MAGA supporter shoots 60 year old unarmed woman.

The fellow followed the desire of many posters on here. He went out to confront ANTIFA and BLM.

He was apparently a far right Furry. If you don’t know what that is. Get Google to help you. I’m not describing it here.

Just another Good American. A big time advocate for the RW. MAGA baby.
Very sick guy. This is horrible. Fringe Furry Machinist Identified as Suspect in Portland Mass Shooting

Yeah sure, in your wildest dreams there sugar plum.
As for furries, did any of them look like this?

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There are good and patriotic people in this world but do ya notice that they're never leftists.
That is because your definition of “good and patriotic” is as warped as your definition of “legitimate political discourse”.
Neither is turning it into a rightwing authoritarian shithole.
What authoritarian shithole, like socialist Canada? You had more freedoms under the last president than you have under Joe Biteme. But then you already know that right? How is that gas price going today?
What authoritarian shithole, like socialist Canada? You had more freedoms under the last president than you have under Joe Biteme. But then you already know that right? How is that gas price going today?
I have the exact same number of freedoms. Nice try.
Who would you say serves in the Armed Forces more, leftists or righties?

I'd say .......conservatives who love the country without thinking about personal power USED to be the majority. Now you have lefty dykes, trans, homos and the woke whose objective is to destroy the military by infiltration same as they have done education, business, conservative organizations, and churches. This is why they laugh at us Military.

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