Magneto: A NASA Theology


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a genetics-mutation and governance-reinvention vignette inspired by the species-deliberation film K-PAX.

This short-story also references the offbeat American comic book mutant superhuman Magneto (Marvel Comics), a being with the ability to manipulate magnetic fields of energy. Unfortunately, Magneto sometimes exhibits interests in terrorism and fascism.

Signing off,


Magneto, the genetically-engineered 'mutant super-soldier,' was designed by American scientists to control the forces of magnetism with his iron-fillings in his brain, hardwired into his DNA, which afforded him with the ability to warp magnetic fields with kinetic-energy waves resonated by the metallic elements in his brain and body. Magneto's purpose was to deform metal tanks, disarm soldiers by yanking their metal guns away from their guns (with magnetic force), and hurl metal objects towards enemies in magnetic fields of force. Magneto was the son of an eccentric U.S. Navy-man who agreed to have his son be genetically-engineered to be a magnetism-mutant of incredible powers benefiting the American army. NASA believed Magneto was America's greatest 'science-fiction inspiration.'

Magneto was a philosopher, not just a brute soldier. He was trained/educated at West Point to coordinate his magnetism powers with great intellectual fervor and patriotic idealism towards democracy principles and capitalism ideology. Magneto's favorite logic-puzzle game was a Liar' Paradox spin --- Magneto would say, "According to this symbolic Paradox in language-logic, if a person states, 'The next statement is false,' and then states, 'The previous statement was true,' he would be revealing a deep contradiction in the reflexive features of language itself and therefore indicate a distinct mental preference (in humans) to use communication to challenge the norms of legalese!"

Magneto was therefore considered a 'philosophical superhuman,' and President Trump was excited to see him in hand-to-hand combat in the Middle East, using his magnetism-superpowers to destroy moving tanks build by ISIS, Syrians, and Iraqis! Magneto, however, remained pensive about the 'quality' and usefulness of his magnetism powers in a universe he understood to be governed more by profiteerism than by governance negotiation (e.g., Wall Street). President Trump explained to Magneto that the powers of attraction (inherent in 'magnetic fields') represented the imaginarium forces 'governing' globalization-politics and capitalism rhetoric (i.e., European Union, NATO), and Magneto told Trump, "Perhaps magnetism will change the way humanity conceives of liberty!" Would Magneto become the AntiChrist (the true adversary of peace)?



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