Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

We'll get our respect back. I think the world knows this is essentially a last gasp.

Not until that childishly arrogant orange fool is gone.

And what will change under the Kushner Adminstration in 2025? Libs hate Jared as well.

Are you now admitting that the fix IS in for the trump crime family to hold on to the Presidency?


I am commenting that it really doesn't matter if its Trump or anyone else, including but not exclusively Mr. Kushner, is nominated to be President, they will get the same hysterical bullshit as Trump is.

Do you really think that it would be any different in 2021 if Kasich or Pierre Delecto somehow became President? These men may think that they have earned civility with the Leftards- but that's only because they are losers. The late John McCain spent 25 years kissing liberal ass, but as soon as he was actually nominated for office, he was attacked as Literally Hitler.

Nato was not exactly in lock step with our policies in the late 60s or with Reagan, but we remained civil and focused on shared issues. Trump's snits are better than being there for Vlad.
Interesting...I post a picture of Former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and you post a picture of someone (you?) screaming.................triggered indeed.
Sorry, snowflake, but your ignorance / attempt to play 'stupid' is showing. The picture I posted, as you know, is one of the any distraught Hillary-worshipping snowflakes who participated in the pathetic 'Hillary-Lost-So-We-Are-Going-To-Go-Outside-And-Scream-At-The-Sky' post-2016 election snowflake WAKE / event.

The last time someone called Justin Trudeau a name (Trump called him “two-faced” today), this is what happened.
Trudeau won the fight by TKO in the third round. The loser was a Conservative Canadian Senator. The fight was actually for charity, not for name-calling. Still, one round with Trump in the ring... Canada? Doesn’t Santa live up there? A Christmas present for your neighbor? Please?
Oh, I'd pay to see that.
So your house is public!? Lol dude you can spin all you want .. Twitter and Facebook opened up as a public square became the popular square and now want to control who wins elections.. sorry not going to happen it will be changing very soon!

Dude, you are full of shit. Nothing is going to change. You have no lawsuit and you have never been banned from Twitter. You are a known lair and nothing you say should be taken as the truth without some form of supporting evidence.
I’m pretty sure there is a lawsuit, and the conservative SC will back the 1st amendment.. sorry

Devin Nunes' Lawsuit Could Become A Nightmare For Twitter
Devin Nunes is suing his cow......:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I miss Milo to... just wait till he’s back lol
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

LMAO I'm sure Trump is heartbroken.

Neither of those "world" leaders have done much. Oh and when did Princess Ann accomplish anything??

Trundo is importing unvetted Syrian refugees by the thousands into Canada. And Macron is turning France into a Moslem filled shithole.

Yup. Just the kind or "world" leaders everyone should copy.

I'd bet Trump LHAO just like I did.

Carry on dumbass.

Trump is thin skinned. Being laughed at hurts him to his core.

Nah. If he were thin skinned he wouldn't be the business man he is. Can't be thin skinned and make billion dollar deals.

I doubt he gives a crap what those supposed "world" leaders think. I know I sure don't.

You mean all those bankruptcies?

Sure. Many businessmen go bankrupt. Trump has but he's worth 3 billion. That's billion with a b so he's doing something right. And he's one hell of a businessman as that 3 billion shows.

Enjoy. I sure as hell will.

Sure...he says he's a billionaire...*wink *wink
Lol haters gonna hate..

Yes you do.
I don’t hate people that are successful
But the trumpanzee isn't.
No taxes
2000 lawsuits from contractors he stiffed?
Bankrupt casino.
Now that takes some doing
No wonder to be trumped in by means to be stiffed
And to trump in Europe means to fart, mmm
Huh what good business man hasn’t Failed a few times
That's not the problem ....

The problem with this particular situation is that we have FOREIGN leaders making fun of the President of the United States and to that each and every American Citizen should respond...

"Look here foreign leaders you can't make fun of the President of The United States, that's our fucking job!"
Trump broke the mold first by mocking everyone he encounters. He mocked Trudeau and Macron.
Yeah so? It's one of the few things I like about Trump, he doesn't seem to have any respect for arrogant, self serving political "elites" , on the downside he doesn't seem to realize that he's actually an arrogant, self serving political elite himself.

The US has no standing to think its "leader" should not be mocked.
Er.. umm.. reading is fundamental, I didn't say Donny shouldn't be mocked, I said it was OUR job to mock him, perhaps your sense of humor is in the shop?

Perhaps if a person with the social sensabilities of even a W or Obama is someday elected to replace the FAT ORANGE FUCK then we can have this discussion.
LOL, u mad bro ?

"trump, he doesn't seem to have any respect...." because he's a bullying buffoon.
----------------------------------------------------- nothing wrong with being the Big Lad or BULLY amongst these 'euro types' . Looks to me that being ASSERTIVE and VIGOROUS is the way to go for the TRUMP . [and ALL people actually] Bode .

President Trump gets along fine with a lot leaders, just the pansies from western Europe seem to be put off by him.

Leaders from Brazil, the Phillippines, India, Korea, Hungary, Israel, Japan among others, all have no problem with the Trumpster.

Over in Israel, did you see how they named a new town for the President, Trump Heights?
--------------------------------------------- excellent FINAL post in this thread that you post right above Polish P !!
Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

The first sign of serious mental illness is to care more about how others see you than how you see yourself. All the worse if the people you worry about are all flaming jackasses.

Only a jackass cares what other jackasses think.
If everyone is laughing at you and you didn’t tell a need to wonder what the reason is

Trump is openly mocked around the much for making America Great
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

/—-/ Who cares what those twerps think. They can just line up with their hats in their hands begging for US Taxpayer dollars. Let them stew.

Who cares? Liberals care. These are their constituents and they share a hatred for America. All of those "laughing" are barely holding on to power against their own citizens revolts.
Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

The first sign of serious mental illness is to care more about how others see you than how you see yourself. All the worse if the people you worry about are all flaming jackasses.

Only a jackass cares what other jackasses think.
If everyone is laughing at you and you didn’t tell a need to wonder what the reason is

Trump is openly mocked around the much for making America Great
------------------------------------ America is Great for Americans and that was TRUMPS Goal RWinger .
That's not the problem ....

The problem with this particular situation is that we have FOREIGN leaders making fun of the President of the United States and to that each and every American Citizen should respond...

"Look here foreign leaders you can't make fun of the President of The United States, that's our fucking job!"
Trump broke the mold first by mocking everyone he encounters. He mocked Trudeau and Macron.
Yeah so? It's one of the few things I like about Trump, he doesn't seem to have any respect for arrogant, self serving political "elites" , on the downside he doesn't seem to realize that he's actually an arrogant, self serving political elite himself.

The US has no standing to think its "leader" should not be mocked.
Er.. umm.. reading is fundamental, I didn't say Donny shouldn't be mocked, I said it was OUR job to mock him, perhaps your sense of humor is in the shop?

Perhaps if a person with the social sensabilities of even a W or Obama is someday elected to replace the FAT ORANGE FUCK then we can have this discussion.
LOL, u mad bro ?

"trump, he doesn't seem to have any respect...." because he's a bullying buffoon.
----------------------------------------------------- nothing wrong with being the Big Lad or BULLY amongst these 'euro types' . Looks to me that being ASSERTIVE and VIGOROUS is the way to go for the TRUMP . [and ALL people actually] Bode .

President Trump gets along fine with a lot leaders, just the pansies from western Europe seem to be put off by him.

Leaders from Brazil, the Phillippines, India, Korea, Hungary, Israel, Japan among others, all have no problem with the Trumpster.

Over in Israel, did you see how they named a new town for the President, Trump Heights?

Trump covers for Philippines, Saudi Arabia, N Korea, Russia...

Friends not to be proud of
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

And yes I am sure many foreigners would celebrate a victory over Trump. But..not today.
they have their nations and USA has its Nation 'mr kashoogi' , --- er . I mean RWinger .
He is your god, not mine

The fact that YOU think in those terms says everything about YOU not me.

Carry on
The orange Chosen One....words from another fat donnie worshipper.
------------------------------------------ and President TRUMP is still President Trump as I type this little comment .
And what a sad sad indicator of how our nation has fallen.................
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

What great “allies”. Turdeau is a laughing stock who bends over to appease Muslims.
Macron is a little boy who likes being with a woman old enough to be his mother.

When are you moving to Canada or France?

Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

You do know that when globalist elites mock your President, they are in effect mocking you, don't you?

It's not like they really give a crap about you and your pathetic little existence, because to them, you're nothing but another "ugly American.."

No, they are not mocking us. Tho I'm sure they feel sorry for the American people as a whole and wonder WHAT were we thinking in 2016. I can understand that completely.

You understand nothing, otherwise you would know what a great President Donald J. Trump is. And the only sorrow you're feeling is for yourself, because he won.
Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

The first sign of serious mental illness is to care more about how others see you than how you see yourself. All the worse if the people you worry about are all flaming jackasses.

Only a jackass cares what other jackasses think.
And we have all these cultists triggered....................
Yes you do.
I don’t hate people that are successful

Liar. You are one of the people leading the bandwagon against all the successful social media companies.

Nope, not at all. If you do not like the way they do things, start your own sites and compete with them. Quit trying to get the government to force people to be nice to you.
I don't give a rats about your social fucking media. I don't use any of it.

I just RIGHTLY pointed out that it's all part of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

Deal with it. We all know what it is.
This message board is social media.........:71:
Trump saw the other leaders laughing at him and he left early in a snit. :lol:

I swear he must have an IQ of 75 to 80.
Since when does the Orange One have any reason to believe others should not mock him or his office?

That's not the problem ....

The problem with this particular situation is that we have FOREIGN leaders making fun of the President of the United States and to that each and every American Citizen should respond...

"Look here foreign leaders you can't make fun of the President of The United States, that's our fucking job!"
Trump broke the mold first by mocking everyone he encounters. He mocked Trudeau and Macron.
Yeah so? It's one of the few things I like about Trump, he doesn't seem to have any respect for arrogant, self serving political "elites" , on the downside he doesn't seem to realize that he's actually an arrogant, self serving political elite himself.

The US has no standing to think its "leader" should not be mocked.
Er.. umm.. reading is fundamental, I didn't say Donny shouldn't be mocked, I said it was OUR job to mock him, perhaps your sense of humor is in the shop?

Perhaps if a person with the social sensabilities of even a W or Obama is someday elected to replace the FAT ORANGE FUCK then we can have this discussion.
LOL, u mad bro ?

"trump, he doesn't seem to have any respect...." because he's a bullying buffoon.
----------------------------------------------------- nothing wrong with being the Big Lad or BULLY amongst these 'euro types' . Looks to me that being ASSERTIVE and VIGOROUS is the way to go for the TRUMP . [and ALL people actually] Bode .
So, you are all for going for the ugly American look, eh?
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

there will be no laughing or celebrating from leftist weaklings like you after the 2020 elections BULLDYKE .

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