Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on Songbird John WOW!

he doesn't get any pass just because 50 years ago he was a POW. why wasn't he voted president by all you hypocrites? Fk man to you he's fking god now.
Irrelevant. I never mocked a soldier’s sacrifice in support of torture. Didn’t have to be McCain. That’s on you pieces of trash.

You filthy ass hateful Liberals sure mocked GW Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard as a fighter pilot, didn't you?
I don’t know I was young then. But man, if he’d been shot down and subjected to torture for years, it would have been horrific for a Democrat to mock him while trying to spread more torture.

Being shot down and being a POW doesn't make him a hero.

Breaking under torture like he did didn't make him a traitor.

Lying about his part in the fire on the aircraft carrier and then running away makes him an asshole. He didn't even hang around for the funeral of the brave sailors who died. He went on in country R&R.

Being a Liberal voting RINO and a hate Trump dickhead also makes him an asshole.

He was also a loser not being able to beat a worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama. He never really attacked Obama's for being a batshit crazy anti American Muslim Liberal. He was too weak to do what was necessary to make sure we didn't have Obama as President. All it would have taken was telling the truth like Trump did about Crooked Hillary.
Damn, so much rage and confusion in you :itsok:

But a good reminder that the GOP will attack POW’s for their time as POW’s.
The rage is because this one pile of excrement McCain is stopping some really good bills from passing that Trump is trying to do to bring this country back from the brink of disaster that the last CORRUPT administration put in place. The sooner McCain is gone, the better.
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)

Seems Lt Gen McInerney is a certifiable nut job

Birther, conspiracy theorist and now McCain attacker. No surprise he supports Trump
He has been banned from Fox News

Thomas McInerney - Wikipedia
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)
He got shot down.
He held on.
He survived.
He returned
He ran.
He won.
He stayed.
He stumbled.
He fell.
He's done
Goodbye John. Glad we knew ye.......
Mod Note:

posts in Politics Forum requires content--get back on topic
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)

The Songbird John story has been debunked as a conspiracy theory. Even I used to believe it. I was wrong.

'Songbird John' McCain? No evidence McCain helped ... - PolitiFact

Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)
The man is an embarrassment to all soldiers

McCain? Cripes for all his faults at being a warmonger (that's what I personally hate him for) I really ever heard negative about McCain I grew up on the "Hanoi Hilton" movie and until these latter days always believed him to be a good soul.

I know different now after watching his actions in a variety of global situations that could have been resolved politically but the son of a bitch preferred proxy wars so as far as I'm concerned that bastard can't go quick enough for me. He owns death for so many so let death embrace him.

That screw up on the Forrestal though, I bet there is resentment there.
The claims about the Forrestal are a myth
Vietnam Veterans of America have called for his and the WH aide to be fired. You just don't disrespect a Vietnam Vet.

I am a Vietnam Veteran.

I don't think McCain was a hero for being a POW.

I also don't think he was a traitor for "singing like a songbird".

I do, however, think he is a RINO asshole that kept Congress from repealing Obamacare in addition to other dumbass votes to side with the Democrats.
McCain saved Obamacare because Republicans failed to come up with something better

He put peoples health above politics
In 2010, McInerney provided his support against the court martial of Terrence Lakin, who refused to deploy to Afghanistan due to his suspicion of President Barack Obama's birthplace.[2]

Previously, McInerney had called President Obama a treasonous leader who is “aiding and abetting the enemy."[3] McInerney also has said there were "widespread and legitimate concerns that the President [Obama] is constitutionally ineligible to hold office."[4]

In 2015 he was a Fox News contributor, and a member of the Iran Policy Committee. McInerney was noted for insisting on Fox News that terrorists had flown the disappeared Malaysia Airlines 370 to Pakistan; that later turned out to be a conspiracy theory.[5][6]

On September 6, 2016, along with 87 other retired US generals and admirals, he endorsed the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.[7]

In a May 2018 interview with Charles Payne on Fox News, McInerney asserted that torture had "worked on" John McCain and "That's why they call him 'Songbird John,"[8][9][10] referencing a claim against McCain during the Republican primary in South Carolina in 2000.[9][10]Charles Payne later apologized to McCain and his family for the remark.[10][11] Afterward, Fox News banned McInerney from further appearing on its network.[12]
Irrelevant. I never mocked a soldier’s sacrifice in support of torture. Didn’t have to be McCain. That’s on you pieces of trash.

You filthy ass hateful Liberals sure mocked GW Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard as a fighter pilot, didn't you?
I don’t know I was young then. But man, if he’d been shot down and subjected to torture for years, it would have been horrific for a Democrat to mock him while trying to spread more torture.

Being shot down and being a POW doesn't make him a hero.

Breaking under torture like he did didn't make him a traitor.

Lying about his part in the fire on the aircraft carrier and then running away makes him an asshole. He didn't even hang around for the funeral of the brave sailors who died. He went on in country R&R.

Being a Liberal voting RINO and a hate Trump dickhead also makes him an asshole.

He was also a loser not being able to beat a worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama. He never really attacked Obama's for being a batshit crazy anti American Muslim Liberal. He was too weak to do what was necessary to make sure we didn't have Obama as President. All it would have taken was telling the truth like Trump did about Crooked Hillary.
Damn, so much rage and confusion in you :itsok:

But a good reminder that the GOP will attack POW’s for their time as POW’s.
The rage is because this one pile of excrement McCain is stopping some really good bills from passing that Trump is trying to do to bring this country back from the brink of disaster that the last CORRUPT administration put in place. The sooner McCain is gone, the better.
Another delusional, un-American scumbag heard from. Shitbags like you should be ashamed of yourself.
In 2010, McInerney provided his support against the court martial of Terrence Lakin, who refused to deploy to Afghanistan due to his suspicion of President Barack Obama's birthplace.[2]

Previously, McInerney had called President Obama a treasonous leader who is “aiding and abetting the enemy."[3] McInerney also has said there were "widespread and legitimate concerns that the President [Obama] is constitutionally ineligible to hold office."[4]

In 2015 he was a Fox News contributor, and a member of the Iran Policy Committee. McInerney was noted for insisting on Fox News that terrorists had flown the disappeared Malaysia Airlines 370 to Pakistan; that later turned out to be a conspiracy theory.[5][6]

On September 6, 2016, along with 87 other retired US generals and admirals, he endorsed the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.[7]

In a May 2018 interview with Charles Payne on Fox News, McInerney asserted that torture had "worked on" John McCain and "That's why they call him 'Songbird John,"[8][9][10] referencing a claim against McCain during the Republican primary in South Carolina in 2000.[9][10]Charles Payne later apologized to McCain and his family for the remark.[10][11] Afterward, Fox News banned McInerney from further appearing on its network.[12]

Wow, what a fruitcake that clown is. How did that asshole ever become a 3-star Air Force Lt. General?
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In 2010, McInerney provided his support against the court martial of Terrence Lakin, who refused to deploy to Afghanistan due to his suspicion of President Barack Obama's birthplace.[2]

Previously, McInerney had called President Obama a treasonous leader who is “aiding and abetting the enemy."[3] McInerney also has said there were "widespread and legitimate concerns that the President [Obama] is constitutionally ineligible to hold office."[4]

In 2015 he was a Fox News contributor, and a member of the Iran Policy Committee. McInerney was noted for insisting on Fox News that terrorists had flown the disappeared Malaysia Airlines 370 to Pakistan; that later turned out to be a conspiracy theory.[5][6]

On September 6, 2016, along with 87 other retired US generals and admirals, he endorsed the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump.[7]

In a May 2018 interview with Charles Payne on Fox News, McInerney asserted that torture had "worked on" John McCain and "That's why they call him 'Songbird John,"[8][9][10] referencing a claim against McCain during the Republican primary in South Carolina in 2000.[9][10]Charles Payne later apologized to McCain and his family for the remark.[10][11] Afterward, Fox News banned McInerney from further appearing on its network.[12]

Wow, what a fruitcake that clown is. How did that asshole ever become a 3-star Air Force Lt. General?
I can’t believe Republicans trot these clowns out and expect us to take them seriously
Don’t they listen to them before they quote them?
Even Fox News wants nothing to do with the lying scumbag

Fox News cuts ties with retired general who called POW John McCain 'Songbird John'

Fox News is severing its relationship with retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, who inaccurately claimed during an appearance on Fox Business Network Thursday that torture “worked on” Sen. John McCain, who endured a brutal 5 ½ years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.

The claim went unchallenged by the show's host, Charles Payne. He apologized after the show and McCain's wife, Cindy, who has been caring for her husband at their home near Sedona, admonished Fox Business Network and Payne.
Classless trash, typical of the Trump era
a Lt Gen. is classless trash. the only one worthy of making a statement on McCain is a Lt. Gen. so, go fk yourslf.
You and that disgraced general should be tortured for 5 1/2 years like McCain was. It might pull your head out of your ass for once.
I suffered eight years of obammy and that was enough, thanks. On my own soil in fact.
McCain suffered for his fellow POW’s. While you’ve been a pussy your entire life.
you have no idea what happened to him.

Maybe it's time to move on and him actually do the job he was elected by his constituents to do. Run the fking government. Stop whining about something that happened 40 years ago. So you're saying it's ok for him to fk the rest of the country cause he was a POW? fk you!

You nor anyone else in this country has a right to criticize his military service. This bitch that said that should either resign or be fired. Trump and you may well be fking the country. Fk you too.
Now I hate the son of a bitch because he looked at the planet as his world vision of war. I have no idea how good or bad he was in the past. I only saw Hanoi Hilton.

But all you left wing wankers loving him.....I'll find a reason more than the other reasons to hate the son of a bitch.

I can't wait till he dies for all the suffering he has caused. XXXX -- Mod Edit..

This is a man who killed hundreds of thousands for his anger and his horrid attitude that life is a chess board of war.
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You and that disgraced general should be tortured for 5 1/2 years like McCain was. It might pull your head out of your ass for once.
I suffered eight years of obammy and that was enough, thanks. On my own soil in fact.
McCain suffered for his fellow POW’s. While you’ve been a pussy your entire life.
you have no idea what happened to him.
Nor do you. What we DO know is that he was offered an early release, and he turned it down.
I don't care. He's a Senator today and not doing his job. He's failing bigly and sticking it to his constituents and the country. SAD. This from a POW. His credibility is purely shot especially after dissing Sarah Palin. Just shows lack of character to state publicly that he shouldn't have picked her for his VP pick. truly sad. he even committed treason with the dossier against the president of the US. Tends to make me think differently of him and the whole POW thingy. Don't get brownie points for trying to take out a sitting president. just saying.

Who says he is failing bigly. Because he does not want to kick people off of their health insurance. Trump and the Republicans are screwing this country. He committed no treason. He was right to make the government aware of the dossier and holding a President accountable is not taking anyone out.
Now I hate the son of a bitch because he looked at the planet as his world vision of war. I have no idea how good or bad he was in the past. I only saw Hanoi Hilton.

But all you left wing wankers loving him.....I'll find a reason more than the other reasons to hate the son of a bitch.

I can't wait till he dies for all the suffering he has caused. If I could have a minute around his oxygen tank....yes. I would.

This is a man who killed hundreds of thousands for his anger and his horrid attitude that life is a chess board of war.
He didn't do it alone you know. Only 99% of the GOP backed him..
Now I hate the son of a bitch because he looked at the planet as his world vision of war. I have no idea how good or bad he was in the past. I only saw Hanoi Hilton.

But all you left wing wankers loving him.....I'll find a reason more than the other reasons to hate the son of a bitch.

I can't wait till he dies for all the suffering he has caused. If I could have a minute around his oxygen tank....yes. I would.

This is a man who killed hundreds of thousands for his anger and his horrid attitude that life is a chess board of war.

Oh shut up you hateful piece of human debris. I will be very glad to see trash like you die and hope it is a extremely painful journey to hell.
Vietnam Veterans of America have called for his and the WH aide to be fired. You just don't disrespect a Vietnam Vet.
Unless you're trump, apparently.

Trump disrespects everyone, he does it daily to his base.
he respects this country and his job.

Got anymore BS.

McCain bet on ISIS and al Nusra. Warmonger.

You are a lying piece of trash.

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