Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Not if one actually knows what "far left" means. This country doesn't have a far left party, at least not a significant one. It has two right parties, one farther right than the other.

If you're standing on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania is technically "the West". Soon as you zoom out though... not so much.

To the point of the post though this illiterate idiot actually tried to paint the South --- the South --- as a "far left" place. The degree of abject ignorance exhibited there I don't even have a scale for.

OIC, American parties are still too far right to please Pogo. Whatever, Chumpley.

Pogo just knows what left and right mean in the big picko. But again, not the point here. Read the posts.

Every leftist government has had unnecessary dying and widespread human suffering. It never has been "good".

Sweden you say? Ok.


Yes Sweden

Can we post some similar photos to show the US is dying?
How about Vegas or Parkland ?
The photographs of starving naked Africans, in Africa, are much worse then the photographs of clothed and well fed slaves of the antebellum south. Were some beaten? Sure. Did they deserve it? I have no idea. Injuring a slave and reducing its value would not be a practice widely performed. They were an investment.
What in your mind constitutes deserving to be beaten like the person in one of the pictures I posted? And you think putting value on another person so that they can be sold is a reason not to whip them almost to death? Most slaves were sold as families with children, or children alone, or young men and women before the torture started.
With every post, you revel yourself to be even more disgusting when I didn't think that was possible.
I have no idea what crime or crimes necessitated whipping to generate such scarring. Although, the extent of such scars suggest whipping on more than one occasion. This might possibly have been a multiple offense criminal. Today he might have been executed or killed in a drive by.

The financial investment in slaves certainly precluded endangering their lives. After all, no one mistreated horses or livestock. There is no reason to mistreat slaves without reason.

The treatment of slaves 200 years ago has no bearing on the mental desires of the natural slave today. We don't know whether black slaves truly wanted to be guaranteed employment and the level of care given to the owned person. Or, whether they would have preferred the dangers and risks of freedom.

Yeah actually we DO know that you great retard. We know that because they were always trying to escape. We know that because "slave patrols" were mustered to go look for them when they did escape, we know that because laws were passed about claiming slaves when found as "property"; we know that because slave rebellions rose up; one of them precipitated the goddam Civil War, another birthed the first republic in the Americas after the United States (Haiti); we know that because there was a FUCKING UNDERGROUND RAILROAD set up to help them escape, you blithering sack of ignorant turd material.
It pleases me that I can reduce you to blithering drool.

Nothing you have pissed out of your mouth changes a thing. People who want to be taken care of; those who want more and more free shit are natural born slaves. You might be one yourself.

Slavery was such a bad thing, that's why millions of blacks today and their democrat masters still petition and work hard every day trying to return us to being owned by and taken care of by the state. Government food, government shelter, government jobs, now government healthcare. And those evil conservative keep preaching about the virtues of autonomy.

LBJ created "stealth slavery" with his Great Society in 1964. Poor Black people have been locked into generational welfare ever since. They don't even realize: they have been enslaved again.
"They put Y'all back in chains"!
I don't know any that are.

I think a better question is, why are you delusional, that you think your life is now any better off?

66 people have been killed in Chicago since the start of the year, and by far most were black. Name the person who is now better off in life, because of this all important removal of a sign? Name the person who didn't die in black-on-black violence, because of this super important event in Louisiana?

I don't know how you view yourself MarcATL, but when I see the threads you start, by far I find myself feeling only pity... I'm watching someone literally wasting his life to accomplish nothing.
What does one have to do with the other?
There was violence in the 1860s
Mostly white on white

Yeah, and whites did not blame blacks, for their situation in life, did they?

Well, slavery is long long over. So how does this deal in Louisiana, help anything.... ANYTHING, with today's black people?

Honestly, what is the goal here? What purpose does this serve?

Does MarcATL think that now after all these years, by removing that insignificant comment, mean that a bunch of white people are sitting around "Oh crap! Here I was sure all the slaves of the past lived like royalty! I am now so enlightened!"...

And if he does not believe that this irrelevant action will serve any purpose, then isn't there more important things to spend your time, money, and effort on? You know... like trying to reduce or end black on black violence that killed 66 people in Chicago since the start of this year alone?

Which area can someone invest their efforts that would have any value?

At least when I come on here and argue the economic effects of the minimum wage, there are people on here that simply don't know what they are. They could actually learn something. In fact I've had people on this forum say "I never knew that" about various topics. And I have learned something from engaging in the debate too.

Do tell.... how many white people, or any people anywhere, are super enlightened by this thread? How many people were wandering around thinking "man slaves had it so good in chains"..... and now have the blessing of knowledge bestowed upon them?

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

No, the slaves were not happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters. Slavery was a stain on the south. 40 percent of the population of the confederacy was in bondage

Oh yes! Everyone thought they were happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters.

Please, do tell... where are these millions of people who glorify slavery, and thought the slaves were singing and dancing in their quarters, who are now so much more enlightened?

Where? I've been to the east coast, to the west coast, to Canada, down south, and so on. Where are these people who glorified slavery, and thought slaves were singing and dancing? Where are these people? Bring them on here. I'll listen.

Again, in case you blinked ---- see post 176. Go learn sump'm.

And then you'll know what the propaganda-transmitter statues are all about. As RW put it above:

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

Same thing with the statues, the monuments, the perverted history books. All part of the same cleanup. You see son, the Civil War didn't just end with the firing of the last physical shot.

Again, I don't see anyone saying the slaves were happy and dancing. Where are these people?

You posted a link about a group from the civil war period? So a bunch of people long dead, tried to make a false claims. And you, here, in 2019, are going to bravely destroy this 100+ year old myth that absolutely no one anywhere believes. Well you are right. I did 'Go learn sump'm'. Namely that you are terrible at English, and I was totally correct in my original assessment.
The story told on the plantation's sign reminded me of the usual historical bullcrap they fed us in elementary school back 55 years ago.
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Sure did...150 years ago

When RepubliKlans actually cared about people other than the rich

That didn't last long. Within a generation they were splitting among themselves and by 1900 they were turning to the interests of the wealthy, the railroads, the corporations. TR bucked that trend but he was overruled in 107 years ago even though he had most of the primary delegates. The rest is history. By the 1930s they had lost the black vote.
Who are you talikg about

The Republican Party.
What does one have to do with the other?
There was violence in the 1860s
Mostly white on white

Yeah, and whites did not blame blacks, for their situation in life, did they?

Well, slavery is long long over. So how does this deal in Louisiana, help anything.... ANYTHING, with today's black people?

Honestly, what is the goal here? What purpose does this serve?

Does MarcATL think that now after all these years, by removing that insignificant comment, mean that a bunch of white people are sitting around "Oh crap! Here I was sure all the slaves of the past lived like royalty! I am now so enlightened!"...

And if he does not believe that this irrelevant action will serve any purpose, then isn't there more important things to spend your time, money, and effort on? You know... like trying to reduce or end black on black violence that killed 66 people in Chicago since the start of this year alone?

Which area can someone invest their efforts that would have any value?

At least when I come on here and argue the economic effects of the minimum wage, there are people on here that simply don't know what they are. They could actually learn something. In fact I've had people on this forum say "I never knew that" about various topics. And I have learned something from engaging in the debate too.

Do tell.... how many white people, or any people anywhere, are super enlightened by this thread? How many people were wandering around thinking "man slaves had it so good in chains"..... and now have the blessing of knowledge bestowed upon them?

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

No, the slaves were not happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters. Slavery was a stain on the south. 40 percent of the population of the confederacy was in bondage

Oh yes! Everyone thought they were happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters.

Please, do tell... where are these millions of people who glorify slavery, and thought the slaves were singing and dancing in their quarters, who are now so much more enlightened?

Where? I've been to the east coast, to the west coast, to Canada, down south, and so on. Where are these people who glorified slavery, and thought slaves were singing and dancing? Where are these people? Bring them on here. I'll listen.

Again, in case you blinked ---- see post 176. Go learn sump'm.

And then you'll know what the propaganda-transmitter statues are all about. As RW put it above:

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

Same thing with the statues, the monuments, the perverted history books. All part of the same cleanup. You see son, the Civil War didn't just end with the firing of the last physical shot.

Again, I don't see anyone saying the slaves were happy and dancing. Where are these people?

You posted a link about a group from the civil war period? So a bunch of people long dead, tried to make a false claims. And you, here, in 2019, are going to bravely destroy this 100+ year old myth that absolutely no one anywhere believes. Well you are right. I did 'Go learn sump'm'. Namely that you are terrible at English, and I was totally correct in my original assessment.

Apparently not, if this is your reading level.

The Cult of the Lost Cause isn't something "from the Civil War period". It's from far later. It rewrote history books (literally); it erected statues and monuments; it wrote that blurb in the OP here; and it spawned all manner of cultural artifacts from novels to theater plays to movies like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation, the latter of which in turn spawned the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Its whole purpose was to whitewash the slavery/racism roots of the war by selling the propaganda that it "wasn't really about slavery" because slavery was this "benevolent" state where the oppressed were actually "happy" and "fer god's sake protect da white wimmin lest they lust after the black man".

Here, let a guy in the thick of the correction of that propaganda tell you more. This is the mayor of New Orleans telling the story of the monuments removed two years ago, what they represented and why they were removed, the first of which was an obelisk that stood for 98 years (1891-1989) at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest most visible point in the city, that "celebrated" a coup d'êtat which drove out a legally elected biracial government and "gave us our state" as the plaque read. It was then moved to another spot, whereupon David Duke sued the city to put it back, which it did not. It remained in a less conspicuous place in the French Quarter until it was completely removed at the time of this speech.

Listen to his words. You need to hear them.

Yeah, and whites did not blame blacks, for their situation in life, did they?

Well, slavery is long long over. So how does this deal in Louisiana, help anything.... ANYTHING, with today's black people?

Honestly, what is the goal here? What purpose does this serve?

Does MarcATL think that now after all these years, by removing that insignificant comment, mean that a bunch of white people are sitting around "Oh crap! Here I was sure all the slaves of the past lived like royalty! I am now so enlightened!"...

And if he does not believe that this irrelevant action will serve any purpose, then isn't there more important things to spend your time, money, and effort on? You know... like trying to reduce or end black on black violence that killed 66 people in Chicago since the start of this year alone?

Which area can someone invest their efforts that would have any value?

At least when I come on here and argue the economic effects of the minimum wage, there are people on here that simply don't know what they are. They could actually learn something. In fact I've had people on this forum say "I never knew that" about various topics. And I have learned something from engaging in the debate too.

Do tell.... how many white people, or any people anywhere, are super enlightened by this thread? How many people were wandering around thinking "man slaves had it so good in chains"..... and now have the blessing of knowledge bestowed upon them?

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

No, the slaves were not happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters. Slavery was a stain on the south. 40 percent of the population of the confederacy was in bondage

Oh yes! Everyone thought they were happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters.

Please, do tell... where are these millions of people who glorify slavery, and thought the slaves were singing and dancing in their quarters, who are now so much more enlightened?

Where? I've been to the east coast, to the west coast, to Canada, down south, and so on. Where are these people who glorified slavery, and thought slaves were singing and dancing? Where are these people? Bring them on here. I'll listen.

Again, in case you blinked ---- see post 176. Go learn sump'm.

And then you'll know what the propaganda-transmitter statues are all about. As RW put it above:

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

Same thing with the statues, the monuments, the perverted history books. All part of the same cleanup. You see son, the Civil War didn't just end with the firing of the last physical shot.

Again, I don't see anyone saying the slaves were happy and dancing. Where are these people?

You posted a link about a group from the civil war period? So a bunch of people long dead, tried to make a false claims. And you, here, in 2019, are going to bravely destroy this 100+ year old myth that absolutely no one anywhere believes. Well you are right. I did 'Go learn sump'm'. Namely that you are terrible at English, and I was totally correct in my original assessment.

Apparently not, if this is your reading level.

The Cult of the Lost Cause isn't something "from the Civil War period". It's from far later. It rewrote history books (literally); it erected statues and monuments; it wrote that blurb in the OP here; and it spawned all manner of cultural artifacts from novels to theater plays to movies like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation, the latter of which in turn spawned the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Its whole purpose was to whitewash the slavery/racism roots of the war by selling the propaganda that it "wasn't really about slavery" because slavery was this "benevolent" state where the oppressed were actually "happy" and "fer god's sake protect da white wimmin lest they lust after the black man".

Here, let a guy in the thick of the correction of that propaganda tell you more. This is the mayor of New Orleans telling the story of the monuments removed two years ago, what they represented and why they were removed, the first of which was an obelisk that stood for 98 years (1891-1989) at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest most visible point in the city, that "celebrated" a coup d'êtat which drove out a legally elected biracial government and "gave us our state" as the plaque read. It was then moved to another spot, whereupon David Duke sued the city to put it back, which it did not. It remained in a less conspicuous place in the French Quarter until it was completely removed at the time of this speech.

Listen to his words. You need to hear them.


Right, and do tell, how many fewer black people have been killed today, because of this dumb statue being removed?

Are things better off, or worse off today, than 10 years ago as far as race is concerned? Because the statue wasn't removed 10 years ago, it was removed closer to today.

So has focusing on that, improved things or made it worse? Clearly race relations today are far far worse than they were at the end of Bush's term in office.

I don't see that anything you are pushing, is actually making anything better. If anything, it is making things worse. And you certainly are not helping black people.
The story told on the plantation's sign reminded me of the usual historical bullcrap they fed us in elementary school back 55 years ago.
Them Darkies sure do like to sing and dance, it is in their blood
The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

No, the slaves were not happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters. Slavery was a stain on the south. 40 percent of the population of the confederacy was in bondage

Oh yes! Everyone thought they were happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters.

Please, do tell... where are these millions of people who glorify slavery, and thought the slaves were singing and dancing in their quarters, who are now so much more enlightened?

Where? I've been to the east coast, to the west coast, to Canada, down south, and so on. Where are these people who glorified slavery, and thought slaves were singing and dancing? Where are these people? Bring them on here. I'll listen.

Again, in case you blinked ---- see post 176. Go learn sump'm.

And then you'll know what the propaganda-transmitter statues are all about. As RW put it above:

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

Same thing with the statues, the monuments, the perverted history books. All part of the same cleanup. You see son, the Civil War didn't just end with the firing of the last physical shot.

Again, I don't see anyone saying the slaves were happy and dancing. Where are these people?

You posted a link about a group from the civil war period? So a bunch of people long dead, tried to make a false claims. And you, here, in 2019, are going to bravely destroy this 100+ year old myth that absolutely no one anywhere believes. Well you are right. I did 'Go learn sump'm'. Namely that you are terrible at English, and I was totally correct in my original assessment.

Apparently not, if this is your reading level.

The Cult of the Lost Cause isn't something "from the Civil War period". It's from far later. It rewrote history books (literally); it erected statues and monuments; it wrote that blurb in the OP here; and it spawned all manner of cultural artifacts from novels to theater plays to movies like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation, the latter of which in turn spawned the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Its whole purpose was to whitewash the slavery/racism roots of the war by selling the propaganda that it "wasn't really about slavery" because slavery was this "benevolent" state where the oppressed were actually "happy" and "fer god's sake protect da white wimmin lest they lust after the black man".

Here, let a guy in the thick of the correction of that propaganda tell you more. This is the mayor of New Orleans telling the story of the monuments removed two years ago, what they represented and why they were removed, the first of which was an obelisk that stood for 98 years (1891-1989) at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest most visible point in the city, that "celebrated" a coup d'êtat which drove out a legally elected biracial government and "gave us our state" as the plaque read. It was then moved to another spot, whereupon David Duke sued the city to put it back, which it did not. It remained in a less conspicuous place in the French Quarter until it was completely removed at the time of this speech.

Listen to his words. You need to hear them.


Right, and do tell, how many fewer black people have been killed today, because of this dumb statue being removed?

Are things better off, or worse off today, than 10 years ago as far as race is concerned? Because the statue wasn't removed 10 years ago, it was removed closer to today.

So has focusing on that, improved things or made it worse? Clearly race relations today are far far worse than they were at the end of Bush's term in office.

I don't see that anything you are pushing, is actually making anything better. If anything, it is making things worse. And you certainly are not helping black people.

The statue is being removed because it celebrates a society built on human bondage
My take on it was that slave owners were lazy....cheap...and that's it. Whether they leave the sign up or not, my view is not subject to change. As far as respecting any of them....meh, not so much. You can't work the field without paying for help then don't plant it. Laziness.
The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

No, the slaves were not happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters. Slavery was a stain on the south. 40 percent of the population of the confederacy was in bondage

Oh yes! Everyone thought they were happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters.

Please, do tell... where are these millions of people who glorify slavery, and thought the slaves were singing and dancing in their quarters, who are now so much more enlightened?

Where? I've been to the east coast, to the west coast, to Canada, down south, and so on. Where are these people who glorified slavery, and thought slaves were singing and dancing? Where are these people? Bring them on here. I'll listen.

Again, in case you blinked ---- see post 176. Go learn sump'm.

And then you'll know what the propaganda-transmitter statues are all about. As RW put it above:

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

Same thing with the statues, the monuments, the perverted history books. All part of the same cleanup. You see son, the Civil War didn't just end with the firing of the last physical shot.

Again, I don't see anyone saying the slaves were happy and dancing. Where are these people?

You posted a link about a group from the civil war period? So a bunch of people long dead, tried to make a false claims. And you, here, in 2019, are going to bravely destroy this 100+ year old myth that absolutely no one anywhere believes. Well you are right. I did 'Go learn sump'm'. Namely that you are terrible at English, and I was totally correct in my original assessment.

Apparently not, if this is your reading level.

The Cult of the Lost Cause isn't something "from the Civil War period". It's from far later. It rewrote history books (literally); it erected statues and monuments; it wrote that blurb in the OP here; and it spawned all manner of cultural artifacts from novels to theater plays to movies like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation, the latter of which in turn spawned the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Its whole purpose was to whitewash the slavery/racism roots of the war by selling the propaganda that it "wasn't really about slavery" because slavery was this "benevolent" state where the oppressed were actually "happy" and "fer god's sake protect da white wimmin lest they lust after the black man".

Here, let a guy in the thick of the correction of that propaganda tell you more. This is the mayor of New Orleans telling the story of the monuments removed two years ago, what they represented and why they were removed, the first of which was an obelisk that stood for 98 years (1891-1989) at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest most visible point in the city, that "celebrated" a coup d'êtat which drove out a legally elected biracial government and "gave us our state" as the plaque read. It was then moved to another spot, whereupon David Duke sued the city to put it back, which it did not. It remained in a less conspicuous place in the French Quarter until it was completely removed at the time of this speech.

Listen to his words. You need to hear them.


Right, and do tell, how many fewer black people have been killed today, because of this dumb statue being removed?

Are things better off, or worse off today, than 10 years ago as far as race is concerned? Because the statue wasn't removed 10 years ago, it was removed closer to today.

So has focusing on that, improved things or made it worse? Clearly race relations today are far far worse than they were at the end of Bush's term in office.

I don't see that anything you are pushing, is actually making anything better. If anything, it is making things worse. And you certainly are not helping black people.

Cult of Ignorance pukes yet again. Number one it ain't about "how many black people killed today" and number two it was removed just under two years ago (and number three it's not a 'statue').

Clearly you're paying no attention, probably because you're afraid you might learn something. I led you to the water, you're on your own.
My take on it was that slave owners were lazy....cheap...and that's it. Whether they leave the sign up or not, my view is not subject to change. As far as respecting any of them....meh, not so much. You can't work the field without paying for help then don't plant it. Laziness.

The signs at the plantation should highlight the immense profit being made off of cotton and the fact that plantation owners exploited slave labor to enhance their profits without having to share it with the workers
Last edited:
Oh yes! Everyone thought they were happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters.

Please, do tell... where are these millions of people who glorify slavery, and thought the slaves were singing and dancing in their quarters, who are now so much more enlightened?

Where? I've been to the east coast, to the west coast, to Canada, down south, and so on. Where are these people who glorified slavery, and thought slaves were singing and dancing? Where are these people? Bring them on here. I'll listen.

Again, in case you blinked ---- see post 176. Go learn sump'm.

And then you'll know what the propaganda-transmitter statues are all about. As RW put it above:

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

Same thing with the statues, the monuments, the perverted history books. All part of the same cleanup. You see son, the Civil War didn't just end with the firing of the last physical shot.

Again, I don't see anyone saying the slaves were happy and dancing. Where are these people?

You posted a link about a group from the civil war period? So a bunch of people long dead, tried to make a false claims. And you, here, in 2019, are going to bravely destroy this 100+ year old myth that absolutely no one anywhere believes. Well you are right. I did 'Go learn sump'm'. Namely that you are terrible at English, and I was totally correct in my original assessment.

Apparently not, if this is your reading level.

The Cult of the Lost Cause isn't something "from the Civil War period". It's from far later. It rewrote history books (literally); it erected statues and monuments; it wrote that blurb in the OP here; and it spawned all manner of cultural artifacts from novels to theater plays to movies like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation, the latter of which in turn spawned the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Its whole purpose was to whitewash the slavery/racism roots of the war by selling the propaganda that it "wasn't really about slavery" because slavery was this "benevolent" state where the oppressed were actually "happy" and "fer god's sake protect da white wimmin lest they lust after the black man".

Here, let a guy in the thick of the correction of that propaganda tell you more. This is the mayor of New Orleans telling the story of the monuments removed two years ago, what they represented and why they were removed, the first of which was an obelisk that stood for 98 years (1891-1989) at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest most visible point in the city, that "celebrated" a coup d'êtat which drove out a legally elected biracial government and "gave us our state" as the plaque read. It was then moved to another spot, whereupon David Duke sued the city to put it back, which it did not. It remained in a less conspicuous place in the French Quarter until it was completely removed at the time of this speech.

Listen to his words. You need to hear them.


Right, and do tell, how many fewer black people have been killed today, because of this dumb statue being removed?

Are things better off, or worse off today, than 10 years ago as far as race is concerned? Because the statue wasn't removed 10 years ago, it was removed closer to today.

So has focusing on that, improved things or made it worse? Clearly race relations today are far far worse than they were at the end of Bush's term in office.

I don't see that anything you are pushing, is actually making anything better. If anything, it is making things worse. And you certainly are not helping black people.

Cult of Ignorance pukes yet again. Number one it ain't about "how many black people killed today" and number two it was removed just under two years ago (and number three it's not a 'statue').

Clearly you're paying no attention, probably because you're afraid you might learn something. I led you to the water, you're on your own.

It is the sadistic beat downs and maiming an killing of people in this modern age by those non reverse KKK black people that fools me. Its fun.
My take on it was that slave owners were lazy....cheap...and that's it. Whether they leave the sign up or not, my view is not subject to change. As far as respecting any of them....meh, not so much. You can't work the field without paying for help then don't plant it. Laziness.

"Lazy" is exactly right. I like to use the word "indolent". The rich plantation class basically wanted to sit on the porch sipping mint juleps while all the work that fattened their pockets got done by the sweat of captives. That was who initiated the whole secession thing and the War it led to, much to the disgust of the common Southern population who didn't keep slaves and worked their own subsistence farms. The old story of the Haves using the Have Nots for their own gains, much the same as those same Haves were doing with their slaves. That's why there was so much resistance, draft-dodging, desertion, Home Guards etc.
Not if one actually knows what "far left" means. This country doesn't have a far left party, at least not a significant one. It has two right parties, one farther right than the other.

If you're standing on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania is technically "the West". Soon as you zoom out though... not so much.

To the point of the post though this illiterate idiot actually tried to paint the South --- the South --- as a "far left" place. The degree of abject ignorance exhibited there I don't even have a scale for.

OIC, American parties are still too far right to please Pogo. Whatever, Chumpley.

Pogo just knows what left and right mean in the big picko. But again, not the point here. Read the posts.

Every leftist government has had unnecessary dying and widespread human suffering. It never has been "good".

Sweden you say? Ok.


Yep, only fucking fools look at everything through race and gender...

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Yet another Racist Race Baiting thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter.

How did the Africans who conquered and enslaved other Africans treat them? How did they feel about selling them as slaves? How did those slaves feel about being conquered and sold?

Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic. Most humans throughout history have lived as slaves or serfs. The values upon which English common law and our Constitution were founded enabled the abolition of slavery in both countries in the 19th century. Yet, slavery is still practiced in many parts of the world; have you ever wondered why? I'll save my concern for the 40 million people today who are currently slaves.

Slavery Today « Free the Slaves
Has nothing to do with this plantation and it’s slaves
None of whom were born in Africa all of whom were owned by white southern slave holders

B'loney. If you loons can argue for reparations for Africa-Americans today, then the slaves on this plantation can certainly be noted for having African roots and whose condition as slaves was often due to the actions of other Africans. Trying to blame slavery on Western Civ is historically ignorant.

Again, no one is blaming western civilization for slavery. Slavery has existed in all cultures throughout time, and was a tradiition way of co-opting and subduing enemies. But Transatlantic slavery was an entirely different matter. This was a system whereby free people were captured by well equipped slavers, sold to trading companies and transported from Africa to North America for the sole purpose of being resold to the plantation owners for labour. This was human trafficking, and it doesn't matter whether the people who captured the slaves were black, white or green, the ship owners and trading companies who purchased them in Africa and transported them across the sea were engaging in a type of commercialized human trafficking not seen before in human history. Western civilization in the early days of North American colonization monetized the slave trade in a way no one ever has, past or present.

This was all about white greed. Early settlers claimed vast swaths of land for themselves, but had no one to work the massive plantations. Slaves were a quick way of getting cheap labour without having to give up pieces of land to sharecroppers, or other European immigrants. Instead, the slaves were a balance sheet asset, and a very valuable asset at that. $600 for a health 18 year old male in 1845. Why share your profits with sharecroppers when you can buy slaves to work your land? You keep all the profits, the slaves are a big $$ asset on your balance sheet, and the rednecks won't have any claims on your lands.
The original slave owners on this Continent were my ancestors… American Indians.
Most people would enjoy slavery. They only long for a just and generous master.

Imagine to be provided housing, clothing, medical care, food, a guaranteed job. The evils of competition and the destruction of meritocracy don't exist. The master is the sole provider of the necessities of life.

Is this slavery or liberalism? It's the same thing.
Oh, I thought you were talking about marriage
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Sure did...150 years ago

When RepubliKlans actually cared about people other than the rich

That didn't last long. Within a generation they were splitting among themselves and by 1900 they were turning to the interests of the wealthy, the railroads, the corporations. TR bucked that trend but he was overruled in 107 years ago even though he had most of the primary delegates. The rest is history. By the 1930s they had lost the black vote.
Ike was the last Great Republican
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by Democrats.. it has never changed
You keep posting that
Didn’t make sense the first time you posted
Blacks rioting don’t manly sense to you lol we know haha
Almost no blacks owned plantations

You are correct in blacks buying slaves to eventually free them
Yes eventually white republicans freed them lol
Sure did...150 years ago

When RepubliKlans actually cared about people other than the rich

That didn't last long. Within a generation they were splitting among themselves and by 1900 they were turning to the interests of the wealthy, the railroads, the corporations. TR bucked that trend but he was overruled in 107 years ago even though he had most of the primary delegates. The rest is history. By the 1930s they had lost the black vote.
Who are you talikg about

The Republican Party.
Wow did know millions of Americans bought a rail road lol
Oh yes! Everyone thought they were happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters.

Please, do tell... where are these millions of people who glorify slavery, and thought the slaves were singing and dancing in their quarters, who are now so much more enlightened?

Where? I've been to the east coast, to the west coast, to Canada, down south, and so on. Where are these people who glorified slavery, and thought slaves were singing and dancing? Where are these people? Bring them on here. I'll listen.

Again, in case you blinked ---- see post 176. Go learn sump'm.

And then you'll know what the propaganda-transmitter statues are all about. As RW put it above:

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

Same thing with the statues, the monuments, the perverted history books. All part of the same cleanup. You see son, the Civil War didn't just end with the firing of the last physical shot.

Again, I don't see anyone saying the slaves were happy and dancing. Where are these people?

You posted a link about a group from the civil war period? So a bunch of people long dead, tried to make a false claims. And you, here, in 2019, are going to bravely destroy this 100+ year old myth that absolutely no one anywhere believes. Well you are right. I did 'Go learn sump'm'. Namely that you are terrible at English, and I was totally correct in my original assessment.

Apparently not, if this is your reading level.

The Cult of the Lost Cause isn't something "from the Civil War period". It's from far later. It rewrote history books (literally); it erected statues and monuments; it wrote that blurb in the OP here; and it spawned all manner of cultural artifacts from novels to theater plays to movies like Gone With the Wind and Birth of a Nation, the latter of which in turn spawned the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Its whole purpose was to whitewash the slavery/racism roots of the war by selling the propaganda that it "wasn't really about slavery" because slavery was this "benevolent" state where the oppressed were actually "happy" and "fer god's sake protect da white wimmin lest they lust after the black man".

Here, let a guy in the thick of the correction of that propaganda tell you more. This is the mayor of New Orleans telling the story of the monuments removed two years ago, what they represented and why they were removed, the first of which was an obelisk that stood for 98 years (1891-1989) at the foot of Canal Street, literally the busiest most visible point in the city, that "celebrated" a coup d'êtat which drove out a legally elected biracial government and "gave us our state" as the plaque read. It was then moved to another spot, whereupon David Duke sued the city to put it back, which it did not. It remained in a less conspicuous place in the French Quarter until it was completely removed at the time of this speech.

Listen to his words. You need to hear them.


Right, and do tell, how many fewer black people have been killed today, because of this dumb statue being removed?

Are things better off, or worse off today, than 10 years ago as far as race is concerned? Because the statue wasn't removed 10 years ago, it was removed closer to today.

So has focusing on that, improved things or made it worse? Clearly race relations today are far far worse than they were at the end of Bush's term in office.

I don't see that anything you are pushing, is actually making anything better. If anything, it is making things worse. And you certainly are not helping black people.

Cult of Ignorance pukes yet again. Number one it ain't about "how many black people killed today" and number two it was removed just under two years ago (and number three it's not a 'statue').

Clearly you're paying no attention, probably because you're afraid you might learn something. I led you to the water, you're on your own.

The other person mentioned some statue or something. So whatever, same point applies.

This is about actually making a worth while difference. And if it isn't, then you have no point.

The left-wing consistently wastes it's time doing stuff that has no benefit to anyone, and then patting themselves as if they did something.

Now I don't care if you want to remove some words... fine. But don't think you did anything of any value, because you didn't. You haven't improved the life of one single person. Not one. You have done NOTHING.

Not one person, white, black, or other, is now better off because of this action. Not one. You show me the person that was living in poverty, or wrapped up in gang violence, or on drugs... and then because you fixed whatever where ever, now their lives are immeasurably better off. Where is this person?

"Well they were saying slaves were like Disneyland." Yeah, show me these millions of people who believed that all the slaves were treated fantastically. Where are they?

Again, you did nothing. NOTHING. If you want to do something that actually makes a difference, go help someone, or stop the violence, or get people off drugs, or teach people how to do a job that pays better.

But don't come on here with your empty moralizing, and claiming somehow by removing a few words, from some historic site that I wager not one person on this forum knew existed until this thread, is somehow a meaningful accomplishment.

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