Major Changes at State


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
“A lot of top staffers are leaving,” whines a union rep. In other words, Secretary Tillerson is doing what the president calls for, Cleaning the Swamp at Foggy Bottom.

Nearly three dozen ambassadorships remain vacant as well, with the embassies’ No. 2, called the charge d’affaires, leading those U.S. missions.

An ambassadorship has been a reward to campaign donors or close friends of political bigwigs. Apparently our president isn’t playing that game. And, anyone who has spent any time at an embassy like I have knows the ambassador is nothing more than a figurehead who does what the charge tells him/her to do.

Full story @ State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed': Ambassador
The one sole person making this accusation is a long time (D) and appointed by the messiah himself, Obama.

But the far left media will eat it up and claim it as fact without doing any research or questioning this person at all!

There may be some truth in this, but the (D)'s in the senate have made sure that any Trump appointment will take a long time to make happen.
“A lot of top staffers are leaving,” whines a union rep. In other words, Secretary Tillerson is doing what the president calls for, Cleaning the Swamp at Foggy Bottom.

Nearly three dozen ambassadorships remain vacant as well, with the embassies’ No. 2, called the charge d’affaires, leading those U.S. missions.

An ambassadorship has been a reward to campaign donors or close friends of political bigwigs. Apparently our president isn’t playing that game. And, anyone who has spent any time at an embassy like I have knows the ambassador is nothing more than a figurehead who does what the charge tells him/her to do.

Full story @ State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed': Ambassador

Lol! “Our president isn’t playing that game “!

I can’t tell if you Trumpers are delusional or plain stupid .

US ambassador to New Zealand Scott Brown 'counselled' over behaviour at party
“A lot of top staffers are leaving,” whines a union rep. In other words, Secretary Tillerson is doing what the president calls for, Cleaning the Swamp at Foggy Bottom.

Nearly three dozen ambassadorships remain vacant as well, with the embassies’ No. 2, called the charge d’affaires, leading those U.S. missions.

An ambassadorship has been a reward to campaign donors or close friends of political bigwigs. Apparently our president isn’t playing that game. And, anyone who has spent any time at an embassy like I have knows the ambassador is nothing more than a figurehead who does what the charge tells him/her to do.

Full story @ State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed': Ambassador

Its almost like you don't bother to read your own articles- since the only thing you quote is the very last line of the article- the only time the political appointed ambassadors were mentioned.

Three of the agency’s five career ambassadors, the highest rank for diplomats, have retired or quit since January. Nearly half of career ministers — the next level down and equivalent to the military’s three-star generals — are gone too, down to 19 from 33. The next-level minister counselors have seen their numbers drop by 62 diplomats, to 369, since Labor Day “and are still falling,” writes Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the American Foreign Service Association union.

Without these leaders, the U.S. could face a diminished role on the world stage, unable to keep up with the increasingly aggressive foreign policies of rising countries like China, she argues.

Losing the ranks of the trained professional diplomats- the people who actually do the work of the State Department.
“A lot of top staffers are leaving,” whines a union rep. In other words, Secretary Tillerson is doing what the president calls for, Cleaning the Swamp at Foggy Bottom.

Nearly three dozen ambassadorships remain vacant as well, with the embassies’ No. 2, called the charge d’affaires, leading those U.S. missions.

An ambassadorship has been a reward to campaign donors or close friends of political bigwigs. Apparently our president isn’t playing that game. And, anyone who has spent any time at an embassy like I have knows the ambassador is nothing more than a figurehead who does what the charge tells him/her to do.

Full story @ State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed': Ambassador

Its almost like you don't bother to read your own articles- since the only thing you quote is the very last line of the article- the only time the political appointed ambassadors were mentioned.

Three of the agency’s five career ambassadors, the highest rank for diplomats, have retired or quit since January. Nearly half of career ministers — the next level down and equivalent to the military’s three-star generals — are gone too, down to 19 from 33. The next-level minister counselors have seen their numbers drop by 62 diplomats, to 369, since Labor Day “and are still falling,” writes Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the American Foreign Service Association union.

Without these leaders, the U.S. could face a diminished role on the world stage, unable to keep up with the increasingly aggressive foreign policies of rising countries like China, she argues.

Losing the ranks of the trained professional diplomats- the people who actually do the work of the State Department.

And were responsible for the Obama foreign policy. Good riddance.

I'm actually not going to complain that in essence, Tillerson is draining the state department swamp of deeply implanted Clinton operatives.
“A lot of top staffers are leaving,” whines a union rep. In other words, Secretary Tillerson is doing what the president calls for, Cleaning the Swamp at Foggy Bottom.

Nearly three dozen ambassadorships remain vacant as well, with the embassies’ No. 2, called the charge d’affaires, leading those U.S. missions.

An ambassadorship has been a reward to campaign donors or close friends of political bigwigs. Apparently our president isn’t playing that game. And, anyone who has spent any time at an embassy like I have knows the ambassador is nothing more than a figurehead who does what the charge tells him/her to do.

Full story @ State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed': Ambassador

Its almost like you don't bother to read your own articles- since the only thing you quote is the very last line of the article- the only time the political appointed ambassadors were mentioned.

Three of the agency’s five career ambassadors, the highest rank for diplomats, have retired or quit since January. Nearly half of career ministers — the next level down and equivalent to the military’s three-star generals — are gone too, down to 19 from 33. The next-level minister counselors have seen their numbers drop by 62 diplomats, to 369, since Labor Day “and are still falling,” writes Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the American Foreign Service Association union.

Without these leaders, the U.S. could face a diminished role on the world stage, unable to keep up with the increasingly aggressive foreign policies of rising countries like China, she argues.

Losing the ranks of the trained professional diplomats- the people who actually do the work of the State Department.

And were responsible for the Obama foreign policy. Good riddance.

I agree with what you are stating....mostly.....but those in the department who gave the correct advice were ignored.

"Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told Fox News that President Barack Obama ignored the advice of his “entire national security team” during the Egyptian coup in 2011 that ousted Hosni Mubarak, the country’s former president." President Obama NSC|Egypt Coup|Hosni Mubarak|

....or fired.

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