Lowering Interest Rates Won't Stop The Bleeding


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
As I posted a week or so ago, lowering interest rates isn't going to stop this bleeding of the stock market. Quantitive easing isn't going to do it either.

It opened over 2 thousand points down. Trading had to be stopped almost as soon as it started.

This isn't your typical economic problem.

This is because of a virus, the fact that a lot of our manufacturing is in Asia or manufacturers here are very dependent on parts from Asia.

It's also the laws of supply and demand.

Supply has been disrupted by this virus.

Demand has been disrupted by the virus.

trump has exhausted most of what is done to ease recession so there won't be much left to be able to do so things can get worse.

There isn't much economically that can be done right now.

What needs to be done is get this virus under control. Not just in America but also the rest of the world.

The market isn't going to recover anytime soon no matter what steps are taken.

S&P 500 drops 11%, extending losses after 15-minute trading halt
The stock market has been over valued for a long time now, and this was just a correction which was going to happen eventually, with or without the corona virus scare. ... :cool:
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The stock market has been over valued for a long time now, and this was just a correction which was going to happen eventually, with or without the corona virus scare. ... :cool:

No this is way past a correction.

A correction doesn't last long and doesn't go as low.

A correction will stop when proper steps are taken to ease the economy.

This isn't a correction.

But are you saying that all the gains in the trump years weren't valid and it all needs to be corrected?

trump has been going around the country for 3 years now claiming what an economic genius he is because the stock market has gained in that time. Now that it's collapsing it's just a correction?

Please learn about capitalism and economics.
A correction doesn't last long and doesn't go as low.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. .. :cuckoo:

A market correction will fall to whatever level it needs to bring the its intrinsic value into equalibrium.

Anyone with a background in basic economics 101 would know this is how it works. .. :cool:
Well whatever else you may think or say by the time it's over all of the sheep will have been sheared, all the rubes will have been played for their last dime. Them and only then will the upmarket get back on track. This is the largest con and sucker play I've ever seen perpetrated. The depths of the stupidity of most Americans or most people actually are absolutely astounding.
If the media said put a gun to your head and blow your head off because it's the thing to do, at least half would probably do it and the other half would be searching and trying to get their hands on a gun.
The stock market has been over valued for a long time now, and this was just a correction which was going to happen eventually, with or without the corona virus scare. ... :cool:

No this is way past a correction.

A correction doesn't last long and doesn't go as low.

A correction will stop when proper steps are taken to ease the economy.

This isn't a correction.

But are you saying that all the gains in the trump years weren't valid and it all needs to be corrected?

trump has been going around the country for 3 years now claiming what an economic genius he is because the stock market has gained in that time. Now that it's collapsing it's just a correction?

Please learn about capitalism and economics.

He already knows economics.....Yes this is a correction....and it will continue to be a correction until the pressure goes away allowing the market to go back to its phony numbers.

Politicizing a world wide pandemic serves absolutely no purpose. To blame those in power for employing a systematic logical response required to curb and limit further spread is simply inexcusable. These clowns should be ashamed of themselves.
Vandal you are aware 70%+ of bio tech ingredients and basic medical supplies are manufactured in China right?
A correction doesn't last long and doesn't go as low.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. .. :cuckoo:

A market correction will fall to whatever level it needs to bring the its intrinsic value into equalibrium.

Anyone with a background in basic economics 101 would know this is how it works. .. :cool:

Actually I had to take economics courses all through college for my degree in accounting/finance,

A correction doesn't last for weeks or months. A crash does.

A correction doesn't have weeks of near or over a thousand point drop with drops including over 2 thousand.

A correction doesn't put the stock market in a bull market and keep it there.

Corrections don't wipe out years and over 9 thousand points in the dow and trillions in dollars.

This started in February. We are in mid March now. The stock market has lost over 9 thousand points in that time. We are now at levels we had in the Obama years.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about.

I do. I have that education.

You obviously don't.
Vandal you are aware 70%+ of bio tech ingredients and basic medical supplies are manufactured in China right?
Learning lessons the hard way is better then not learning at all. To often people forget the past. Only to repeat the same mistakes over and over.
We have another day of over 2 thousand points lost in the stock market.

We are now back to where we started in 2017 with trump. In just a couple months.

As I've kept saying, lowering interest rates isn't going to stop this. Lowering taxes isn't going to stop this.

The only thing that will stop this is getting the virus under control and people being able to go back to work. Both here and around the rest of the world. That isn't going to happen over night. It's going to take months. If not a year.

We have a supply problem. It's still being disrupted.

We have a demand problem. It's still being disrupted.

The stock market will continue to crash. I won't be surprised if it doesn't stop until around the fall or winter. There will be days of small gains but it will continue to mostly fall and thousands of points at a time.

This isn't a correction. This is a crash.

People need to realize this.

DOW quote and summary -- MSN Money
We have another day of over 2 thousand points lost in the stock market.
We are now back to where we started in 2017 with trump. In just a couple months.
As I've kept saying, lowering interest rates isn't going to stop this. Lowering taxes isn't going to stop this.
The only thing that will stop this is getting the virus under control and people being able to go back to work. Both here and around the rest of the world. That isn't going to happen over night. It's going to take months. If not a year.
We have a supply problem. It's still being disrupted.
We have a demand problem. It's still being disrupted.
The stock market will continue to crash. I won't be surprised if it doesn't stop until around the fall or winter. There will be days of small gains but it will continue to mostly fall and thousands of points at a time.
This isn't a correction. This is a crash. People need to realize this.
DOW quote and summary -- MSN Money
I'm not worried. ... :cool:

Our wonderful Pres.Trump has everything under control. .. :thup:

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