Lucid Dreaming and Pain, lol


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
My father taught me about lucid dreaming when I was very young. I was having nightmares about being chased by monsters, and he said that when I h ave such dreams about monsters, I should remember that since they are not real, I have to be dreaming them, and once I know that I can make them go away.

When I asked him how, he said that we all have a bag of Tricks, like Felix the cat, when we dream. We just have to take things from the Bag of Tricks and make the monster go away, like a magic sword or a flame thrower. To my imagination, Felix's Bag of Tricks made a lot of sense, and I was never terrified of monsters after that in my dreams. When I saw Fantasia and how the Wizard could control everything to fix the apprentices blunders, I dreamed I could pull out a magic staff and change my dreams altogether. I could recreate everything to what I wanted, and I have been a Dreaming addict ever sense. When I dream I can do anything, go anywhere and see the most marvelous things.

Tonight though I dreamed I was having a really bad foot cramp, and I thought I was having it in real life, so I woke myself up and I was not having a foot cramp. It felt so danged real in my dream, I felt certain it was happening in real life and I was incorporating this pain into my dream.

This is the first time I have ever dreamed such pain, lol, so I guess the next time I will have to find a pain killer syringe, lol.

Does anyone else here have such lucid dreams?
The only lucid dream I can recall was one time when I was a kid I dreamed I got up to go to the bathroom. I woke to discover that I'd wet the bed.

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