Black drivers receive less respect from police officers, study says

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True. There is definitely a Black American culture and it's not good. For the most part, American Black people were better off before the Democrats decided to make them their special voting block.
Why do whites think they get to say shit like this? The American problem has been white culture. Blacks are not the democrats special voting black and we definetly were not better off before the voting and civil rights acts. Only a saltine with psychosis actually believes that.
Its the American Blacks specifically.... The Black nationals who come here from the continent are hard working, almost never in trouble and totally dedicated to improving themselves in every way.....and they do NOT LIKE BEING CALLED BLACK because they do not relate in any way shape of form to the American Black Culture.

The American problem is white culture. Black nationals get the H1B Visa. I don't know any black nationals who do not like being called black. In fact black nationals hate being black so much that there is a biannual meeting of Africans and African Americans worldwide.

But whites like you are ignorant and a drain on the overall white culture.
Total bullshit...... and there really ought to be a forum rule that prevents somebody from blindly using and reusing the stupid, mentally vacant sentence terminal " Study says "..... it's on the mental level of a third grade kid repeating something he saw on a Saturday morning cartoon show as if it was a real world fact.
Except they are real world facts. Your chouce to stay ignorant is your problem.
rom the FBI's Uniform Crime Report..."According to the FBI, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3.0%."

Virtually all of those homicide were committed by Black males (6% of the population). If 6% of the population is responsible for 56% of the homicides, they are nine times more likely to be homicide offenders than anyone else.

There is no need to make things up to support a claim that Black Males (the demographic, not any individual) are disproportionately criminal.

Actually thats incorrect.


Now these percentages have numbers and 6,425 blacks are about 2/1000th of a percent of the American population. Thats a very small percentage. So if you had 2/1000ths percent chance of living by skydiving without a parachute, would you consider that a high rate of probability?

No. So what we see is racist conflation using percentages without associating the number to those percentages.

Secondly we see racists arguing using one category of 30 crime categories considered by the FBI. So while racists are posting murder pecenatages to argue:


But since there are more whites, why certainly whites should rape more people.


But since there are more whites, why certainly whites should commit more aggravated assault.


.And of course since there are more whites, why certainly whites should get to steal, burn shit up commit violent crimes and destroy property.


Since there are more whites, whites shouldget to vandalize more property.


Because there are more whites, certainly more whites should get to drive impaired, and never get stopped by police.

I can go on with the 27 categories of crime whites lead in. But of course none of the categories whites lead in are srious? After all, fraud ain't all that bad, people just loose everything they have, but at least it's not murder.

When do the white excuses stop?


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Wrong. Everything I have posted was true. You can't rebut any of it.
Why should I?

All I have to do is employ the same tactic as you. Anything you disagree with you call a lie, with absolutely nothing to support your assertion.

You're a fucking fool...
Why should I?

All I have to do is employ the same tactic as you. Anything you disagree with you call a lie, with absolutely nothing to support your assertion.

You're a fucking fool...
Actually I post up evidence that supports my position.

You just can't handle the truth.

You talk abbout "black culture" with no evidence. I talk about white culture with 245 years of American history, law and policy. You cannot rebut the facts, so you do what you're doing now.
Actually I post up evidence that supports my position.

Oh yeah, evidence like "You whites can't understand! You whites are evil!" and the ever persuasive "I'm not racist, I just hate you whites!!!!"

Actually I post up evidence that supports my position.

You just can't handle the truth.

You talk abbout "black culture" with no evidence. I talk about white culture with 245 years of American history, law and policy. You cannot rebut the facts, so you do what you're doing now.

Everything I need to know about your negro culture is shown in this video. The cops said the car came back as stolen. Instead of just letting the cops figure it out, which they repeatedly tried to do, that fat hag of negro flew off the fucking handle. The calmer the police tried to be the more incensed that land-whale became, as if screaming unintelligibly might actually help her make her argument.

Go to the 4:45 point in the video. The last time I saw and heard something like that it was feeding time at the Jacksonville Zoo.

That's all I need to know about your "culture"...
It is more than obvious you Marxist Government Cultist do NOT live in reality.
Whenever a black American is lawlessly killed by police, conservatives trot out the blacks are ‘predisposed’ to criminality lie.

Conservatives attempt to portray the black victim as a ‘thug,’ as a ‘criminal’ who likely committed other crimes.

Conservatives will scour social media to find images of black Americans lawlessly killed by police and use those images in a misleading, out-of-context manner to vilify and demonize the black victim.
Conservatives will scour social media to find images of black Americans lawlessly killed by police and use those images in a misleading, out-of-context manner to vilify and demonize the black victim
Youtube is FILLED with these stories. Nobody as to go looking for them

Maybe you can threaten YouTube to take down any video that portrays the Amish in a bad light. I'm sure that's coming
Why do whites think they get to say shit like this? The American problem has been white culture. Blacks are not the democrats special voting black and we definetly were not better off before the voting and civil rights acts. Only a saltine with psychosis actually believes that.
What's your age?
Whenever a black American is lawlessly killed by police, conservatives trot out the blacks are ‘predisposed’ to criminality lie.

Conservatives attempt to portray the black victim as a ‘thug,’ as a ‘criminal’ who likely committed other crimes.

Conservatives will scour social media to find images of black Americans lawlessly killed by police and use those images in a misleading, out-of-context manner to vilify and demonize the black victim.
See comment #318 DUMBASS !!!
Why do whites think they get to say shit like this? The American problem has been white culture. Blacks are not the democrats special voting black and we definetly were not better off before the voting and civil rights acts. Only a saltine with psychosis actually believes that.
IM2 thinks whites who built the greatest nation(s) on earth have no right to speak out.

Hes not the only one to say shit like this. There is so much hatred in blacks. Never let these people become a majority.

As it is, every failed black nation depends on white America for its survival
Actually thats incorrect.

View attachment 529206

Now these percentages have numbers and 6,425 blacks are about 2/1000th of a percent of the American population. Thats a very small percentage. So if you had 2/1000ths percent chance of living by skydiving without a parachute, would you consider that a high rate of probability?

No. So what we see is racist conflation using percentages without associating the number to those percentages.

Secondly we see racists arguing using one category of 30 crime categories considered by the FBI. So while racists are posting murder pecenatages to argue:
View attachment 529210
View attachment 529213
But since there are more whites, why certainly whites should rape more people.
View attachment 529221

View attachment 529215
But since there are more whites, why certainly whites should commit more aggravated assault.
View attachment 529222

View attachment 529220
.And of course since there are more whites, why certainly whites should get to steal, burn shit up commit violent crimes and destroy property.
View attachment 529223

View attachment 529218
Since there are more whites, whites shouldget to vandalize more property.
View attachment 529224

View attachment 529219
Because there are more whites, certainly more whites should get to drive impaired, and never get stopped by police.

I can go on with the 27 categories of crime whites lead in. But of course none of the categories whites lead in are srious? After all, fraud ain't all that bad, people just loose everything they have, but at least it's not murder.

When do the white excuses stop?


More murder offenders are black?
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