Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'


An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

I don't know any that are.

I think a better question is, why are you delusional, that you think your life is now any better off?

66 people have been killed in Chicago since the start of the year, and by far most were black. Name the person who is now better off in life, because of this all important removal of a sign? Name the person who didn't die in black-on-black violence, because of this super important event in Louisiana?

I don't know how you view yourself MarcATL, but when I see the threads you start, by far I find myself feeling only pity... I'm watching someone literally wasting his life to accomplish nothing.
What does one have to do with the other?
There was violence in the 1860s
Mostly white on white

Yeah, and whites did not blame blacks, for their situation in life, did they?

Well, slavery is long long over. So how does this deal in Louisiana, help anything.... ANYTHING, with today's black people?

Honestly, what is the goal here? What purpose does this serve?

Does MarcATL think that now after all these years, by removing that insignificant comment, mean that a bunch of white people are sitting around "Oh crap! Here I was sure all the slaves of the past lived like royalty! I am now so enlightened!"...

And if he does not believe that this irrelevant action will serve any purpose, then isn't there more important things to spend your time, money, and effort on? You know... like trying to reduce or end black on black violence that killed 66 people in Chicago since the start of this year alone?

Which area can someone invest their efforts that would have any value?

At least when I come on here and argue the economic effects of the minimum wage, there are people on here that simply don't know what they are. They could actually learn something. In fact I've had people on this forum say "I never knew that" about various topics. And I have learned something from engaging in the debate too.

Do tell.... how many white people, or any people anywhere, are super enlightened by this thread? How many people were wandering around thinking "man slaves had it so good in chains"..... and now have the blessing of knowledge bestowed upon them?

The goal is to prevent glorifying slavery at a historic plantation

No, the slaves were not happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters. Slavery was a stain on the south. 40 percent of the population of the confederacy was in bondage

Oh yes! Everyone thought they were happily singing and dancing in their beautiful slave quarters.

Please, do tell... where are these millions of people who glorify slavery, and thought the slaves were singing and dancing in their quarters, who are now so much more enlightened?

Where? I've been to the east coast, to the west coast, to Canada, down south, and so on. Where are these people who glorified slavery, and thought slaves were singing and dancing? Where are these people? Bring them on here. I'll listen.

I have a theory for you... whatever few people there are that might even think that, I wager most have never been to that plantation, and that not one has changed their opinion because you changed that sign. I still doubt you could find even one person that really believed that nonsense you posted about glorified slavery and singing and dancing.

Again... you have accomplished absolutely nothing.
Read the OP and get back to me
Nothing can help black people. They are culturally programmed to kill one another. They are basically a tribal people. That they were removed from their tribes and forcefully deprived of cultural heritage has not affected the cultural drive. They simply formed new tribes. They have the Blood, Crips, Black disciples, Black Nation. Now they have tribes and fight one another just as they have done throughout history.

And you wonder how I know you're not a lawyer, and have no knowledge of American law. Racist, ignorant and terminally stupid, and a supposedly hard working and successful lawyer who nevertheless has over 28,000 posts on this message board in 2 1/2 years. Where do you find the time with that massively successful law practice that you run entirely ALONE, with no help from anyone. That's nearly 1000 posts a month - more than 30 a day - 7 days a week. You must multitask like nobody's business.

The exact same thing is now happening with white people in middle America - the gangs, the violence. Except in middle America it's the white motorcycle gangs, Hell's Angels, Desperados, and others. Then there's the factory workers who have lost hope and are addicted to opioids. 40 years of Republican tax and economic policies selling out the working people of America to the corporate elites, destroying the middle class, and leaving working Americans broke, desperate, and angry. 40 years of stagnant wages and increasing robotics and automation replacing American production workers. No retraining, no effort at rejigging the economy for the 21st Century. Instead of investing in clean power, and training for robotics, Trump is trying to bring back coal and steel, and all of the evils of mining - pollution, black lung, and early death.

It's not working.
Good Lord but you are a world class dipshit. My office closed in 2009 when I retired.

You must have shed your brain in your last period.

Ignoring your total lack of legal knowledge, and the US Justice system, not to mention your inability to properly refute debating points (something even the most incompetent lawyer should be able to do with ease), still leads me to believe you are not and have never been a lawyer, and you innate misgynism makes me also doubt that you're a woman.
Plus she never said she sold it in her little brag fest and if she had and made a huge profit, it would have been included, dontcha think? Notice when I was listing what all I had done in my working career, I said that I worked for a major airline until I retired.

And as I said before, I know several lawyers and none of them talk like her with all of the insults and vulgarity. I know some of their screen names and none of them even do it with that anonymity.

As for her being a woman, there's one here who posts on our local paper and she just as much of a misogynist as this one is. She's against every single thing that will benefit women. I keep telling her she has a serious case of penis envy and maybe this one does too.
I never sold my practice. I closed it.

I am not surprised that there are other women just as disgusted with what women have become. You know all those advances and benefits that were fought for and won. You weren't worth it. Personally, you weren't worth it. That's what you see.
Nothing can help black people. They are culturally programmed to kill one another. They are basically a tribal people. That they were removed from their tribes and forcefully deprived of cultural heritage has not affected the cultural drive. They simply formed new tribes. They have the Blood, Crips, Black disciples, Black Nation. Now they have tribes and fight one another just as they have done throughout history.

And you wonder how I know you're not a lawyer, and have no knowledge of American law. Racist, ignorant and terminally stupid, and a supposedly hard working and successful lawyer who nevertheless has over 28,000 posts on this message board in 2 1/2 years. Where do you find the time with that massively successful law practice that you run entirely ALONE, with no help from anyone. That's nearly 1000 posts a month - more than 30 a day - 7 days a week. You must multitask like nobody's business.

The exact same thing is now happening with white people in middle America - the gangs, the violence. Except in middle America it's the white motorcycle gangs, Hell's Angels, Desperados, and others. Then there's the factory workers who have lost hope and are addicted to opioids. 40 years of Republican tax and economic policies selling out the working people of America to the corporate elites, destroying the middle class, and leaving working Americans broke, desperate, and angry. 40 years of stagnant wages and increasing robotics and automation replacing American production workers. No retraining, no effort at rejigging the economy for the 21st Century. Instead of investing in clean power, and training for robotics, Trump is trying to bring back coal and steel, and all of the evils of mining - pollution, black lung, and early death.

It's not working.
Good Lord but you are a world class dipshit. My office closed in 2009 when I retired.

You must have shed your brain in your last period.

Ignoring your total lack of legal knowledge, and the US Justice system, not to mention your inability to properly refute debating points (something even the most incompetent lawyer should be able to do with ease), still leads me to believe you are not and have never been a lawyer, and you innate misgynism makes me also doubt that you're a woman.
There is nothing to debate. You make no points. You whine. You bring out all your little girl posturings to display for some "Daddy". When opposed your entire refutation is "you can't do that. I smell like estrogen!"

You are a slave. Born to it. Give me free medical care, baby sitting, housing, increase my free EBT card balance. Pay my utility bills, it's cold, it's hot. It is women like you who have increased the burden on women like me. For crissakes, go. Sell yourselves on the open market. Some of us have worked for a living and don't want to be tainted by your broad bush.
I wonder if you're as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside.

You know nothing about her but feel compelled to attack her and assume she's a lazy taker. You assume that about every progressive and Democrat. Do some research, it's those in states like Mississippi and Alabama, which are as rabid RW conservatives and bright red as you can get who get the most welfare and handouts.

And we still only have your word about your little brag fest back there. Plus, you're one nasty price of work who thinks she's better than just about everyone. I think people like you have to pump yourselves up to make yourself feel superior to everyone else because you know that you're really inferior. Pretty much like trump does.
I never sold my practice. I closed it.

I am not surprised that there are other women just as disgusted with what women have become. You know all those advances and benefits that were fought for and won. You weren't worth it. Personally, you weren't worth it. That's what you see.

If you didn't sell your practice, it could not have been worth much, and it wasn't as successful as you have claimed. I know one small town lawyer who bought the practices of every lawyer who retired in the community so that everyone in town had to come to him for work. Every lawyer I know referred to the sale of their practice as their "retirement annuity". Must be nice to be so rich you don't want the money.

The problem with people who try to pretend to be something they're not on the internet, is that there is always someone who can spot the inappropriate behaviour that unmasks the liar. Your complete lack of knowledge of US Laws, the Constitution, and the Justice System, are dead give aways that you are NOT a lawyer, and probably not even an American. You're writing skills in expressing your ideas lack logic or clarity. You lack the knowledge of the court system that anyone who had taken a high school civics class would know, much less someone who had been required to study the Constitution and the Justice System in order to be licensed to practice law.

You continually refer to other women as whores. I sold "myself on the open market", and made a whole lot of money, but not as much as I made for the people I worked for. I got my first paper route when I was 12 years old, so I wouldn't have to ask my mother for spending money after my father died. At 14, I lied about my age and got a job waitressing after school and on weekends. In the summer I worked in the tobacco fields suckering plants to pay for my education and school expenses.

There is no way I would work for someone like you. The last Toronto law firm I worked for paid the highest wages - plus 4 weeks vacation, a health club membership, Cadillac Plan supplemental health insurance, bonuses twice a year (profit sharing in the spring for high performing staff, and Christmas), overtime paid for any day where you worked more than 7 hours, paid maternity leave, pension plan with matching donations from the firm, oh and a "Concierge Service" through which staff could get free or discounted concert, theatre and sports tickets for live events. Did I mention flex hours - we could come and go as we pleased, as long as we put in our 7 hours. I always exceeded by billable hours quota, and always received my share of the profits as a result.

Our firm was famous for having the highest billable hours on Bay Street. We were the hardest working law firm in Toronto, and our billings and success reflected it. The agency who originally placed me there said they were sorry to lose me. They said once this firm hired someone, they never left. It was the best firm in the city to work for. They were absolutely correct. Best job I ever had!
Last edited:
Nothing can help black people. They are culturally programmed to kill one another. They are basically a tribal people. That they were removed from their tribes and forcefully deprived of cultural heritage has not affected the cultural drive. They simply formed new tribes. They have the Blood, Crips, Black disciples, Black Nation. Now they have tribes and fight one another just as they have done throughout history.

And you wonder how I know you're not a lawyer, and have no knowledge of American law. Racist, ignorant and terminally stupid, and a supposedly hard working and successful lawyer who nevertheless has over 28,000 posts on this message board in 2 1/2 years. Where do you find the time with that massively successful law practice that you run entirely ALONE, with no help from anyone. That's nearly 1000 posts a month - more than 30 a day - 7 days a week. You must multitask like nobody's business.

The exact same thing is now happening with white people in middle America - the gangs, the violence. Except in middle America it's the white motorcycle gangs, Hell's Angels, Desperados, and others. Then there's the factory workers who have lost hope and are addicted to opioids. 40 years of Republican tax and economic policies selling out the working people of America to the corporate elites, destroying the middle class, and leaving working Americans broke, desperate, and angry. 40 years of stagnant wages and increasing robotics and automation replacing American production workers. No retraining, no effort at rejigging the economy for the 21st Century. Instead of investing in clean power, and training for robotics, Trump is trying to bring back coal and steel, and all of the evils of mining - pollution, black lung, and early death.

It's not working.
Good Lord but you are a world class dipshit. My office closed in 2009 when I retired.

You must have shed your brain in your last period.

Ignoring your total lack of legal knowledge, and the US Justice system, not to mention your inability to properly refute debating points (something even the most incompetent lawyer should be able to do with ease), still leads me to believe you are not and have never been a lawyer, and you innate misgynism makes me also doubt that you're a woman.
There is nothing to debate. You make no points. You whine. You bring out all your little girl posturings to display for some "Daddy". When opposed your entire refutation is "you can't do that. I smell like estrogen!"

You are a slave. Born to it. Give me free medical care, baby sitting, housing, increase my free EBT card balance. Pay my utility bills, it's cold, it's hot. It is women like you who have increased the burden on women like me. For crissakes, go. Sell yourselves on the open market. Some of us have worked for a living and don't want to be tainted by your broad bush.
I wonder if you're as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside.

You know nothing about her but feel compelled to attack her and assume she's a lazy taker. You assume that about every progressive and Democrat. Do some research, it's those in states like Mississippi and Alabama, which are as rabid RW conservatives and bright red as you can get who get the most welfare and handouts.

And we still only have your word about your little brag fest back there. Plus, you're one nasty price of work who thinks she's better than just about everyone. I think people like you have to pump yourselves up to make yourself feel superior to everyone else because you know that you're really inferior. Pretty much like trump does.
Another lazy taker heard from. A disappointment.
I never sold my practice. I closed it.

I am not surprised that there are other women just as disgusted with what women have become. You know all those advances and benefits that were fought for and won. You weren't worth it. Personally, you weren't worth it. That's what you see.

If you didn't sell your practice, it could not have been worth much, and it wasn't as successful as you have claimed. I know one small town lawyer who bought the practices of every lawyer who retired in the community so that everyone in town had to come to him for work. Every lawyer I know referred to the sale of their practice as their "retirement annuity". Must be nice to be so rich you don't want the money.

The problem with people who try to pretend to be something they're not on the internet, is that there is always someone who can spot the inappropriate behaviour that unmasks the liar. Your complete lack of knowledge of US Laws, the Constitution, and the Justice System, are dead give aways that you are NOT a lawyer, and probably not even an American. You're writing skills in expressing your ideas lack logic or clarity. You lack the knowledge of the court system that anyone who had taken a high school civics class would know, much less someone who had been required to study the Constitution and the Justice System in order to be licensed to practice law.

You continually refer to other women as whores. I sold "myself on the open market", and made a whole lot of money, but not as much as I made for the people I worked for. I got my first paper route when I was 12 years old, so I wouldn't have to ask my mother for spending money after my father died. At 14, I lied about my age and got a job waitressing after school and on weekends. In the summer I worked in the tobacco fields suckering plants to pay for my education and school expenses.

There is no way I would work for someone like you. The law firm I worked for paid the highest wages - plus 4 weeks vacation, a health club membership, Cadillac Plan supplemental health insurance, bonuses twice a year (profit sharing in the spring, and Christmas), overtime paid for any day where you worked more than 7 hours, paid maternity leave, pension plan with matching donations from the firm, oh and a "Concierge Service" through which staff could get free or discounted concert, theatre and sports tickets for live events.
Waaaa take care of me. I want theater tickets. I want to work for ----- Daddy! And fortunately you found one.

How could any thinking person respect the likes of you? Which is your real complaint isn't it? You know that deep inside you are a born slave and need an employer or government to parent you. Yet you still think that your lack of dignity confers some type of respect. No. Look elsewhere.
I never sold my practice. I closed it.

I am not surprised that there are other women just as disgusted with what women have become. You know all those advances and benefits that were fought for and won. You weren't worth it. Personally, you weren't worth it. That's what you see.

If you didn't sell your practice, it could not have been worth much, and it wasn't as successful as you have claimed. I know one small town lawyer who bought the practices of every lawyer who retired in the community so that everyone in town had to come to him for work. Every lawyer I know referred to the sale of their practice as their "retirement annuity". Must be nice to be so rich you don't want the money.

The problem with people who try to pretend to be something they're not on the internet, is that there is always someone who can spot the inappropriate behaviour that unmasks the liar. Your complete lack of knowledge of US Laws, the Constitution, and the Justice System, are dead give aways that you are NOT a lawyer, and probably not even an American. You're writing skills in expressing your ideas lack logic or clarity. You lack the knowledge of the court system that anyone who had taken a high school civics class would know, much less someone who had been required to study the Constitution and the Justice System in order to be licensed to practice law.

You continually refer to other women as whores. I sold "myself on the open market", and made a whole lot of money, but not as much as I made for the people I worked for. I got my first paper route when I was 12 years old, so I wouldn't have to ask my mother for spending money after my father died. At 14, I lied about my age and got a job waitressing after school and on weekends. In the summer I worked in the tobacco fields suckering plants to pay for my education and school expenses.

There is no way I would work for someone like you. The law firm I worked for paid the highest wages - plus 4 weeks vacation, a health club membership, Cadillac Plan supplemental health insurance, bonuses twice a year (profit sharing in the spring, and Christmas), overtime paid for any day where you worked more than 7 hours, paid maternity leave, pension plan with matching donations from the firm, oh and a "Concierge Service" through which staff could get free or discounted concert, theatre and sports tickets for live events.
Waaaa take care of me. I want theater tickets. I want to work for ----- Daddy! And fortunately you found one.

How could any thinking person respect the likes of you? Which is your real complaint isn't it? You know that deep inside you are a born slave and need an employer or government to parent you. Yet you still think that your lack of dignity confers some type of respect. No. Look elsewhere.

That's your rebuttal? A poorly thought out snipe at one of the perks of my job at one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in the world? This is why I know you were no lawyer. Even a dumb lawyer could come up with better than that.

You're now blithering and ranting like a fool. Your language and syntax are also deteriotating as you lose your temper, so the fact that English is not your first language comes shining through. You have nothing so you resort to insults, once again. Stupid Russians.
And you wonder how I know you're not a lawyer, and have no knowledge of American law. Racist, ignorant and terminally stupid, and a supposedly hard working and successful lawyer who nevertheless has over 28,000 posts on this message board in 2 1/2 years. Where do you find the time with that massively successful law practice that you run entirely ALONE, with no help from anyone. That's nearly 1000 posts a month - more than 30 a day - 7 days a week. You must multitask like nobody's business.

The exact same thing is now happening with white people in middle America - the gangs, the violence. Except in middle America it's the white motorcycle gangs, Hell's Angels, Desperados, and others. Then there's the factory workers who have lost hope and are addicted to opioids. 40 years of Republican tax and economic policies selling out the working people of America to the corporate elites, destroying the middle class, and leaving working Americans broke, desperate, and angry. 40 years of stagnant wages and increasing robotics and automation replacing American production workers. No retraining, no effort at rejigging the economy for the 21st Century. Instead of investing in clean power, and training for robotics, Trump is trying to bring back coal and steel, and all of the evils of mining - pollution, black lung, and early death.

It's not working.
Good Lord but you are a world class dipshit. My office closed in 2009 when I retired.

You must have shed your brain in your last period.

Ignoring your total lack of legal knowledge, and the US Justice system, not to mention your inability to properly refute debating points (something even the most incompetent lawyer should be able to do with ease), still leads me to believe you are not and have never been a lawyer, and you innate misgynism makes me also doubt that you're a woman.
There is nothing to debate. You make no points. You whine. You bring out all your little girl posturings to display for some "Daddy". When opposed your entire refutation is "you can't do that. I smell like estrogen!"

You are a slave. Born to it. Give me free medical care, baby sitting, housing, increase my free EBT card balance. Pay my utility bills, it's cold, it's hot. It is women like you who have increased the burden on women like me. For crissakes, go. Sell yourselves on the open market. Some of us have worked for a living and don't want to be tainted by your broad bush.
I wonder if you're as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside.

You know nothing about her but feel compelled to attack her and assume she's a lazy taker. You assume that about every progressive and Democrat. Do some research, it's those in states like Mississippi and Alabama, which are as rabid RW conservatives and bright red as you can get who get the most welfare and handouts.

And we still only have your word about your little brag fest back there. Plus, you're one nasty price of work who thinks she's better than just about everyone. I think people like you have to pump yourselves up to make yourself feel superior to everyone else because you know that you're really inferior. Pretty much like trump does.
Another lazy taker heard from. A disappointment.
I've never taken anything from anyone in my life, but if your warped mind wants to keep thinking that, then have at it. I think right now you're just a pathetic troll who likes to post insults just to get a reaction. It feeds your demented ego somehow. I think you need to seek professional help for your obvious mental problem.
I don't lose my temper. Especially not for something as worthless as yourself and your kind. You deserve nothing but scorn. From everyone.
Good Lord but you are a world class dipshit. My office closed in 2009 when I retired.

You must have shed your brain in your last period.

Ignoring your total lack of legal knowledge, and the US Justice system, not to mention your inability to properly refute debating points (something even the most incompetent lawyer should be able to do with ease), still leads me to believe you are not and have never been a lawyer, and you innate misgynism makes me also doubt that you're a woman.
There is nothing to debate. You make no points. You whine. You bring out all your little girl posturings to display for some "Daddy". When opposed your entire refutation is "you can't do that. I smell like estrogen!"

You are a slave. Born to it. Give me free medical care, baby sitting, housing, increase my free EBT card balance. Pay my utility bills, it's cold, it's hot. It is women like you who have increased the burden on women like me. For crissakes, go. Sell yourselves on the open market. Some of us have worked for a living and don't want to be tainted by your broad bush.
I wonder if you're as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside.

You know nothing about her but feel compelled to attack her and assume she's a lazy taker. You assume that about every progressive and Democrat. Do some research, it's those in states like Mississippi and Alabama, which are as rabid RW conservatives and bright red as you can get who get the most welfare and handouts.

And we still only have your word about your little brag fest back there. Plus, you're one nasty price of work who thinks she's better than just about everyone. I think people like you have to pump yourselves up to make yourself feel superior to everyone else because you know that you're really inferior. Pretty much like trump does.
Another lazy taker heard from. A disappointment.
I've never taken anything from anyone in my life, but if your warped mind wants to keep thinking that, then have at it. I think right now you're just a pathetic troll who likes to post insults just to get a reaction. It feeds your demented ego somehow. I think you need to seek professional help for your obvious mental problem.
Dance slave. A man might make a bid.
I don't lose my temper. Especially not for something as worthless as yourself and your kind. You deserve nothing but scorn. From everyone.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are four pointing back at you.

What a tremendous waste it was to fight for opportunity for women. There isn't ten out of 100 that deserve it. The rest need to be kept barefoot, pregnant and kept in line by a disciplinarian husband who feeds her.
I never sold my practice. I closed it.

I am not surprised that there are other women just as disgusted with what women have become. You know all those advances and benefits that were fought for and won. You weren't worth it. Personally, you weren't worth it. That's what you see.

If you didn't sell your practice, it could not have been worth much, and it wasn't as successful as you have claimed. I know one small town lawyer who bought the practices of every lawyer who retired in the community so that everyone in town had to come to him for work. Every lawyer I know referred to the sale of their practice as their "retirement annuity". Must be nice to be so rich you don't want the money.

The problem with people who try to pretend to be something they're not on the internet, is that there is always someone who can spot the inappropriate behaviour that unmasks the liar. Your complete lack of knowledge of US Laws, the Constitution, and the Justice System, are dead give aways that you are NOT a lawyer, and probably not even an American. You're writing skills in expressing your ideas lack logic or clarity. You lack the knowledge of the court system that anyone who had taken a high school civics class would know, much less someone who had been required to study the Constitution and the Justice System in order to be licensed to practice law.

You continually refer to other women as whores. I sold "myself on the open market", and made a whole lot of money, but not as much as I made for the people I worked for. I got my first paper route when I was 12 years old, so I wouldn't have to ask my mother for spending money after my father died. At 14, I lied about my age and got a job waitressing after school and on weekends. In the summer I worked in the tobacco fields suckering plants to pay for my education and school expenses.

There is no way I would work for someone like you. The law firm I worked for paid the highest wages - plus 4 weeks vacation, a health club membership, Cadillac Plan supplemental health insurance, bonuses twice a year (profit sharing in the spring, and Christmas), overtime paid for any day where you worked more than 7 hours, paid maternity leave, pension plan with matching donations from the firm, oh and a "Concierge Service" through which staff could get free or discounted concert, theatre and sports tickets for live events.
Waaaa take care of me. I want theater tickets. I want to work for ----- Daddy! And fortunately you found one.

How could any thinking person respect the likes of you? Which is your real complaint isn't it? You know that deep inside you are a born slave and need an employer or government to parent you. Yet you still think that your lack of dignity confers some type of respect. No. Look elsewhere.

That's your rebuttal? A poorly thought out snipe at one of the perks of my job at one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in the world? This is why I know you were no lawyer. Even a dumb lawyer could come up with better than that.

You're now blithering and ranting like a fool. Your language and syntax are also deteriotating as you lose your temper, so the fact that English is not your first language comes shining through. You have nothing so you resort to insults, once again. Stupid Russians.
For some reason she has singled out you and me. Maybe it's because we're both women and have actually worked for a living. For some reason, she thinks that anyone who doesn't own their own business is a loser and a slave. I did own my own business and sold it to work for a major airline. It was something I had wanted to do since high school. One of the perks I got was free travel and I took advantage of it every chance I could. I was in the international rate department and other airlines offered us what was called fam trips. I have been to several countries all over the world where the cost of the trip was very low and the accommodations were always first class. As a retiree, I can still fly free on any of our flights and since American bought out the airline I retired from, that means to anywhere around the entire world. I'm considered an American Airlines retiree even though I've never worked a minute for them. Wild, huh? Oh, and we still get airline discounts at many hotels, rental cars, and many other businesses and venues. Now watch her come back and insult me again.
I don't lose my temper. Especially not for something as worthless as yourself and your kind. You deserve nothing but scorn. From everyone.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are four pointing back at you.

What a tremendous waste it was to fight for opportunity for women. There isn't ten out of 100 that deserve it. The rest need to be kept barefoot, pregnant and kept in line by a disciplinarian husband who feeds her.


Nihilistic self-hating sociopath continues to babble vitriol. No one knows why.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Oh this is DIRECTLY out of the Cult of the Lost Cause Revisionism propaganda.

Same fantasy that set up all those statues and monuments under fire.

How many Americans were you thinking of? I never met a single white person or ever heard of one that thought slavery was anything but an evil American institution we still suffer repercussions from.

There were certainly less whites, and Americans of all sorts, who thought slavery was okay than pro choice leftists who think the lives of small helpless children are of no importance and legally theirs to do with whatever they wish which is precisely, ironically, the slave holders view of their slave's lives. They belonged to the slave masters.

They were less than human, not legally recognized with rights... they were expendable...just like the unborn.

Do leftists acknowledge the link between the moral catastrophe of slavery and it's contemporary great American twin evil brought to us by the left wing pro choice machine?

And just like that here's post two, the Lost Cause Cult sending its minions to deflect onto something else to take off the spotlight.


For many decades, the South was far Left. They voted overwhelmingly for Wilson and FDR, and the extreme programs. And during that time, they didn't go out of their way to try and denigrate the Southern people.

It was only after the South rejected their continued presence on the Democrat Plantation, that the libs decided to destroy the south's history.

Strictly speaking, all the slave owners as well as slaves died a long ass time ago.

I don't know how well or ill we Poles treated our slaves, and I don't know how well or ill the Southerners treated their slaves. I suppose it varied like people today

You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK. Don't sit here and try to tell me my own history. You're not even within smelling distance of qualified.

Historically, I would agree with that, but far leftists have now hijacked the Democrat party. So yes, "Far-left" is an accurate description of Democrats in 2015-2019.
Ignoring your total lack of legal knowledge, and the US Justice system, not to mention your inability to properly refute debating points (something even the most incompetent lawyer should be able to do with ease), still leads me to believe you are not and have never been a lawyer, and you innate misgynism makes me also doubt that you're a woman.
There is nothing to debate. You make no points. You whine. You bring out all your little girl posturings to display for some "Daddy". When opposed your entire refutation is "you can't do that. I smell like estrogen!"

You are a slave. Born to it. Give me free medical care, baby sitting, housing, increase my free EBT card balance. Pay my utility bills, it's cold, it's hot. It is women like you who have increased the burden on women like me. For crissakes, go. Sell yourselves on the open market. Some of us have worked for a living and don't want to be tainted by your broad bush.
I wonder if you're as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside.

You know nothing about her but feel compelled to attack her and assume she's a lazy taker. You assume that about every progressive and Democrat. Do some research, it's those in states like Mississippi and Alabama, which are as rabid RW conservatives and bright red as you can get who get the most welfare and handouts.

And we still only have your word about your little brag fest back there. Plus, you're one nasty price of work who thinks she's better than just about everyone. I think people like you have to pump yourselves up to make yourself feel superior to everyone else because you know that you're really inferior. Pretty much like trump does.
Another lazy taker heard from. A disappointment.
I've never taken anything from anyone in my life, but if your warped mind wants to keep thinking that, then have at it. I think right now you're just a pathetic troll who likes to post insults just to get a reaction. It feeds your demented ego somehow. I think you need to seek professional help for your obvious mental problem.
Dance slave. A man might make a bid.
You're sounding more and more unhinged by the minute. And I do have a man, but we are partners, not master and slave.
I don't lose my temper. Especially not for something as worthless as yourself and your kind. You deserve nothing but scorn. From everyone.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are four pointing back at you.

What a tremendous waste it was to fight for opportunity for women. There isn't ten out of 100 that deserve it. The rest need to be kept barefoot, pregnant and kept in line by a disciplinarian husband who feeds her.


Nihilistic self-hating sociopath continues to babble vitriol. No one knows why.
She really sounds like she's gone round the bend, doesn't she?

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Oh this is DIRECTLY out of the Cult of the Lost Cause Revisionism propaganda.

Same fantasy that set up all those statues and monuments under fire.

How many Americans were you thinking of? I never met a single white person or ever heard of one that thought slavery was anything but an evil American institution we still suffer repercussions from.

There were certainly less whites, and Americans of all sorts, who thought slavery was okay than pro choice leftists who think the lives of small helpless children are of no importance and legally theirs to do with whatever they wish which is precisely, ironically, the slave holders view of their slave's lives. They belonged to the slave masters.

They were less than human, not legally recognized with rights... they were expendable...just like the unborn.

Do leftists acknowledge the link between the moral catastrophe of slavery and it's contemporary great American twin evil brought to us by the left wing pro choice machine?

And just like that here's post two, the Lost Cause Cult sending its minions to deflect onto something else to take off the spotlight.


For many decades, the South was far Left. They voted overwhelmingly for Wilson and FDR, and the extreme programs. And during that time, they didn't go out of their way to try and denigrate the Southern people.

It was only after the South rejected their continued presence on the Democrat Plantation, that the libs decided to destroy the south's history.

Strictly speaking, all the slave owners as well as slaves died a long ass time ago.

I don't know how well or ill we Poles treated our slaves, and I don't know how well or ill the Southerners treated their slaves. I suppose it varied like people today

You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK. Don't sit here and try to tell me my own history. You're not even within smelling distance of qualified.

Historically, I would agree with that, but far leftists have now hijacked the Democrat party. So yes, "Far-left" is an accurate description of Democrats in 2018-2020.

Not if one actually knows what "far left" means. This country doesn't have a far left party, at least not a significant one. It has two right parties, one farther right than the other.

If you're standing on the Delaware River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania is technically "the West". Soon as you zoom out though... not so much.

To the point of the post though this illiterate idiot actually tried to paint the South --- the South --- as a "far left" place. The degree of abject ignorance exhibited there I don't even have a scale for.

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