Mack challenges Geithner on deficits, role in AIG bailout Feb 24 2010


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Jan 17, 2010
6:39 P.M. — WASHINGTON — At a House Budget Committee hearing this morning, U.S. Rep. Connie Mack, R-Fort Myers, pressed Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner about the secretary’s questionable role in the AIG bailout and his ability to steer our nation out of this recession.

Mack also questioned the secretary about the Obama Administration’s claim to want to reduce spending and deficits, despite the fact that the president’s fiscal year 2011 budget includes a $1.7 trillion deficit.

Mack, who was the first member of Congress to call for Secretary Geithner’s resignation last year, said:

“The American people have lost confidence in Secretary Geithner’s ability to rescue our economy from this recession. His testimony today before the Budget Committee showed the Administration is not serious about cutting spending, reducing our exploding deficits or trimming our runaway debt.
full story Mack challenges Geithner on deficits, role in AIG bailout | | The News-Press

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