M&s Muslim cashiers can refuse to ring up booze and pork

As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.
The problem isn't the handling of the pork products or the alcohol.

But according to Islamic theology, it is a sin to sell 'haram' (forbidden) items to people. ... :cool:

...had no idea....
It is also considered a sin in Islam to make or produce 'haram' products to sell to people.

And that means for anyone; be they a muslim or a non muslim. ... :cool:
Muslims are part of America's "Special Groups". "Special Groups" get more privilages then non-"special groups" like Whites or Christians.
As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.
The problem isn't the handling of the pork products or the alcohol.

But according to Islamic theology, it is a sin to sell 'haram' (forbidden) items to people. ... :cool:

So don't work there. If a person believes Homosexuality is a sin they don't work for gay pride. If a person believes prostitution is a sin they don't become a prostitute. Those who believe alcohol is a sin don't buy or sell liquor. BTW not having anything to do with liquor isn't exclusive to Islam, I know plenty of Christians who feel the same way about liquor and cigarettes. The thing is, if they bend over backwards for one group they have to do it for all and that's impossible. It's better to have a Norm and have the different groups work around that norm. This systems been working well for years, I don't see why we have to start screwing with it.
Muslims are part of America's "Special Groups". "Special Groups" get more privilages then non-"special groups" like Whites or Christians.

What privilages do they get that Christians don't get?
The problem isn't the handling of the pork products or the alcohol.

But according to Islamic theology, it is a sin to sell 'haram' (forbidden) items to people. ... :cool:

...had no idea....
It is also considered a sin in Islam to make or produce 'haram' products to sell to people.

And that means for anyone; be they a muslim or a non muslim. ... :cool:

That can certainly complicate things for a Muslim :)
...had no idea....
It is also considered a sin in Islam to make or produce 'haram' products to sell to people.

And that means for anyone; be they a muslim or a non muslim. ... :cool:

That can certainly complicate things for a Muslim :)
Muslims try to shop at halal grocery stores; no pork products, no alcohol, and the meat is slaughtered according to Islamic standards.

If I am in an area with no halal stores; then I try to find a grocery store that has a jewish kosher section.

That's close enough........ :eusa_angel:
I personally know a muslim woman who works the check out register at a WalMart in Florida.

She wears the head scarf (hijab) and face veil (niqab) at her job.

When a customer in her line puts pork products or alcohol on the counter to be purchased.

She pushes a button and a manager comes over and checks those particular items out. .... :cool:

She should be reassigned, or just shit-canned.
Some day all grocery stores will have 1 check out line for 'halal' products only. .... :thup:

Check out halal wherever you want, just get the hell out of my way when I'm buying a nice ham!

(Mental note: need to buy a ham this week.)
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As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.
The problem isn't the handling of the pork products or the alcohol.

But according to Islamic theology, it is a sin to sell 'haram' (forbidden) items to people. ... :cool:

Muslims should NEVER be hired as cashiers at grocery stores, then.

And, of course, I have met several Muslims that actually OWN package stores! But then, hypocrisy has ALWAYS been a tradition of your murder cult, right?
As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.
The problem isn't the handling of the pork products or the alcohol.

But according to Islamic theology, it is a sin to sell 'haram' (forbidden) items to people. ... :cool:
That must be tough. There are a lot of jobs in the food service industry that would technically be off limits. For instance I know for a fact that many fast food restaurants use both beef and pork in their hamburgers. So working at these establishments would definitely be a no-no. Same goes for working as a waiter in any restaurant that serves alcohol.
As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.
The problem isn't the handling of the pork products or the alcohol.

But according to Islamic theology, it is a sin to sell 'haram' (forbidden) items to people. ... :cool:

so why would somebody who observes strict rules apply for a job which constantly demands violating them or be a nuisance to others?

It happens to everybody - I do not want to have anything to do with abortions - so I do not work in the hospitals which provide them, even for the medical reasons.
That must be tough. There are a lot of jobs in the food service industry that would technically be off limits. For instance I know for a fact that many fast food restaurants use both beef and pork in their hamburgers. So working at these establishments would definitely be a no-no. Same goes for working as a waiter in any restaurant that serves alcohol.
Yes, it does make it a challenge.

I believe that chicken places like KFC and Chick-fil-A would be OK fast food places for muslims to work at. .... :cool:
As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.

A bisexual Jew?:eusa_eh:
Muslims are part of America's "Special Groups". "Special Groups" get more privilages then non-"special groups" like Whites or Christians.

You realize this thread isn't . About America. It's about the UK.
Not exactly a current event in the US.

updated 3/18/2007

"Muslim cashiers at some local Target stores who object to ringing up products that contain pork are being shifted to other positions where they don’t need to, the discount retailer said Saturday.

The Star Tribune reported this past week that some Muslim cashiers at local Targets had declined to scan pork products such as bacon because doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs. They would ask other cashiers to ring up such purchases, or sometimes customers would scan those items themselves, the newspaper reported."

Target shifts Muslims who won?t sell pork - Business - US business | NBC News
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As a Jew, my thing would be pointing out how presumedly the pork is wrapped in plastic or something other barrier so that you're not actually 'handling pork.' Same with alcohol and Muslims, it's in a bottle is it not? You're not consuming it, or absorbing it through your skin or anything.
The problem isn't the handling of the pork products or the alcohol.

But according to Islamic theology, it is a sin to sell 'haram' (forbidden) items to people. ... :cool:

No it isn't. a local Imam in Michigan or Wisconsin declared that it was not a sin for taxi cab drivers to transport people with alcohol, same concept.
I should think every right winger in the joint would be in favor of this. Isn't it rather like what the Christian baker did?

Hey, gotta respect one religion, gotta respect 'em all.

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