Majority of Israeli Jews show that they are racist

"Israel does not have the right to keep infiltrators out of its borders and kick those who came in, out."

Until their status is established they are refugees.
According to the convention and protocol relating to the status of refugees

Article 3
The Contracting States shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refu-
gees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin.

Article 26
Freedom of movement
Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully in its territory the
right to choose their place of residence to move freely within its territory,
subject to any regulations applicable to aliens generally in the same circum-

"I would say not, even if some poll of some people in the country came out saying that most of those polled are racists."

So now the poll was flawed and not indicative?

"Are the Israeli Muslims attacking Jews and others with knives, screw drivers, cars, etc racists and other non Muslims?

How many non Israeli Jews have Israeli civilian Jews in Israel attacked in the past three years compared with how many Jews and other non Jews have been attacked by Israeli Muslims or Christians.
And I am talking about all of them being citizens.

Because then, we can ask how many non Israeli Jews have attacked non Israeli Muslims and Christians in Israel proper, or in Judea, Samaria or even in Gaza.

Let us have a poll of that.

Or better still, let us have the reports of attacks for the past three years"

And I repeat, lets compare the numbers with more than 2,100 Palestinians killed during the last Gaza war, 7 in 10 being civilians. And many more since. Who is the greater evil?

"Well, I and others have explained and put to rest your idea that most Jews in Israel are racists based on some poll and ONE article."

No, all you have done is divert the subject, ignore the facts, and attack me. It's all in black and white.
Infiltrators are not refugees. End of story.

2100 Palestinians in Gaza were not civilians. Some were, and you do not have the information on that, any more on how many were combatants who belonged to Hamas or the other militia groups in Gaza.

Are you saying that all 2100 were unarmed and did not fire rockets, or were armed, or did not attack Israeli soldiers during that war?

Civilian Gazans are involved in the war of 2014? Only civilians?

You keep changing the thread subjects to the war in Gaza.

Once the neighboring Muslim countries start offering those Africans asylum and not shooting at them on site, then you will have a case.

Israel has absolutely no obligation to absorb anyone, from any country if it endangers the population or the country itself.

It has been established that too many of them are a danger to the Israeli population, so you will have to keep feeling superior and invite them to your country to live with you.

Do as the Canadians have done

Thousands of African migrants have left Israel for West — report

"Infiltrators are not refugees. End of story."

Israel is not establishing that since they are offering two options, leave or go to jail as the alternative.

They are not processing them at all.

You (conveniently) chose to avoid the sections of the charter on refugees of which Israel is a signatory, so I will repeat it:

Article 3
The Contracting States shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refu-
gees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin.

Article 26
Freedom of movement
Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully in its territory the
right to choose their place of residence to move freely within its territory,
subject to any regulations applicable to aliens generally in the same circum-

Unless 100% of entrants are not refugees (which Israel are not even establishing first) then Israel are contravening the charter they signed up to.

Simple question for you, do you agree or disagree?

"2100 Palestinians in Gaza were not civilians. Some were, and you do not have the information on that,"

Keep avoiding. 7 out of 10 were civilians (Source: United Nations). That's over 1470 civilians out of over 2100 Palestinians.

Are you denying the UN sources figures?

And I repeat who is the greater terrorist, Israel or the Palestinians?

Simple questions, can you answer them or are you a sly coward who avoids the questions you don't like?

The problem I have with your posts is that you want ONE answer and ONE answer only.

"Israel is a racist country"

THAT is what you want to hear.

Your racism against Jews and Israel demands that.
I can feel you dancing in your chair when you write these allegations.

You have no knowledge of the issues in Israel and NO, Israel is not obligated to take in EVERY person who crosses its borders illegally in order to live in Israel.

From the site you posted:

There are some 27,000 Eritreans and 7,700 Sudanese in Israel. Since Israel took over refugee status determination from UNHCR in 2009, only ten Eritreans and one Sudanese have been recognized as refugees. Another 200 Sudanese, all from Darfur, were granted humanitarian status in Israel and there was an announcement that another 300 will follow. Israel has not received any Eritreans or Sudanese since May 2016.

UNHCR stands ready to work with Israel to find alternative solutions for the protection needs of asylum seekers, in line with international standards. This includes resettlement out of Israel, as has happened previously.

In other words, like any other country, Israel does make sure that the people she is going to grant refugee status are clearly refugees and not simply anyone who wants to come and live there.

"Come on in, just walk into the country, sign on the dotted line and come and live here."
THAT does not happen anywhere in the world.

No Arab Muslim country is taking even ONE of them. No issues for you there, especially since these people cross into Egypt in order to get to Israel.
No need to ask why they do not choose to stay in Egypt, or go to Morocco, Tunisia, Lybia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, or even Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordan. Any one of these countries has offered to take any of these people in? Where are the open arms? They have not signed in? Why? No Russia, no Turkey. Such vast territories, and not one of them is offering them refuge? But small Israel must do so.

There are real reasons why Israel cannot take in these so many alleged refugees, and you do not care about them.
The main is at war with its neighbors until a Peace treaty happens
It does not have the economy to take in all these people you wish to drown her with, as so many Israeli citizens need attention first.
Israel has every right to protect its population, and that includes Jews, Arabs, Druze, Bedouins from what could become and endless influx of infiltrators who seek a new place to live.

That is what every country does.

But, as always:

One standard for Israel, and another for the rest of the world.

Go ahead, shout to the four winds:

"Israel is a racist country"

All you like.

Israel will continue to do what is right for herself and the whole population, you understand it, like it or not.

Spit all the hatred out.

Let it out.......

That's a good Israel and Jew hater.

Unless 100% of entrants are not refugees (which Israel are not even establishing first) then Israel are contravening the charter they signed up to

Simple question for you, do you agree or disagree?


Gaza War
7 out of 10 were civilians (Source: United Nations). That's over 1470 civilians out of over 2100 Palestinians.


Weak Sixties Fan, weak.
Israel does not need your approval on who is a refugee and who is not.
Neither does any other country you would like to shove people into them in order to help destroy them.
The idea of forcing Israel to absorb all who come inside her borders is an anti Israel idea which is not going to work.
Criticism of Israel, endless, does not make the country cave in to those who wish to destroy her.

Find some other way of attempting to destroy Israel. There are so many out there, this thread is just another attempt to undermine Israel's rights.

Israel does not need your anti Israel sources to know how many were civilians, and how many were combatants in the 2014 war, or any other war against her.

Go ahead, attack again and again and again......and again....and again.....

The figures speak for themselves, you are a country of cold-blooded killers
Infiltrators are not refugees. End of story.

2100 Palestinians in Gaza were not civilians. Some were, and you do not have the information on that, any more on how many were combatants who belonged to Hamas or the other militia groups in Gaza.

Are you saying that all 2100 were unarmed and did not fire rockets, or were armed, or did not attack Israeli soldiers during that war?

Civilian Gazans are involved in the war of 2014? Only civilians?

You keep changing the thread subjects to the war in Gaza.

Once the neighboring Muslim countries start offering those Africans asylum and not shooting at them on site, then you will have a case.

Israel has absolutely no obligation to absorb anyone, from any country if it endangers the population or the country itself.

It has been established that too many of them are a danger to the Israeli population, so you will have to keep feeling superior and invite them to your country to live with you.

Do as the Canadians have done

Thousands of African migrants have left Israel for West — report

"Infiltrators are not refugees. End of story."

Israel is not establishing that since they are offering two options, leave or go to jail as the alternative.

They are not processing them at all.

You (conveniently) chose to avoid the sections of the charter on refugees of which Israel is a signatory, so I will repeat it:

Article 3
The Contracting States shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refu-
gees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin.

Article 26
Freedom of movement
Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully in its territory the
right to choose their place of residence to move freely within its territory,
subject to any regulations applicable to aliens generally in the same circum-

Unless 100% of entrants are not refugees (which Israel are not even establishing first) then Israel are contravening the charter they signed up to.

Simple question for you, do you agree or disagree?

"2100 Palestinians in Gaza were not civilians. Some were, and you do not have the information on that,"

Keep avoiding. 7 out of 10 were civilians (Source: United Nations). That's over 1470 civilians out of over 2100 Palestinians.

Are you denying the UN sources figures?

And I repeat who is the greater terrorist, Israel or the Palestinians?

Simple questions, can you answer them or are you a sly coward who avoids the questions you don't like?

The problem I have with your posts is that you want ONE answer and ONE answer only.

"Israel is a racist country"

THAT is what you want to hear.

Your racism against Jews and Israel demands that.
I can feel you dancing in your chair when you write these allegations.

You have no knowledge of the issues in Israel and NO, Israel is not obligated to take in EVERY person who crosses its borders illegally in order to live in Israel.

From the site you posted:

There are some 27,000 Eritreans and 7,700 Sudanese in Israel. Since Israel took over refugee status determination from UNHCR in 2009, only ten Eritreans and one Sudanese have been recognized as refugees. Another 200 Sudanese, all from Darfur, were granted humanitarian status in Israel and there was an announcement that another 300 will follow. Israel has not received any Eritreans or Sudanese since May 2016.

UNHCR stands ready to work with Israel to find alternative solutions for the protection needs of asylum seekers, in line with international standards. This includes resettlement out of Israel, as has happened previously.

In other words, like any other country, Israel does make sure that the people she is going to grant refugee status are clearly refugees and not simply anyone who wants to come and live there.

"Come on in, just walk into the country, sign on the dotted line and come and live here."
THAT does not happen anywhere in the world.

No Arab Muslim country is taking even ONE of them. No issues for you there, especially since these people cross into Egypt in order to get to Israel.
No need to ask why they do not choose to stay in Egypt, or go to Morocco, Tunisia, Lybia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, or even Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordan. Any one of these countries has offered to take any of these people in? Where are the open arms? They have not signed in? Why? No Russia, no Turkey. Such vast territories, and not one of them is offering them refuge? But small Israel must do so.

There are real reasons why Israel cannot take in these so many alleged refugees, and you do not care about them.
The main is at war with its neighbors until a Peace treaty happens
It does not have the economy to take in all these people you wish to drown her with, as so many Israeli citizens need attention first.
Israel has every right to protect its population, and that includes Jews, Arabs, Druze, Bedouins from what could become and endless influx of infiltrators who seek a new place to live.

That is what every country does.

But, as always:

One standard for Israel, and another for the rest of the world.

Go ahead, shout to the four winds:

"Israel is a racist country"

All you like.

Israel will continue to do what is right for herself and the whole population, you understand it, like it or not.

Spit all the hatred out.

Let it out.......

That's a good Israel and Jew hater.

Unless 100% of entrants are not refugees (which Israel are not even establishing first) then Israel are contravening the charter they signed up to

Simple question for you, do you agree or disagree?


Gaza War
7 out of 10 were civilians (Source: United Nations). That's over 1470 civilians out of over 2100 Palestinians.


Weak Sixties Fan, weak.
Israel does not need your approval on who is a refugee and who is not.
Neither does any other country you would like to shove people into them in order to help destroy them.
The idea of forcing Israel to absorb all who come inside her borders is an anti Israel idea which is not going to work.
Criticism of Israel, endless, does not make the country cave in to those who wish to destroy her.

Find some other way of attempting to destroy Israel. There are so many out there, this thread is just another attempt to undermine Israel's rights.

Israel does not need your anti Israel sources to know how many were civilians, and how many were combatants in the 2014 war, or any other war against her.

Go ahead, attack again and again and again......and again....and again.....

The figures speak for themselves, you are a country of cold-blooded killers
Guys, I am curious if you can tell me:

thomosbaysore =

1) a new poster?

2) another one of Louie's personas?
"Infiltrators are not refugees. End of story."

Israel is not establishing that since they are offering two options, leave or go to jail as the alternative.

They are not processing them at all.

You (conveniently) chose to avoid the sections of the charter on refugees of which Israel is a signatory, so I will repeat it:

Article 3
The Contracting States shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refu-
gees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin.

Article 26
Freedom of movement
Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully in its territory the
right to choose their place of residence to move freely within its territory,
subject to any regulations applicable to aliens generally in the same circum-

Unless 100% of entrants are not refugees (which Israel are not even establishing first) then Israel are contravening the charter they signed up to.

Simple question for you, do you agree or disagree?

"2100 Palestinians in Gaza were not civilians. Some were, and you do not have the information on that,"

Keep avoiding. 7 out of 10 were civilians (Source: United Nations). That's over 1470 civilians out of over 2100 Palestinians.

Are you denying the UN sources figures?

And I repeat who is the greater terrorist, Israel or the Palestinians?

Simple questions, can you answer them or are you a sly coward who avoids the questions you don't like?

The problem I have with your posts is that you want ONE answer and ONE answer only.

"Israel is a racist country"

THAT is what you want to hear.

Your racism against Jews and Israel demands that.
I can feel you dancing in your chair when you write these allegations.

You have no knowledge of the issues in Israel and NO, Israel is not obligated to take in EVERY person who crosses its borders illegally in order to live in Israel.

From the site you posted:

There are some 27,000 Eritreans and 7,700 Sudanese in Israel. Since Israel took over refugee status determination from UNHCR in 2009, only ten Eritreans and one Sudanese have been recognized as refugees. Another 200 Sudanese, all from Darfur, were granted humanitarian status in Israel and there was an announcement that another 300 will follow. Israel has not received any Eritreans or Sudanese since May 2016.

UNHCR stands ready to work with Israel to find alternative solutions for the protection needs of asylum seekers, in line with international standards. This includes resettlement out of Israel, as has happened previously.

In other words, like any other country, Israel does make sure that the people she is going to grant refugee status are clearly refugees and not simply anyone who wants to come and live there.

"Come on in, just walk into the country, sign on the dotted line and come and live here."
THAT does not happen anywhere in the world.

No Arab Muslim country is taking even ONE of them. No issues for you there, especially since these people cross into Egypt in order to get to Israel.
No need to ask why they do not choose to stay in Egypt, or go to Morocco, Tunisia, Lybia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, or even Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordan. Any one of these countries has offered to take any of these people in? Where are the open arms? They have not signed in? Why? No Russia, no Turkey. Such vast territories, and not one of them is offering them refuge? But small Israel must do so.

There are real reasons why Israel cannot take in these so many alleged refugees, and you do not care about them.
The main is at war with its neighbors until a Peace treaty happens
It does not have the economy to take in all these people you wish to drown her with, as so many Israeli citizens need attention first.
Israel has every right to protect its population, and that includes Jews, Arabs, Druze, Bedouins from what could become and endless influx of infiltrators who seek a new place to live.

That is what every country does.

But, as always:

One standard for Israel, and another for the rest of the world.

Go ahead, shout to the four winds:

"Israel is a racist country"

All you like.

Israel will continue to do what is right for herself and the whole population, you understand it, like it or not.

Spit all the hatred out.

Let it out.......

That's a good Israel and Jew hater.

Unless 100% of entrants are not refugees (which Israel are not even establishing first) then Israel are contravening the charter they signed up to

Simple question for you, do you agree or disagree?


Gaza War
7 out of 10 were civilians (Source: United Nations). That's over 1470 civilians out of over 2100 Palestinians.


Weak Sixties Fan, weak.
Israel does not need your approval on who is a refugee and who is not.
Neither does any other country you would like to shove people into them in order to help destroy them.
The idea of forcing Israel to absorb all who come inside her borders is an anti Israel idea which is not going to work.
Criticism of Israel, endless, does not make the country cave in to those who wish to destroy her.

Find some other way of attempting to destroy Israel. There are so many out there, this thread is just another attempt to undermine Israel's rights.

Israel does not need your anti Israel sources to know how many were civilians, and how many were combatants in the 2014 war, or any other war against her.

Go ahead, attack again and again and again......and again....and again.....

The figures speak for themselves, you are a country of cold-blooded killers
Guys, I am curious if you can tell me:

thomosbaysore =

1) a new poster?

2) another one of Louie's personas?

He's a sock puppet of Screwey Louie's, who has more personalities than Sybil.
I'm not Christian, I'm Jewish. You said Jews are anti-Christian, and I said we're not. The only thing you proved by your tirade is that there are still some Christians who are anti-Jewish, but not the other way around. Thank G-d there are millions of Evangelical Christians who are not like you at all.

All Christians are anti-Tamudism, which liars, so-called Jews, pass off as biblical Judaism. Those "Christians" who support Antichrist Israel are non-Christian fools.

Jews are living on borrowed time. Those Evangelical fools won't always be here to protect Jews from their coming punishment, yet again, for their hostility to mankind. Evangelical Dispensationalism is on an irreversible decline, and when that loses influence, it'll be judgement day for the Jews. The Antichrist Israel will be destroyed and Jews knocked down to their place. At least I care enough to warn you, while the Evangelicals help you dig your grave.
↑↑↑ pretty good.

So everyone, repeat after me: "Israel is racist". Now this will make the OP happy.

/end of thread


I wouldn't be laughing if I were you, and you're a true Anglo American, Jews controls your arse.
He prefers Jews to control his arse , to Muslims and Christians to control yours.

Just take a look at the contribution Jews have made to the world, compared to contributions Muslims and Christians have made.

No competition on how Jews have always made this world a better place for everyone :)

That's a far fetch......

If any religion has been the majority party of contributions to mankind it would be Christians, not Jews.

"No competition on how Jews have always made this world a better place for everyone"

I can see how Jews have made the Palestinians world a better one.

Keep talking sh* need a bucket around your neck.
"Infiltrators are not refugees. End of story."

Israel is not establishing that since they are offering two options, leave or go to jail as the alternative.

They are not processing them at all.

You (conveniently) chose to avoid the sections of the charter on refugees of which Israel is a signatory, so I will repeat it:

Article 3
The Contracting States shall apply the provisions of this Convention to refu-
gees without discrimination as to race, religion or country of origin.

Article 26
Freedom of movement
Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully in its territory the
right to choose their place of residence to move freely within its territory,
subject to any regulations applicable to aliens generally in the same circum-

Unless 100% of entrants are not refugees (which Israel are not even establishing first) then Israel are contravening the charter they signed up to.

Simple question for you, do you agree or disagree?

"2100 Palestinians in Gaza were not civilians. Some were, and you do not have the information on that,"

Keep avoiding. 7 out of 10 were civilians (Source: United Nations). That's over 1470 civilians out of over 2100 Palestinians.

Are you denying the UN sources figures?

And I repeat who is the greater terrorist, Israel or the Palestinians?

Simple questions, can you answer them or are you a sly coward who avoids the questions you don't like?

The problem I have with your posts is that you want ONE answer and ONE answer only.

"Israel is a racist country"

THAT is what you want to hear.

Your racism against Jews and Israel demands that.
I can feel you dancing in your chair when you write these allegations.

You have no knowledge of the issues in Israel and NO, Israel is not obligated to take in EVERY person who crosses its borders illegally in order to live in Israel.

From the site you posted:

There are some 27,000 Eritreans and 7,700 Sudanese in Israel. Since Israel took over refugee status determination from UNHCR in 2009, only ten Eritreans and one Sudanese have been recognized as refugees. Another 200 Sudanese, all from Darfur, were granted humanitarian status in Israel and there was an announcement that another 300 will follow. Israel has not received any Eritreans or Sudanese since May 2016.

UNHCR stands ready to work with Israel to find alternative solutions for the protection needs of asylum seekers, in line with international standards. This includes resettlement out of Israel, as has happened previously.

In other words, like any other country, Israel does make sure that the people she is going to grant refugee status are clearly refugees and not simply anyone who wants to come and live there.

"Come on in, just walk into the country, sign on the dotted line and come and live here."
THAT does not happen anywhere in the world.

No Arab Muslim country is taking even ONE of them. No issues for you there, especially since these people cross into Egypt in order to get to Israel.
No need to ask why they do not choose to stay in Egypt, or go to Morocco, Tunisia, Lybia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, or even Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordan. Any one of these countries has offered to take any of these people in? Where are the open arms? They have not signed in? Why? No Russia, no Turkey. Such vast territories, and not one of them is offering them refuge? But small Israel must do so.

There are real reasons why Israel cannot take in these so many alleged refugees, and you do not care about them.
The main is at war with its neighbors until a Peace treaty happens
It does not have the economy to take in all these people you wish to drown her with, as so many Israeli citizens need attention first.
Israel has every right to protect its population, and that includes Jews, Arabs, Druze, Bedouins from what could become and endless influx of infiltrators who seek a new place to live.

That is what every country does.

But, as always:

One standard for Israel, and another for the rest of the world.

Go ahead, shout to the four winds:

"Israel is a racist country"

All you like.

Israel will continue to do what is right for herself and the whole population, you understand it, like it or not.

Spit all the hatred out.

Let it out.......

That's a good Israel and Jew hater.

Unless 100% of entrants are not refugees (which Israel are not even establishing first) then Israel are contravening the charter they signed up to

Simple question for you, do you agree or disagree?


Gaza War
7 out of 10 were civilians (Source: United Nations). That's over 1470 civilians out of over 2100 Palestinians.


Weak Sixties Fan, weak.
Israel does not need your approval on who is a refugee and who is not.
Neither does any other country you would like to shove people into them in order to help destroy them.
The idea of forcing Israel to absorb all who come inside her borders is an anti Israel idea which is not going to work.
Criticism of Israel, endless, does not make the country cave in to those who wish to destroy her.

Find some other way of attempting to destroy Israel. There are so many out there, this thread is just another attempt to undermine Israel's rights.

Israel does not need your anti Israel sources to know how many were civilians, and how many were combatants in the 2014 war, or any other war against her.

Go ahead, attack again and again and again......and again....and again.....

The figures speak for themselves, you are a country of cold-blooded killers
Guys, I am curious if you can tell me:

thomosbaysore =

1) a new poster?

2) another one of Louie's personas?
Yup. Give it like two weeks and it will go down in flames like all the other socks did. LOL
Guys, I am curious if you can tell me:

thomosbaysore =

1) a new poster?

2) another one of Louie's personas?
This is an interesting question, though a bit off the topic.

This user was created almost four years ago. However, the posting style and types of posts do coincide very much with louie888, ventura77 and abi.

It gives me pause.

Maybe this user was 'parked' in the inevitable event that the previous users would be 'lost' to us, hehe.

Just look at the start date and the post count.

And think about it. ;);)
Guys, I am curious if you can tell me:

thomosbaysore =

1) a new poster?

2) another one of Louie's personas?
This is an interesting question, though a bit off the topic.

This user was created almost four years ago. However, the posting style and types of posts do coincide very much with louie888, ventura77 and abi.

It gives me pause.

Maybe this user was 'parked' in the inevitable event that the previous users would be 'lost' to us, hehe.

Just look at the start date and the post count.

And think about it. ;);)
Good observation. It's highly possible it's an orchestrated effort with a history, and a regular recruitment drive.
Good observation. It's highly possible it's an orchestrated effort with a history, and a regular recruitment drive.
I've been accused of being very observant all my life. ;)

And since these folks will not reveal themselves, I will for now call them the 'electronic intifada brigade'.

At least the 'Hasbara' (which neither I nor you are a member of) have the balls to be recognized and named.

Speaks volumes if you ask me. Volumes.
Good observation. It's highly possible it's an orchestrated effort with a history, and a regular recruitment drive.
I've been accused of being very observant all my life. ;)

And since these folks will not reveal themselves, I will for now call them the 'electronic intifada brigade'.

At least the 'Hasbara' (which neither I nor you are a member of) have the balls to be recognized and named.

Speaks volumes if you ask me. Volumes.
They accuse others of being what they are...internet jihadis.
Oh wait. I think we've all gotten off topic and track here folks.

So again, I must ask you to repeat after me:

"Jews are racist. Jews are racist. Jews are racist."

;) ;)
Israel was established as the homeland for the Jewish people, so that they would NEVER again suffer the unspeakable horrors of World War II.

I feel that it is unfair to use the word "racism" against the Israeli people.

They just want to live, work, and play with people who share their common heritage.

In my opinion, Israel should have the right to decide which immigrants they want and which immigrants they will assist in leaving and finding another country in which to live.

Let us remember: Most countries want to remain homogeneous units. That is why Japan, for example, has very strict immigration laws, too.

If some European nations (and our unique nation) want to be heterogeneous units, that is fine. But we should NOT -- in my opinion -- use the pejorative word "racist" to label Israel, Japan, etc.

actually, Israel has a significant Christian population and a significant arab population, including at least one arab minister in parliament.

how many jews are allowed to live in the (almost) dozen muslim countries in the mid east?

people like the o/p never say a word about that... even though jews had to leave Syria, Lebanon, Iran, etc., and Christians have been run out of most of those countries too.

anti-semites like the o/p are pathetic.
Oh wait. I think we've all gotten off topic and track here folks.

So again, I must ask you to repeat after me:

"Jews are racist. Jews are racist. Jews are racist."

;) ;)

No, Jews are not racist...

'We look at them like donkeys': What Israel's first ruling party thought about Palestinian citizens

"He (Ben-Gurion) added, "We view them (Arabs) like donkeys. They dont care. They accept it with love... ""

and our founding fathers said blacks were 3/5 of a person, didn't let women vote and allowed slavery. *shrug*
Yeah, the Arabs as we know never show any racism, antisemitism, or bigotry of any kind. And if you believe that I have a used donkey to sell you.

You heard the story about Arabs who are in glass huts should not throw stones?
Agreed. Muslims are the very most tolerant people in the whole wide world.

They accept everybody.
Agreed. Muslims are the very most tolerant people in the whole wide world.

They accept everybody.
If you look closely you will see that they are walking on water with crescent moon shaped halo's on their heads.
Israel was established as the homeland for the Jewish people, so that they would NEVER again suffer the unspeakable horrors of World War II.

I feel that it is unfair to use the word "racism" against the Israeli people.

They just want to live, work, and play with people who share their common heritage.

In my opinion, Israel should have the right to decide which immigrants they want and which immigrants they will assist in leaving and finding another country in which to live.

Let us remember: Most countries want to remain homogeneous units. That is why Japan, for example, has very strict immigration laws, too.

If some European nations (and our unique nation) want to be heterogeneous units, that is fine. But we should NOT -- in my opinion -- use the pejorative word "racist" to label Israel, Japan, etc.

actually, Israel has a significant Christian population and a significant arab population, including at least one arab minister in parliament.

how many jews are allowed to live in the (almost) dozen muslim countries in the mid east?

people like the o/p never say a word about that... even though jews had to leave Syria, Lebanon, Iran, etc., and Christians have been run out of most of those countries too.

anti-semites like the o/p are pathetic.

There were 17 Arab members of Knesset in 2015, and probably more of them today.
actually, Israel has a significant Christian population

In 1948, the Christian population in the region of Israel was ten times larger than it is today. To know Jews is to hate Jews, because they are antichrists and a brotherhood of hate.

our founding fathers said blacks were 3/5 of a person

I see you side with the slave owners who wanted blacks to count 100% as a person.

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