Black drivers receive less respect from police officers, study says

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Its the American Blacks specifically.... The Black nationals who come here from the continent are hard working, almost never in trouble and totally dedicated to improving themselves in every way.....and they do NOT LIKE BEING CALLED BLACK because they do not relate in any way shape of form to the American Black Culture.

Interesting -----long ago when I was working in an inner city hospital---a kid---about age 20
showed up with a GUNSHOT WOUND which ---VERY FORTUNATELY was deflected by the
mastoid bone. (22 calibre) The poor kid was convinced he was going to die----I had to
convince him otherwise-----during which time he said "the black people here are animals"
The kid was PIGMENTALLY speaking dark as night----from the Caribbean
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.
Tell the douchelords to obey the police.
I say the same about disrespectful, entitled blacks
You really are a such a twat.
1. Disrespectful- what right do you have or what have you done in their lives that makes you feel like you should command their respect?
2. Entitled - Are you kidding me ? The amount of denial/ignorance is really scary. Do you know the meaning of entitlement ? You’re such a moron. Please go study some more before you feel the need to converse with people much smarter than yourself.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re a potential mass shooter or serial killer.
Stupid views + Sad Life + Ignorance = Another Uneducated Redneck Cracker Killing Several People.
Well look what the cat dragged in. You don't me know me and the only things you do know of me is what has been written by the rabid white racists on this site.

So before you find yourself caught up in a mess created by the other trash on this site, you might want to take a step back, take a deep breath and find somewhere else, like not on any of my threads to spill your bile.

I bet I'm more American than you.
Maryam is right------we don't know anything about her, even her race. She may
not even be a black american-----just a "person of color"
Interesting -----long ago when I was working in an inner city hospital---a kid---about age 20
showed up with a GUNSHOT WOUND which ---VERY FORTUNATELY was deflected by the
mastoid bone. (22 calibre) The poor kid was convinced he was going to die----I had to
convince him otherwise-----during which time he said "the black people here are animals"
The kid was PIGMENTALLY speaking dark as night----from the Caribbean
we don't know-----lately LOTS of people ID as "black" it's the MODE of the day.
She's been around a long time. I actually like her, but dont agree with her on these issues.

I take people at their word until they give me reason to doubt.

You could say the same thing about anyone here, including yourself. How do we KNOW youre who you say you are?
we don't know-----lately LOTS of people ID as "black" it's the MODE of the day.
Blacks drive less safely than other groups.

Blacks commit an inordinate amount of crime for their 12% of the population.

All police of any race are on guard.
Whites have the most mass shooters and serial killers than any other groups.
All police of any race are on guard.

That’s essentially the stupid point you’re trying to make, how would you like it if you’re treated differently and chastised because of the actions of some redneck in Alabama that killed 50 people. As a result you a hardworking American in LA are now classified into a general group of killers and treated as one by default. Does that strike you as making any sense ?
You say they commit a large number of crime for their 12% of the population. How much percentage of resources available do the 12% have access to ? You don’t see blacks in Harvard playing dice or gangbanging.
Look for neighborhoods with high crime stats and you’d understand why that is so. For no reason whatsoever should that be transferred and be used to objectify and violate other hardworking Black Americans and subject them to fear.

Please stop this common rhetoric were uneducated twats such as yourself come in here and just spew their nonsense backwards ideals and quite frankly, idiotic way of thinking/looking at the world.
Whites have the most mass shooters and serial killers than any other groups.
All police of any race are on guard.

That’s essentially the stupid point you’re trying to make, how would you like it if you’re treated differently and chastised because of the actions of some redneck in Alabama that killed 50 people. As a result you a hardworking American in LA are now classified into a general group of killers and treated as one by default. Does that strike you as making any sense ?
You say they commit a large number of crime for their 12% of the population. How much percentage of resources available do the 12% have access to ? You don’t see blacks in Harvard playing dice or gangbanging.
Look for neighborhoods with high crime stats and you’d understand why that is so. For no reason whatsoever should that be transferred and be used to objectify and violate other hardworking Black Americans and subject them to fear.

Please stop this common rhetoric were uneducated twats such as yourself come in here and just spew their nonsense backwards ideals and quite frankly, idiotic way of thinking/looking at the world.
Dude....use a grammar program will ya?
Where did I axe for the respect of any African. I have no interest in the opinion of most

Well you’re a diamond member which means you’ve spent the majority of your sad life holed up in your basement spewing nonsense on the web under secret aliases, so it’s not like respect will be given to you for any reason whatsoever anyways LOL……

Don’t talk about respect and get called out and then go “I didn’t ask for any respect” You sound idiotic hahahahaha. Now KILL YOURSELF.
Well you’re a diamond member which means you’ve spent the majority of your sad life holed up in your basement spewing nonsense on the web under secret aliases, so it’s not like respect will be given to you for any reason whatsoever anyways LOL……

Don’t talk about respect and get called out and then go “I didn’t ask for any respect” You sound idiotic hahahahaha. Now KILL YOURSELF.
I predict you will burn out fast here. You carry a lot of HATE.

Now I must put the "new" guy on ignore.

You offer NOTHING but HATE.
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