Lukov March - celebrates Bulgarian Holocaust collaborator

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Neo-Nazis to converge to honor 'Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust'

Some of Europe’s most notorious neo-Nazis and far-right extremists plan to march through Sofia next week to honor a man one international Jewish leader calls “the leading Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust.”

Bulgarian far-right extremists have organized the so-called Lukov March every year since 2003 to honor Hristo Lukov, a Bulgarian general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions and was assassinated by Communist partisans in February 1943. The march regularly includes sympathizers from neo-Nazi and violent extremist groups across Europe.

There should be a counter march to celebrate the fact that someone put a bullet in his worthless head.
Neo-Nazis to converge to honor 'Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust'

Some of Europe’s most notorious neo-Nazis and far-right extremists plan to march through Sofia next week to honor a man one international Jewish leader calls “the leading Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust.”

Bulgarian far-right extremists have organized the so-called Lukov March every year since 2003 to honor Hristo Lukov, a Bulgarian general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions and was assassinated by Communist partisans in February 1943. The march regularly includes sympathizers from neo-Nazi and violent extremist groups across Europe.

There should be a counter march to celebrate the fact that someone put a bullet in his worthless head.
Advocating murder for a political disagreement, have you converted Tommy?
He killed Communists? Sounds like an alright guy to me.

Tommy wants a counter march to celebrate the Communists, Tommy does not like people who don't like Communists or Islamists:


Hristo Lukov - Wikipedia
Neo-Nazis to converge to honor 'Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust'

Some of Europe’s most notorious neo-Nazis and far-right extremists plan to march through Sofia next week to honor a man one international Jewish leader calls “the leading Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust.”

Bulgarian far-right extremists have organized the so-called Lukov March every year since 2003 to honor Hristo Lukov, a Bulgarian general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions and was assassinated by Communist partisans in February 1943. The march regularly includes sympathizers from neo-Nazi and violent extremist groups across Europe.

There should be a counter march to celebrate the fact that someone put a bullet in his worthless head.
Advocating murder for a political disagreement, have you converted Tommy?

This is a Bulgarian that Tommy would support having a march to celebrate:


Valko Chervenkov - Wikipedia
Neo-Nazis to converge to honor 'Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust'

Some of Europe’s most notorious neo-Nazis and far-right extremists plan to march through Sofia next week to honor a man one international Jewish leader calls “the leading Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust.”

Bulgarian far-right extremists have organized the so-called Lukov March every year since 2003 to honor Hristo Lukov, a Bulgarian general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions and was assassinated by Communist partisans in February 1943. The march regularly includes sympathizers from neo-Nazi and violent extremist groups across Europe.

There should be a counter march to celebrate the fact that someone put a bullet in his worthless head.
Advocating murder for a political disagreement, have you converted Tommy?
There was a war going on at that time in Europe, where is the problem ?
I asked you a question Tommy. Your are little heavy on the hate there. Do you have viab
Neo-Nazis to converge to honor 'Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust'

Some of Europe’s most notorious neo-Nazis and far-right extremists plan to march through Sofia next week to honor a man one international Jewish leader calls “the leading Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust.”

Bulgarian far-right extremists have organized the so-called Lukov March every year since 2003 to honor Hristo Lukov, a Bulgarian general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions and was assassinated by Communist partisans in February 1943. The march regularly includes sympathizers from neo-Nazi and violent extremist groups across Europe.

There should be a counter march to celebrate the fact that someone put a bullet in his worthless head.
Advocating murder for a political disagreement, have you converted Tommy?
There was a war going on at that time in Europe, where is the problem ?
I stand corrected.
Neo-Nazis to converge to honor 'Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust'

Some of Europe’s most notorious neo-Nazis and far-right extremists plan to march through Sofia next week to honor a man one international Jewish leader calls “the leading Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust.”

Bulgarian far-right extremists have organized the so-called Lukov March every year since 2003 to honor Hristo Lukov, a Bulgarian general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions and was assassinated by Communist partisans in February 1943. The march regularly includes sympathizers from neo-Nazi and violent extremist groups across Europe.

There should be a counter march to celebrate the fact that someone put a bullet in his worthless head.

Hands up whoever had even heard of the obscure Hristo Lukov or this march before TT decided to give it publicity? Thought not.
Neo-Nazis to converge to honor 'Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust'

Some of Europe’s most notorious neo-Nazis and far-right extremists plan to march through Sofia next week to honor a man one international Jewish leader calls “the leading Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust.”

Bulgarian far-right extremists have organized the so-called Lukov March every year since 2003 to honor Hristo Lukov, a Bulgarian general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions and was assassinated by Communist partisans in February 1943. The march regularly includes sympathizers from neo-Nazi and violent extremist groups across Europe.

There should be a counter march to celebrate the fact that someone put a bullet in his worthless head.
Advocating murder for a political disagreement, have you converted Tommy?
There was a war going on at that time in Europe, where is the problem ?

^^^^ Peoples on all sides during a war do things that in a peace time they would never think of doing. The situation is peoples would have to make the choice to be Pro-Communist or Anti-Communist.
Neo-Nazis to converge to honor 'Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust'

Some of Europe’s most notorious neo-Nazis and far-right extremists plan to march through Sofia next week to honor a man one international Jewish leader calls “the leading Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust.”

Bulgarian far-right extremists have organized the so-called Lukov March every year since 2003 to honor Hristo Lukov, a Bulgarian general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions and was assassinated by Communist partisans in February 1943. The march regularly includes sympathizers from neo-Nazi and violent extremist groups across Europe.

There should be a counter march to celebrate the fact that someone put a bullet in his worthless head.
Advocating murder for a political disagreement, have you converted Tommy?
There was a war going on at that time in Europe, where is the problem ?

^^^^ Peoples on all sides during a war do things that in a peace time they would never think of doing. The situation is peoples would have to make the choice to be Pro-Communist or Anti-Communist.
Nope. The commies were our allies. Lukov and his mates facilitated the murder of millions.
Neo-Nazis to converge to honor 'Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust'

Some of Europe’s most notorious neo-Nazis and far-right extremists plan to march through Sofia next week to honor a man one international Jewish leader calls “the leading Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust.”

Bulgarian far-right extremists have organized the so-called Lukov March every year since 2003 to honor Hristo Lukov, a Bulgarian general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions and was assassinated by Communist partisans in February 1943. The march regularly includes sympathizers from neo-Nazi and violent extremist groups across Europe.

There should be a counter march to celebrate the fact that someone put a bullet in his worthless head.
Advocating murder for a political disagreement, have you converted Tommy?
There was a war going on at that time in Europe, where is the problem ?

^^^^ Peoples on all sides during a war do things that in a peace time they would never think of doing. The situation is peoples would have to make the choice to be Pro-Communist or Anti-Communist.
Nope. The commies were our allies. Lukov and his mates facilitated the murder of millions.

^^^^ Good you admit you are a Communist and support Communists, for the same reasons you are pro-Islam and pro-Islamist both Communism and Islam are Anti-Christian.

"Lukov and his mates facilitated the murder of millions"

Not as many millions as your Communist idols did, do you want to compare? No you can't because the below has NO COMPARISON in the ENTIRE History of this I say the choice is you are either Pro-Communist or Anti-Communist, you are Pro-Communist and Anti-Christian and we are Anti-Communist and Pro-Christian:

Where have I said that I am a communist ?


Lay down with dogs get the fleas, a Communist sympathiser is no different than a Communist, your great ally was Josef Stalin the entire Eastern European Continent suffered for nearly 50 years under Communist rule from Bulgaria to Poland and between and instead of these filthy creatures rambling about Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi and OMG Bulgarians now having a march and OMG how TERRIBLE that the Hungarians do not want MILLIONS of Islamists in Hungary etc there are many LIVING Communists who terrorised the entire Eastern European Continent in Gulags so why do they not mention them....or is there no Extortion Racket Money in doing that or well you know many of those still LIVING Communists are also of the same ilk as those filthy creatures who ramble on and on and on and on and on and on and on about Nazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzis, NOBODY gives a shit except that crowd who are borderline insane if not they would not be obsessing about things that ENDED nearly 73 YEARS ago, stupid old POS why does anyone want to listen to the insane ramblings of the senile. Also what happens in Bulgaria is the Bulgarians business, not your business, or my business or the filthy creatures business. If the Bulgarians want to have a march that is their business and if the Bulgarians do not want to have a march then that is their business.
Where have I said that I am a communist ?
Tommy , do you know that commies turned Bulgaria into the worst African country ? the Muscovite commies destroyed all Bulgarian institutions , which are very weak even today

This is not someone to be defended or celebrated. In concert with the recent Polish law that pretty much makes telling the truth about Polish involvement in the Holocaust illegal - this is a disturbing trend.

These people should be strongly condemned....celebrate instead the Bulgarian church that stepped in and prevented the deportation of some of the Jews.

[Opinion] Bulgaria must stop this neo-Nazi Lukov march

Lukov was a top Bulgarian military and political figure who led the ultra-nationalist Union of Bulgarian National Legions from the 1930s until his assassination in 1943.

He served as minister of war from 1935-1938, during which he fostered close ties with senior Nazi officials in Germany; after retiring, he remained highly influential and strongly advocated for the Bulgarian Law for the Protection of the Nation, modelled on the infamous 1935 Nuremberg Laws in Germany that stripped Jews of their civic rights.

Marriages between Bulgarian Jews and non-Jews were henceforth prohibited, and the law forced Jews to pay a punitive tax on their net worth. Jews were expelled from universities, civil service and other professions, their properties were confiscated, and many were forced into labour camps.

Members of the Lukov movement cruelly beat Jews without respite and led pogroms on Jewish homes and shops. Their legionnaires' moto was: "We should expel from Bulgaria everyone who does not have Bulgarian blood."

In 1942, a 'Commissariat for the Jewish Problem' in the Bulgarian ministry of the interior was formed, that promised the Germans to hand over 20,000 Jews from the Bulgarian-controlled territories in Greece and Yugoslavia.

However, the Bulgarians overestimated the number of Jews living in these areas. They came up with a plan to include approximately 8,500 Jews from Bulgaria.

In 1943, German forces rounded up the Bulgarian Jews and led them to a square in the city of Plovdiv. But the Bulgarian Orthodox Church stepped in to stop their deportation. In this great act of courage, supported by the majority of society from intellectuals to average citizens, an estimated 48,000 Bulgarian Jews were saved from deportation.

But for more than 11,000 Jews living in the Bulgarian-occupied territories in northern Greece, Serbia and Macedonia, it was too late: they had already been put on cattle trains and ships, to be murdered in the gas chambers of Treblinka.
Neo-Nazis to converge to honor 'Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust'

Some of Europe’s most notorious neo-Nazis and far-right extremists plan to march through Sofia next week to honor a man one international Jewish leader calls “the leading Bulgarian promoter of the Holocaust.”

Bulgarian far-right extremists have organized the so-called Lukov March every year since 2003 to honor Hristo Lukov, a Bulgarian general who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions and was assassinated by Communist partisans in February 1943. The march regularly includes sympathizers from neo-Nazi and violent extremist groups across Europe.

There should be a counter march to celebrate the fact that someone put a bullet in his worthless head.
by the way, does it look like a fascist country to you?) LOL

gypsy gay AZIS is the biggest pop-star in Bulgaria

such show is possible in the USA, in prime time?
This is not someone to be defended or celebrated. In concert with the recent Polish law that pretty much makes telling the truth about Polish involvement in the Holocaust illegal - this is a disturbing trend.

These people should be strongly condemned....celebrate instead the Bulgarian church that stepped in and prevented the deportation of some of the Jews.

[Opinion] Bulgaria must stop this neo-Nazi Lukov march

Lukov was a top Bulgarian military and political figure who led the ultra-nationalist Union of Bulgarian National Legions from the 1930s until his assassination in 1943.

He served as minister of war from 1935-1938, during which he fostered close ties with senior Nazi officials in Germany; after retiring, he remained highly influential and strongly advocated for the Bulgarian Law for the Protection of the Nation, modelled on the infamous 1935 Nuremberg Laws in Germany that stripped Jews of their civic rights.

Marriages between Bulgarian Jews and non-Jews were henceforth prohibited, and the law forced Jews to pay a punitive tax on their net worth. Jews were expelled from universities, civil service and other professions, their properties were confiscated, and many were forced into labour camps.

Members of the Lukov movement cruelly beat Jews without respite and led pogroms on Jewish homes and shops. Their legionnaires' moto was: "We should expel from Bulgaria everyone who does not have Bulgarian blood."

In 1942, a 'Commissariat for the Jewish Problem' in the Bulgarian ministry of the interior was formed, that promised the Germans to hand over 20,000 Jews from the Bulgarian-controlled territories in Greece and Yugoslavia.

However, the Bulgarians overestimated the number of Jews living in these areas. They came up with a plan to include approximately 8,500 Jews from Bulgaria.

In 1943, German forces rounded up the Bulgarian Jews and led them to a square in the city of Plovdiv. But the Bulgarian Orthodox Church stepped in to stop their deportation. In this great act of courage, supported by the majority of society from intellectuals to average citizens, an estimated 48,000 Bulgarian Jews were saved from deportation.

But for more than 11,000 Jews living in the Bulgarian-occupied territories in northern Greece, Serbia and Macedonia, it was too late: they had already been put on cattle trains and ships, to be murdered in the gas chambers of Treblinka.

A.) What does Poland, have to do with Bulgaria?

B.) Bulgaria was an Axis power, while Poland was an Allied power.

C.) If Poland is trying to hide something, then what about Poland's Holocaust denial laws, was that trying to hide something too?
For you anyone is a Nazi when he/she refuses to give his/her country up to (((globalists)))
Where have I said that I am a communist ?


Lay down with dogs get the fleas, a Communist sympathiser is no different than a Communist, your great ally was Josef Stalin the entire Eastern European Continent suffered for nearly 50 years under Communist rule from Bulgaria to Poland and between and instead of these filthy creatures rambling about Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi and OMG Bulgarians now having a march and OMG how TERRIBLE that the Hungarians do not want MILLIONS of Islamists in Hungary etc there are many LIVING Communists who terrorised the entire Eastern European Continent in Gulags so why do they not mention them....or is there no Extortion Racket Money in doing that or well you know many of those still LIVING Communists are also of the same ilk as those filthy creatures who ramble on and on and on and on and on and on and on about Nazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzis, NOBODY gives a shit except that crowd who are borderline insane if not they would not be obsessing about things that ENDED nearly 73 YEARS ago, stupid old POS why does anyone want to listen to the insane ramblings of the senile. Also what happens in Bulgaria is the Bulgarians business, not your business, or my business or the filthy creatures business. If the Bulgarians want to have a march that is their business and if the Bulgarians do not want to have a march then that is their business.
Deflecting for Hitler again.

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