Maine: Black man named Toussaint St. Negritude caught falsifying racism claims on cops.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Video: Maine police release dash cam footage to refute racial profiling claims

A black man who goes by the name Fousaint St. Negritude accused Maine cop of racial profiling, 30 minutes worth of abuse and had his life threatened on a stop where he claims he was profiled. Took it to the open city council meeting to make his claims and his friend filed an official claim.

Oops. There's a video.

He was stopped on a dark snowy night as he walked in the road wearing all black clothing. The officer swerved to avoid hitting him. She never threatens him. Tells him...hey....walk FACING traffic so you can see cars coming and not get hit. Sidewalk was snowed sure...walk on the road....just face traffic for safety. That's all.

Total time of the stop? Less than 5 minutes.

Thank God for video. It's common practice by agitators to falsify claims of police abuse.

It's meritorious badge of honor for lefties to have been oppressed by police.

Hell....most liberals HOPE a cop does something wrong to them just so they have the story to legitimize their liberalhood. Even if they have to make it up. They're like 40 year old men exaggerating their fishing or high school football days. Except libs need cop oppression to be "cool" with lefties.
Here's video of Mr "St Negritude" outright lying to city council you guys give out your honored merit badge for "Victim of Police Oppression" for verified encounters or just claims of it?

He's a liar and deserves every bit of criticisms he gets.
And some people wonder why some negroes are looked down on in society.
This negro did his part in reinforcing the stereotype that negroes can not be trusted to tell the truth.
A couple of years ago a police force in CA was issued with dash cams and body cams. Guess what?
Civilian complaints against the LEO's went down 80% in ONE YEAR.
BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The number of arrests stayed about the same as the year before.
Think that fact through.
Dash cams and body cams....soon to be the bane of blacks everywhere.
Another one of those careful what you wish for moments.
Dash cams and body cams....soon to be the bane of blacks everywhere.
Another one of those careful what you wish for moments.

I love the new cameras. For every 1 bad incident caught.....thousands more false claims will be disproven. The added bonus- exposing the filth cops have to deal with daily.
A couple of years ago a police force in CA was issued with dash cams and body cams. Guess what?
Civilian complaints against the LEO's went down 80% in ONE YEAR.
BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The number of arrests stayed about the same as the year before.
Think that fact through.

In Rialto, complaints dropped by 88% and the use of force dropped by 60%. Fewer complaints and fewer violent confrontations. A win-win for the people and the police.
And some people wonder why some negroes are looked down on in society.
This negro did his part in reinforcing the stereotype that negroes can not be trusted to tell the truth.
A couple of years ago a police force in CA was issued with dash cams and body cams. Guess what?
Civilian complaints against the LEO's went down 80% in ONE YEAR.
BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The number of arrests stayed about the same as the year before.
Think that fact through.
Whites are liars also....Every race has them, and you are one also..
Dash cams and body cams....soon to be the bane of blacks everywhere.
Another one of those careful what you wish for moments.

I love the new cameras. For every 1 bad incident caught.....thousands more false claims will be disproven. The added bonus- exposing the filth cops have to deal with daily.
And the filth that cops can be...can now be observed..
With more cams....we're gonna see how 95% of claims of police racism are made up.
Dash cams and body cams....soon to be the bane of blacks everywhere.
Another one of those careful what you wish for moments.

I love the new cameras. For every 1 bad incident caught.....thousands more false claims will be disproven. The added bonus- exposing the filth cops have to deal with daily.
And the filth that cops can be...can now be observed..

You mean the often alleged filth that turns out to be lies?
With more cams....we're gonna see how 95% of claims of police racism are made up.
What is a fact is 100% of LEO's with dash cams and body cams will be able to show the truth.
This is going to have a very serious effect on the number of negro against LEO's bullshit lawsuits.
Maybe these negroes need to find another way to get money by committing criminal acts.
There's gotta be some fucking garbage cans for them to steal from their neighbors.
Dash cams and body cams....soon to be the bane of blacks everywhere.
Another one of those careful what you wish for moments.

I love the new cameras. For every 1 bad incident caught.....thousands more false claims will be disproven. The added bonus- exposing the filth cops have to deal with daily.
And the filth that cops can be...can now be observed..

You mean the often alleged filth that turns out to be lies?
Yeah, as evidenced by convictions..
Dash cams and body cams....soon to be the bane of blacks everywhere.
Another one of those careful what you wish for moments.

I love the new cameras. For every 1 bad incident caught.....thousands more false claims will be disproven. The added bonus- exposing the filth cops have to deal with daily.
And the filth that cops can be...can now be observed..

You mean the often alleged filth that turns out to be lies?
Yeah, as evidenced by convictions.. evidenced by the OP and a crap load of other cases where the allegations turned out to be lies.
Toussaint St. Negritude sounds like one of those bizarre character names you see in Thomas Harris novels. It ranks up with a Haitian woman named - get this - Hyphernkemberly Dorvilier! I'm still traumatized from hearing that name a few years ago.

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