sold to corporate America. There are currently more young black men of colour being slaved out by for profit prisons, than were held in the American South in 1860 when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Congratulations, you've right back where you were when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Why For-Profit Prisons House More Inmates Of Color
I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol

Yes, 150 Republicans freed the slaves. Today the Republican Party is busy turning young men of colour over to for-profit prisons where their forced labour is sold to corporate America. There are currently more young black men of colour being slaved out by for profit prisons, than were held in the American South in 1860 when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Congratulations, you've right back where you were when Lincoln freed the slaves.

Why For-Profit Prisons House More Inmates Of Color
Sorry republicans have always offered blacks freedom.. all cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats
Most of the slave owners in Louisiana were black haha

I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Sure did...150 years ago

When RepubliKlans actually cared about people other than the rich
I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Sure did...150 years ago

When RepubliKlans actually cared about people other than the rich
Cared?? What??
I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Sure did...150 years ago

When RepubliKlans actually cared about people other than the rich

That didn't last long. Within a generation they were splitting among themselves and by 1900 they were turning to the interests of the wealthy, the railroads, the corporations. TR bucked that trend but he was overruled in 107 years ago even though he had most of the primary delegates. The rest is history. By the 1930s they had lost the black vote.
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Sure did...150 years ago

When RepubliKlans actually cared about people other than the rich

That didn't last long. Within a generation they were splitting among themselves and by 1900 they were turning to the interests of the wealthy, the railroads, the corporations. TR bucked that trend but he was overruled in 107 years ago even though he had most of the primary delegates. The rest is history. By the 1930s they had lost the black vote.
Who are you talikg about
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Sure did...150 years ago

When RepubliKlans actually cared about people other than the rich

That didn't last long. Within a generation they were splitting among themselves and by 1900 they were turning to the interests of the wealthy, the railroads, the corporations. TR bucked that trend but he was overruled in 107 years ago even though he had most of the primary delegates. The rest is history. By the 1930s they had lost the black vote.
Ike was the last Great Republican
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Sure did...150 years ago

When RepubliKlans actually cared about people other than the rich

That didn't last long. Within a generation they were splitting among themselves and by 1900 they were turning to the interests of the wealthy, the railroads, the corporations. TR bucked that trend but he was overruled in 107 years ago even though he had most of the primary delegates. The rest is history. By the 1930s they had lost the black vote.
Ike was the last Great Republican
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by Democrats.. it has never changed
Most of Trump's old, uneducated white base won't believe it.

They think that the blacks were well taken care of as slaves.
Not 100% were treated well, not 100% treated cruelly. You have to stop talking in absolutes.
It's foolish to contend that all slave owners were cruel and of the devil. All human beings are just not all that way. I believe that there were owners who actualy respected many of their slaves and for those working in the home with the family, they became close.

The sign that stood so long was taken down when some racist objected and threatened the owners, imo.
Not all owners were cruel to their very expensive investments, no. Although if one ran away, I'm guessing they got more than a scolding when they were tracked down by the dogs and returned home. Slaves WERE financial investments, and sometimes if cash was needed, selling some was in order, and sometimes that meant selling children away from parents, or splitting up a married couple. Not to mention all the African Americans in this country who are all different shades, from black to cafe au lait, which is incontrovertible evidence that white owners were using their slave women for sex on demand.

It's true that some slaves, after they were emancipated, chose to remain where they were and work for wages. I have a feeling that 99% of them chose that because they had nowhere else to go and no other good options. The plantation I visited, in South Carolina, is still owned by the same family that had it during slave days, and on our tour as we passed the slave quarters (where black grounds workers still live) they were very proud of that, saying some of them are descendants of their former slaves. They are still crowding their families into tiny one room shacks the size of a standard living room. Maybe they don't have to pay rent; I don't know.

So yes, I know not all slave owners were monsters like Hollywood likes to portray, but the greatest cruelty of all--no freedom and no respect for their humanity or their families--still underlay the whole horrible system.
Most of what you say is true. And true is no freedom for many years, but I find it hard to say that no slaves were respected. Some were taught even to read by their owners.
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Sure did...150 years ago

When RepubliKlans actually cared about people other than the rich

That didn't last long. Within a generation they were splitting among themselves and by 1900 they were turning to the interests of the wealthy, the railroads, the corporations. TR bucked that trend but he was overruled in 107 years ago even though he had most of the primary delegates. The rest is history. By the 1930s they had lost the black vote.
Ike was the last Great Republican
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by Democrats.. it has never changed
You keep posting that
Didn’t make sense the first time you posted

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