MAGA: The 8th Abortion law struck down by the court. WHEE! Poor ProLife morons. 78%+ of Americans will allow Abortion. For a reason to many reasons

SO, do all Prolifer's belive in fake gods? Or it just your choice to control others bobies over your weak feelings.

SO, do all Prochoicer's belive in no god? Or it just your choice to murder unborn children over your weak feelings?

What kind of an inhuman monster would murder an innocent defenseless child? I bet that makes you feel ten feet tall and bulletproof.
If I had my way, the op, along with every other baby murdering female and democrat, would be executed out of hand, using exactly the same methods in which they murdered their babies! The only good democrat is an aborted democrat! :wink:
What is your view on miscarriage and spontaneous abortion?
The Sixth Amendment does guarantee legal representation. But abortions are nowhere provided for in the Constitution.
If the government can force a woman to take a fetus to term. What's to stop them from forcing somebody to take a cancerous tumor to term?

See just how sick you people are? Equating a human life with a "cancerous tumor" shows how little respect you have for life.

I bet you tortured puppies and kittens when you were a kid, didn't ya?
"Abortion is a constitutional right"?

That's deranged. There is no "constitutional" right to murder another living human being.
2nd amendment right to bear arms. And Heller V DC says it's for self defense aka shooting people.

Self-defense is not murder.

Okay, Abortion are self-defense to keep them off Gobmint dines.

What the hell are " Gobmint dines"?

Please lay off the crack pipe.
If the government can force a woman to take a fetus to term. What's to stop them from forcing somebody to take a cancerous tumor to term?

You are an incredible moron
Just answer the question, can the government mandate that medical procedures to remove cancerous tumors are banned. With no exception for the life or health of the patient.
See just how sick you people are? Equating a human life with a "cancerous tumor" shows how little respect you have for life.

I could show you a tumor, and I could show you a zygote, and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
If I had my way, the op, along with every other baby murdering female and democrat, would be executed out of hand, using exactly the same methods in which they murdered their babies! The only good democrat is an aborted democrat! :wink:
What is your view on miscarriage and spontaneous abortion?
I imagine you thought that imbecility to be a clever retort, but what it actually succeeded in accomplishing for you, was to reveal the depth of your fucking depravity! The only good democrats are aborted democrats! :fu:
If I had my way, the op, along with every other baby murdering female and democrat, would be executed out of hand, using exactly the same methods in which they murdered their babies! The only good democrat is an aborted democrat! :wink:
So, we have another Pro-choice poster here. As I said, 78% plus of Americans are pro-abortion for one reason, a few reasons or many reasons.

FYI: Many Repuggers are pro-choice.
See just how sick you people are? Equating a human life with a "cancerous tumor" shows how little respect you have for life.

I could show you a tumor, and I could show you a zygote, and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Do you even have any idea how much you have in common with Adolf Hitler, Dr. Mengele, and those other Nazis who ran the concentration camps?

They also believed that unborn Jewish babies in the womb were no more than "cancerous growths" or "tumors." They also ripped them out of the womb to carry out medical experiments on them.

You really should be ashamed of yourself, you fascist Nazi prick. But you're obviously not, because like the fascist Nazi pieces of shit back in the 1930's you also are bereft of a soul.
The Sixth Amendment does guarantee legal representation. But abortions are nowhere provided for in the Constitution.
If the government can force a woman to take a fetus to term. What's to stop them from forcing somebody to take a cancerous tumor to term?

See just how sick you people are? Equating a human life with a "cancerous tumor" shows how little respect you have for life.

I bet you tortured puppies and kittens when you were a kid, didn't ya?
That's what 2nd anal 100% Gun Nutter terrorists train their kids to do.
Do you even have any idea how much you have in common with Adolf Hitler, Dr. Mengele, and those other Nazis who ran the concentration camps?
Godwins law?

Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies) is an Internet adage asserting that "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"

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