MAGA supporter shoots 60 year old unarmed woman.

Neither is turning it into a rightwing authoritarian shithole.

Nobody wants to do that.

The drive to turn this nation into an authoritarian shithole is coming entirely from the left wrong—from your side.

And its your own who, ironically, are now calling those who oppose increasing abuses of government power, and increasing authoritarianism and totalitarianism, “Nazis” and “fascists”.

Straight out of Orwell.
I'd say .......conservatives who love the country without thinking about personal power USED to be the majority. Now you have lefty dykes, trans, homos and the woke whose objective is to destroy the military by infiltration same as they have done education, business, conservative organizations, and churches.

And even going after children.

We should have never allowed them to approach that line, much less to cross it.

I'm not alone, even black southerners know they have to throw the left out of schools for abusing our children. Propagandizing them, forcing them into masks, failute to teach what will be important in their lives, teaching them to hate this country at the same time telling them to obey leftist (evil) authority and more...IS ABUSE.

and more where that's comin' from:

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It's gotta be hard these days for left wing bloggers to find a shooting they can blame on Trump supporters but the fix is in and the Soros network is geared up for it. Meanwhile kids are assaulted by maniacs on the street, children are molested and about 75 Chicagoans were murdered since the first of the year.
IF he murdered her he'll be punished. What about the Lefty who did the same thing to a counterprotester? Oh yeah, I forgot, he killed himself before he could be arrested. If you want the violence to stop, stop supporting violent rioters.
Then there's this murder:


As I keep explaining to you, Nazis are LEFTWING. Rightwing is NO government
Ummmmm, sure thing lying clod. Furries are not right wing.

Why not? Homosexuals are.

Or do you pretend they don’t exist while denouncing the degenerates?
It's gotta be hard these days for left wing bloggers to find a shooting they can blame on Trump supporters but the fix is in and the Soros network is geared up for it. Meanwhile kids are assaulted by maniacs on the street, children are molested and about 75 Chicagoans were murdered since the first of the year.

And 5 cops have been killed by gunfire and 31 have died from COVID.

The fellow followed the desire of many posters on here. He went out to confront ANTIFA and BLM.

He was apparently a far right Furry. If you don’t know what that is. Get Google to help you. I’m not describing it here.

Just another Good American. A big time advocate for the RW. MAGA baby.

WTF is a far right furry?

Dude your source is like the American version of the National Enquirer

That's just that fake ass Lincoln Project's office party, those are your folks.
aint no truth honor or patriotism in a party who supports the killing of the unborn, hates God and the founders of this nation, supports open borders for illegals and terrorists to invade, steals an election, and can't get the former president out of their heads long enough to support their own folly.
You do? Bet your dollar just isnt going as far as it used to. Inflation ,that is a tax which Joe Biteme said he wouldnt put on the poor or middle class...
Wow, talk about non sequiter nonsense. That is neither a tax nor a loss of freedom, nor is Biden responsible for world wide inflation. Try again.
blocking traffic? i thought that would be great. at least if it's an international bridge....
It is perfectly fine for truckers to block traffic, different standards apply don’tcha know.
Wow, talk about non sequiter nonsense. That is neither a tax nor a loss of freedom, nor is Biden responsible for world wide inflation. Try again.
You were talking about being as free today as you were 4 years ago, while i pointed at as usual that you have less freedoms because of Joe, one is the freedom of being able to buy stuff. Less money less buying power.

It is perfectly fine for truckers to block traffic, different standards apply don’tcha know.

One side is fighting for the interests of violent criminals, against the interests of human beings.

The other side is fighting against outrageous and inexcusable abuses of government power and violations of basic human rights.

And it is clear which of these sides you favor.

Be known by the company that you choose to keep.
The fellow followed the desire of many posters on here. He went out to confront ANTIFA and BLM.

He was apparently a far right Furry. If you don’t know what that is. Get Google to help you. I’m not describing it here.

Just another Good American. A big time advocate for the RW. MAGA baby.

The fellow followed the desire of many posters on here. He went out to confront ANTIFA and BLM.

He was apparently a far right Furry. If you don’t know what that is. Get Google to help you. I’m not describing it here.

Just another Good American. A big time advocate for the RW. MAGA baby.
No mention of MAGA in his bio

but he is definitely a mentally disturbed person

as are the majority of furries since they are part of the lesbian and gay crowd

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