Majority of Democrats Oppose Certification of 2024 Election If Donald Trump Wins

I agree. the antiTrumpers are not just democrats. There are many Republicans and even more independents. I am an independent. I am not excited about Biden but I will take him over Trump.
Haley supporters dont want trump. That's a good chunk of the repubs right there.
This is the result of tRump an his loyal oompa loompas casting doubt on the electoral process for the last 4 years +.

YOu kids made the bed. Now fuckin' lie in it.
That makes no sense.

Carry on.
So…Reader’s Digest version: a bunch of Republicans have their knickers in a knot because 57% of Democrats in some poll say they want to do what the Republicans actually did in 2020?

Does that mean the Republicans are the party of authoritarianism straight out of the Stalin Politiboro?
So…Reader’s Digest version: a bunch of Republicans have their knickers in a knot because 57% of Democrats in some poll say they want to do what the Republicans actually did in 2020?

Does that mean the Republicans are the party of authoritarianism straight out of the Stalin Politiboro?
You would be better served with the cartoon version. Lots of colorful pictures to help you concentrate.
So…Reader’s Digest version: a bunch of Republicans have their knickers in a knot because 57% of Democrats in some poll say they want to do what the Republicans actually did in 2020?

Does that mean the Republicans are the party of authoritarianism straight out of the Stalin Politiboro?
Juvenile deflection duly noted.
Calm down, sweety.

It was a Rasmussen poll.

After that face plant, dust yourself off and proceed on as if nothing happened.
Read the poll questions.
Those who answered yes answered yes to this question. "will vote against certifying the election results because of Trump’s role in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riots." NOT THE BECAUSE THE ELECTIONS ARE RIGGED. BECAUSE OF THE CRIMES HE HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF COMMITTING. He may be convicted by then.
  • “Conspiracy to Defraud the United States”
  • “Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding”
  • “Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding”
  • “Conspiracy Against Rights”
Plus,many anti-Trumpers are not democrats.
55 percent would oppose lawmakers refusing to certify a Trump victory for any reason.

Do your homework sweetie.
Juvenile deflection duly noted.
I notice most on the right on here actually supported the invasion of the Capitol or actually thought it was Antifa. So until those on the left do those same things, you've cornered the market on anti-Americanism.
Read the poll questions.
Those who answered yes answered yes to this question. "will vote against certifying the election results because of Trump’s role in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riots." NOT THE BECAUSE THE ELECTIONS ARE RIGGED. BECAUSE OF THE CRIMES HE HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF COMMITTING. He may be convicted by then.
  • “Conspiracy to Defraud the United States”
  • “Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding”
  • “Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding”
  • “Conspiracy Against Rights”
Plus,many anti-Trumpers are not democrats.
55 percent would oppose lawmakers refusing to certify a Trump victory for any reason.

Do your homework sweetie.


Accusations are all that’s required.

You failed your homework quiz, sweetie.

Besides, it’s Beribart. You already insist it can’t be trusted.
It seems a majority of Dems / Socialists would take the route of insurrection by trying to overturn election results. That’s only as a result of a Trump win, obviously.

Speaks volumes about the lawlessness and corruption of the Dem / Socialist party, the “Party of Election Deniers”.

Fifty-seven percent of Democrat voters would oppose Congress certifying the 2024 election if former President Donald Trump wins, a Rasmussen Reports poll sponsored by the National Pulse found Monday.
You just can't make this shit up.
It seems a majority of Dems / Socialists would take the route of insurrection by trying to overturn election results. That’s only as a result of a Trump win, obviously.

Speaks volumes about the lawlessness and corruption of the Dem / Socialist party, the “Party of Election Deniers”.

Fifty-seven percent of Democrat voters would oppose Congress certifying the 2024 election if former President Donald Trump wins, a Rasmussen Reports poll sponsored by the National Pulse found Monday.

That's a lie. You all are so low class.
Bullshit!!!! Breitbart is not a reliable source for anything.

The vast majority of people I know do not want a second Trump presidency. They feel it could be the worst thing to happen to the USA since the Civil War. Maybe worse.
Not one has said they would not accept the elections. They trust the elections.
They know the elections were fair in 2020 and will be fair in 2024.

Trump loves the uneducated.
It seems a majority of Dems / Socialists would take the route of insurrection by trying to overturn election results. That’s only as a result of a Trump win, obviously.

Speaks volumes about the lawlessness and corruption of the Dem / Socialist party, the “Party of Election Deniers”.

Fifty-seven percent of Democrat voters would oppose Congress certifying the 2024 election if former President Donald Trump wins, a Rasmussen Reports poll sponsored by the National Pulse found Monday.
Remember: magaturds were the assholes that rioted on J6.

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