Love your nighbor like yourself

A man went to Rabbi Hillel and asked him to teach him the entire torah while he stood on one foot.

Rabbi Hillel said "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Everything else, he said was explanations. Go and read the explainations.

He also said don't do on to others what you hate done on to you (paraphrase)

No offense but when my forefathers were hanged from trees I cannot love that, nor forget.

Rick Ross says: God forgives I dont

I doubt most people are alive today when this occurred.

So who are you hating?

I notice a lot of naive white folks that think atrocities like hangings, cross burnings happened in slavery. My grandfather who lived in Mississippi told me about such incidents that went on in the 60's. Try understanding black history before you assume.
A man went to Rabbi Hillel and asked him to teach him the entire torah while he stood on one foot.

Rabbi Hillel said "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Everything else, he said was explanations. Go and read the explainations.

He also said don't do on to others what you hate done on to you (paraphrase)

No offense but when my forefathers were hanged from trees I cannot love that, nor forget.

Rick Ross says: God forgives I dont

You have to be able to forgive if you expect to be forgiven.

Forgiven by whom?
No offense but when my forefathers were hanged from trees I cannot love that, nor forget.

Rick Ross says: God forgives I dont

I doubt most people are alive today when this occurred.

So who are you hating?

I notice a lot of naive white folks that think atrocities like hangings, cross burnings happened in slavery. My grandfather who lived in Mississippi told me about such incidents that went on in the 60's. Try understanding black history before you assume.

So you hate all white people, based on what some did? How does that make sense?
A man went to Rabbi Hillel and asked him to teach him the entire torah while he stood on one foot.

Rabbi Hillel said "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Everything else, he said was explanations. Go and read the explainations.

He also said don't do on to others what you hate done on to you (paraphrase)

No offense but when my forefathers were hanged from trees I cannot love that, nor forget.

Rick Ross says: God forgives I dont

Then you cannot lay claim to God's forgiveness: "Forgive us our trespasses AS WE forgive those who trespass against us."

It's conditional. If you want to be forgiven, you have to forgive.
A man went to Rabbi Hillel and asked him to teach him the entire torah while he stood on one foot.

Rabbi Hillel said "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Everything else, he said was explanations. Go and read the explainations.

He also said don't do on to others what you hate done on to you (paraphrase)

Jesus said to love God with all your heart, mind and strength, and to love others as you love yourself. That fulfills all the law. In other words, it stamps your obligations toward the Law as "Paid in full."
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A man went to Rabbi Hillel and asked him to teach him the entire torah while he stood on one foot.

Rabbi Hillel said "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Everything else, he said was explanations. Go and read the explainations.

He also said don't do on to others what you hate done on to you (paraphrase)

Neither is part of the 10 commandments....

English Standard Version

And God spoke all these words, saying,

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.


You shall have no other gods before me.


You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.


You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.


Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.


Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.


You shall not murder.


You shall not commit adultery.


You shall not steal.


You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.


You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.

Love thy neighbor is in THE BIBLE more than any other sentence.

Being Christlike is one's daily walk with others is more important than following ancient "commands".
A man went to Rabbi Hillel and asked him to teach him the entire torah while he stood on one foot.

Rabbi Hillel said "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Everything else, he said was explanations. Go and read the explainations.

He also said don't do on to others what you hate done on to you (paraphrase)

Yes, Rabbi Lau (Shlit'a) has spoken of this in one of his lecture.

He said (Hillel), "love is hard", how can you order someone to love? it's hard to love, it's hard to care, it is not something which comes naturally. that is why Hillel added a negative form, which is more hard to 'stand', he said, 'On one foot, basic of Judaism is - "Ma Dessani Alach, Lechavrecha Lo Ta'avid"- 'This is that which you hate, don't do unto your friend'.:redface:
BTW, it's not "love thy neighbor" it's "Love thy friend". the word uses is "Re'a" (Friend, mate) not Shachen(neighbor).

It loses something in translation, I guess.
A man went to Rabbi Hillel and asked him to teach him the entire torah while he stood on one foot.

Rabbi Hillel said "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Everything else, he said was explanations. Go and read the explainations.

He also said don't do on to others what you hate done on to you (paraphrase)

Ahhhhhhh, and to do that we must love ourselves first, for if we don't love ourselves we can't love our neighbor. Most people are filled with so much self loathing they can hardly stand to be in the room with themselves. Those people, I don't see loving their neighbor.

And how can you not stand in the room with yourself?

But the point is true, and understandable:tongue:
A man went to Rabbi Hillel and asked him to teach him the entire torah while he stood on one foot.

Rabbi Hillel said "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Everything else, he said was explanations. Go and read the explainations.

He also said don't do on to others what you hate done on to you (paraphrase)

No offense but when my forefathers were hanged from trees I cannot love that, nor forget.

Rick Ross says: God forgives I dont

But were you not the one who said in the other thread that Jesus always said to turn the other cheek/:eusa_eh:
Jesus started nothing. He believed to be son of God and Messiah based on the Jewish religion. He never intended to start new religion at all. He was born, raised, and died as a Jew.

He was a Jew himself. Nowhere it is said he hated Jews.
No offense but when my forefathers were hanged from trees I cannot love that, nor forget.

Rick Ross says: God forgives I dont

I doubt most people are alive today when this occurred.

So who are you hating?

I notice a lot of naive white folks that think atrocities like hangings, cross burnings happened in slavery. My grandfather who lived in Mississippi told me about such incidents that went on in the 60's. Try understanding black history before you assume.

This is perfectly understandable. It's why anyone beaten by a black mob of teenagers shouldn't be expected to forgive. When black vandals destroy a store, they should not be forgiven either and that atrocity be the acts of all black people everywhere. When Jamie Foxx said he killed all the white people, how great is that. It was the voice of the entirety of black America. Of course it's understandable.
BTW, it's not "love thy neighbor" it's "Love thy friend". the word uses is "Re'a" (Friend, mate) not Shachen(neighbor).

It loses something in translation, I guess.

No, it's the Greek word plēsion, which means friend, any other person or, where two people are concerned, the other one.
I doubt most people are alive today when this occurred.

So who are you hating?

I notice a lot of naive white folks that think atrocities like hangings, cross burnings happened in slavery. My grandfather who lived in Mississippi told me about such incidents that went on in the 60's. Try understanding black history before you assume.

This is perfectly understandable. It's why anyone beaten by a black mob of teenagers shouldn't be expected to forgive. When black vandals destroy a store, they should not be forgiven either and that atrocity be the acts of all black people everywhere. When Jamie Foxx said he killed all the white people, how great is that. It was the voice of the entirety of black America. Of course it's understandable.

It sounds to me like you're both looking for excuses to justify your bigotry.
A man went to Rabbi Hillel and asked him to teach him the entire torah while he stood on one foot.

Rabbi Hillel said "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Everything else, he said was explanations. Go and read the explainations.

He also said don't do on to others what you hate done on to you (paraphrase)

No offense but when my forefathers were hanged from trees I cannot love that, nor forget.

Rick Ross says: God forgives I dont

You have to be able to forgive if you expect to be forgiven.

Depends for what and if the person asks to be forgiveness.

Not everything should be forgiven.

I don't forgive Hitler.
A man went to Rabbi Hillel and asked him to teach him the entire torah while he stood on one foot.

Rabbi Hillel said "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Everything else, he said was explanations. Go and read the explainations.

He also said don't do on to others what you hate done on to you (paraphrase)

Jesus said to love God with all your heart, mind and strength, and to love others as you love yourself. That fulfills all the law. In other words, it stamps your obligations toward the Law as "Paid in full."

They are from the Torah.
Deuteronomy 6

5. And you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your means.

1. This is the commandment, the statutes, and the ordinances that the Lord, your God, commanded to teach you, to perform in the land into which you are about to pass, to possess it.

Leviticus 19

18. You shall neither take revenge from nor bear a grudge against the members of your people; you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

Sorry there is no such thing as "fulfilling the law."

The law was set up by G-D to for the jews to keep for all generatios.

G-D said so

2. In order that you fear the Lord, your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments that I command you, you, your son, and your son's son, all the days of your life, and in order that your days may be lengthened

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