Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) "I have only one loyalty, and that's to the immigrant community


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
Was that in your oath, congressman?

"Gutierrez, 56, is the most passionate, tireless, and nettlesome voice in Congress on immigration matters. He's a constant presence at rallies and on TV, defending the undocumented and railing against xenophobia. It's no surprise that a recent Pew Hispanic Center survey ranked him the second-most-important Latino leader in the country, after Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. "He's as close as the Latino community has to a Martin Luther King figure," says Frank Sharry, founder of the pro-immigrant group America's Voice. Yet Gutierrez's tactics are controversial. While many admire his tenacity and credit him with keeping immigration reform alive, others, including members of the Obama administration, believe his confrontational style can be counterproductive. He sees things more simply. "I have only one loyalty," he says, "and that's to the immigrant community.""

Pushing Obama on Immigration Reform - Newsweek

Of course by "immigrant community", he means ILLEGAL immigrant community.
Yeah, something tells me he doesn't mean IRISH immigrants there...

Are you getting the picture, white man?
Was that in your oath, congressman?

"Gutierrez, 56, is the most passionate, tireless, and nettlesome voice in Congress on immigration matters. He's a constant presence at rallies and on TV, defending the undocumented and railing against xenophobia. It's no surprise that a recent Pew Hispanic Center survey ranked him the second-most-important Latino leader in the country, after Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. "He's as close as the Latino community has to a Martin Luther King figure," says Frank Sharry, founder of the pro-immigrant group America's Voice. Yet Gutierrez's tactics are controversial. While many admire his tenacity and credit him with keeping immigration reform alive, others, including members of the Obama administration, believe his confrontational style can be counterproductive. He sees things more simply. "I have only one loyalty," he says, "and that's to the immigrant community.""

Pushing Obama on Immigration Reform - Newsweek

Of course by "immigrant community", he means ILLEGAL immigrant community.

Right wingers only care about their "oath" of being "minions" of the Ultra Rich. They squat on the rest of America.

Hey Republicans, wish all those Americans you're screwing a "Merry Christmas". If you do what you do to your own people, imagine what you'll do to illegal immigrants. No wonder right wingers love "torture" and "lesbian bondage bars". Kinda says something about that political party. And a "Happy New Year".
Oh god, king retard himself has graced us with his presence. All hail.
As someone who lives in Luis Gutierrez's 4th district, (which he moved out of by the way to get away from the crime his own people commit), I can attest that he is a racist piece of crap that does nothing for any of the Americans that happen to live there.

The 4th district itself, was drawn to his liking so that he could get the maximum of the third world vote.

Illinois's 4th congressional district - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you see this man, take aim carefully and do Americans a favor. The war against Mexico must start and that is the way to do it. Beaners would never be anything but second rate Americans and a threat to the security of the world if they start stealing America's nuclear arsenal.
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Was that in your oath, congressman?

"Gutierrez, 56, is the most passionate, tireless, and nettlesome voice in Congress on immigration matters. He's a constant presence at rallies and on TV, defending the undocumented and railing against xenophobia. It's no surprise that a recent Pew Hispanic Center survey ranked him the second-most-important Latino leader in the country, after Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. "He's as close as the Latino community has to a Martin Luther King figure," says Frank Sharry, founder of the pro-immigrant group America's Voice. Yet Gutierrez's tactics are controversial. While many admire his tenacity and credit him with keeping immigration reform alive, others, including members of the Obama administration, believe his confrontational style can be counterproductive. He sees things more simply. "I have only one loyalty," he says, "and that's to the immigrant community.""

Pushing Obama on Immigration Reform - Newsweek

Of course by "immigrant community", he means ILLEGAL immigrant community.

Well at least he's honest and forthright about it.
Was that in your oath, congressman?

"Gutierrez, 56, is the most passionate, tireless, and nettlesome voice in Congress on immigration matters. He's a constant presence at rallies and on TV, defending the undocumented and railing against xenophobia. It's no surprise that a recent Pew Hispanic Center survey ranked him the second-most-important Latino leader in the country, after Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. "He's as close as the Latino community has to a Martin Luther King figure," says Frank Sharry, founder of the pro-immigrant group America's Voice. Yet Gutierrez's tactics are controversial. While many admire his tenacity and credit him with keeping immigration reform alive, others, including members of the Obama administration, believe his confrontational style can be counterproductive. He sees things more simply. "I have only one loyalty," he says, "and that's to the immigrant community.""

Pushing Obama on Immigration Reform - Newsweek

Of course by "immigrant community", he means ILLEGAL immigrant community.

"I have only one loyalty," he says, "and that's to the immigrant community.""

I do not support or condone his statement

a true American politician would have loyalties to the entire country and ALL of the citizenry

it brings to mind all the conservative christians who have PROUDLY PROCLAIMED that THEIR FIRST and ONLY LOYALTY is to the christian god and NOT to America
Was that in your oath, congressman?

"Gutierrez, 56, is the most passionate, tireless, and nettlesome voice in Congress on immigration matters. He's a constant presence at rallies and on TV, defending the undocumented and railing against xenophobia. It's no surprise that a recent Pew Hispanic Center survey ranked him the second-most-important Latino leader in the country, after Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. "He's as close as the Latino community has to a Martin Luther King figure," says Frank Sharry, founder of the pro-immigrant group America's Voice. Yet Gutierrez's tactics are controversial. While many admire his tenacity and credit him with keeping immigration reform alive, others, including members of the Obama administration, believe his confrontational style can be counterproductive. He sees things more simply. "I have only one loyalty," he says, "and that's to the immigrant community.""

Pushing Obama on Immigration Reform - Newsweek

Of course by "immigrant community", he means ILLEGAL immigrant community.

L. Gutierrez speaks with a forked tongue. He says one thing to the spanish media and another to the english one. He is the biggest joke in the political world bar none!! If his loyalty is to those who break the law, then he is a disgrace to the USA - a country who takes pride in The Rule of Law which in my opinion is going to hell.
Was that in your oath, congressman?

"Gutierrez, 56, is the most passionate, tireless, and nettlesome voice in Congress on immigration matters. He's a constant presence at rallies and on TV, defending the undocumented and railing against xenophobia. It's no surprise that a recent Pew Hispanic Center survey ranked him the second-most-important Latino leader in the country, after Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. "He's as close as the Latino community has to a Martin Luther King figure," says Frank Sharry, founder of the pro-immigrant group America's Voice. Yet Gutierrez's tactics are controversial. While many admire his tenacity and credit him with keeping immigration reform alive, others, including members of the Obama administration, believe his confrontational style can be counterproductive. He sees things more simply. "I have only one loyalty," he says, "and that's to the immigrant community.""
Pushing Obama on Immigration Reform - Newsweek

Of course by "immigrant community", he means ILLEGAL immigrant community.

"I have only one loyalty," he says, "and that's to the immigrant community.""

I do not support or condone his statement

a true American politician would have loyalties to the entire country and ALL of the citizenry

it brings to mind all the conservative christians who have PROUDLY PROCLAIMED that THEIR FIRST and ONLY LOYALTY is to the christian god and NOT to America

Well at least he's honest and forthright about it.

He was on "Face The Nation" one Sunday and one of his fellow reps asked him point blank, "Will you acknowledge that those who are sneaking into this country are breaking the law of the land?"

Gutierrez refused to answer.

Uproar Over Ariz. Immigration Law - CBS News Video

He represents making the illegitimate legitimate.

He rambles on about how he is in favor of going after the ones who employ illegals......then does his best to see that illegals are the first to get hired at Home Depot.

Latino Union of Chicago | Trabajando por Justicia
Well at least he's honest and forthright about it.

He was on "Face The Nation" one Sunday and one of his fellow reps asked him point blank, "Will you acknowledge that those who are sneaking into this country are breaking the law of the land?"

Gutierrez refused to answer.

Uproar Over Ariz. Immigration Law - CBS News Video

I watched that, also. I've seen him on other programs. I would like to smack that disengenuous smile off his face. He is a tool for the illegals....bottom line.
As someone who lives in Luis Gutierrez's 4th district, (which he moved out of by the way to get away from the crime his own people commit), I can attest that he is a racist piece of crap that does nothing for any of the Americans that happen to live there.

The 4th district itself, was drawn to his liking so that he could get the maximum of the third world vote.

Illinois's 4th congressional district - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you see this man, take aim carefully and do Americans a favor. The war against Mexico must start and that is the way to do it. Beaners would never be anything but second rate Americans and a threat to the security of the world if they start stealing America's nuclear arsenal.

As someone who lives in Luis Gutierrez's 4th district, (which he moved out of by the way to get away from the crime his own people commit), I can attest that he is a racist piece of crap that does nothing for any of the Americans that happen to live there.

The 4th district itself, was drawn to his liking so that he could get the maximum of the third world vote.

Illinois's 4th congressional district - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you see this man, take aim carefully and do Americans a favor. The war against Mexico must start and that is the way to do it. Beaners would never be anything but second rate Americans and a threat to the security of the world if they start stealing America's nuclear arsenal.


I would say irony, but it's really not that unexpected.
Was that in your oath, congressman?

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

I see nothing here that prevents a congressman being loyal to anyone. As long he upholds the constitution and laws he is keeping his oath. We may not like his views or his opinions but he has a right to them just as all Americans do. The way to defeat him is to revise the way we draw up congressional districts. This is one of the worst things that we do, letting politicians redraw these districts. Districts should be be drawn up with a maximum of 6 sides unless it follows a natural feature like a river. And the attempt to draw the districts up to make incumbents safe should be abolished.
Was that in your oath, congressman?

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

I see nothing here that prevents a congressman being loyal to anyone. As long he upholds the constitution and laws he is keeping his oath. We may not like his views or his opinions but he has a right to them just as all Americans do. The way to defeat him is to revise the way we draw up congressional districts. This is one of the worst things that we do, letting politicians redraw these districts. Districts should be be drawn up with a maximum of 6 sides unless it follows a natural feature like a river. And the attempt to draw the districts up to make incumbents safe should be abolished.

Politicians will always bow to the will of LA RAZA.
Was that in your oath, congressman?

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
I see nothing here that prevents a congressman being loyal to anyone. As long he upholds the constitution and laws he is keeping his oath. We may not like his views or his opinions but he has a right to them just as all Americans do. The way to defeat him is to revise the way we draw up congressional districts. This is one of the worst things that we do, letting politicians redraw these districts. Districts should be be drawn up with a maximum of 6 sides unless it follows a natural feature like a river. And the attempt to draw the districts up to make incumbents safe should be abolished.

The oath does, however, preclude anyone who takes it from being loyal only to one group. If they took it seriously they would be loyal to the Constitution first, and whoever they choose second.

Just saying.

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