Make America Great Again


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2022
Men on the moon, the Greatest Generation, D-Day, Detroit building the world's cars, streets safe to walk on, parks safe for children to go play in, the baby boom, Elvis . . . . .

I want to Make America Great Again. What sort of asshole would not want to Make America Great Again? And that makes me a fascist? Dangerous? A cult member?

Now, the Democrats are pushing for socialism, sexual perversions of all manner, transgenderism, homosexuality, all we are told are normal based on junk crappy fraudulent science and quack doctors,. democrats push for a world where fantasy means more than reality, your gender is whatever you think it is, choose a pronoun we have hundreds to choose from, parents are not allowed to have a say in school curricula that opposes their family's beliefs, open borders, CRT hate . . . and the insanity goes on . .
. . . junk green science causing horrible energy policy and thus skyrocketing fuel prices, terrible economic policy causing inflation . . .

But I am a fascist? Dangerous? A cult member?

Satan is the father of Lies, and the democrats and the Left have lies down to a science.

Men on the moon, the Greatest Generation, D-Day, Detroit building the world's cars, streets safe to walk on, parks safe for children to go play in, the baby boom, Elvis . . . . .

I want to Make America Great Again. What sort of asshole would not want to Make America Great Again? And that makes me a fascist? Dangerous? A cult member?

Now, the Democrats are pushing for socialism, sexual perversions of all manner, transgenderism, homosexuality, all we are told are normal based on junk crappy fraudulent science and quack doctors,. democrats push for a world where fantasy means more than reality, your gender is whatever you think it is, choose a pronoun we have hundreds to choose from, parents are not allowed to have a say in school curricula that opposes their family's beliefs, open borders, CRT hate . . . and the insanity goes on . .
. . . junk green science causing horrible energy policy and thus skyrocketing fuel prices, terrible economic policy causing inflation . . .

But I am a fascist? Dangerous? A cult member?

Satan is the father of Lies, and the democrats and the Left have lies down to a science.

When it comes to your Orange Baboon-God... it's purely a matter of "Right Message., Wrong Messenger".

We don't need a President for Life Dr. Idi Amin Dada Rump... or a Vladimir Rump... too high a price to pay.
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When it comes to your Orange Baboon-God . . . .

Typical third grade level response from an ignorant fool who cannot hand facts like an adult.

I repeat:

Men on the moon, the Greatest Generation, D-Day, Detroit building the world's cars, streets safe to walk on, parks safe for children to go play in, the baby boom, Elvis . . . . .

I want to Make America Great Again. What sort of asshole would not want to Make America Great Again? And that makes me a fascist? Dangerous? A cult member?

Now, the Democrats are pushing for socialism, sexual perversions of all manner, transgenderism, homosexuality, all we are told are normal based on junk crappy fraudulent science and quack doctors,. democrats push for a world where fantasy means more than reality, your gender is whatever you think it is, choose a pronoun we have hundreds to choose from, parents are not allowed to have a say in school curricula that opposes their family's beliefs, open borders, CRT hate . . . and the insanity goes on . .
. . . junk green science causing horrible energy policy and thus skyrocketing fuel prices, terrible economic policy causing inflation . . .

But I am a fascist? Dangerous? A cult member?

Satan is the father of Lies, and the democrats and the Left have lies down to a science.
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The left destroys everything they get their hands on.
They are like petulant, spoiled children that can't even understand why the things they want are so bad.
You can't reason with them because they lack critical thinking skills

What to do about people are incapable of reason but demand you follow their insane dictates?
There is no compromise with them because if you give an inch, they take a mile
The left destroys everything they get their hands on.
They are like petulant, spoiled children that can't even understand why the things they want are so bad.
You can't reason with them because they lack critical thinking skills

What to do about people are incapable of reason but demand you follow their insane dictates?
There is no compromise with them because if you give an inch, they take a mile
We'll give 'em 48 days
Seven things Trump did to help Make America Great Again:

Trump appointed three Supreme Court justices, scores of federal appellate judges, and close to 200 District Court judges (as well as two judges for the Court of International Trade) all of them are committed to interpreting the Constitution and laws according to the original meaning of the words, rather than according to what a modern liberal judge thinks the law should have said.

Historic tax cuts and deregulation: After eight years of high unemployment and meager growth under President Obama’s administration, the Trump tax cuts of 2017 and Trump’s extensive canceling of excessive government regulations on businesses have given a tremendous boost to the American economy. An estimated 25,000 pages of regulations have been canceled, resulting in a savings of $3,100 per household per year. Another result of tax cuts combined with deregulation has been the addition of thousands of new jobs, so that unemployment (before the coronavirus crisis) fell to the lowest point in 50 years, and unemployment among African-American and Hispanic workers was the lowest it has ever been in history.

Building a stronger U.S. military: Reversing the massive budget cuts that had seriously weakened our military under the Obama administration, President Trump has increased military spending by nearly $150 billion per year from $605 billion in 2016 to $750 billion, steadily rebuilding U.S. military readiness.

Protecting unborn babies: Numerous executive orders increasingly restricted government funding for abortions (such as the reinstatement of the Mexico City policy). On February 22, 2019, the Trump administration announced that it would not allow organizations that provide referrals for abortions to receive federal family-planning money, which implies a cut in funding for Planned Parenthood (the nation’s largest abortion provider) unless they perform abortions in a separate facility and not refer patients to it. And on May 2, 2019, the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services issued a new rule protecting healthcare workers who decline on the basis of conscience or religious conviction to participate in procedures such as abortion or assisted suicide. Trump was the first president ever to personally attend the pro-life March for Life in Washington, D.C. on January 24, 2020. And of course, the recent Roe decision.

Expanding educational freedom: President Trump helped give America school choice, resulting in rising support for charter schools, taxpayer-funded vouchers, and tax credits for private-school vouchers, programs aimed at expanding options for parents looking beyond traditional public schools as she brings attention to them.

Standing with Israel: Reversing President Obama’s repeated marginalization and shunning of Israel, President Trump has reaffirmed our commitment to support and defend Israel. He decisively moved the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel. He has welcomed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House several times and has repeatedly reaffirmed our support for Israel. Israel never had a better friend in the White House than Donald Trump.

Negotiating a historic agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates: On August 13, 2020, President Trump announced that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had come to a historic agreement to establish full diplomatic relations between the two countries, including the establishment of permanent embassies and the beginning of direct airline flights between the two countries. This is important because Dubai, the largest city in the UAE, is the leading financial center in the Middle East and plays a paramount role in world air travel and tourism. The agreement will “strengthen regional checks on Iranian power.” It also has the potential to set a pattern for future agreements establishing peaceful relations between Israel and other Arab countries in the Middle East.
When it comes to your Orange Baboon-God... it's purely a matter of "Right Message., Wrong Messenger".

We don't need a President for Life Dr. Idi Amin Dada Rump... or a Vladimir Rump... too high a price to pay.

The problem is, he is the only Messenger who will actually follow through on what needs to be done and voters love him for this. Can you think any other man who could withstand so many body blows and just keep moving forward? The man is the Joe Frazier of politics.

This reality allows him a great amount of latitude. Like him or not, those are the facts Jack.
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