MAGA: The 8th Abortion law struck down by the court. WHEE! Poor ProLife morons. 78%+ of Americans will allow Abortion. For a reason to many reasons

View attachment 363369
For those keeping track at home: Alabama: FILED ? Georgia: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Missouri: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Arkansas: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Kentucky: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Ohio: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Utah: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Abortion is a constitutional right. #StopTheBans

:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:Gotta Love Females have the last choice over their bodies.
If a Guy could get pregnant, all abortion services would be free gobment funded. RU-pills would be in gumball machines for a nickel.

Abortion costs less than 800 bucks.
A child from bith to 18 cost 250K to start. Millions if in jail for life.
how many unborn children have you killed ?
Hello, a "Child" means it was born. The ones making it out passed the Outer Labia aka pussy lips. To be called born.
Stuff in the womb is called a fetus. "A fetus or foetus is the unborn offspring of an animal that develops from an embryo"
aka unborn GOO!

So I don't kill born babies. That's what prolifers are for.

Why spend money on an abortion when you can kill it after it's whelped? Plus, money can be raised by selling tickets to the execution. Collect a bunch of whelps and take them to a stadium. Have a stump or a fence post driven into the ground. Then have a contest whereby competitors grab the whelp by the heels and smashes it's head on the post. The winner is determined by who can make the brains fly the furthest. Should be great fun for liberal pukes and they can pig out on vegan cheese and wine. And don't say it's gruesome. It's no more gruesome than what the murderers do to a so called "fetus".
View attachment 363369
For those keeping track at home: Alabama: FILED ? Georgia: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Missouri: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Arkansas: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Kentucky: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Ohio: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Utah: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Abortion is a constitutional right. #StopTheBans

:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:Gotta Love Females have the last choice over their bodies.
If a Guy could get pregnant, all abortion services would be free gobment funded. RU-pills would be in gumball machines for a nickel.

Abortion costs less than 800 bucks.
A child from bith to 18 cost 250K to start. Millions if in jail for life.
how many unborn children have you killed ?
Hello, a "Child" means it was born. The ones making it out passed the Outer Labia aka pussy lips. To be called born.
Stuff in the womb is called a fetus. "A fetus or foetus is the unborn offspring of an animal that develops from an embryo"
aka unborn GOO!
You dehumanize helpless unborn babies so you won’t feel so bad killing them by the million.

Is anything more depraved than pro-abortion nuts?
The Sixth Amendment does guarantee legal representation. But abortions are nowhere provided for in the Constitution.
If the government can force a woman to take a fetus to term. What's to stop them from forcing somebody to take a cancerous tumor to term?

The Sixth Amendment does guarantee legal representation. But abortions are nowhere provided for in the Constitution.
If the government can force a woman to take a fetus to term. What's to stop them from forcing somebody to take a cancerous tumor to term?

See just how sick you people are? Equating a human life with a "cancerous tumor" shows how little respect you have for life.

I bet you tortured puppies and kittens when you were a kid, didn't ya?
That's what 2nd anal 100% Gun Nutter terrorists train their kids to do.

Did a parrot crawl up your ass or something? It must have, since you're talking out of your ass again.
View attachment 363369
For those keeping track at home: Alabama: FILED ? Georgia: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Missouri: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Arkansas: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Kentucky: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Ohio: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Utah: BLOCKED ⚖✅ Abortion is a constitutional right. #StopTheBans

:WooHooSmileyWave-vi:Gotta Love Females have the last choice over their bodies.
If a Guy could get pregnant, all abortion services would be free gobment funded. RU-pills would be in gumball machines for a nickel.

Abortion costs less than 800 bucks.
From seeding one in the oven, birth to 18 costs 250K to start. Millions if in jail for life.
Whores to the left of me, whores to the right.........and damn near most of them wanting to be men and can not fight! Don't let the economy tank...
Do you even have any idea how much you have in common with Adolf Hitler, Dr. Mengele, and those other Nazis who ran the concentration camps?
Godwins law?

Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies) is an Internet adage asserting that "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"

So? I'm not merely making a comparison to Hitler or Nazis, I'm telling you right to your face that you're an inhuman fascist Nazi piece of shit.

The sad thing, is that you don't even care that you are.
If the government can force a woman to take a fetus to term. What's to stop them from forcing somebody to take a cancerous tumor to term?

You are an incredible moron
Just answer the question, can the government mandate that medical procedures to remove cancerous tumors are banned. With no exception for the life or health of the patient.
does cancer become a human being after gestation is complete?
Show me where the airforce is mentioned in the constitution?
The Air Force use to be the Army Air Corp So yes the Air Force is mentioned
Well the same goes for the confederate states of america, they were part of the united states under the constitution, thus seceding was completely illegal.

Your dodge is noted dumbass Army Air Corp
If I had my way, the op, along with every other baby murdering female and democrat, would be executed out of hand, using exactly the same methods in which they murdered their babies! The only good democrat is an aborted democrat! :wink:
So, we have another Pro-choice poster here. As I said, 78% plus of Americans are pro-abortion for one reason, a few reasons or many reasons.

FYI: Many Repuggers are pro-choice.
Oh yes, I am very pro-choice, the primary difference between us being your devotion to the murdering and butchering up of the most helpless of human lives before they have even had chance at improving the earth! On the other hand there is myself, who believes strongly in finishing off the tens of millions of intellectual abortions you have performed upon tens of millions of public schooled kids, kids made so impossibly stupid via your "mind abortions" that they are now literal zombies who think they can actually choose their very own gender, or that freedom is slavery to fascist democracy, and that the earth is warming and will end in 12 years ect ect ect.... You, you're a fucking monster, a thing so evil no depraved act is beyond you, on the other hand I believe that every human life needs to be afforded chance to add their own unique signature to the world, you don't, you are so fucking evil you endeavor to make it impossible for anyone to add signature other than your own! :fu:
If I had my way, the op, along with every other baby murdering female and democrat, would be executed out of hand, using exactly the same methods in which they murdered their babies! The only good democrat is an aborted democrat! :wink:
So, we have another Pro-choice poster here. As I said, 78% plus of Americans are pro-abortion for one reason, a few reasons or many reasons.

FYI: Many Repuggers are pro-choice.
Oh yes, I am very pro-choice, the primary difference between us being your devotion to the murdering and butchering up of the most helpless of human lives before they have even had chance at improving the earth! On the other hand there is myself, who believes strongly in finishing off the tens of millions of intellectual abortions you have performed upon tens of millions of public schooled kids, kids made so impossibly stupid via your "mind abortions" that they are now literal zombies who think they can actually choose their very own gender, or that freedom is slavery to fascist democracy, and that the earth is warming and will end in 12 years ect ect ect.... You, you're a fucking monster, a thing so evil no depraved act is beyond you, on the other hand I believe that every human life needs to be afforded chance to add their own unique signature to the world, you don't, you are so fucking evil you endeavor to make it impossible for anyone to add signature other than your own! :fu:

If I had my way, the op, along with every other baby murdering female and democrat, would be executed out of hand, using exactly the same methods in which they murdered their babies! The only good democrat is an aborted democrat! :wink:
So, we have another Pro-choice poster here. As I said, 78% plus of Americans are pro-abortion for one reason, a few reasons or many reasons.

FYI: Many Repuggers are pro-choice.
Oh yes, I am very pro-choice, the primary difference between us being your devotion to the murdering and butchering up of the most helpless of human lives before they have even had chance at improving the earth! On the other hand there is myself, who believes strongly in finishing off the tens of millions of intellectual abortions you have performed upon tens of millions of public schooled kids, kids made so impossibly stupid via your "mind abortions" that they are now literal zombies who think they can actually choose their very own gender, or that freedom is slavery to fascist democracy, and that the earth is warming and will end in 12 years ect ect ect.... You, you're a fucking monster, a thing so evil no depraved act is beyond you, on the other hand I believe that every human life needs to be afforded chance to add their own unique signature to the world, you don't, you are so fucking evil you endeavor to make it impossible for anyone to add signature other than your own! :fu:
the OP's mother could have had an abortion sadly she didn't
If I had my way, the op, along with every other baby murdering female and democrat, would be executed out of hand, using exactly the same methods in which they murdered their babies! The only good democrat is an aborted democrat! :wink:
So, we have another Pro-choice poster here. As I said, 78% plus of Americans are pro-abortion for one reason, a few reasons or many reasons.

FYI: Many Repuggers are pro-choice.
Oh yes, I am very pro-choice, the primary difference between us being your devotion to the murdering and butchering up of the most helpless of human lives before they have even had chance at improving the earth! On the other hand there is myself, who believes strongly in finishing off the tens of millions of intellectual abortions you have performed upon tens of millions of public schooled kids, kids made so impossibly stupid via your "mind abortions" that they are now literal zombies who think they can actually choose their very own gender, or that freedom is slavery to fascist democracy, and that the earth is warming and will end in 12 years ect ect ect.... You, you're a fucking monster, a thing so evil no depraved act is beyond you, on the other hand I believe that every human life needs to be afforded chance to add their own unique signature to the world, you don't, you are so fucking evil you endeavor to make it impossible for anyone to add signature other than your own! :fu:
the OP's mother could have had an abortion sadly she didn't
Another pro-choice here.
If I had my way, the op, along with every other baby murdering female and democrat, would be executed out of hand, using exactly the same methods in which they murdered their babies! The only good democrat is an aborted democrat! :wink:
So, we have another Pro-choice poster here. As I said, 78% plus of Americans are pro-abortion for one reason, a few reasons or many reasons.

FYI: Many Repuggers are pro-choice.
Oh yes, I am very pro-choice, the primary difference between us being your devotion to the murdering and butchering up of the most helpless of human lives before they have even had chance at improving the earth! On the other hand there is myself, who believes strongly in finishing off the tens of millions of intellectual abortions you have performed upon tens of millions of public schooled kids, kids made so impossibly stupid via your "mind abortions" that they are now literal zombies who think they can actually choose their very own gender, or that freedom is slavery to fascist democracy, and that the earth is warming and will end in 12 years ect ect ect.... You, you're a fucking monster, a thing so evil no depraved act is beyond you, on the other hand I believe that every human life needs to be afforded chance to add their own unique signature to the world, you don't, you are so fucking evil you endeavor to make it impossible for anyone to add signature other than your own! :fu:
the OP's mother could have had an abortion sadly she didn't
Another pro-choice here.
I choose not to wear a mask
I always thought it was interesting when liberals protested the execution of a convicted felon but had no problem with killing a defenseless baby....a baby that never had a chance at life. God has said no in His Word but the God-less pay no attention to Him...preferring to make their own laws. At the end of our life I guess we'll find out who was the ultimate authority. By the time the liberals find out it was'll be too late for them.
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I always thought it was interesting when liberals protested the execution of a convicted felon but didn't give a thought to killing an unborn baby. God has said no in His Word but the heathen pay no attention to Him...preferring to make their own laws. At the end of our life I guess we'll find out who was the ultimate authority.

If one supports the sin they're guilty of it
If the government can force a woman to take a fetus to term. What's to stop them from forcing somebody to take a cancerous tumor to term?
How about pointing out the difference in law between those two bans on a medical procedure.

The difference is a forced birth is humane and forcing someone to keep a tumor is inhumane. And not only is abortion inhumane, it's also murder.
The Sixth Amendment does guarantee legal representation. But abortions are nowhere provided for in the Constitution.
If the government can force a woman to take a fetus to term. What's to stop them from forcing somebody to take a cancerous tumor to term?

This is the dumbest argument I've ever heard. A tumor is not a sentient being, assclown.

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