Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'


An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

I don't know any that are.

I think a better question is, why are you delusional, that you think your life is now any better off?

66 people have been killed in Chicago since the start of the year, and by far most were black. Name the person who is now better off in life, because of this all important removal of a sign? Name the person who didn't die in black-on-black violence, because of this super important event in Louisiana?

I don't know how you view yourself MarcATL, but when I see the threads you start, by far I find myself feeling only pity... I'm watching someone literally wasting his life to accomplish nothing.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Oh this is DIRECTLY out of the Cult of the Lost Cause Revisionism propaganda.

Same fantasy that set up all those statues and monuments under fire.

How many Americans were you thinking of? I never met a single white person or ever heard of one that thought slavery was anything but an evil American institution we still suffer repercussions from.

There were certainly less whites, and Americans of all sorts, who thought slavery was okay than pro choice leftists who think the lives of small helpless children are of no importance and legally theirs to do with whatever they wish which is precisely, ironically, the slave holders view of their slave's lives. They belonged to the slave masters.

They were less than human, not legally recognized with rights... they were expendable...just like the unborn.

Do leftists acknowledge the link between the moral catastrophe of slavery and it's contemporary great American twin evil brought to us by the left wing pro choice machine?

And just like that here's post two, the Lost Cause Cult sending its minions to deflect onto something else to take off the spotlight.


For many decades, the South was far Left. They voted overwhelmingly for Wilson and FDR, and the extreme programs. And during that time, they didn't go out of their way to try and denigrate the Southern people.

It was only after the South rejected their continued presence on the Democrat Plantation, that the libs decided to destroy the south's history.

Strictly speaking, all the slave owners as well as slaves died a long ass time ago.

I don't know how well or ill we Poles treated our slaves, and I don't know how well or ill the Southerners treated their slaves. I suppose it varied like people today
Most people would enjoy slavery. They only long for a just and generous master.

Imagine to be provided housing, clothing, medical care, food, a guaranteed job. The evils of competition and the destruction of meritocracy don't exist. The master is the sole provider of the necessities of life.

Is this slavery or liberalism? It's the same thing.
Holy God! I can't even begin to state what is so disgustingly wrong with this! Women were repeatedly raped by their owners. Many women were made to bear children over and over so that they could be sold to other slave owners. Their housing was four walls and maybe some slats to sleep on.

And does this look like someone who should have been happy to be a slave?



I always thought you were heartless, but this is even worse that I could imagine.

Tipsy is a Russian troll.
Thanks for that info. I was told by someone that she was originally Katzendogs and was a far fringe lunatic.

Both are true; she's also obviously a sociopath and a dystopian nihilist who wants to shoot pot smokers in the face.
Most people would enjoy slavery. They only long for a just and generous master.

Imagine to be provided housing, clothing, medical care, food, a guaranteed job. The evils of competition and the destruction of meritocracy don't exist. The master is the sole provider of the necessities of life.

Is this slavery or liberalism? It's the same thing.
Holy God! I can't even begin to state what is so disgustingly wrong with this! Women were repeatedly raped by their owners. Many women were made to bear children over and over so that they could be sold to other slave owners. Their housing was four walls and maybe some slats to sleep on.

And does this look like someone who should have been happy to be a slave?



I always thought you were heartless, but this is even worse that I could imagine.
Nobody is defending slavery but most slavery was likely not what you described. An animal owner who treats their pets that way not get the desired results. There needs to be reward.
But that doesn’t jibe with the left wing narrative.
They were socially and legally given the rights of animals and were treated no better. The owners were terrified of slave rebellion and black slaves having sexual relations with white females.
White slaveowners breeding with black female slaves was perfectly acceptable

It was considered a community civic duty for the men to ride in "slave patrols" also called "night patrols" or "regulators" who would scour the countryside for escaped slaves. That was going on since at least the 18th century. Lincoln's father rode with one in Indiana. After the Civil War this element latched onto the newly-hatched Ku Klux Klan to do their night riding in a new uniform.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Oh this is DIRECTLY out of the Cult of the Lost Cause Revisionism propaganda.

Same fantasy that set up all those statues and monuments under fire.

How many Americans were you thinking of? I never met a single white person or ever heard of one that thought slavery was anything but an evil American institution we still suffer repercussions from.

There were certainly less whites, and Americans of all sorts, who thought slavery was okay than pro choice leftists who think the lives of small helpless children are of no importance and legally theirs to do with whatever they wish which is precisely, ironically, the slave holders view of their slave's lives. They belonged to the slave masters.

They were less than human, not legally recognized with rights... they were expendable...just like the unborn.

Do leftists acknowledge the link between the moral catastrophe of slavery and it's contemporary great American twin evil brought to us by the left wing pro choice machine?

And just like that here's post two, the Lost Cause Cult sending its minions to deflect onto something else to take off the spotlight.


For many decades, the South was far Left. They voted overwhelmingly for Wilson and FDR, and the extreme programs. And during that time, they didn't go out of their way to try and denigrate the Southern people.

It was only after the South rejected their continued presence on the Democrat Plantation, that the libs decided to destroy the south's history.

Strictly speaking, all the slave owners as well as slaves died a long ass time ago.

I don't know how well or ill we Poles treated our slaves, and I don't know how well or ill the Southerners treated their slaves. I suppose it varied like people today

You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK. Don't sit here and try to tell me my own history. You're not even within smelling distance of qualified.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Oh this is DIRECTLY out of the Cult of the Lost Cause Revisionism propaganda.

Same fantasy that set up all those statues and monuments under fire.

How many Americans were you thinking of? I never met a single white person or ever heard of one that thought slavery was anything but an evil American institution we still suffer repercussions from.

There were certainly less whites, and Americans of all sorts, who thought slavery was okay than pro choice leftists who think the lives of small helpless children are of no importance and legally theirs to do with whatever they wish which is precisely, ironically, the slave holders view of their slave's lives. They belonged to the slave masters.

They were less than human, not legally recognized with rights... they were expendable...just like the unborn.

Do leftists acknowledge the link between the moral catastrophe of slavery and it's contemporary great American twin evil brought to us by the left wing pro choice machine?

And just like that here's post two, the Lost Cause Cult sending its minions to deflect onto something else to take off the spotlight.


For many decades, the South was far Left. They voted overwhelmingly for Wilson and FDR, and the extreme programs. And during that time, they didn't go out of their way to try and denigrate the Southern people.

It was only after the South rejected their continued presence on the Democrat Plantation, that the libs decided to destroy the south's history.

Strictly speaking, all the slave owners as well as slaves died a long ass time ago.

I don't know how well or ill we Poles treated our slaves, and I don't know how well or ill the Southerners treated their slaves. I suppose it varied like people today

You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK.

FDR was extreme left, and the south supported him overwhelmingly. Ditto with President Wilson
Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Why should they remove it except under fear of progressive PC punishment if it was actually true? Are you saying that slaves COULDN'T have been happy and well taken care of just because its frowned upon now? They might have been owned people but you have to look at it under the context of the time it happened in, not some space age, futuristic view centuries in the future! Are you saying that the HUNDREDS of movies made depicting family owned slaves of that day as content and cared for were all factually gross lies?


That was simple. See the Cult of the Lost Cause that made those movies, from "Birth of a Nation" to "Gone With the Wind". Now you know what the word "propaganda" means..

These people were living in a huge mansion, state of the art in its day, making beds, cooking, serving meals, cleaning, working various tasks around the place, caring for horses, children, running errands, learning english, pretty decent clothes to wear, surrounded by drapery and gardens, getting medical attention . . . . what would have been their lives back in Africa?

Dignity. Status. Having control of one's own destiny. You know, silly stuff like having an actual family without having it torn apart because somebody got sold.

WHO ARE YOU to decide, centuries after the fact that this was wrong in every case and they weren't happy? How many surviving records from the 19th century have you checked where slaves were actually interviewed and ASKED THEIR OPINIONS?

Have you checked how many slave rebellions and escapes were going on constantly, since literally the first ones that were brought here in 1534?

No, I thought not.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Oh this is DIRECTLY out of the Cult of the Lost Cause Revisionism propaganda.

Same fantasy that set up all those statues and monuments under fire.

How many Americans were you thinking of? I never met a single white person or ever heard of one that thought slavery was anything but an evil American institution we still suffer repercussions from.

There were certainly less whites, and Americans of all sorts, who thought slavery was okay than pro choice leftists who think the lives of small helpless children are of no importance and legally theirs to do with whatever they wish which is precisely, ironically, the slave holders view of their slave's lives. They belonged to the slave masters.

They were less than human, not legally recognized with rights... they were expendable...just like the unborn.

Do leftists acknowledge the link between the moral catastrophe of slavery and it's contemporary great American twin evil brought to us by the left wing pro choice machine?

And just like that here's post two, the Lost Cause Cult sending its minions to deflect onto something else to take off the spotlight.


For many decades, the South was far Left. They voted overwhelmingly for Wilson and FDR, and the extreme programs. And during that time, they didn't go out of their way to try and denigrate the Southern people.

It was only after the South rejected their continued presence on the Democrat Plantation, that the libs decided to destroy the south's history.

Strictly speaking, all the slave owners as well as slaves died a long ass time ago.

I don't know how well or ill we Poles treated our slaves, and I don't know how well or ill the Southerners treated their slaves. I suppose it varied like people today

You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK.

FDR was extreme left, and the south supported him overwhelmingly. Ditto with President Wilson

I see you use your ignorance like a shovel to dig even deeper.

Wilson was a racist asshole, a total conservative. You know NOTHING about this country's history. And when I say "nothing" I'm exaggerating.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?

Oh this is DIRECTLY out of the Cult of the Lost Cause Revisionism propaganda.

Same fantasy that set up all those statues and monuments under fire.

How many Americans were you thinking of? I never met a single white person or ever heard of one that thought slavery was anything but an evil American institution we still suffer repercussions from.

There were certainly less whites, and Americans of all sorts, who thought slavery was okay than pro choice leftists who think the lives of small helpless children are of no importance and legally theirs to do with whatever they wish which is precisely, ironically, the slave holders view of their slave's lives. They belonged to the slave masters.

They were less than human, not legally recognized with rights... they were expendable...just like the unborn.

Do leftists acknowledge the link between the moral catastrophe of slavery and it's contemporary great American twin evil brought to us by the left wing pro choice machine?

And just like that here's post two, the Lost Cause Cult sending its minions to deflect onto something else to take off the spotlight.


For many decades, the South was far Left. They voted overwhelmingly for Wilson and FDR, and the extreme programs. And during that time, they didn't go out of their way to try and denigrate the Southern people.

It was only after the South rejected their continued presence on the Democrat Plantation, that the libs decided to destroy the south's history.

Strictly speaking, all the slave owners as well as slaves died a long ass time ago.

I don't know how well or ill we Poles treated our slaves, and I don't know how well or ill the Southerners treated their slaves. I suppose it varied like people today

You monstrosusly profound idiot. At no time in HISTORY has the American South EVER been "far left". It's been hyperconservative until fairly recently, when it's slowly migrating into only seriously conservative.

Voting for Democrats doesn't mean "far-left", MORON. It means for a hundred years it wasn't going to be associated with the "party of Lincoln", no matter what. Nor has the Democratic party ever been "far-left" anyway, especially in the 19th century.

Holy SHIT you're a stupid FUCK.

FDR was extreme left, and the south supported him overwhelmingly. Ditto with President Wilson

I see you use your ignorance like a shovel to dig even deeper.

Wilson was a racist asshole, a total conservative. You know NOTHING about this country's history. And when I say "nothing" I'm exaggerating.

WIlson was racist, yes. But he was also an ultra Progressive Ivy League academic. Dr. Beck spoke about the progressive kingpin extensively on TV.
Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Why should they remove it except under fear of progressive PC punishment if it was actually true? Are you saying that slaves COULDN'T have been happy and well taken care of just because its frowned upon now? They might have been owned people but you have to look at it under the context of the time it happened in, not some space age, futuristic view centuries in the future! Are you saying that the HUNDREDS of movies made depicting family owned slaves of that day as content and cared for were all factually gross lies? These people were living in a huge mansion, state of the art in its day, making beds, cooking, serving meals, cleaning, working various tasks around the place, caring for horses, children, running errands, learning english, pretty decent clothes to wear, surrounded by drapery and gardens, getting medical attention . . . . what would have been their lives back in Africa?

WHO ARE YOU to decide, centuries after the fact that this was wrong in every case and they weren't happy? How many surviving records from the 19th century have you checked where slaves were actually interviewed and ASKED THEIR OPINIONS?
The photographs of starving naked Africans, in Africa, are much worse then the photographs of clothed and well fed slaves of the antebellum south. Were some beaten? Sure. Did they deserve it? I have no idea. Injuring a slave and reducing its value would not be a practice widely performed. They were an investment.
What in your mind constitutes deserving to be beaten like the person in one of the pictures I posted? And you think putting value on another person so that they can be sold is a reason not to whip them almost to death? Most slaves were sold as families with children, or children alone, or young men and women before the torture started.
With every post, you revel yourself to be even more disgusting when I didn't think that was possible.
I have no idea what crime or crimes necessitated whipping to generate such scarring. Although, the extent of such scars suggest whipping on more than one occasion. This might possibly have been a multiple offense criminal. Today he might have been executed or killed in a drive by.

The financial investment in slaves certainly precluded endangering their lives. After all, no one mistreated horses or livestock. There is no reason to mistreat slaves without reason.

The treatment of slaves 200 years ago has no bearing on the mental desires of the natural slave today. We don't know whether black slaves truly wanted to be guaranteed employment and the level of care given to the owned person. Or, whether they would have preferred the dangers and risks of freedom.

Yeah actually we DO know that you great retard. We know that because they were always trying to escape. We know that because "slave patrols" were mustered to go look for them when they did escape, we know that because laws were passed about claiming slaves when found as "property"; we know that because slave rebellions rose up; one of them precipitated the goddam Civil War, another birthed the first republic in the Americas after the United States (Haiti); we know that because there was a FUCKING UNDERGROUND RAILROAD set up to help them escape, you blithering sack of ignorant turd material.
Most of Trump's old, uneducated white base won't believe it.

They think that the blacks were well taken care of as slaves.

How is Trump a racist? He was loved by Oprah, snoop dog, will smith, the entire rap community, that is, until he decided to run for President....now he is a racist...

You people are so fucking obvious in your hate and actual racism.

So fucking obvious that nothing in the post you quoted even mentions ''racism" at all.

You lose.
Louisiana's most visited plantation removes sign declaring slaves were 'happy & well taken care of'

Why should they remove it except under fear of progressive PC punishment if it was actually true? Are you saying that slaves COULDN'T have been happy and well taken care of just because its frowned upon now? They might have been owned people but you have to look at it under the context of the time it happened in, not some space age, futuristic view centuries in the future! Are you saying that the HUNDREDS of movies made depicting family owned slaves of that day as content and cared for were all factually gross lies? These people were living in a huge mansion, state of the art in its day, making beds, cooking, serving meals, cleaning, working various tasks around the place, caring for horses, children, running errands, learning english, pretty decent clothes to wear, surrounded by drapery and gardens, getting medical attention . . . . what would have been their lives back in Africa?

WHO ARE YOU to decide, centuries after the fact that this was wrong in every case and they weren't happy? How many surviving records from the 19th century have you checked where slaves were actually interviewed and ASKED THEIR OPINIONS?
The photographs of starving naked Africans, in Africa, are much worse then the photographs of clothed and well fed slaves of the antebellum south. Were some beaten? Sure. Did they deserve it? I have no idea. Injuring a slave and reducing its value would not be a practice widely performed. They were an investment.
What in your mind constitutes deserving to be beaten like the person in one of the pictures I posted? And you think putting value on another person so that they can be sold is a reason not to whip them almost to death? Most slaves were sold as families with children, or children alone, or young men and women before the torture started.
With every post, you revel yourself to be even more disgusting when I didn't think that was possible.
I have no idea what crime or crimes necessitated whipping to generate such scarring. Although, the extent of such scars suggest whipping on more than one occasion. This might possibly have been a multiple offense criminal. Today he might have been executed or killed in a drive by.

The financial investment in slaves certainly precluded endangering their lives. After all, no one mistreated horses or livestock. There is no reason to mistreat slaves without reason.

The treatment of slaves 200 years ago has no bearing on the mental desires of the natural slave today. We don't know whether black slaves truly wanted to be guaranteed employment and the level of care given to the owned person. Or, whether they would have preferred the dangers and risks of freedom.

Yeah actually we DO know that you great retard. We know that because they were always trying to escape. We know that because "slave patrols" were mustered to go look for them when they did escape, we know that because laws were passed about claiming slaves when found as "property"; we know that because slave rebellions rose up; one of them precipitated the goddam Civil War, another birthed the first republic in the Americas after the United States (Haiti); we know that because there was a FUCKING UNDERGROUND RAILROAD set up to help them escape, you blithering sack of ignorant turd material.
It pleases me that I can reduce you to blithering drool.

Nothing you have pissed out of your mouth changes a thing. People who want to be taken care of; those who want more and more free shit are natural born slaves. You might be one yourself.
In the estate of the slaveholder the master owns all. The art of the potter, the sculptor, the seamstress, the labor of the fieldhands. The master sells the work of the slaves and uses the proceeds for the benefit of the estate including the needs of the slaves. A thoughtful master would provide birth control. It is the free woman who could buy it for herself. But some women would rather have slavery.
In the estate of the slaveholder the master owns all. The art of the potter, the sculptor, the seamstress, the labor of the fieldhands. The master sells the work of the slaves and uses the proceeds for the benefit of the estate including the needs of the slaves. A thoughtful master would provide birth control. It is the free woman who could buy it for herself. But some women would rather have slavery.
You are truly delusional. You want one person to take the fruits and labors of others and then decide who gets what from it, including themselves.Sounds like the trickle down concept the Republicans are always implementing, and we all know how that is not working. The owner would keep almost all of it and dole out the bare minimum to the actual producers.
Are you one of the women who would rather be a slave to someone than provide for yourself? Sounds like it to me. Well, if that's what you want, I'm sure you can find a man who would be willing to do it as long as you did what he demanded, or until he grew tired of you and threw you aside.
And what about the family who is having to work several jobs just to make ends meet thanks to the greedy employers who keep all of the profits for themselves and pay them almost nothing? Where will they get the extra money to send their child to any kind of school? Is the kid just supposed to stay illiterate and uneducated?
You have a very black view of life and I would hate to be you. What you seem to want is a country run like NK where the leader doles out the bare minimum to it's citizens and tells them they should be grateful for the crumbs that are barely keeping them alive. All the while living like a king with all of the riches for himself. It's no wonder you worship at the feet of tramp because it's what he wants too. But I think you would be in for a surprise when you find yourself on the receiving end of the crumbs instead of the riches.
To quote George Carlin, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."
I don't want a master. I don't want anyone to have a master. You keep what you make. If you don't have enough tough noogies. Make do or do without. No one owes you jack. I have always taken care of myself. I put myself though college to two masters degrees. I put myself though law school and built a successful law firm. Alone. No student loans. .

Sure you did. I myself wrote the Bhagavad Gita, War and Peace and the Rio de Janeiro phone book. I invented paper, rocks and scissors as well as the Inuit language. Cleopatra shines my shoes and Elvis lives upstairs. All things are possible on the internet.

You? You're a fucking loser. It's all over your posts.

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?


An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
Looks like a nice place! Maybe they liked it better than the mud hut they had in Africa. :04:
In the estate of the slaveholder the master owns all. The art of the potter, the sculptor, the seamstress, the labor of the fieldhands. The master sells the work of the slaves and uses the proceeds for the benefit of the estate including the needs of the slaves. A thoughtful master would provide birth control. It is the free woman who could buy it for herself. But some women would rather have slavery.
In the estate of the slaveholder the master owns all. The art of the potter, the sculptor, the seamstress, the labor of the fieldhands. The master sells the work of the slaves and uses the proceeds for the benefit of the estate including the needs of the slaves. A thoughtful master would provide birth control. It is the free woman who could buy it for herself. But some women would rather have slavery.
You are truly delusional. You want one person to take the fruits and labors of others and then decide who gets what from it, including themselves.Sounds like the trickle down concept the Republicans are always implementing, and we all know how that is not working. The owner would keep almost all of it and dole out the bare minimum to the actual producers.
Are you one of the women who would rather be a slave to someone than provide for yourself? Sounds like it to me. Well, if that's what you want, I'm sure you can find a man who would be willing to do it as long as you did what he demanded, or until he grew tired of you and threw you aside.
And what about the family who is having to work several jobs just to make ends meet thanks to the greedy employers who keep all of the profits for themselves and pay them almost nothing? Where will they get the extra money to send their child to any kind of school? Is the kid just supposed to stay illiterate and uneducated?
You have a very black view of life and I would hate to be you. What you seem to want is a country run like NK where the leader doles out the bare minimum to it's citizens and tells them they should be grateful for the crumbs that are barely keeping them alive. All the while living like a king with all of the riches for himself. It's no wonder you worship at the feet of tramp because it's what he wants too. But I think you would be in for a surprise when you find yourself on the receiving end of the crumbs instead of the riches.
To quote George Carlin, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."
I don't want a master. I don't want anyone to have a master. You keep what you make. If you don't have enough tough noogies. Make do or do without. No one owes you jack. I have always taken care of myself. I put myself though college to two masters degrees. I put myself though law school and built a successful law firm. Alone. No student loans. .

Sure you did. I myself wrote the Bhagavad Gita, War and Peace and the Rio de Janeiro phone book. I invented paper, rocks and scissors as well as the Inuit language. Cleopatra shines my shoes and Elvis lives upstairs. All things are possible on the internet.

You? You're a fucking loser. It's all over your posts.
I do love to see you dither. Do some more! Gads to think I can sit here in pajamas and slippers and drive you close to the edge.

Can I push you over? I hope so. Come on let's see what you got. Let's see what you really got. Like spit all over your screen.
Why should they remove it except under fear of progressive PC punishment if it was actually true? Are you saying that slaves COULDN'T have been happy and well taken care of just because its frowned upon now? They might have been owned people but you have to look at it under the context of the time it happened in, not some space age, futuristic view centuries in the future! Are you saying that the HUNDREDS of movies made depicting family owned slaves of that day as content and cared for were all factually gross lies? These people were living in a huge mansion, state of the art in its day, making beds, cooking, serving meals, cleaning, working various tasks around the place, caring for horses, children, running errands, learning english, pretty decent clothes to wear, surrounded by drapery and gardens, getting medical attention . . . . what would have been their lives back in Africa?

WHO ARE YOU to decide, centuries after the fact that this was wrong in every case and they weren't happy? How many surviving records from the 19th century have you checked where slaves were actually interviewed and ASKED THEIR OPINIONS?
The photographs of starving naked Africans, in Africa, are much worse then the photographs of clothed and well fed slaves of the antebellum south. Were some beaten? Sure. Did they deserve it? I have no idea. Injuring a slave and reducing its value would not be a practice widely performed. They were an investment.
What in your mind constitutes deserving to be beaten like the person in one of the pictures I posted? And you think putting value on another person so that they can be sold is a reason not to whip them almost to death? Most slaves were sold as families with children, or children alone, or young men and women before the torture started.
With every post, you revel yourself to be even more disgusting when I didn't think that was possible.
I have no idea what crime or crimes necessitated whipping to generate such scarring. Although, the extent of such scars suggest whipping on more than one occasion. This might possibly have been a multiple offense criminal. Today he might have been executed or killed in a drive by.

The financial investment in slaves certainly precluded endangering their lives. After all, no one mistreated horses or livestock. There is no reason to mistreat slaves without reason.

The treatment of slaves 200 years ago has no bearing on the mental desires of the natural slave today. We don't know whether black slaves truly wanted to be guaranteed employment and the level of care given to the owned person. Or, whether they would have preferred the dangers and risks of freedom.

Yeah actually we DO know that you great retard. We know that because they were always trying to escape. We know that because "slave patrols" were mustered to go look for them when they did escape, we know that because laws were passed about claiming slaves when found as "property"; we know that because slave rebellions rose up; one of them precipitated the goddam Civil War, another birthed the first republic in the Americas after the United States (Haiti); we know that because there was a FUCKING UNDERGROUND RAILROAD set up to help them escape, you blithering sack of ignorant turd material.
It pleases me that I can reduce you to blithering drool.

Nothing you have pissed out of your mouth changes a thing. People who want to be taken care of; those who want more and more free shit are natural born slaves. You might be one yourself.

Slavery was such a bad thing, that's why millions of blacks today and their democrat masters still petition and work hard every day trying to return us to being owned by and taken care of by the state. Government food, government shelter, government jobs, now government healthcare. And those evil conservative keep preaching about the virtues of autonomy.

Most of the slave owners in Louisiana were black haha
No, they weren't.

(thanks for bringing this up, it made me do some research on it, to learn more)

there were many black slave owners in Louisiana, 40% of freed blacks bought their wives and children, to give them freedom from white slave owners... most owned only 1 slave, their wife or husband or child, who they purchased...

but even with the other Blacks that owned plantations and had slaves for their labor, they did NOT own more slaves, than white slave owners.... they were 1/10th of the slave owners....

9/10ths were white slave owners

An official sign declaring that slaves were 'well taken-care of and happy' at Louisiana's most-visited historical site - a former cotton plantation - has been taken down.

It's unclear how long the sign was up at the state-owned and operated Rosedown Plantation, which sits on 374 acres in St. Francisville.

It was on display in the plantation's detached kitchen as part of an exhibit called 'Slave Life at Rosedown.'

About 850 people had been enslaved there before the outbreak of the Civil War, including newborn babies and the elderly. The sign said they lived in 'prettily built and very comfortable' cabins, where they were awoken at 4am, and had 'a natural musical instinct' that was showcased at Christmas.


It goes on...

Source: Louisiana-owned plantation removes sign about 'happy' slaves | Daily Mail Online

My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America, and America's original sin?
My question is...why are so many whites so delusional about the worst thing that happened in America

The only one delusional, is you!

The worst thing that happened in America,
was bringing you Africans here, to begin with
Most of the slave owners in Louisiana were black haha
No, they weren't.

(thanks for bringing this up, it made me do some research on it, to learn more)

there were many black slave owners in Louisiana, 40% of freed blacks bought their wives and children, to give them freedom from white slave owners... most owned only 1 slave, their wife or husband or child, who they purchased...

but even with the other Blacks that owned plantations and had slaves for their labor, they did NOT own more slaves, than white slave owners.... they were 1/10th of the slave owners....

9/10ths were white slave owners
Most of the slave owners in Louisiana were black haha
No, they weren't.

(thanks for bringing this up, it made me do some research on it, to learn more)

there were many black slave owners in Louisiana, 40% of freed blacks bought their wives and children, to give them freedom from white slave owners... most owned only 1 slave, their wife or husband or child, who they purchased...

but even with the other Blacks that owned plantations and had slaves for their labor, they did NOT own more slaves, than white slave owners.... they were 1/10th of the slave owners....

9/10ths were white slave owners
Don’t down play owning slaves you sick Democrat. Owning women and children.. really? Most disgusting comment I’ve ever heard . Are you saying they enjoyed there times as slaves??

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