Make America Great Again

Elect governors like mine. We have Constitutional Carry, abortions are illegal, voting is done only in person with ID on election day (with few exceptions) and boys do not get to compete against girls or use their bathrooms.

That's a pretty MAGA start.

True. But hasn’t this always been the case?
Not to the best of my knowledge. I worked pretty damned hard when I was 16. Granted that was more than a few years ago, but today the high school kids in my town work their asses off when the community needs them.
True. But hasn’t this always been the case?
Maybe in certain ways, but nothing like today. I hear from many employers, and the level of entitlement they have, and their lack of desire to be on time or learn, or do the hard dirty work, and how easily they are offended after having been granted safe spaces in schools, they are way worse today than before. Schools have done them a serious disservice, every gets a trophy, all that bullshit.
Maybe in certain ways, but nothing like today. I hear from many employers, and the level of entitlement they have, and their lack of desire to be on time or learn, or do the hard dirty work, and how easily they are offended after having been granted safe spaces in schools, they are way worse today than before. Schools have done them a serious disservice, every gets a trophy, all that bullshit.
For crying out loud, I tried to hire a casual laborer for $100 per hour. She couldn't make it to the job the first day because it was on a day when the buses weren't running and a mile was too far to actually walk. She expected me to pick her up and drive her home.
I do believe abortion will go away because people will be more careful and that is good. Smaller families than today will be the way of the future.
Typical third grade level response from an ignorant fool who cannot hand facts like an adult.

I repeat:

Men on the moon, the Greatest Generation, D-Day, Detroit building the world's cars, streets safe to walk on, parks safe for children to go play in, the baby boom, Elvis . . . . .

I want to Make America Great Again. What sort of asshole would not want to Make America Great Again? And that makes me a fascist? Dangerous? A cult member?

Now, the Democrats are pushing for socialism, sexual perversions of all manner, transgenderism, homosexuality, all we are told are normal based on junk crappy fraudulent science and quack doctors,. democrats push for a world where fantasy means more than reality, your gender is whatever you think it is, choose a pronoun we have hundreds to choose from, parents are not allowed to have a say in school curricula that opposes their family's beliefs, open borders, CRT hate . . . and the insanity goes on . .
. . . junk green science causing horrible energy policy and thus skyrocketing fuel prices, terrible economic policy causing inflation . . .

But I am a fascist? Dangerous? A cult member?

Satan is the father of Lies, and the democrats and the Left have lies down to a science.
Awwwwww... I don't think you like my characterization of your traitorous, un-American POS has-been Orange Baboon... :itsok:
Men on the moon, the Greatest Generation, D-Day, Detroit building the world's cars, streets safe to walk on, parks safe for children to go play in, the baby boom, Elvis . . . . .

I want to Make America Great Again. What sort of asshole would not want to Make America Great Again? And that makes me a fascist? Dangerous? A cult member?

Now, the Democrats are pushing for socialism, sexual perversions of all manner, transgenderism, homosexuality, all we are told are normal based on junk crappy fraudulent science and quack doctors,. democrats push for a world where fantasy means more than reality, your gender is whatever you think it is, choose a pronoun we have hundreds to choose from, parents are not allowed to have a say in school curricula that opposes their family's beliefs, open borders, CRT hate . . . and the insanity goes on . .
. . . junk green science causing horrible energy policy and thus skyrocketing fuel prices, terrible economic policy causing inflation . . .

But I am a fascist? Dangerous? A cult member?

Satan is the father of Lies, and the democrats and the Left have lies down to a science.

What exactly has MAGA a done to make America a better place?

Wearing a silly hat does not make it so
The problem is, he is the only Messenger who will actually follow through on what needs to be done and voters love him for this.
Rump did ONE good thing for American politics... he got the Agenda out-in-the-open... much of that Agenda is worthwhile...

But the Pubs have got to find somebody else to sell and execute the thing moving forward... Ron Desantis comes to mind as a very real possibility.

Rump carries far too much baggage to ever-again win the White House... even if he DOES manage to stay out of jail...

The sooner Pubs get this over with the sooner Pubs can recover and get back to what really matters... advancing The Agenda, and not The Albatross.

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