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Madeleine Albright, groundbreaking secretary of state and feminist icon, dies at 84

How unfortunate.
Unlike Jackie Gleason of the 50's and 60's.
" How Sweet it IS ... "
Doncha wish we could have those 6o's back.Or even the nicer 50's.
Life is not better just because of Cell phones and the Internet and
easy breezie lemon squeezie Porn readily available.
The only reason most food is appealing is because them Food
scientist know how to spike food with stuff to make it taste better.
Which is why so many folk are developing Type 2 diabetes.
Sports has soured.Our Military is geting more woke by the week.
Lies are now making the rounds as if Truth.
Where apparently no one the wiser.
Is this the Beginning of Hell on Earth.Our ...
End Days!
Unlike Jackie Gleason of the 50's and 60's.
Doncha wish we could have those 6o's back.Or even the nicer 50's.
Life is not better just because of Cell phones and the Internet and
easy breezie lemon squeezie Porn readily available.
The only reason most food is appealing is because them Food
scientist know how to spike food with stuff to make it taste better.
Which is why so many folk are developing Type 2 diabetes.
Sports has soured.Our Military is geting more woke by the week.
Lies are now making the rounds as if Truth.
Where apparently no one the wiser.
Is this the Beginning of Hell on Earth.Our ...
End Days!
I wasn't alive in the 50s or 60s. It looks like it sucked though.
I wasn't alive in the 50s or 60s. It looks like it sucked though.
I guess ya had to be there.Like How Prison sucks.
Or how The Trump family sucks.Or how the American
Dream actually sucks.
But stuff like BLM is All Good.Never been better.
Too much Harry Potter and the world no longer goes round.
It's just Flat.Like eating a flat hot dog.
oh c'mon bro...you can't take glee in other people's misery...life's vicious...we all suffer
Here is the deal, we watch Progressives rule and reign over the country and the world and have to watch and endure the fall out from it all while getting preached to along the way that others are causing all the problems in the world and not them, even though they have all the power. Meanwhile, they are held unaccountable for all of it. Really, the only solace for those the suffer because of them is that life is absurdly short. They may be able to cheat their way into pretty much everything and anything, but at the end of the day, death will have none of it.

Those progressives of privilege may be able to afford the best health care the world has to offer, as they suck out the marrow of life while denying it to others, but at the end of the day we all wind up the same


He will die soon


He will die soon


Er..............um........................never mind
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After Madeleine Albright met Putin, she reportedly said:
He is small, pale, cold and without empathy...almost like a REPTILE.
A sensitive, clever woman!
Madeleine Albright Foresaw Putin’s ‘Historic Mistake’ In Final Op-Ed Before She Died


In early 2000, I became the first senior U.S. official to meet with Vladimir Putin in his new capacity as acting president of Russia. We in the Clinton administration did not know much about him at the time — just that he had started his career in the K.G.B. I hoped the meeting would help me take the measure of the man and assess what his sudden elevation might mean for U.S.-Russia relations, which had deteriorated amid the war in Chechnya. Sitting across a small table from him in the Kremlin, I was immediately struck by the contrast between Mr. Putin and his bombastic predecessor, Boris Yeltsin.

Whereas Mr. Yeltsin had cajoled, blustered and flattered, Mr. Putin spoke unemotionally and without notes about his determination to resurrect Russia’s economy and quash Chechen rebels. Flying home, I recorded my impressions. “Putin is small and pale,” I wrote, “so cold as to be almost reptilian.” He claimed to understand why the Berlin Wall had to fall but had not expected the whole Soviet Union to collapse. “Putin is embarrassed by what happened to his country and determined to restore its greatness.”

In the 20-odd years since we met, Mr. Putin has charted his course by ditching democratic development for Stalin’s playbook. He has collected political and economic power for himself — co-opting or crushing potential competition — while pushing to re-establish a sphere of Russian dominance through parts of the former Soviet Union. Like other authoritarians, he equates his own well-being with that of the nation and opposition with treason. He is sure that Americans mirror both his cynicism and his lust for power and that in a world where everyone lies, he is under no obligation to tell the truth. Because he believes that the United States dominates its own region by force, he thinks Russia has the same right.

Instead of paving Russia’s path to greatness, invading Ukraine would ensure Mr. Putin’s infamy by leaving his country diplomatically isolated, economically crippled and strategically vulnerable in the face of a stronger, more united Western alliance.

Although Mr. Putin will, in my experience, never admit to making a mistake, he has shown that he can be both patient and pragmatic. He also is surely conscious that the current confrontation has left him even more dependent on China; he knows that Russia cannot prosper without some ties to the West. “Sure, I like Chinese food. It’s fun to use chopsticks,” he told me in our first meeting. “But this is just trivial stuff. It’s not our mentality, which is European. Russia has to be firmly part of the West.”

Ukraine is entitled to its sovereignty, no matter who its neighbors happen to be. In the modern era, great countries accept that, and so must Mr. Putin. That is the message undergirding recent Western diplomacy. It defines the difference between a world governed by the rule of law and one answerable to no rules at all.
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I guess ya had to be there.Like How Prison sucks.
Or how The Trump family sucks.Or how the American
Dream actually sucks.
But stuff like BLM is All Good.Never been better.
Too much Harry Potter and the world no longer goes round.
It's just Flat.Like eating a flat hot dog.
We Are in the Hole Whirled

Emptiness is the prelude to sudden, rapid, and unexpected change.

Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright, the first female secretary of state, who arrived in the U.S. as a young girl from war-torn Czechoslovakia before becoming a political and feminist icon, died Wednesday at 84.

Albright's death from cancer was confirmed by her family in a statement posted to Twitter on Wednesday.
Albright, who served as secretary of state from 1997 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton, pushed for NATO expansion eastward into the former Soviet bloc and helped lead the NATO bombing campaign in 1999 to halt ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. She previously served as Clinton's U.S. ambassador to the United Nations from 1993 to 1997.
Born in Prague in 1937, Albright – then Madeleine Korbel – fled to England with her family in 1939, less than two weeks after Nazi Germany invaded Czechoslovakia. While her family was of Jewish ancestry, she was raised Roman Catholic and only learned at the time of her 1997 secretary of state confirmation that three of her grandparents died in the Holocaust.
Albright's family lived in the cellar of an apartment in Notting Hill before returning to Prague after World War II. They moved to the U.S. in 1948 after the communist takeover of Czechoslovakia. Her family eventually settled in Denver, where her father worked as a dean of the school of international relations at the University of Denver.
"I lived in many, many places," Albright told USA TODAY in 2020 when she was recognized as one of USA TODAY's Women of the Century. "I was asked to describe myself in six words at dinner, which were 'worried, optimist, problem solver, grateful American.
She was a lib, but she wasn't a crazy moron like Biden has been installing.
PS. I don't agree with the viciousness in this article


Madeleine Albright has died at 84. She was a pioneering imperialist who passionately advocated greater use of deadly violence in pursuit of a US-dominated post–Cold War global order — and killed many, many people in the process.

Albright was an imperial ghoul, as ruthless in her pursuit of American global dominance as any man. She played a central role in crafting a post–Cold War policy that wrought devastation on multiple continents. Her biography was a harrowing one: her family fled Nazi persecution when she was a child, and twenty-six of her relatives, including three grandparents, were murdered in the Holocaust. It’s a traumatic story, but rest assured: she presided over of plenty of trauma and death for others in return.

Powell wrote in his memoir that he “almost had an aneurysm” when she asked him, “What’s the point of having this superb military we’re always talking about if we can’t use it?”

From 1997 to 2001, Albright was secretary of state, under President Bill Clinton. In that much-celebrated groundbreaking role, she continued inflicting unimaginable suffering on the Iraqis. UN assistant secretary-general Denis Halliday resigned his post in 1999 in order to speak out against the sanctions; the US was “knowingly killing thousands of Iraqis each month,” he said at the time, a policy he called “genocide.” Although many Americans were shocked when the George W. Bush administration invaded Iraq, the reality is that when Bush came into office, the United States was already bombing Iraq, on average, about three times a week. That’s our girl! Just as warmongering as a man.

Albright also promoted NATO’s expansion into the former Soviet countries in Eastern Europe, a reckless trajectory that numerous high-ranking diplomats over the years have warned would inevitably antagonize Russia. That policy has contributed significantly to the terrifying potential nuclear conflict that we’re now facing, as well as the awful massacre of Ukrainian civilians (at least 977 for certain, as of yesterday, and the UN high commissioner for human rights believes the real number is much higher).

“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.” She later apologized for the comment in an op-ed column in the New York Times, so I don’t want to be petty about it. After all, the Iraqi people never got an apology from her. But reviewing the evidence above, it was reckless of Albright to consign other women to that famous inferno.

Almost certainly, there’s already a reservation in her name at that sizzling underground hot spot. Maybe there she will finally get the recognition she deserves, as a standout among murderous imperial warmongers of any gender.

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