Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

The first sign of serious mental illness is to care more about how others see you than how you see yourself. All the worse if the people you worry about are all flaming jackasses.

Only a jackass cares what other jackasses think.
And we have all these cultists triggered....................

Is that your new impotent keyword sent out to everyone on the Left now to label those who think it strange to care what people on the other side of the world who don't give a jack about us think? WE are the cult?
Liar. You are one of the people leading the bandwagon against all the successful social media companies.

Nope, not at all. If you do not like the way they do things, start your own sites and compete with them. Quit trying to get the government to force people to be nice to you.
I don't give a rats about your social fucking media. I don't use any of it.

I just RIGHTLY pointed out that it's all part of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

Deal with it. We all know what it is.

:itsok: know this site is part of social media...right?
It's obviously NOT part of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

I don't see conservatives being banned FOR NO REASON. I've been here for FIFTEEN YEARS.

Get a clue.
Translation: if a site lets me do what I want to do, it's ok.....forget impartiality. :71:
Yeah, kind of funny that they won't say it to his face, but behind his back when they thought nobody
was watching or listening.
I'm sure this was after Trump had handed their asses to them on a silver platter.
When the going gets tough....they will be kissing his ass.
God Bless Trump
Is that why fat donnie went home in a huff? They know he's a fraud and a failure and laughed at him quite appropriately.
That's quite a misread on your behalf.....he bitch slapped them and they didn't like it, Bodie.
I know when you get bitch slapped you don't like it, well, it's the same for them.
And pray tell, how did he "bitch slap" them? By crying and going home? Odd definition there.
Um no....NATO is 100 Billion dollars richer this year than it was last year and the dead wood members are being made to take Viaxgara for a change.
Let France pay for its own defense instead of depending on a nation that they despise to protect them. They can't stand the US....well then they don't need our money.

So, you are too fucking stupid to know that NATO countries have been increasing their military spending since an agreement in 2014. Most are on schedule to meet the agreed level.

Trump is a loud mouth who is claiming he did it. He is making them pay & you Trumpettes are so stupid that you believe him.
They still aren't paying their fair share, so fuck off, fake dave.
They are abiding by the agreement so fuck off Trump Boy

No they aren't they are supposed to be at 2% of GDP and they are not.

They consistently Dodge the obligation to meet their fair share
While at the same time screaming for
American military protection.

They are on schedule. Canada is screaming for our military protection? Really?
Yeah, kind of funny that they won't say it to his face, but behind his back when they thought nobody
was watching or listening.
I'm sure this was after Trump had handed their asses to them on a silver platter.
When the going gets tough....they will be kissing his ass.
God Bless Trump
Is that why fat donnie went home in a huff? They know he's a fraud and a failure and laughed at him quite appropriately.
That's quite a misread on your behalf.....he bitch slapped them and they didn't like it, Bodie.
I know when you get bitch slapped you don't like it, well, it's the same for them.
And pray tell, how did he "bitch slap" them? By crying and going home? Odd definition there.
And pray tell!?
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.
Well, I guess this confirms it, but it doesn't exactly come as a surprise.

I'd guess they view him similarly to the way they view that stupid, fat Toronto lush mayor who kept saying stupid things from a few years back. The difference, of course, is that THIS buffoon can cause a lot more damage. So they're probably letting out some steam out of pure exasperation.
Trump is destroying NATO and making a fool out of America & you assfucks are so stupid you think it is funny.

Um no....NATO is 100 Billion dollars richer this year than it was last year and the dead wood members are being made to take Viaxgara for a change.
Let France pay for its own defense instead of depending on a nation that they despise to protect them. They can't stand the US....well then they don't need our money.

So, you are too fucking stupid to know that NATO countries have been increasing their military spending since an agreement in 2014. Most are on schedule to meet the agreed level.

Trump is a loud mouth who is claiming he did it. He is making them pay & you Trumpettes are so stupid that you believe him.
They still aren't paying their fair share, so fuck off, fake dave.
They are abiding by the agreement so fuck off Trump Boy

No they aren't they are supposed to be at 2% of GDP and they are not.
NO, you are telling things that are not correct.

Here is part of that 2014 agreement giving countries 10 years to meet that 2%.

  • Allies currently meeting the NATO guideline to spend a minimum of 2% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on defence will aim to continue to do so. Likewise, Allies spending more than 20% of their defence budgets on major equipment, including related Research & Development, will continue to do so.
  • Allies whose current proportion of GDP spent on defence is below this level will:
    • halt any decline in defence expenditure;
    • aim to increase defence expenditure in real terms as GDP grows;
    • aim to move towards the 2% guideline within a decade with a view to meeting their NATO Capability Targets and filling NATO's capability shortfalls.
  • Wales Summit Declaration issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Wales
So, you are too fucking stupid to know that NATO countries have been increasing their military spending since an agreement in 2014. Most are on schedule to meet the agreed level.

Trump is a loud mouth who is claiming he did it. He is making them pay & you Trumpettes are so stupid that you believe him.
They still aren't paying their fair share, so fuck off, fake dave.
They are abiding by the agreement so fuck off Trump Boy
They aren't with the 2%, I don't know where you're getting your info, Fake.
The agreement said they do not need to be at this time. How about you pull your heas ourt of your fat ass & read about the NATO agreement you stupid shit.
I get it, only in your looney world, when not meeting the intended obligation IS meeting the intended obligation.
Look, Fake, .there is a number out there of 2% of GDP that is supposed to go to this ludicrous old boys club called NATO.
They ain't meeting that number and that is the issue.
Now kindly insert your pinhead up your ass and roll down the sidewalk, Fake.

They are within the terms of the agreement. I posted it, Read it & become informed.
Okay WHO LOOKS UNPROFESSIONAL HERE? Yes the two faced backstabbing leaders in other countries behaving like gossiping teenage girls. THAT'S why we elected Trump we are fed up with these asshole so called 'professional' politicians.
Ooooooooh. So THAT's what's got you clutching your pearls.....your orange Chosen One got gossiped about. :71:

This is why your side is not in charge, you are a bunch of juveniles. Go work on your cardboard sign and hey hey ho ho chant. Find a 2020 candidate if you can :auiqs.jpg:
A brief history of world leaders laughing at Trump

It was a key talking point during President Trump’s 2016 campaign, and even before it: The idea that other countries were laughing at the United States. “The world is laughing at us,” he said in May 2016. “They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity,” he said of Mexico in his campaign launch speech. He used the phrase “laughing at us” more than 50 times between 2011 and his election as president. Trump, the argument went, was going to make it stop.

Instead, Trump has been the object of repeated jest and even mockery by fellow world leaders. And it’s been caught on tape — again.

Geesh, what an ass-clown.
Meh, it doesn't matter Dem's will be obliterated at the polls in 2020. Piss off the right, brilliant plan you morons :auiqs.jpg:
That's not the problem ....

The problem with this particular situation is that we have FOREIGN leaders making fun of the President of the United States and to that each and every American Citizen should respond...

"Look here foreign leaders you can't make fun of the President of The United States, that's our fucking job!"
Trump broke the mold first by mocking everyone he encounters. He mocked Trudeau and Macron.
Yeah so? It's one of the few things I like about Trump, he doesn't seem to have any respect for arrogant, self serving political "elites" , on the downside he doesn't seem to realize that he's actually an arrogant, self serving political elite himself.

The US has no standing to think its "leader" should not be mocked.
Er.. umm.. reading is fundamental, I didn't say Donny shouldn't be mocked, I said it was OUR job to mock him, perhaps your sense of humor is in the shop?

Perhaps if a person with the social sensabilities of even a W or Obama is someday elected to replace the FAT ORANGE FUCK then we can have this discussion.
LOL, u mad bro ?

"trump, he doesn't seem to have any respect...." because he's a bullying buffoon.
----------------------------------------------------- nothing wrong with being the Big Lad or BULLY amongst these 'euro types' . Looks to me that being ASSERTIVE and VIGOROUS is the way to go for the TRUMP . [and ALL people actually] Bode .

President Trump gets along fine with a lot leaders, just the pansies from western Europe seem to be put off by him.

Leaders from Brazil, the Phillippines, India, Korea, Hungary, Israel, Japan among others, all have no problem with the Trumpster.

Over in Israel, did you see how they named a new town for the President, Trump Heights?
Yeah..Turkey, Russia, North Korea......they get along fine with fat donnie.
I love it....a few well chosen words from our CIC then he steps back and watches the cat fight.
Should have put it on Pay Per View and got some revenue :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, you must be very proud to have him as our great country's representative on the world stage. I guess Howdy Dowdy wasn't available.
Howdy Dowdy? :auiqs.jpg:
Don't need no stinkin' "Howdy Dowdy", or Howdy Doody when you have these world leaders scamming the system and being called out on it.
How are they scamming the system?
But the trumpanzee isn't.
No taxes
2000 lawsuits from contractors he stiffed?
Bankrupt casino.
Now that takes some doing
No wonder to be trumped in by means to be stiffed
And to trump in Europe means to fart, mmm
Huh what good business man hasn’t Failed a few times

Bill Gates
Jeff Bez0
Warren Buffett
Mark Zuckerberg

But they are all self made...

So what trust fund baby hasn't gone bankrupt?
Lol I looked at their portfolio, not even close to what trumps has created

They are all richer, at least 3 of them have created larger companies that employed more people. You're weird.
Trump has property , to wine , to a A+ BBB rated college. SORRY Little man .. how
Man changed the sky line of the largest city in the world

His college closed down and he paid a settlement for defrauding people.
One of the Royals is virtually ostracized as a result of his relationship with a known pedophile and Princess Ann laughs at the President of the United States? Surely you jest.
I love it....a few well chosen words from our CIC then he steps back and watches the cat fight.
Should have put it on Pay Per View and got some revenue :auiqs.jpg:
Trump is destroying NATO and making a fool out of America & you assfucks are so stupid you think it is funny.

Still haven’t gotten over the election, huh?

Yep that must be it because it can't be that Donnie lies his ass off every day, skyrockets the deficits, creates a worse environment, bankrupts our farmers, steals children, trashes military veterans, and has his daughter act like the secretary of state.
Poor little leftist demtrashtards... any time America is doing GOOD, it's BAD for them, and that includes all the little globalist lefties around the world in their little failing countries that are JEALOUS of America.
America is doing well, why so many homeless and people working two or three jobs just to afford housing?

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