MAGA Georgia Election Board Is Doing Everything They Possibly Can To Steal Georgia For Trump

How? Be specific. Again, your crackpot 'theory' relies entirely on Georgia being the deciding factor. How stupid are you people? You idiots do realize hand counts used to be the only way votes were counted, right?
No, it doesn't matter if Georgia is the deciding factor or not.

Even if Harris wins every other battleground state and the election, it gives the MAGA Nazis in Georgia no right to steal the state.
Would a hand count not ensure accuracy? This doesn’t mean they are trying to rig it for trump, a hand count doesn’t benefit either candidate., or hurt either candidate
It hurts the one who hope to prevail by cheating.

“No fair! No fair! No fair! Those meanies are not letting us Democrats cheat! This amounts to election interference! Waaahhhh!!”
So you are a sealion troll who refuses to read the material and is begging for attention.

But I already knew that.
Hardly, you morons are crying about cheating and courts and God knows what else that may well be totally irrelevant. There is no logical basis for such lunacy. Oh, I see the problem now. Cry away.
It was spelled out. Address those points, or sit there and play with yourself all night. Nobody cares either way.
Hand counts do not equate to blueanon conspiracy theory 8954, or whatever number you are on now. Silly little whining is all you folks have left.
Tell me some more about how Tucker Carlson was criticizing Dominion's "shitty" programmers in those text messages.

Fucking dishonest MAGA idiot.
Even by your usual deliberate off topic crap, that one was a stretch, nurse.
Hand counts do not equate to blueanon conspiracy theory 8954, or whatever number you are on now. Silly little whining is all you folks have left.

Stop nipping at my ankles and go read the points. You're not getting any more attention until you do, son.
Democrats really hate honest elections. They really do.
hand counts work in areas with low population, but in cities it would be impossible to complete on a timely basis. This will allow Trump to show an initial victory in rural counties because they can finish counting sooner.

additionally, requiring both machine counting and hand counting is also deliberate attempt to inject chaos as they are almost certain to not exactly match, and be used to promote distrust in the voting system.

If there is also a time requirement, then voters in Atlanta area are essentially disenfranchised, since there is no way to get enough hand counts completed for such a population.
hand counts work in areas with low population, but in cities it would be impossible to complete on a timely basis.
And they would be erratic. So you would have to do it over and over and over.

The system that was in place was faster and more accurate.

Exactly why the GOP made the change.
hand counts work in areas with low population, but in cities it would be impossible to complete on a timely basis. This will allow Trump to show an initial victory in rural counties because they can finish counting sooner.

additionally, requiring both machine counting and hand counting is also deliberate attempt to inject chaos as they are almost certain to not exactly match, and be used to promote distrust in the voting system.

If there is also a time requirement, then voters in Atlanta area are essentially disenfranchised, since there is no way to get enough hand counts completed for such a population.
You mean cities that used to do hand counts every freaking election? Do they hatch you creatures every four years or do simply not know about the analog world that existed for thousands of years before electronic voting machines?

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