Majority of U.S. citizens say illegal immigrants should be deported


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
More than half of U.S. citizens believe that most or all of the country's 11 million illegal immigrants should be deported, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday that highlights the difficulties facing lawmakers trying to reform the U.S. immigration system.

The online survey shows resistance to easing immigration laws despite the biggest push for reform in Congress since 2007.

Thirty percent of those polled think that most illegal immigrants, with some exceptions, should be deported, while 23 percent believe all illegal immigrants should be deported.

Only 5 percent believe all illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the United States legally, and 31 percent want most illegal immigrants to stay.

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Majority of U.S. citizens say illegal immigrants should be deported | Reuters
Fortunately we’re a Republic and not a democracy, subject to the rule of law, not men.

Yep and right now the law says they should be deported, how's that working. You being the hypocrite you said 51% is a mandate for your dear leader, but not good enough here. One thing the left can never be accused of, consistency.
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The rule of law in the context of a republican form of government means all persons are afforded due process, including those suspected of being undocumented.

It would not only be impossible to ‘round up’ and ‘deport’ 11 million persons, if done absent due process, it would also be un-Constitutional.
Fortunately we’re a Republic and not a democracy, subject to the rule of law, not men.

Yep and right now the law says they should be deported, how's that working. You being the hypocrite you are said 51% is a mandate for your dear leader, but not good enough here. One thing the left can never be accused of, consistency.

No matter what your personal thinking is on this issue, you shouldn't ignore the fact that Obama is deporting illegals at a rate 50% higher than Bush did. He has already deported over 1.4 million, and that number is as of August of last year. Talk about consistency, seems like Obama is doing a much better job on illegal immigration than his predecessor, but hey, keep up the propaganda. This is the shit that cracks me up about the right, complete ignorance of reality.

Obama is deporting immigrants faster than Bush. Republicans don?t think that?s enough.
The rule of law in the context of a republican form of government means all persons are afforded due process, including those suspected of being undocumented.

It would not only be impossible to ‘round up’ and ‘deport’ 11 million persons, if done absent due process, it would also be un-Constitutional.

And then you have ICE delaying a deportation order on a congressional intern so it wouldn't cause trouble in the elections. Isn't against the law to knowingly hire an illegal? When can we expect charges againt the congressman. Come on, we're a nation of laws, this should be a slam dunk.
Fortunately we’re a Republic and not a democracy, subject to the rule of law, not men.

Yep and right now the law says they should be deported, how's that working. You being the hypocrite you are said 51% is a mandate for your dear leader, but not good enough here. One thing the left can never be accused of, consistency.

No matter what your personal thinking is on this issue, you shouldn't ignore the fact that Obama is deporting illegals at a rate 50% higher than Bush did. He has already deported over 1.4 million, and that number is as of August of last year. Talk about consistency, seems like Obama is doing a much better job on illegal immigration than his predecessor, but hey, keep up the propaganda. This is the shit that cracks me up about the right, complete ignorance of reality.

Obama is deporting immigrants faster than Bush. Republicans don?t think that?s enough.

How Obama administration inflates deportation statistics:
Fortunately we’re a Republic and not a democracy, subject to the rule of law, not men.

Yep and right now the law says they should be deported, how's that working. You being the hypocrite you are said 51% is a mandate for your dear leader, but not good enough here. One thing the left can never be accused of, consistency.

No matter what your personal thinking is on this issue, you shouldn't ignore the fact that Obama is deporting illegals at a rate 50% higher than Bush did. He has already deported over 1.4 million, and that number is as of August of last year. Talk about consistency, seems like Obama is doing a much better job on illegal immigration than his predecessor, but hey, keep up the propaganda. This is the shit that cracks me up about the right, complete ignorance of reality.

Obama is deporting immigrants faster than Bush. Republicans don?t think that?s enough.

Think how much better a job could have been done had they deported all they had in custody instead of letting them go. Doing a better job, does not equal doing a good job.
The rule of law in the context of a republican form of government means all persons are afforded due process, including those suspected of being undocumented.

It would not only be impossible to ‘round up’ and ‘deport’ 11 million persons, if done absent due process, it would also be un-Constitutional.

Who said it would be impossible to deport 11 million lefty? You are just repeating the same old line of the pro-amnesty crowd. They didn't all come here at once and they wouldn't have to all be deported at once. President Eisenhower deported millions. That being said............most don't have to be deported. They will self deport if E-verify was manadatory along with ENFORCING immigration laws.
Why not make them all Legal US citizens so they have to pay taxes and be paid the same wages?

They tried that back in the 80's all it got us was more illegals becuase the border security the commies promised never materialized. Still hasn't.
Why not make them all Legal US citizens so they have to pay taxes and be paid the same wages?

They tried that back in the 80's all it got us was more illegals becuase the border security the commies promised never materialized. Still hasn't.

I'll compromise then.

Legalize them completely, and allow citizens to patrol the borders with M4 carbines on volunteer basis. All uses of force must be video recorded.
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The rule of law in the context of a republican form of government means all persons are afforded due process, including those suspected of being undocumented.

It would not only be impossible to ‘round up’ and ‘deport’ 11 million persons, if done absent due process, it would also be un-Constitutional.

All true and yet the majority of Americans would like it done... Unless you are stipulating that the majority of Americans are republican, you must concede it is not a partisan desire.
The town hall McCain just held on immigration was wild. These people were pissed and laid into him.

Where's the fence was the mantra of one hell of an angry crowd.
The town hall McCain just held on immigration was wild. These people were pissed and laid into him.

Where's the fence was the mantra of one hell of an angry crowd.

That's because they live the daily reality- the disgusting litter in their desert that cost millions every year to clean up; the increase in violent crime and drug trafficking; and the ballooning entitlement spending caused by illegal immigrants.
Yep and right now the law says they should be deported, how's that working. You being the hypocrite you are said 51% is a mandate for your dear leader, but not good enough here. One thing the left can never be accused of, consistency.

No matter what your personal thinking is on this issue, you shouldn't ignore the fact that Obama is deporting illegals at a rate 50% higher than Bush did. He has already deported over 1.4 million, and that number is as of August of last year. Talk about consistency, seems like Obama is doing a much better job on illegal immigration than his predecessor, but hey, keep up the propaganda. This is the shit that cracks me up about the right, complete ignorance of reality.

Obama is deporting immigrants faster than Bush. Republicans don?t think that?s enough.

How Obama administration inflates deportation statistics:

And yet the media is silent~

"The Obama administration has started counting certain “returns” as “removals” in order to artificially inflate the numbers and create a “record level” of deportations. "
Isn't this just evidence of why the government has programs that include chanting phrases like "The pilgrims were illegal immigrants"? Now people here illegally are no different from citizens.
Isn't this just evidence of why the government has programs that include chanting phrases like "The pilgrims were illegal immigrants"? Now people here illegally are no different from citizens.

OMG...I saw that- Unfreakingbelievable!
I would like a mansion, an all expenses paid trip around the world and a limitless credit card.

What we want, and what's in the realm of possibility are 2 different things. Magic is not real, and its totally impossible to deport all ,or even most ,illegal immigrants.

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