Love It: Ku Klux Klan's 1st Grand Wizard Commemorated In Billboard Erected At Foot Of Selma Bridge

I look forward to the day we get to cleanse America.

Me too. Why don't you get us started by moving to another planet.

I look forward to the day we get to cleanse America.

Why? Are you and the other animals leaving?

Me too. Why don't you get us started by moving to another planet.[/QUOTE]

I look forward to the day we get to cleanse America.

Why? Are you and the other animals leaving?
There wont be any leaving...:)
Nothing and I do mean NOTHING is more cowardly than the kkk.

That fact is proven here every day by certain chicken shit posters. ^^^^


On that...we agree. They're just as disgusting as ISIS or the Black Panthers.

And yet ISIS isn't fighting in this country and there are maybe two black panthers.

The rightwingnut defense of bigots is beyond belief
Nothing and I do mean NOTHING is more cowardly than the kkk.

That fact is proven here every day by certain chicken shit posters. ^^^^


On that...we agree. They're just as disgusting as ISIS or the Black Panthers.

And yet ISIS isn't fighting in this country and there are maybe two black panthers.

The rightwingnut defense of bigots is beyond belief
Odium said:
I prefer black coffee with sugar in it.

I bet you prefer black cream in your coffee pot too :ssex:

Don't you, you little bitch?
Aw another wittle anti white racist...shouldn't you be out protesting and rioting with the rest of the coons.
Sorry, mouth breather, but I'm not black. I'm an anti-racist white person. Shouldn't you be at a family reunion looking for a date, you inbred, ignorant hick sack of shit?
Anti Racist is Codeword for Anti White.
You're code word for stupid sack of shit.
Hey Odium I found a new hood for your white dress. I got you two of them in case you can't figure out how to do it the first time.
Most KKK members these days are undercover FBI. The Klan types have all joined militias now. If Uncle Sugar would stop paying the KKK dues from their moles, there would be no Klan. :rolleyes-41:
Oh yes, there will always be the KKK. We will always have cowardly little cocksucks among us who have to hide there faces behind a bedsheet.
This reeks of an MSNBC stunt. For a week or more leading up to this Selma anniversary, one of the commentators there has been talking quite a bit about "conservatives = Scalise = Duke = KKK". Any group specifically claiming ownership of the billboard?
Those Klan members...such scamps.

I think we should have open season on them.

Shoot them in their tracks and let them lay there and rot.

The world would be much better off without this scum.

I dont advocate murder.

But...the klan is disgusting. Any race based group is.
Are you not proud of your race and want to preserve it and its heritage?

I am proud of myself, my family and my people. But I do not try to claim pride for a specific race at the exclusion of another.

And I damn sure don't claim pride in a terrorist organization that was responsible for cold-blooded murder.
This reeks of an MSNBC stunt. For a week or more leading up to this Selma anniversary, one of the commentators there has been talking quite a bit about "conservatives = Scalise = Duke = KKK". Any group specifically claiming ownership of the billboard?

Yep. "Friends of Forrestt, Inc". Says so right on the sign.

Here's some more information about the "Wizardess" who put it up...

The billboard was erected by the friends of Forrest, Inc., a historical group that says it meant nothing racist by placing the billboard so close to this historic Edmund Pettus Bridge.

Spokeswoman Patricia Goodwin told the News, “That billboard was put there with positive intent to ask people who come to Selma to explore and enjoy our 19th century history. Does it say anything in the Constitution where a certain faction of people cannot be offended? I’m offended by all these people walking around with their pants hanging around their knees.”

She claims that she only chose the location because of its high visibility to visitors.

The Southern Poverty Law Center pointed out that Goodwin is a known neo-Confederate activist who has called the historic 1965 march “the Mother of All Orgies” and has previously fought efforts to commemorate the civil rights marchers who were beaten with bullwhips and police batons on Bloody Sunday.

Godwin is known for signing her emails “The Wizardess,” a reference to Forrest’s title as the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

Neo-confederate Klan Wizardess erected pro-KKK billboard near historic Selma bridge
Odium said:
I prefer black coffee with sugar in it.

I bet you prefer black cream in your coffee pot too :ssex:

Don't you, you little bitch?
Aw another wittle anti white racist...shouldn't you be out protesting and rioting with the rest of the coons.
Sorry, mouth breather, but I'm not black. I'm an anti-racist white person. Shouldn't you be at a family reunion looking for a date, you inbred, ignorant hick sack of shit?
Anti Racist is Codeword for Anti White.

It is nice that you pretend to have some code for such things.

But the simple fact is that words do have specific meanings. "Anti-racist" means they are against racial prejudice, or against the idea that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities.
It brings joy to see a great respected courageous man being commemorated in a beautiful billboard at the base of the Selma Bridge where a 'retrograde species of humanity' by the thousands will converge tomorrow. Former democrat senator and Ku Klux Klan Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd would have been delighted seeing this.


KKK founder remembered in billboard at the foot of Selma bridge Daily Mail Online

I wonder if it's possible for someone with no soul to burn in Hell for eternity. I think you'll probably languish in purgatory.
Most KKK members these days are undercover FBI. The Klan types have all joined militias now. If Uncle Sugar would stop paying the KKK dues from their moles, there would be no Klan. :rolleyes-41:
Yep...most legit Klan members have gone Lone Wolf...or they stay legit.
Odium said:
I prefer black coffee with sugar in it.

I bet you prefer black cream in your coffee pot too :ssex:

Don't you, you little bitch?
Aw another wittle anti white racist...shouldn't you be out protesting and rioting with the rest of the coons.
Sorry, mouth breather, but I'm not black. I'm an anti-racist white person. Shouldn't you be at a family reunion looking for a date, you inbred, ignorant hick sack of shit?
Anti Racist is Codeword for Anti White.

It is nice that you pretend to have some code for such things.

But the simple fact is that words do have specific meanings. "Anti-racist" means they are against racial prejudice, or against the idea that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities.
Try paying attention to 99.9% of the people the media and its attack dogs call "racist". They are ALL white.Like I said anti racist is codeword for anti white.

I look forward to the day we get to cleanse America.

I almost look forward to the day you try.
Well its coming...the government keeps invading other countries,getting more in debt,its trying to prop up a decaying dead empire and eventually its going to fall. You think you are a badass because you have a one is scared. A small band of people whose ideology they believe in so heavily and loyally will always win. Much like Al Qaeda and ISIS. You can bet members of the military are on our side as well.
Most KKK members these days are undercover FBI. The Klan types have all joined militias now. If Uncle Sugar would stop paying the KKK dues from their moles, there would be no Klan. :rolleyes-41:
Yep...most legit Klan members have gone Lone Wolf...or they stay legit.
I bet you prefer black cream in your coffee pot too :ssex:

Don't you, you little bitch?
Aw another wittle anti white racist...shouldn't you be out protesting and rioting with the rest of the coons.
Sorry, mouth breather, but I'm not black. I'm an anti-racist white person. Shouldn't you be at a family reunion looking for a date, you inbred, ignorant hick sack of shit?
Anti Racist is Codeword for Anti White.

It is nice that you pretend to have some code for such things.

But the simple fact is that words do have specific meanings. "Anti-racist" means they are against racial prejudice, or against the idea that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities.
Try paying attention to 99.9% of the people the media and its attack dogs call "racist". They are ALL white.Like I said anti racist is codeword for anti white.

I look forward to the day we get to cleanse America.

I almost look forward to the day you try.
Well its coming...the government keeps invading other countries,getting more in debt,its trying to prop up a decaying dead empire and eventually its going to fall. You think you are a badass because you have a one is scared. A small band of people whose ideology they believe in so heavily and loyally will always win. Much like Al Qaeda and ISIS. You can bet members of the military are on our side as well.

Like I have said before, let me know when y'aal will be in Atlanta to "cleanse". I'll be happy to stand against you. But you and your ilk won't do anything in the light of day. You'll only act when you have the poor black guy outnumbered 10 to 1 and when you can hide your identity. Not much to fear from such cowardice.

If you are betting on the military for help with your "cleansing", you might want to push to get them military segregated again. They fight for their buddies beside them. Yeah, there may be a few racists, but even most of those will stand by their fellow soldiers.

And the idea that you can determine what is a "codeword" and therefore determine the meaning, is laughable.
Nothing and I do mean NOTHING is more cowardly than the kkk.

That fact is proven here every day by certain chicken shit posters. ^^^^

:boohoo::boohoo::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: Perfect response to the cry baby.

I don't hide behind bed sheets or the internet.

You do.
Then you are planning on telling us your real name?

Most KKK members these days are undercover FBI. The Klan types have all joined militias now. If Uncle Sugar would stop paying the KKK dues from their moles, there would be no Klan. :rolleyes-41:
Yep...most legit Klan members have gone Lone Wolf...or they stay legit.
Aw another wittle anti white racist...shouldn't you be out protesting and rioting with the rest of the coons.
Sorry, mouth breather, but I'm not black. I'm an anti-racist white person. Shouldn't you be at a family reunion looking for a date, you inbred, ignorant hick sack of shit?
Anti Racist is Codeword for Anti White.

It is nice that you pretend to have some code for such things.

But the simple fact is that words do have specific meanings. "Anti-racist" means they are against racial prejudice, or against the idea that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities.
Try paying attention to 99.9% of the people the media and its attack dogs call "racist". They are ALL white.Like I said anti racist is codeword for anti white.

I look forward to the day we get to cleanse America.

I almost look forward to the day you try.
Well its coming...the government keeps invading other countries,getting more in debt,its trying to prop up a decaying dead empire and eventually its going to fall. You think you are a badass because you have a one is scared. A small band of people whose ideology they believe in so heavily and loyally will always win. Much like Al Qaeda and ISIS. You can bet members of the military are on our side as well.

Like I have said before, let me know when y'aal will be in Atlanta to "cleanse". I'll be happy to stand against you. But you and your ilk won't do anything in the light of day. You'll only act when you have the poor black guy outnumbered 10 to 1 and when you can hide your identity. Not much to fear from such cowardice.

If you are betting on the military for help with your "cleansing", you might want to push to get them military segregated again. They fight for their buddies beside them. Yeah, there may be a few racists, but even most of those will stand by their fellow soldiers.

And the idea that you can determine what is a "codeword" and therefore determine the meaning, is laughable.
Lol Atlanta aka Apelanta. Where abouts? I ain't far from you. Its not me or anyone I agree with helping me its the blacks in Atlanta...its either gonna be blacks vs mexicans or mexicans and blacks against the whites first. Depending on where the SHTF at first if I was you I would get the hell out of Atlanta. See at the VERY heart of it all and all this racial brotherly love shit whites hate blacks,blacks hate whites,blacks hate mexicans etc etc etc...its a circle. The blacks in the military will take over majority black bases and whites will do the same. Once the country hits the crapper its gonna be all hell broken loose.Course I would rather have it happen like in some of my favorite books like Turner Diaries or Dark Millennium but ya know we can't really choose.We just adapt.

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