Major BBQ faux pas plagues Dem candidate for US Senate in North Carolina


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
A Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate learned the hard way that the state of North Carolina takes their barbecuing seriously.

Cal Cunningham, who is challenging Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., in November, made a major faux pas when he equated grilling to barbecuing.

To be clear, grilling is not barbecuing, as The News & Observer reported:

Grilling, beloved though it is in North Carolina, is not barbecue. One is searing over a hot flame until crispy and charred, the other is a low and slow lullaby, gently smoking pork while a sizzling symphony of fat drips on hot wood coals for hours and hours. You can love whole hog, you can love Lexington pork shoulders, but in North Carolina one can never confuse grilling and barbecue.

Hmm. Doesn't appear to have hurt him much. Maybe the moonshiners in rural country will care. Everybody else? Will probably just chuckle.

Fucking Yankees

I know. Just when I think they are going to implode, they turn things around and....wait, I was talking about the New York Yankees.
What Yankees are you talking about? I'm originally from St. Louis so I'm not a Yankee.
BBQ pit..

Not a BBQ pit...

Nobody should ever let some carpetbagging asshole run for office under any circumstances. It never turns out good except for the carpetbagger. But I'm glad this dude made an ass of himself. Let him go back north and eat food made by foreigners since that's all there is in the cities up there any more. Good barbecue is good barbecue and I bet this Cunningham peckerhead wouldn't know it from sushi. He's probably one of those salmon eating dorks. Viva Trump. Give him some legislative majorities and he'll clean this country up before his next inauguration.

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