Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

You get a lot more work out of a well-fed happy worker than a starving mistreated one. I learned that a long time ago when I was the well-fed happy worker. :)

Pfftt.. I slave-labored today. It's not normally what I do, but my grandma started me doing things when I was 3. The lady I did it for cannot find anyone else to do these things properly. I can work. :)
The answer to your question is, none of them deserved to be beaten, because none of them should have been there to begin with. I'll ask you again. Who are you who gets to decide dominion over a man or woman?
I have decided nothing for no one. I recognize that the person who wants everything provided to them without cost is a natural slave only wanting a just and generous master.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the price of apples. You are playing up to ignorance, arrogrance, superiority, and racism, to weaponize your justifications. And everyone sees that for what it is. It's actually the exact reasons why we recruited slaves to begin with. You need lots of soul searching and education. And growing a heart, won't hurt anything either.
The observeration came from Marcus Aurelius in 161.

"The natural state of most people is the state of slavery. They only want for a just and generous master. "

I, of course, never mentioned race. You saw it but it wasn't there. The longing for a caring master belongs equally to white people. There are certainly plenty of white people demanding everything from free cosmetic surgery to free lap dances paid for on the EBT card.

Of course! During Roman times, the theme was, give the people bread and circus. And since thousands were enslaved, what else could they possibly live for? There is no "natural state of slavery" Get that in your head. That is a manipulation of the brain to control large populations. It's been done for centuries. There is nothing "natural" about it. It's a manipulation of the masses to control them. What do you think Trump tries to do every day with his base? He manipulates their brains to cheer lead against their own interests. Emperors and Oligarchs have been doing this since civilization began. Wake up people.

What own interests of people does Trump manipulate them to "cheerlead" against?

I'll wait.. :rolleyes:
Their financial, and lawful well being.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
Too bad their own people sold them into slavery.
Actually, they didn’t

All the slaves on that plantation were born here
Classic simple mined response. So tell us liar, how did there parents get there? lol
Importation of slaves ended in 1805
Prove it.

I have decided nothing for no one. I recognize that the person who wants everything provided to them without cost is a natural slave only wanting a just and generous master.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the price of apples. You are playing up to ignorance, arrogrance, superiority, and racism, to weaponize your justifications. And everyone sees that for what it is. It's actually the exact reasons why we recruited slaves to begin with. You need lots of soul searching and education. And growing a heart, won't hurt anything either.
The observeration came from Marcus Aurelius in 161.

"The natural state of most people is the state of slavery. They only want for a just and generous master. "

I, of course, never mentioned race. You saw it but it wasn't there. The longing for a caring master belongs equally to white people. There are certainly plenty of white people demanding everything from free cosmetic surgery to free lap dances paid for on the EBT card.

Of course! During Roman times, the theme was, give the people bread and circus. And since thousands were enslaved, what else could they possibly live for? There is no "natural state of slavery" Get that in your head. That is a manipulation of the brain to control large populations. It's been done for centuries. There is nothing "natural" about it. It's a manipulation of the masses to control them. What do you think Trump tries to do every day with his base? He manipulates their brains to cheer lead against their own interests. Emperors and Oligarchs have been doing this since civilization began. Wake up people.

What own interests of people does Trump manipulate them to "cheerlead" against?

I'll wait.. :rolleyes:
Their financial, and lawful well being.

That's awfully vague, care to clarify any of that?
You get a lot more work out of a well-fed happy worker than a starving mistreated one. I learned that a long time ago when I was the well-fed happy worker. :)

Pfftt.. I slave-labored today. It's not normally what I do, but my grandma stA haarted me doing things when I was 3. The lady I did it for cannot find anyone else to do these things properly. I can work. :)
A "happy worker" has nothing to do with a slave who is forced to work for others.
You get a lot more work out of a well-fed happy worker than a starving mistreated one. I learned that a long time ago when I was the well-fed happy worker. :)

Pfftt.. I slave-labored today. It's not normally what I do, but my grandma started me doing things when I was 3. The lady I did it for cannot find anyone else to do these things properly. I can work. :)
You defending the diet of slaves?
This has absolutely nothing to do with the price of apples. You are playing up to ignorance, arrogrance, superiority, and racism, to weaponize your justifications. And everyone sees that for what it is. It's actually the exact reasons why we recruited slaves to begin with. You need lots of soul searching and education. And growing a heart, won't hurt anything either.
The observeration came from Marcus Aurelius in 161.

"The natural state of most people is the state of slavery. They only want for a just and generous master. "

I, of course, never mentioned race. You saw it but it wasn't there. The longing for a caring master belongs equally to white people. There are certainly plenty of white people demanding everything from free cosmetic surgery to free lap dances paid for on the EBT card.

Of course! During Roman times, the theme was, give the people bread and circus. And since thousands were enslaved, what else could they possibly live for? There is no "natural state of slavery" Get that in your head. That is a manipulation of the brain to control large populations. It's been done for centuries. There is nothing "natural" about it. It's a manipulation of the masses to control them. What do you think Trump tries to do every day with his base? He manipulates their brains to cheer lead against their own interests. Emperors and Oligarchs have been doing this since civilization began. Wake up people.

What own interests of people does Trump manipulate them to "cheerlead" against?

I'll wait.. :rolleyes:
Their financial, and lawful well being.

That's awfully vague, care to clarify any of that?
No! You can figure it out.
You get a lot more work out of a well-fed happy worker than a starving mistreated one. I learned that a long time ago when I was the well-fed happy worker. :)

Pfftt.. I slave-labored today. It's not normally what I do, but my grandma stA haarted me doing things when I was 3. The lady I did it for cannot find anyone else to do these things properly. I can work. :)
A "happy worker" has nothing to do with a slave who is forced to work for others.

Everybody has to work, dumbass.
The observeration came from Marcus Aurelius in 161.

"The natural state of most people is the state of slavery. They only want for a just and generous master. "

I, of course, never mentioned race. You saw it but it wasn't there. The longing for a caring master belongs equally to white people. There are certainly plenty of white people demanding everything from free cosmetic surgery to free lap dances paid for on the EBT card.

Of course! During Roman times, the theme was, give the people bread and circus. And since thousands were enslaved, what else could they possibly live for? There is no "natural state of slavery" Get that in your head. That is a manipulation of the brain to control large populations. It's been done for centuries. There is nothing "natural" about it. It's a manipulation of the masses to control them. What do you think Trump tries to do every day with his base? He manipulates their brains to cheer lead against their own interests. Emperors and Oligarchs have been doing this since civilization began. Wake up people.

What own interests of people does Trump manipulate them to "cheerlead" against?

I'll wait.. :rolleyes:
Their financial, and lawful well being.

That's awfully vague, care to clarify any of that?
No! You can figure it out.

IOW, you have nothing beyond that vague and ambiguous bullshit.
In the estate of the slaveholder the master owns all. The art of the potter, the sculptor, the seamstress, the labor of the fieldhands. The master sells the work of the slaves and uses the proceeds for the benefit of the estate including the needs of the slaves. A thoughtful master would provide birth control. It is the free woman who could buy it for herself. But some women would rather have slavery.
In the estate of the slaveholder the master owns all. The art of the potter, the sculptor, the seamstress, the labor of the fieldhands. The master sells the work of the slaves and uses the proceeds for the benefit of the estate including the needs of the slaves. A thoughtful master would provide birth control. It is the free woman who could buy it for herself. But some women would rather have slavery.
You are truly delusional. You want one person to take the fruits and labors of others and then decide who gets what from it, including themselves.Sounds like the trickle down concept the Republicans are always implementing, and we all know how that is not working. The owner would keep almost all of it and dole out the bare minimum to the actual producers.
Are you one of the women who would rather be a slave to someone than provide for yourself? Sounds like it to me. Well, if that's what you want, I'm sure you can find a man who would be willing to do it as long as you did what he demanded, or until he grew tired of you and threw you aside.
And what about the family who is having to work several jobs just to make ends meet thanks to the greedy employers who keep all of the profits for themselves and pay them almost nothing? Where will they get the extra money to send their child to any kind of school? Is the kid just supposed to stay illiterate and uneducated?
You have a very black view of life and I would hate to be you. What you seem to want is a country run like NK where the leader doles out the bare minimum to it's citizens and tells them they should be grateful for the crumbs that are barely keeping them alive. All the while living like a king with all of the riches for himself. It's no wonder you worship at the feet of tramp because it's what he wants too. But I think you would be in for a surprise when you find yourself on the receiving end of the crumbs instead of the riches.
To quote George Carlin, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."
I don't want a master. I don't want anyone to have a master. You keep what you make. If you don't have enough tough noogies. Make do or do without. No one owes you jack. I have always taken care of myself. I put myself though college to two masters degrees. I put myself though law school and built a successful law firm. Alone. No student loans. But I'll bet you're married aren't you? You are one of those women who traded pussy for three hots and a squat aren't you?

Take care of yourself. Take care of yourself. Take care of your own children. If you can't afford to pay for their education you will just have to tell them to put themselves through school or become a well paid plumber.

No sympathy. Don't bother asking.

I love idiots who think that their success is entirely due to their own efforts. Alone. Nobody taught them anything. Nobody ever extended them courtesy, or hired them for a job, or gave them a chance.

I don't believe for a New York minute that you're a lawyer, because you're so utterly ignorant of American law and justice. You have no business sense so you're not a corporate lawyer, and you don't use any sort of debating style, other than to insult those you have disagreements with.

No one on the face of the earth has ever built a law practice "alone". They need bankers, programmers, accountants, government agencies to protect their intellectual property, and the entire court system to make it all work. They have to hire and depend on paralegals, receptionists, and secretaries to complete the work, and clients - to give them work, to send referrals.

The only people who make it entirely on their own, are people living on a deserted island. If you drove a car to work, someone built that road for you. If you walked, someone built the sidewalk. Taxes are your share of the costs of living in a first world country.

Yes, YOU have to work hard, but without ALL of the people who rented you facilities, sold you equipment, wrote your software programs, who worked for you as paralegals, secretaries and bookkeepers, and the people who hired you to represent them, you'd have nothing.
All of which I paid for or provided a service which they paid for. There hasn't been any charity.

Do you think someone rented me an office and I never had to pay rent! My secretary worked out of the goodness of her heart. No.

You don't think do you? Everything is a favor. Nothing is paid for. It's one grand charity.

If I can pay for my education others can damn well pay for theirs. Or, maybe master will pay for theirs.
You get a lot more work out of a well-fed happy worker than a starving mistreated one. I learned that a long time ago when I was the well-fed happy worker. :)

Pfftt.. I slave-labored today. It's not normally what I do, but my grandma started me doing things when I was 3. The lady I did it for cannot find anyone else to do these things properly. I can work. :)
You defending the diet of slaves?

I know what slaves ate. You tell me what slaves ate. :)
You get a lot more work out of a well-fed happy worker than a starving mistreated one. I learned that a long time ago when I was the well-fed happy worker. :)

Pfftt.. I slave-labored today. It's not normally what I do, but my grandma stA haarted me doing things when I was 3. The lady I did it for cannot find anyone else to do these things properly. I can work. :)
A "happy worker" has nothing to do with a slave who is forced to work for others.

Everybody has to work, dumbass.
For themselves, and their benefit. Slaves have to work to live and breath, until they are murdered, tourchered, or raped.
Most of Trump's old, uneducated white base won't believe it.

They think that the blacks were well taken care of as slaves.

How is Trump a racist? He was loved by Oprah, snoop dog, will smith, the entire rap community, that is, until he decided to run for President....now he is a racist...

You people are so fucking obvious in your hate and actual racism.
Trump has only been labeled a racist since he decided to run and became president. Liberal swine are nothing if not hypocrites.
Racist is made up. It's become the catch all for I don't like that. Trump wasn't racist when he was the only country club to admit blacks.

Democrats have become so ridiculous that their speed is complaining about two scoops of ice cream and no sprinkles.
Actually it is calling out hate, fear mongering and misinformation
You get a lot more work out of a well-fed happy worker than a starving mistreated one. I learned that a long time ago when I was the well-fed happy worker. :)

Pfftt.. I slave-labored today. It's not normally what I do, but my grandma started me doing things when I was 3. The lady I did it for cannot find anyone else to do these things properly. I can work. :)
You defending the diet of slaves?

I know what slaves ate. You tell me what slaves ate. :)
Corn meal, fat, molasses, beans
You get a lot more work out of a well-fed happy worker than a starving mistreated one. I learned that a long time ago when I was the well-fed happy worker. :)

Pfftt.. I slave-labored today. It's not normally what I do, but my grandma stA haarted me doing things when I was 3. The lady I did it for cannot find anyone else to do these things properly. I can work. :)
A "happy worker" has nothing to do with a slave who is forced to work for others.

Everybody has to work, dumbass.
For themselves, and their benefit. Slaves have to work to live and breath, until they are murdered, tourchered, or raped.

Look, dumbass. While yes slavery was legal, and bad, and some assholes were total dickheads because they could be, karma got the types like that. Most people were not keeping slaves in chains and beating them and working them to death. Not that it didn't happen, but most people didn't abuse slaves, many retired to a spot on the back 40 lowland. With their own land. Many slaves could earn their freedom after a period of time.
In the estate of the slaveholder the master owns all. The art of the potter, the sculptor, the seamstress, the labor of the fieldhands. The master sells the work of the slaves and uses the proceeds for the benefit of the estate including the needs of the slaves. A thoughtful master would provide birth control. It is the free woman who could buy it for herself. But some women would rather have slavery.
In the estate of the slaveholder the master owns all. The art of the potter, the sculptor, the seamstress, the labor of the fieldhands. The master sells the work of the slaves and uses the proceeds for the benefit of the estate including the needs of the slaves. A thoughtful master would provide birth control. It is the free woman who could buy it for herself. But some women would rather have slavery.
You are truly delusional. You want one person to take the fruits and labors of others and then decide who gets what from it, including themselves.Sounds like the trickle down concept the Republicans are always implementing, and we all know how that is not working. The owner would keep almost all of it and dole out the bare minimum to the actual producers.
Are you one of the women who would rather be a slave to someone than provide for yourself? Sounds like it to me. Well, if that's what you want, I'm sure you can find a man who would be willing to do it as long as you did what he demanded, or until he grew tired of you and threw you aside.
And what about the family who is having to work several jobs just to make ends meet thanks to the greedy employers who keep all of the profits for themselves and pay them almost nothing? Where will they get the extra money to send their child to any kind of school? Is the kid just supposed to stay illiterate and uneducated?
You have a very black view of life and I would hate to be you. What you seem to want is a country run like NK where the leader doles out the bare minimum to it's citizens and tells them they should be grateful for the crumbs that are barely keeping them alive. All the while living like a king with all of the riches for himself. It's no wonder you worship at the feet of tramp because it's what he wants too. But I think you would be in for a surprise when you find yourself on the receiving end of the crumbs instead of the riches.
To quote George Carlin, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."
I don't want a master. I don't want anyone to have a master. You keep what you make. If you don't have enough tough noogies. Make do or do without. No one owes you jack. I have always taken care of myself. I put myself though college to two masters degrees. I put myself though law school and built a successful law firm. Alone. No student loans. But I'll bet you're married aren't you? You are one of those women who traded pussy for three hots and a squat aren't you?

Take care of yourself. Take care of yourself. Take care of your own children. If you can't afford to pay for their education you will just have to tell them to put themselves through school or become a well paid plumber.

No sympathy. Don't bother asking.
I am not married. I have purchased two houses all by myself and also every car I've ever owned except the one my parents bought me for my 16th birthday. Everything is paid for and I am completely debt free. I do have someone in my life and we've been together for 19 years. Neither one of us wants to get married, so it has worked out fine. He owns two houses, and they're on some land that joins mine.
I owned my own business, a hair salon at age 19 and sold it age age 23 to work for a major airline, which I retired from. I also put myself through college while working full time for the airline in the program the airline was offering with an agreement from a local college. I never used it because I was making much better money at the airline, but it was something to do and I'm proud I did it.
And, excuse me if I don't buy that shit about all of your degrees an your law firm. I know several lawyers and people from all walks of life and none of them ever talked as vulgar as you. They would never address a woman the way you do. But then, they have class, something you're sorely lacking.
You get a lot more work out of a well-fed happy worker than a starving mistreated one. I learned that a long time ago when I was the well-fed happy worker. :)

Pfftt.. I slave-labored today. It's not normally what I do, but my grandma started me doing things when I was 3. The lady I did it for cannot find anyone else to do these things properly. I can work. :)
You defending the diet of slaves?

I know what slaves ate. You tell me what slaves ate. :)
Corn meal, fat, molasses, beans

fatback, beans, greens, cornbread, neckbones, ox tails.

I got "tipped" greens today, boy. Like I said, I know exactly what they ate, because a lot of it is my diet. :eusa_dance:
I see that the usual's have turned this into a liberal bashing site and have gotten off topic. This is about the slaves on the plantations, but some just can't help themselves and have to resort to bashing liberals, who they constantly lie about wanting free stuff, when it's been proven time and time again that it's the red states and the uneducated people in them who benefit from free stuff much more than those in the blue states.

It seems that the liberals are bashing conservatives as well. You did just that in a post about Mississippi and Alabama. so ypu participate in what you are claiming to be upset with.
Tipsy started it by turning it into a liberal bashing post. All I did was reply to her and point out that the poor red states take way more that their blue neighbors. She got off topic first....as usual.
Banging the Liberal narrative, never won a factual argument.

Neither does bashing the Conservative narrative, but it happens on this board all the time.

As far as slavery, it was America at it's worst, and there should be no doubt that greed and profits were the reason. To think any race, religion, ethnicity, sex is better than the other is pure ignorance. We should all be able to live our lives without a threat to our safety because of looks or beliefs.
I agree, but with a big spike in white nationalism and white domestic terrorism, that's not happening now is it?
What I find interesting was that when Obama was in office we had more incidents of violence between police and blacks, today we see a spike in violence with left wing supporters and an increase in violence with white nationalists.

Leaders on both sides need to condemn it, especially Trump as he is our leader, so it is his move to make and I don't think we will see it.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

I've been there, I saw that... it didn't look like a sign so much as a child report, but that's neither here nor there...

I didn't believe for a second...
How is it freedom if you are limited by ability? Is that what you are asking?

Cogitate on that for a bit.
I already have. It isn't a "freedom" while you've been calling it a "freedom." If "freedom" from paying taxes for schools were a reality, but dictated by my abilities, then there never was any "freedom."Thanks for the clarification.
No its called the freedom to fail.
Lol! No, a disability according to you and your non-taxable schools, is not a freedom, because the failure and the disability were there before the "freedom." Once again, you've made great case for the nonsensical among us.

I don't think you truly know what a freedom really is. That's the real problem here. If you really knew, you wouldn't be putting restrictions on it.

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