Lyin' Ted Stabs Kasich in the Back


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Took Lyin' Ted less than 24 hours to fuck over his new "ally" ......


Less Than 24 hours, Ted Cruz Stabs John Kasich In The Back
@Oldschool let me save you the time of looking it up - read this:

Cruz And His Seven Mountain Dominionism Is Not In My Bible….Is it in yours?

As a Christian I cannot support anyone who has the theology of the Seven Mountains of Dominionism. I do not believe we are to perfect the world and rid it of all nonbelievers before the Lord returns. I do not believe that God’s people are to become perfected and rule the world in peace before the Lord returns. I do not believe that Christians who believe the Lord returns to rid the world of the ungodly and all their ungodly deeds as the Bible says in Jude and throughout are wrong teachings. Therefore, I cannot follow man made doctrine of private interpretation that goes against what the Bible clearly states.

If you are a Christian and you believe the teachings of the Seven Mountains of Dominionism then Cruz is your guy. For this is his religion and this is his concept of Christianity. He also has been anointed by his father, Rafael to be the one to rule society to usher in this utopia so the Lord will return.

This is not my trashing of Cruz, this is my WARNING to all who believe that his evangelical roots are the same as yours. Always look at the roots, don’t be confused by the branches. All trees have them. Look at the roots. If you believe in these things, so be it. I can not follow anyone who has come to me with another doctrine than the one in the gospel.
Kasich should be running on the "jackass" ticket... It suits him better.
Did you guys totally miss the identical previous thread? The alliance was on resources, not votes
This is what the cult of the Seven Mountain Dominion teaches. These people are dangerous. This is false teaching and because the Christians in the audience do not know the Word of God they are falling for this lie! It's false teaching through and through. See for yourselves!


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