Macy's Management "Where's The Employees"?


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Macy's stock price closed yesterday over twenty percent down from its highs in mid-July, recent estimates on sales are that they will be flat for the year, the common investor fair read on Macy's is that the management is not executing. A more relevant in-depth analysis would be that Macy's top management aren't good top managemnt meaning in part they don't act like good people that cares sufficiently about their staff that is not to say they cannot remedy it. They haven't appropiately cared about the income of their staff, consequently they're not getting the depth of get great performance from their staff and it shows in the company's sales performance, this failure runs the gambit from the merchandise buyers to the workers that unload and prepare merchandise on the docks. Consider how the management pays the staff today compared to ten or more years ago it is the difference between night and day that is the essence of why the business struggles! Not only does paying better get higher quality people that generate higher sales revenue but they bring stability and strength to that revenue stream higher quality people know how to adapt better and drive harder to bring in revenue continually.

This top management's disregard for the incomes of their staff could be viewed from many perspectives one would be to consider the dramatic cutting of full-time work in the company and replacing it with part-time work, part-time workers understanably don't care about the business nearly as much as full-time workers and it shows in sales and customer satisfaction. There exist a culture in the company where management wants to drive out senior people because they earn significantly higher wages, excellent senior people too, it is a short sighted culture that has been allowed to prevail. The crazy thing is that top management did not have to do this overall since 2009 profits have been great the stock price has been rising great why didn't they shave off the profit levels to just make them ordinarily great and invest those monies in the company's people they're really the revenue engine of the business. The top management has allowed themselves to get fooled into believing the correct course is too insure there is an abundance of sales people on the floor for the big sales when the business would be better off cutting this quantity and taking this money and use it to pay for higher quality sales people, a high quality experienced salesperson dwarfs the value of these new part-timers management churns into the schedule for these big sales. Top management probably reads these customer surveys saying Macy's needs more salespeople on the selling floor what customer wouldn't like more sales people it is encumbant on top management to actually assess what is transpiring on the selling floor there is no shortage of staff that exists or ever existed at Macy's maybe a shortage of training where a salesperson needed to pick-up a phone and call a manager to say send someone to help a customer in their department. Macy's top management needs to grow a backbone and stop allowing themselves to be bullied by local authorities to hire more people they need to tell these authorities when they pursue these efforts "no way" doing this hurts the business too much and tell these local authorities take your request for job creation to your state or national representatives that is their job not Macy's job! This "overly frugal on pay causing staff quality problems" is a fixable problem but it takes times really good people aren't really easy to find it takes time to screen them out and take steps to make them your permanent core staff!

Top management hasn't acted like good top management in the key area of protecting the business to insure the company has loyal staff. Good top management understands there is two general types of employees. There is the one type that is loyal to the corporation the good employee which meets the common public perception of one, this employee cares about the customer and the business in doing their job always looks out for the company's interest. There is the other type that is loyal to local authorities, the bad employee, this employee's loyalties run to local authorities and most importantly to local authorities agenda which is to squeeze as much money out of the corporation for the local community as possible manipulating them to hire more people than is needed or desired and to do capital spending often of similar bad nature. It is an agenda to suppress sales at individual stores for the purpose of moving those sales to other retailers in the community local authorities have interests in seeing succeed financially. It is an agenda that turns over all or mostly all the jobs in an individual store to local authorities to move people in and out of those jobs to suit the local authorities interests and support their power marginalizing the holders of these jobs civil rights and the principle of good; in short it is an agenda that subordinates the company's interests to local authorities' interests. Good top management should especially be vigilant in seeing that the Store Manager, the Assistant Store Manager and the Human Resource Manager jobs in individual stores are not filled with this bad employee type of employee because if this occurs not only will that hurt sales and customer relations at the store in question it will subject the good employees at such a store to grave danger from their jobs standpoint because these good employees pose an obstacle to these bad executive office managers and their local authority allies carrying out their agenda at the store!

This writer knows of a Macy's store where this specific issue is playing out. The staff person at the store is a really good employee of the "loyal to the corporation" type and the Store Manager, the Assistant Store Manager and the Human Resource Manager are of the "loyal to local authorities" type. These executive office managers and their local authority allies have been targeting this good staff person for a long time trying to push this person out of their job which is a scandal in and of itself. Most importantly though in the last three weeks this bad executive office managers team has taken a substantial step to carry out their agenda here. Consequently these people have escalated this matter to now this staff person needs to make clear to Macy's top management this staff person is going to fight for the good here and fight to the maximum! Macy's top management should take note what this means. This staff person holds Macy's top management fully morally liable for this unjust agenda against this staff person. Macy's top management has had an abundance of notice on what has been going on it is widespread known in the corporation what has been going on against this staff member and this writing serves as an example of moral notice to the development over the last three weeks. This staff member will use all just means against top management to end this threat. Macy's top management has the power to permanently end this threat by permanently removing the Assistant Store Manager, the Store Manager and the Human Resource Manager at this store and replacing them with good managers. It bares mentioning that even if this whole "unjust targeting of a staff member" never took place top management will still have to remove these executive managers from their job they never should have been given the jobs in the first place any competent selection process for these assistant store manager and store manager positions would have picked up these people are people of major bad character and of major bad hearts and a good top manager in a million years would not give them control of an individual store; any top manager that could reasonably claim to be competent assessing these two managers would conclude they will never succeed in their jobs and most importantly the individual store will never as a result of them being in these jobs. "Just cause" lies in removing these people from their jobs and any lawyer taking their case in a lawsuit against Macy's over this would be an utter fool for taking the case. If top management thinks the way they'll handle this is let these forces succeed in ousting this staff member and this will be the end of the matter they will be sorely mistaken, justice and goodness will prevail here for this staff member, top management and their allies will pay a permanent very significant price if these forces succeed! This staff member wants no conflict with Macy's top management or their allies it wishes them all the best this staff member just wants to humbly and quietly do this staff member's job well this really is an easily solvable problem for top management!
This is a very old story in retail. The Hudson Bay Company has being pulling the same sort of crap since the mid-1600s. With a portfolio of retail chains in North America and Europe that is quite impressive HBC is still using the same model because it works.

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