Motive found in Louisville shooting: He was about to get fired

Trump supporters are bummed out

STFU, ignorant gaslighting troll.

While making your TDS-suffering comment you are too stupid to realize the reason he went on a shootong spree was because he was about to lose his job thanks to Biden's failed economy and the Democrats 'Everyone gets a trophy' policy in which kids never learned about how to deal with losing / failure.
Rural politicians aren't the shooters. The shooters are all urban kooks.

Rural Democrat politicians are the ones who protected, defended, encouraged, and incited the looters, graffiti artists, arsons, bomb-throwers, those who attempted to burn federal marshalls alive, those who assaulted, murdered, and the would-be attempted political assassins who shot Steve Scalise and sought to shoot / kill Republicans and USSC Justices.

Antifa is just a 'theory', was it?

Democrats encouraged the extremists to continue the violence even after tbe election...

DEMOCRATS personally threatened Republicans and USSC Justices, openly called for violence against them ... and their sheep followed / obeyed.

So don't give us the 'rural politicians are guilty of nothing' 'bovine feces'.
We are raising snowflakes who can't deal with the hard knocks of reality. I see it pervading lots of areas.

Most popular quotes on business network sites are garbage like "Your worth is not defined by other people." Spiritual worth aside, it generally is. People don't care how much you believe you are worth.

"If you are not getting the respect you deserve at your table, leave the table." How about you wonder why you are not getting that respect and figure out how to earn it.

All the shit many of us learned as kids playing in the neighborhood, far away from any overseeing adults.

These days everything is someone else's fault, and everyone automatically deserves respect for some reason.

Motive found in Louisville shooting: He was about to get fired​

In early Conservative America, killing everyone wasn't the remedy for being fired. You just moved on and looked for another job.

This is a recent product of the new and "improved" Progressive America where "mostly peaceful mass shootings" are cultivated and taught and self defense is shunned and prosecuted.
I was caught up in a layoff, and here‘s what I did:

1. I went home and threw up.
2. Cried the rest of the evening.
3. The next morning, updated my resume, began the application process, and ended up with a better job three weeks later.
The right to own human beings was taken away. If the 2nd amendment was a good thing, every country would have one. It`s been a disaster.
Every country doesn't have freedom of speech, religion, freedom, from searches and seizures either. Our system is better than any of the others.
Lots of things can save lives.

Drop the speed limit nationwide, even on highways to 40 MPH and you will save lives.

Get rid of all fast food joints and you will save lives.

Get rid of all pools and you will save lives.
The point being that people pick on the issues that don't impact them directly. If they don't use guns at all, they want to save lives by taking them from people who do. If they don't go into swimming pools, they'd have no problem with banning them in the name of safety. If they don't eat fast food, they want to save lives by preventing other people from eating it. And so on.
The Louisville shooter was informed he would be fired and he sought revenge.

Trump supporters are bummed out because they wanted this to be a political thing about him not liking Trump or something like that.
View attachment 775445
Fake news.
The Louisville shooter was informed he would be fired and he sought revenge.

Trump supporters are bummed out because they wanted this to be a political thing about him not liking Trump or something like that.
View attachment 775445
He was also fucked up on screenal space and jonesing for movie-making recognition.

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