M&s Muslim cashiers can refuse to ring up booze and pork

Well, I'll bet that's one store that's going to lose a whole lot of customers.

When their sales drop sharply, think they'll change their minds?
M&S Muslim cashiers can refuse to ring up booze and pork

Hey everybody ... free booze and pork at M&S!
As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.
As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.

This is but another example of Muslims trying to force their beliefs on others.
I think it's libfags being offended on behalf of others for the most part
I personally know a muslim woman who works the check out register at a WalMart in Florida.

She wears the head scarf (hijab) and face veil (niqab) at her job.

When a customer in her line puts pork products or alcohol on the counter to be purchased.

She pushes a button and a manager comes over and checks those particular items out. .... :cool:

Maybe you should read a little further. I find it funny that muslim may lose their jobs

And Tesco agreed it 'would make no sense' to employ staff on a till who refused to touch specific items - but said it treats each case individually, with no specific policy in place.

Read more: Marks & Spencer tells Muslim staff they CAN refuse to serve customers buying alcohol or pork | Mail Online
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"Ma'am, I would like to purchase these items"

"Sure...oops, I can't ring up the gallon of vodka."

"Not a problem. How about the rack of baby back ribs?"

"Sorry, I can't ring that up either."

"And I want to buy this pack of Juicy Fruit gum."

"I will add that to your total bill....that comes to 69 cents for all of it."

"Paper, not plastic please."
Some day all grocery stores will have 1 check out line for 'halal' products only. .... :thup:
If the British ideas continue here...

From the same article..

Abdirisak Aden and Mahamed Hasan, both aged 27, were among a number of devout Muslim employees at the supermarket who had lobbied for a prayer room since 2006.

In 2008, managers agreed to set aside a security office at the distribution depot in Crick, Northamptonshire, as a prayer room for Muslims.

But four years later, bosses set new restrictions on the use of the room which included keeping it locked when it was not in use.

Following an employment tribunal, Tesco was guilty of indirect discrimination - with the men awarded an undisclosed sum for ‘injury to their feelings’

Read more: Marks & Spencer tells Muslim staff they CAN refuse to serve customers buying alcohol or pork | Mail Online
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I think people will drive 20 miles out of their way to shop
in another store.I would at least.
As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.

I worked in a grocery store and sometimes the blood from the meat gets through. The solution is simple, wear gloves when handling meat or wrap the shit out of it. It would be more sanitary for everyone involved. Gloves would enhance Muslim Modesty so this shouldn't be an issue at all or here's a thought, don't work for a grocery store that sells pork or booze. Look for work in a clothing store instead, problem solved. I have allergies to animals do guess what? I don't work for a vet or a pet store and I'm not a farmer. I work for establishments that don't have anything to do with animals. If I can do it so can they.
As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.
The problem isn't the handling of the pork products or the alcohol.

But according to Islamic theology, it is a sin to sell 'haram' (forbidden) items to people. ... :cool:
As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.

I worked in a grocery store and sometimes the blood from the meat gets through. The solution is simple, wear gloves when handling meat or wrap the shit out of it. It would be more sanitary for everyone involved. Gloves would enhance Muslim Modesty so this shouldn't be an issue at all or here's a thought, don't work for a grocery store that sells pork or booze. Look for work in a clothing store instead, problem solved. I have allergies to animals do guess what? I don't work for a vet or a pet store and I'm not a farmer. I work for establishments that don't have anything to do with animals. If I can do it so can they.

I agree - basically, there are a number of occupations that might not fit in with an individual's religious or ethical beliefs - so don't choose them. It's like the issue of pharmacists refusing to dispense birth control - if it violates your religious beliefs - FIND ANOTHER OCCUPATION or find a means of working around it that doesn't violate the customer's rights.
As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.
The problem isn't the handling of the pork products or the alcohol.

But according to Islamic theology, it is a sin to sell 'haram' (forbidden) items to people. ... :cool:

...had no idea....

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