Majority of Americans think abortion does (a LOT) more harm than good to women...

And they would be RIGHT. but you won't hear that from the Democrat/abortion party

They run a campaign on how it's your right to kill off: ALL your offsping . what do they care if it's harmful
So why are dems so committed to aborting a lot of women with zero oversight of the procedures used/people doing the procedures/records?


" Americans are also more likely to view abortion as doing more harm to women (59 percent) than they are to claim that it does them good (22 percent)."

84 of Americans Would Ban Abortion after 3 Months of Pregnancy -- NEW HAVEN Conn. Jan. 21 2015 PRNewswire-USNewswire --

59% plus me. No one's ever polled me on anything. :)

But ya, having to spend the rest of your life remembering you killed your own baby for some transitory reason like money, then later having money enough perhaps and reliving that decision. Yes, much more harm than was avoided.
Debbie Blabbermouth Schults doesn't think there are enough abortions. She says so.
The reasons for their fanatical attachment to no-holds-barred baby killing is double-pronged.

1. They know their policies will not reduce poverty or crime, so they seek to kill off the poor. This is near and dear to all progressives.
2. They see women as chattel, and in order to support the sex and human trafficking trades, abortion is a necessity...both to keep the women lucratively *producing* product...and to protect the men who victimize them.

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