Louisville Shooter was a Trump hating lib

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

What well-regulated Militia do you belong to?
None Of Your Damn Business and Kiss My Ass Militia
One post from 3 years ago makes someone a Trump hating lib?

Holy crap dude, that is weak even by your low standards.
You need to shut your fucking trap up, all of you fascist democrats are murderous, just as long as you can get behind the back, all of you are evil and murderous sexual deviants! Its always a fascist democrat, its never a decent American, and implying such as you ludicrous filth always do is an oxymoron, its never a decent American and no decent American ever will be a shooter targeting the innocent from behind their backs!

Its always you fascist filth, just as we all know this kook is shaking out to be, so shut your fucking trap, its to damn bad we have not mandated by law that your names and address's must be posted in order to go online, if we could manage that it would kill fucks like you off immediately, you only do what you do because you think you are beyond our reach, as soon as that evaporates, you fascist fucks will evaporate! :wink:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

What well-regulated Militia do you belong to?
I'm an American citizen with the right to own and bear arms. Why does "the people" have a different meaning in the 2nd Amendment than any other location in the Bill of Rights (1st, 4th, 9th, 10th)?
Everyone uses pronouns. If someone asked "where did Rust go?" the answer would be "He went to the store"

Why do you all of a sudden want to pretend using pronouns is a new thing or a bad thing?
I don't know a single person who requires that I "know their pronouns." When I see a female ... she's a she. When I see a male ... he's a he. Super simple. No need to complicate things to appease some low IQ troglodyte.

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