Majority of U.S. citizens say illegal immigrants should be deported

The town hall McCain just held on immigration was wild. These people were pissed and laid into him.

Where's the fence was the mantra of one hell of an angry crowd.

And of course, McCain looked bamboozled that they didn't agree with his love for amnesty. Stupid senile old fool needs to retire.

At least there's some people out there, standing up to our braindead politicians and demanding they do the f-ing job they were elected to do instead of being pandering idiots to criminals.
The rule of law in the context of a republican form of government means all persons are afforded due process, including those suspected of being undocumented.

It would not only be impossible to ‘round up’ and ‘deport’ 11 million persons, if done absent due process, it would also be un-Constitutional.

It is possible with a combination of increased audits of a company's employees, increased punishment for employers who knowingly hire illegals, mandatory E-Verify checks and cutting off illegal immigrants' access to benefits.

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