Majority Of U.S. Catholics Think Abortion Should Be Legal, Survey Shows

I have. My secretary had a lot of abortions. She would run down on her lunch hour and come back to work.

She was given a local anesthetic, like to pull a tooth. The procedure was done by vacuum aspiration. It took less than five minutes. The result was a small amount of bleeding and a blood clot about the size of a teaspoon.

Later abortions are done by dilation and cutterage. The uterus is literally scraped. More bleeding and several blood clots. The bleeding stops quickly a pad isn't even necessary.

As an anti abortionist, this is one of your difficulties. Too many women have had abortions or seen abortions. They know exactly what happens. Are there abortions that rips babies limb from limb? Sure. it just isn't so often that the great many women are willing to give up their autonomy to stop. This is why persuading women to give up the right to abortion is so hard. Women just know too much.
The more they know, the more they ought to be against it.

And what kind of crowd goes around having abortions like getting teeth pulled ? Personally, I know about 3 dozen women. NONE have ever had an abortion.
Killing a baby in the womb is a mortal sin. End of story.
Then do not be involved in killing a baby in the womb if your religion opposes it.

But stop there..

When Gov. Greg Abbott signed Texas law S.B.8, he provided an oft-heard reason for why the Lone Star state is effectively banning nearly all abortions: “Our creator endowed us with the right to life.”​
Abbott’s religious invocation to justify Texas’s law, of course, begs the question: Whose vision of a creator, exactly? The United States is more diverse now than it has ever been. We are a country of over 330 million people who practice every major world religion, with a growing number practicing “nothing in particular.” Views on abortion vary widely, both among and within religious denominations.​
All these perspectives are protected equally under the U.S. Constitution—by the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the First Amendment—which together protect the fundamental right to hold religious beliefs of one’s choosing while ensuring that the government remains neutral when it comes to matters of faith.​
nfbw 240413 Vmouct00043 to brgmrst 240412 Smouct00016
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“Pew Research found that about six in 10 Catholics in the U.S. think abortion should be legal, with 39% saying it should be legal in most cases and 22% saying it should be legal in all cases.”

Clearly a majority of Catholics correctly understand that one can support reproductive autonomy and privacy rights while also opposing abortion as a matter of religious dogma.
I would imagine that the majority of EVERYONE in America thinks abortion should be legal (including Republicans). But that is only under dire circumstances, like when it is life & death for the mother, incest, rape, and deformities of the fetus.
Then do not be involved in killing a baby in the womb if you were religion, opposes it.

But stop there..

When Gov. Greg Abbott signed Texas law S.B.8, he provided an oft-heard reason for why the Lone Star state is effectively banning nearly all abortions: “Our creator endowed us with the right to life.”​
Abbott’s religious invocation to justify Texas’s law, of course, begs the question: Whose vision of a creator, exactly? The United States is more diverse now than it has ever been. We are a country of over 330 million people who practice every major world religion, with a growing number practicing “nothing in particular.” Views on abortion vary widely, both among and within religious denominations.​
All these perspectives are protected equally under the U.S. Constitution—by the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the First Amendment—which together protect the fundamental right to hold religious beliefs of one’s choosing while ensuring that the government remains neutral when it comes to matters of faith.​
Abortion should be banned for other than dire circumstance scenarios (as I described in Post # 44), religion or no religion. It should be banned when not very necessary, because it is the killing of a human being.

Don't think so ? Ask the thousands of adults whose mothers contemplated aborting them a few decades ago, and decided not to.
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kill babies up to age two or three

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 221124 {post•5768}. protectionist said: There IS NO "right to terminate her pregnancy" because that is simply murder. prtctnst 221123 Srvwgo05768

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 221124 {post•5770}. NotfooledbyW Nov’22: When you believe such arrogant religious bullshit that you have the authority from God to tell a woman what she has to do when she becomes pregnant and if she does not obey you call her a murderer. nfbw 221124 Vrvwgo05770. to Srvwgo05768

NotfooledbyW Nov’22: Then atop that there is this absurd SCOTUS decision that whether or not abortion is murder is to be decided by the voters. It’s nuts. nfbw 221124 Vrvwgo05770. to Swdylo00357

Where do you land on the Political Compass? 181015 {post•357}. ding Oct’18 Swdylo: “It is a states right issue. It is also a human rights issue. dvng 181015 Swdylo00357

ding Oct’18 Swdylo. My expectation is that abortion will be seen as wrong. I want it to come to a vote of the people. That's what makes it conservative. Chicken shit supporters of abortion don't want it to come to a vote. That's what makes it liberal.” dvng 181015 Swdylo00357

It is a pregnant woman’s human rights issue.

The contest of rights between her and her fetus does not exist outside of the religious experience of a shrinking minority of Americans. That white Christian rationalist minority is being voted into irrelevance Saint ding at least on the law regarding women and their reproductive freedom.


nfbw 240413 Vmouct00048 to ddlysmth 240413 Smouct00041
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Killing a baby in the womb is a mortal sin. End of story.
If you believe it's a mortal sin, don't have one. As a Christian you can't judge the sin of another. The Bible is quite firm on the judgment thing.
The more they know, the more they ought to be against it.

And what kind of crowd goes around having abortions like getting teeth pulled ? Personally, I know about 3 dozen women. NONE have ever had an abortion.
I know more than 3 dozen women. None of them have had abortions either. Although some, I suspect, have on the quiet. Then, I also,know of those that have had abortions. Although, that secretary, she had them one right after another. She claimed birth control spoiled the spontaneity.
Realistically, the more women know, the more likely they are to accept abortion.
by the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses

Except that the Establishment clause only limited the Feds, not the states and cities, so you dumbass sociopath baby killers running around trying to invoke the Constitution as if you have a clue is just hilarious nonsense.
States cannot violate a human right including those that are not enumerated in the Constitution. No government has the right to interfere with what goes on in a woman’s body when she is pregnant.

Yew, we know baby killers have all kinds of idiot rubbish to justify their lust for human sacrifices. No news here.
Yew, we know baby killers have all kinds of idiot rubbish to justify their lust for human sacrifices. No news here.
I presented you with an argument. I understand why you have no response.

There is no way to legally, morally, constitutionally or scientifically justify forcing full term gestation on all pregnant women in a secular society.
I presented you with an argument. I understand why you have no response.

There is no way to legally, morally, constitutionally or scientifically justify forcing full term gestation on all pregnant women in a secular society.

You babbled some idiot crap like a good little parrot. We all know how women get pregnant, and few of them get pregnant via rape, they make the decision to have risky sex, it;s their choice and their right; if they don't want to get pregnant, it's a pretty simple choice. Your claim that they are being denied a choice is absurd stupidity and just more proof you're a deranged sociopath just parroting nonsense popular with your peer group of closet pagans who need human sacrifices to make you feel powerful.

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