Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

We should pull out of NATO. The Europeans, together, are far stronger economically than Russia.

Economics is not the reason NATO exists. As long as Russia exists there will be a need to oppose them militarily on the European continent.

Then why didnt these Europeans help Crimea when Russia invaded? well I'll tell you why. They were waiting for the U.S. to do something. They dont actually want to get killed and all that, only during the Obama years in office there was no way we were going to face off against Russia. We had to wait for Trump to give them the assistance they needed. So why coudnt these Nato or U.N. people do anything? they dont have the will, thats why. They cant even pay their parking tickets in New York and DC without invoking diplomatic immunity
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Yet they'll everyone cry when they need us, you're an idiot.

They obviously don’t need Trump

(smile) They need the United States. When Russia or China come calling on them they beg for our Military and Weapons.

Trump will be a distant memory by then

I hope we can repair our international reputation
Trump has made us a laughing stock
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Yet they'll everyone cry when they need us, you're an idiot.

They obviously don’t need Trump

(smile) They need the United States. When Russia or China come calling on them they beg for our Military and Weapons.

Why would China come calling? China is working hard to connect all of Europe to them. Every hole we leave by pulling out of agreements and every rift we cause by attacking our allies just brings China close to Europe.

They are doing the same thing in Africa and South America, not to mention the new pipeline between them and Russia.

The best thing that could have ever happened to China was for the US to fall back and hide behind our wall.
One of the Brit Royals is virtually ostracized and afraid to appear in public because of his alleged association with a now deceased accused pedophile but the crazy left is convinced that NATO members are laughing at the President of the United States. NATO members are laughing at themselves.
Watch all his little Orange Nothings rush to this thread to defend him and disparage our allies in the process. Kudos to the Stupid Orange Zombies.
Yeah? And? A bunch of EuroTards comparing their throbbing sphincters. STFU and pay your NATO bills. Simple as that.
We should pull out of NATO. The Europeans, together, are far stronger economically than Russia.

Economics is not the reason NATO exists. As long as Russia exists there will be a need to oppose them militarily on the European continent.

Then why didnt these Europeans help Crimea when Russia invaded? well I'll tell you why. They were waiting for the U.S. to do something. They dont actually want to get killed and all that, only during the Obama years in office there was no way we were going to face off against Russia. We had to wait for Trump to give them the assistance they needed. So why coudnt these Nato or U.N. people do anything? they dont have the will, thats why. They cant even pay their parking tickets in New York and DC without invoking diplomatic immunity

They did help. And Obama gave them millions in military assistance.
The reality here is that the American president is now disrespected. That's what trump has done to the office.
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I love it....a few well chosen words from our CIC then he steps back and watches the cat fight.
Should have put it on Pay Per View and got some revenue :auiqs.jpg:
Trump is destroying NATO and making a fool out of America & you assfucks are so stupid you think it is funny.

Still haven’t gotten over the election, huh?

Yep that must be it because it can't be that Donnie lies his ass off every day, skyrockets the deficits, creates a worse environment, bankrupts our farmers, steals children, trashes military veterans, and has his daughter act like the secretary of state.

Do you need a hug?

Hilary lost the election, but that's not your fault.

No, really, it's not your fault...

First of all, Hillary got 3 million more votes than your fat assed orange buddy.

Second, the election is over. We are now concerned about America & how you low IQ assfucks are trying to destroy it.
Post 2:
Anyone give a shit what Russia and France think?

Post 3:
As if anyone gives a shit about what a gaggle of Euros think and say.

Post 5:
How many times are you going to post this thread today?

On just the first page of this forum alone:

Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

NATO Leaders: The rest of the world is just laughing at Trump now:

Whelp --- there's your answer posts 2 and 3.

Btw Hoss ---- Canada is in America, eh?
World leaders overheard joking about Trump at NATO meeting

Anyone give a shit what Russia and France think? You bed wetters are hilarious.

Bet tRump does.

As much as he cares what AOC thinks.

Ironic coming from a poster who spent the first half of this year breathlessly whining every twenty minutes about what AOC ordered for breakfast, from three thousand miles away.
Post 2:
Anyone give a shit what Russia and France think?

Post 3:
As if anyone gives a shit about what a gaggle of Euros think and say.

Post 5:
How many times are you going to post this thread today?

On just the first page of this forum alone:

Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

NATO Leaders: The rest of the world is just laughing at Trump now:

Whelp --- there's your answer posts 2 and 3.

Btw Hoss ---- Canada is in America, eh?

Canada is our red headed step child.

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