Lunar calendar or Solar calendar


Sep 2, 2023
It is more logical that the lunar calendar is used for counting days, months, years and the solar calendar for agriculture, the time of planting fruits and vegetables.

In ancient Greece the lunar calendar was used to counting years, it is not strange to claim that this calendar should be used for counting years.
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It is more logical that the lunar calendar is used for counting days, months, years and the solar calendar for agriculture, the time of planting fruits and vegetables.

In ancient Greece the lunar calendar was used to counting years, it is not strange to claim that this calendar should be used for counting years.
How does the moon drifting away from the earth at 1.48 inches per year effect the lunar calender?

Are we varying with the sun? Is a solar calendar more stable?
The problem with a lunar calendar is every 19 years, we'll be off 7 months ... the Metonic calendar just inserts these extra seven months during the nineteen year period ...

We would also have the confusion of 29-day months alternating with 30-day months ... a lunar month is 29-1/2 days long ...

The system we use is divined by GOD, so it's gotta be perfect ... or so say the Catholics ... and it does what it's supposed to do, keep Easter in the Spring ...
The problem with a lunar calendar is every 19 years, we'll be off 7 months ... the Metonic calendar just inserts these extra seven months during the nineteen year period ...

We would also have the confusion of 29-day months alternating with 30-day months ... a lunar month is 29-1/2 days long ...

The system we use is divined by GOD, so it's gotta be perfect ... or so say the Catholics ... and it does what it's supposed to do, keep Easter in the Spring ...
I think that God gave us the moon so that we could count days, months and years of age according to it.

The purpose of the existence of the solar calendar is agriculture, and not to calculate years of age.
It is more logical that the lunar calendar is used for counting days, months, years and the solar calendar for agriculture, the time of planting fruits and vegetables.

In ancient Greece the lunar calendar was used to counting years, it is not strange to claim that this calendar should be used for counting years.
It's evident now that the Mayans and Hopewell Indians are either one in the same or very connected and followed the Lunar Calendar. Hmmm, how did they know about this if someone did not travel from the middle east somewhere between 600BC and 400AD? Interesting. I think I'll go pick up my Book of Mormon and do some more scientific reading. :dunno:
I think that God gave us the moon so that we could count days, months and years of age according to it.

The purpose of the existence of the solar calendar is agriculture, and not to calculate years of age.

"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also." -- Gen 1:16

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