Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'


An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Oh this is DIRECTLY out of the Cult of the Lost Cause Revisionism propaganda.

Same fantasy that set up all those statues and monuments under fire.

How many Americans were you thinking of? I never met a single white person or ever heard of one that thought slavery was anything but an evil American institution we still suffer repercussions from.

There were certainly less whites, and Americans of all sorts, who thought slavery was okay than pro choice leftists who think the lives of small helpless children are of no importance and legally theirs to do with whatever they wish which is precisely, ironically, the slave holders view of their slave's lives. They belonged to the slave masters.

They were less than human, not legally recognized with rights... they were expendable...just like the unborn.

Do leftists acknowledge the link between the moral catastrophe of slavery and it's contemporary great American twin evil brought to us by the left wing pro choice machine?

And just like that here's post two, the Lost Cause Cult sending its minions to deflect onto something else to take off the spotlight.


For many decades, the South was far Left. They voted overwhelmingly for Wilson and FDR, and the extreme programs. And during that time, they didn't go out of their way to try and denigrate the Southern people.

It was only after the South rejected their continued presence on the Democrat Plantation, that the libs decided to destroy the south's history.

Strictly speaking, all the slave owners as well as slaves died a long ass time ago.

I don't know how well or ill we Poles treated our slaves, and I don't know how well or ill the Southerners treated their slaves. I suppose it varied like people today

You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK. Don't sit here and try to tell me my own history. You're not even within smelling distance of qualified.

Historically, I would agree with that, but far leftists have now hijacked the Democrat party. So yes, "Far-left" is an accurate description of Democrats in 2018-2020.

Not if one actually knows what "far left" means. This country doesn't have a far left party, at least not a significant one. It has two right parties, one farther right than the other.

If you're standing on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania is technically "the West". Soon as you zoom out though... not so much.

OIC, American parties are still too far right to please Pogo. Whatever, Chumpley.
I don't lose my temper. Especially not for something as worthless as yourself and your kind. You deserve nothing but scorn. From everyone.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are four pointing back at you.

What a tremendous waste it was to fight for opportunity for women. There isn't ten out of 100 that deserve it. The rest need to be kept barefoot, pregnant and kept in line by a disciplinarian husband who feeds her.


Nihilistic self-hating sociopath continues to babble vitriol. No one knows why.
She really sounds like she's gone round the bend, doesn't she?

I think she was born around the bend. She got bent at birth and has been taking it out on everybody else ever since.
Colossal waste of human protoplasm.
I never sold my practice. I closed it.

I am not surprised that there are other women just as disgusted with what women have become. You know all those advances and benefits that were fought for and won. You weren't worth it. Personally, you weren't worth it. That's what you see.

If you didn't sell your practice, it could not have been worth much, and it wasn't as successful as you have claimed. I know one small town lawyer who bought the practices of every lawyer who retired in the community so that everyone in town had to come to him for work. Every lawyer I know referred to the sale of their practice as their "retirement annuity". Must be nice to be so rich you don't want the money.

The problem with people who try to pretend to be something they're not on the internet, is that there is always someone who can spot the inappropriate behaviour that unmasks the liar. Your complete lack of knowledge of US Laws, the Constitution, and the Justice System, are dead give aways that you are NOT a lawyer, and probably not even an American. You're writing skills in expressing your ideas lack logic or clarity. You lack the knowledge of the court system that anyone who had taken a high school civics class would know, much less someone who had been required to study the Constitution and the Justice System in order to be licensed to practice law.

You continually refer to other women as whores. I sold "myself on the open market", and made a whole lot of money, but not as much as I made for the people I worked for. I got my first paper route when I was 12 years old, so I wouldn't have to ask my mother for spending money after my father died. At 14, I lied about my age and got a job waitressing after school and on weekends. In the summer I worked in the tobacco fields suckering plants to pay for my education and school expenses.

There is no way I would work for someone like you. The law firm I worked for paid the highest wages - plus 4 weeks vacation, a health club membership, Cadillac Plan supplemental health insurance, bonuses twice a year (profit sharing in the spring, and Christmas), overtime paid for any day where you worked more than 7 hours, paid maternity leave, pension plan with matching donations from the firm, oh and a "Concierge Service" through which staff could get free or discounted concert, theatre and sports tickets for live events.
Waaaa take care of me. I want theater tickets. I want to work for ----- Daddy! And fortunately you found one.

How could any thinking person respect the likes of you? Which is your real complaint isn't it? You know that deep inside you are a born slave and need an employer or government to parent you. Yet you still think that your lack of dignity confers some type of respect. No. Look elsewhere.

That's your rebuttal? A poorly thought out snipe at one of the perks of my job at one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in the world? This is why I know you were no lawyer. Even a dumb lawyer could come up with better than that.

You're now blithering and ranting like a fool. Your language and syntax are also deteriotating as you lose your temper, so the fact that English is not your first language comes shining through. You have nothing so you resort to insults, once again. Stupid Russians.
For some reason she has singled out you and me. Maybe it's because we're both women and have actually worked for a living. For some reason, she thinks that anyone who doesn't own their own business is a loser and a slave. I did own my own business and sold it to work for a major airline. It was something I had wanted to do since high school. One of the perks I got was free travel and I took advantage of it every chance I could. I was in the international rate department and other airlines offered us what was called fam trips. I have been to several countries all over the world where the cost of the trip was very low and the accommodations were always first class. As a retiree, I can still fly free on any of our flights and since American bought out the airline I retired from, that means to anywhere around the entire world. I'm considered an American Airlines retiree even though I've never worked a minute for them. Wild, huh? Oh, and we still get airline discounts at many hotels, rental cars, and many other businesses and venues. Now watch her come back and insult me again.
Insult you! Impossible. You have reached nirvana. You are taken care of. Slavery has paid off for you. You are a happy slave much like the ones in the sign at the plantation. Perhaps you were musically inclined. Do you dance as well. The natural state of most humanity is slavery. It is being taken care of. It is being indulged. You prove it. If it's not an employer it should be government. It should be a just and generous master. Like American Airlines. You got what all the other little slaves want.
I don't lose my temper. Especially not for something as worthless as yourself and your kind. You deserve nothing but scorn. From everyone.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are four pointing back at you.

What a tremendous waste it was to fight for opportunity for women. There isn't ten out of 100 that deserve it. The rest need to be kept barefoot, pregnant and kept in line by a disciplinarian husband who feeds her.


Nihilistic self-hating sociopath continues to babble vitriol. No one knows why.
She really sounds like she's gone round the bend, doesn't she?

I think she was born around the bend. She got bent at birth and has been taking it out on everybody else ever since.
Colossal waste of human protoplasm.
And there is nothing you can do about it.
Oh this is DIRECTLY out of the Cult of the Lost Cause Revisionism propaganda.

Same fantasy that set up all those statues and monuments under fire.

And just like that here's post two, the Lost Cause Cult sending its minions to deflect onto something else to take off the spotlight.


For many decades, the South was far Left. They voted overwhelmingly for Wilson and FDR, and the extreme programs. And during that time, they didn't go out of their way to try and denigrate the Southern people.

It was only after the South rejected their continued presence on the Democrat Plantation, that the libs decided to destroy the south's history.

Strictly speaking, all the slave owners as well as slaves died a long ass time ago.

I don't know how well or ill we Poles treated our slaves, and I don't know how well or ill the Southerners treated their slaves. I suppose it varied like people today

You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK. Don't sit here and try to tell me my own history. You're not even within smelling distance of qualified.

Historically, I would agree with that, but far leftists have now hijacked the Democrat party. So yes, "Far-left" is an accurate description of Democrats in 2018-2020.

Not if one actually knows what "far left" means. This country doesn't have a far left party, at least not a significant one. It has two right parties, one farther right than the other.

If you're standing on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania is technically "the West". Soon as you zoom out though... not so much.

To the point of the post though this illiterate idiot actually tried to paint the South --- the South --- as a "far left" place. The degree of abject ignorance exhibited there I don't even have a scale for.

OIC, American parties are still too far right to please Pogo. Whatever, Chumpley.

Pogo just knows what left and right mean in the big picko. But again, not the point here. Read the posts.
When you point your finger at someone else, there are four pointing back at you.

What a tremendous waste it was to fight for opportunity for women. There isn't ten out of 100 that deserve it. The rest need to be kept barefoot, pregnant and kept in line by a disciplinarian husband who feeds her.


Nihilistic self-hating sociopath continues to babble vitriol. No one knows why.
She really sounds like she's gone round the bend, doesn't she?

I think she was born around the bend. She got bent at birth and has been taking it out on everybody else ever since.
Colossal waste of human protoplasm.
And there is nothing you can do about it.

No? Watch this poof

Say hi to dripping-poop boy in there, fucking loser.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Yet another Racist Race Baiting thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter.

How did the Africans who conquered and enslaved other Africans treat them? How did they feel about selling them as slaves? How did those slaves feel about being conquered and sold?

Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic. Most humans throughout history have lived as slaves or serfs. The values upon which English common law and our Constitution were founded enabled the abolition of slavery in both countries in the 19th century. Yet, slavery is still practiced in many parts of the world; have you ever wondered why? I'll save my concern for the 40 million people today who are currently slaves.

Slavery Today « Free the Slaves
I never sold my practice. I closed it.

I am not surprised that there are other women just as disgusted with what women have become. You know all those advances and benefits that were fought for and won. You weren't worth it. Personally, you weren't worth it. That's what you see.

If you didn't sell your practice, it could not have been worth much, and it wasn't as successful as you have claimed. I know one small town lawyer who bought the practices of every lawyer who retired in the community so that everyone in town had to come to him for work. Every lawyer I know referred to the sale of their practice as their "retirement annuity". Must be nice to be so rich you don't want the money.

The problem with people who try to pretend to be something they're not on the internet, is that there is always someone who can spot the inappropriate behaviour that unmasks the liar. Your complete lack of knowledge of US Laws, the Constitution, and the Justice System, are dead give aways that you are NOT a lawyer, and probably not even an American. You're writing skills in expressing your ideas lack logic or clarity. You lack the knowledge of the court system that anyone who had taken a high school civics class would know, much less someone who had been required to study the Constitution and the Justice System in order to be licensed to practice law.

You continually refer to other women as whores. I sold "myself on the open market", and made a whole lot of money, but not as much as I made for the people I worked for. I got my first paper route when I was 12 years old, so I wouldn't have to ask my mother for spending money after my father died. At 14, I lied about my age and got a job waitressing after school and on weekends. In the summer I worked in the tobacco fields suckering plants to pay for my education and school expenses.

There is no way I would work for someone like you. The law firm I worked for paid the highest wages - plus 4 weeks vacation, a health club membership, Cadillac Plan supplemental health insurance, bonuses twice a year (profit sharing in the spring, and Christmas), overtime paid for any day where you worked more than 7 hours, paid maternity leave, pension plan with matching donations from the firm, oh and a "Concierge Service" through which staff could get free or discounted concert, theatre and sports tickets for live events.
Waaaa take care of me. I want theater tickets. I want to work for ----- Daddy! And fortunately you found one.

How could any thinking person respect the likes of you? Which is your real complaint isn't it? You know that deep inside you are a born slave and need an employer or government to parent you. Yet you still think that your lack of dignity confers some type of respect. No. Look elsewhere.

That's your rebuttal? A poorly thought out snipe at one of the perks of my job at one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in the world? This is why I know you were no lawyer. Even a dumb lawyer could come up with better than that.

You're now blithering and ranting like a fool. Your language and syntax are also deteriotating as you lose your temper, so the fact that English is not your first language comes shining through. You have nothing so you resort to insults, once again. Stupid Russians.
For some reason she has singled out you and me. Maybe it's because we're both women and have actually worked for a living. For some reason, she thinks that anyone who doesn't own their own business is a loser and a slave. I did own my own business and sold it to work for a major airline. It was something I had wanted to do since high school. One of the perks I got was free travel and I took advantage of it every chance I could. I was in the international rate department and other airlines offered us what was called fam trips. I have been to several countries all over the world where the cost of the trip was very low and the accommodations were always first class. As a retiree, I can still fly free on any of our flights and since American bought out the airline I retired from, that means to anywhere around the entire world. I'm considered an American Airlines retiree even though I've never worked a minute for them. Wild, huh? Oh, and we still get airline discounts at many hotels, rental cars, and many other businesses and venues. Now watch her come back and insult me again.
Insult you! Impossible. You have reached nirvana. You are taken care of. Slavery has paid off for you. You are a happy slave much like the ones in the sign at the plantation. Perhaps you were musically inclined. Do you dance as well. The natural state of most humanity is slavery. It is being taken care of. It is being indulged. You prove it. If it's not an employer it should be government. It should be a just and generous master. Like American Airlines. You got what all the other little slaves want.
No one took care of me as I worked for every single thing I have. You really are warped, you know? Also, if companies didn't have employees, then how would you ever be able to own a car or house or go to a restaurant or a clothing store or any other place that offers goods and services? Do you also consider pilots who work for these airlines slaves? What about the doctors and nurses who work for hospitals?

I have never encountered someone with such a distorted and pathetic view on life.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Yet another Racist Race Baiting thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter.

How did the Africans who conquered and enslaved other Africans treat them? How did they feel about selling them as slaves? How did those slaves feel about being conquered and sold?

Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic. Most humans throughout history have lived as slaves or serfs. The values upon which English common law and our Constitution were founded enabled the abolition of slavery in both countries in the 19th century. Yet, slavery is still practiced in many parts of the world; have you ever wondered why? I'll save my concern for the 40 million people today who are currently slaves.

Slavery Today « Free the Slaves
Has nothing to do with this plantation and it’s slaves
None of whom were born in Africa all of whom were owned by white southern slave holders
Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic.

Who suggested that? Mal-Wart having a sale on strawmen?

Brazil imported WAY more slaves than came here. Then there was the West Indies and central America. How come you're suddenly pretending those didn't exist? And by implication that "the US" started it? That's bullshit.

TransAtlantic slavery was begun by European merchants, WAAAAY before there was a United States (or a Brazil, etc). That was purely for profit. And it's where the racism idea comes from --- justification made up without which they couldn't have done it. "It's OK, they're really not people". And you seem to be stepping gingerly around the stark fact that transAtlantic slavery was an entirely different situation from traditional slavery. Ask me why.

When you have to make up your own fake point to knock down you're not in a rhetorically legitimate place.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Yet another Racist Race Baiting thread by a Racist Race Baiting Race Baiter.

How did the Africans who conquered and enslaved other Africans treat them? How did they feel about selling them as slaves? How did those slaves feel about being conquered and sold?

Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic. Most humans throughout history have lived as slaves or serfs. The values upon which English common law and our Constitution were founded enabled the abolition of slavery in both countries in the 19th century. Yet, slavery is still practiced in many parts of the world; have you ever wondered why? I'll save my concern for the 40 million people today who are currently slaves.

Slavery Today « Free the Slaves
Has nothing to do with this plantation and it’s slaves
None of whom were born in Africa all of whom were owned by white southern slave holders

B'loney. If you loons can argue for reparations for Africa-Americans today, then the slaves on this plantation can certainly be noted for having African roots and whose condition as slaves was often due to the actions of other Africans. Trying to blame slavery on Western Civ is historically ignorant.
It's foolish to contend that all slave owners were cruel and of the devil. All human beings are just not all that way. I believe that there were owners who actualy respected many of their slaves and for those working in the home with the family, they became close.

The sign that stood so long was taken down when some racist objected and threatened the owners, imo.
Not all owners were cruel to their very expensive investments, no. Although if one ran away, I'm guessing they got more than a scolding when they were tracked down by the dogs and returned home. Slaves WERE financial investments, and sometimes if cash was needed, selling some was in order, and sometimes that meant selling children away from parents, or splitting up a married couple. Not to mention all the African Americans in this country who are all different shades, from black to cafe au lait, which is incontrovertible evidence that white owners were using their slave women for sex on demand.

It's true that some slaves, after they were emancipated, chose to remain where they were and work for wages. I have a feeling that 99% of them chose that because they had nowhere else to go and no other good options. The plantation I visited, in South Carolina, is still owned by the same family that had it during slave days, and on our tour as we passed the slave quarters (where black grounds workers still live) they were very proud of that, saying some of them are descendants of their former slaves. They are still crowding their families into tiny one room shacks the size of a standard living room. Maybe they don't have to pay rent; I don't know.

So yes, I know not all slave owners were monsters like Hollywood likes to portray, but the greatest cruelty of all--no freedom and no respect for their humanity or their families--still underlay the whole horrible system.
For many decades, the South was far Left. They voted overwhelmingly for Wilson and FDR, and the extreme programs. And during that time, they didn't go out of their way to try and denigrate the Southern people.

It was only after the South rejected their continued presence on the Democrat Plantation, that the libs decided to destroy the south's history.

Strictly speaking, all the slave owners as well as slaves died a long ass time ago.

I don't know how well or ill we Poles treated our slaves, and I don't know how well or ill the Southerners treated their slaves. I suppose it varied like people today

You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK. Don't sit here and try to tell me my own history. You're not even within smelling distance of qualified.

Historically, I would agree with that, but far leftists have now hijacked the Democrat party. So yes, "Far-left" is an accurate description of Democrats in 2018-2020.

Not if one actually knows what "far left" means. This country doesn't have a far left party, at least not a significant one. It has two right parties, one farther right than the other.

If you're standing on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania is technically "the West". Soon as you zoom out though... not so much.

To the point of the post though this illiterate idiot actually tried to paint the South --- the South --- as a "far left" place. The degree of abject ignorance exhibited there I don't even have a scale for.

OIC, American parties are still too far right to please Pogo. Whatever, Chumpley.

Pogo just knows what left and right mean in the big picko. But again, not the point here. Read the posts.

Every leftist government has had unnecessary dying and widespread human suffering. It never has been "good".
Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic.

Who suggested that? Mal-Wart having a sale on strawmen?

Brazil imported WAY more slaves than came here. Then there was the West Indies and central America. How come you're suddenly pretending those didn't exist? And by implication that "the US" started it? That's bullshit.

TransAtlantic slavery was begun by European merchants, WAAAAY before there was a United States (or a Brazil, etc). That was purely for profit. And it's where the racism idea comes from --- justification made up without which they couldn't have done it. "It's OK, they're really not people". And you seem to be stepping gingerly around the stark fact that transAtlantic slavery was an entirely different situation from traditional slavery. Ask me why.

When you have to make up your own fake point to knock down you're not in a rhetorically legitimate place.
I hold the US to a higher standard than Brazil and the Caribbean islands
You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK. Don't sit here and try to tell me my own history. You're not even within smelling distance of qualified.

Historically, I would agree with that, but far leftists have now hijacked the Democrat party. So yes, "Far-left" is an accurate description of Democrats in 2018-2020.

Not if one actually knows what "far left" means. This country doesn't have a far left party, at least not a significant one. It has two right parties, one farther right than the other.

If you're standing on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania is technically "the West". Soon as you zoom out though... not so much.

To the point of the post though this illiterate idiot actually tried to paint the South --- the South --- as a "far left" place. The degree of abject ignorance exhibited there I don't even have a scale for.

OIC, American parties are still too far right to please Pogo. Whatever, Chumpley.

Pogo just knows what left and right mean in the big picko. But again, not the point here. Read the posts.

Every leftist government has had unnecessary dying and widespread human suffering. It never has been "good".
Your simplistic worldview that the U.S. is solely responsible for slavery is toxic.

Who suggested that? Mal-Wart having a sale on strawmen?

Brazil imported WAY more slaves than came here. Then there was the West Indies and central America. How come you're suddenly pretending those didn't exist? And by implication that "the US" started it? That's bullshit.

TransAtlantic slavery was begun by European merchants, WAAAAY before there was a United States (or a Brazil, etc). That was purely for profit. And it's where the racism idea comes from --- justification made up without which they couldn't have done it. "It's OK, they're really not people". And you seem to be stepping gingerly around the stark fact that transAtlantic slavery was an entirely different situation from traditional slavery. Ask me why.

When you have to make up your own fake point to knock down you're not in a rhetorically legitimate place.
I hold the US to a higher standard than Brazil and the Caribbean islands

We don't have slavery in America anymore, bub.

But 40 million slaves live elsewhere around the world.
Historically, I would agree with that, but far leftists have now hijacked the Democrat party. So yes, "Far-left" is an accurate description of Democrats in 2018-2020.

Not if one actually knows what "far left" means. This country doesn't have a far left party, at least not a significant one. It has two right parties, one farther right than the other.

If you're standing on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania is technically "the West". Soon as you zoom out though... not so much.

To the point of the post though this illiterate idiot actually tried to paint the South --- the South --- as a "far left" place. The degree of abject ignorance exhibited there I don't even have a scale for.

OIC, American parties are still too far right to please Pogo. Whatever, Chumpley.

Pogo just knows what left and right mean in the big picko. But again, not the point here. Read the posts.

Every leftist government has had unnecessary dying and widespread human suffering. It never has been "good".

Sweden you say? Ok.


Slaves in America were probably much happier than the slaves in Africa. It’s possible they were even better off than the vast majority of Africans at the time.
Most of the slave owners in Louisiana were black haha

I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Most of the slave owners in Louisiana were black haha

I never knew that till I did some research.

Pretty interesting story about the free blacks in the South and blacks that owned slaves.

FACT CHECK: 9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know
A lot of people don’t know blacks owned a lot of slaves. Democrats hide that history
Blacks bought family members to protect them, which would account for most of them
Yea I bet they did lol so didn’t whites haha

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