Make no mistake, Harris-Biden will pack the courts

You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Actually, the problem developed when Republicans refused to honor the nomination for a replacement justice made by President Obama on March 16, over seven months before the next election and has been compounded by naming a replacement for Ginsburg less than two months from an election. Democrats will always feel cheated, and hence, justified for an evening of the score.

Evening the score is all part of politics but when that involves radical transformation that includes increasing the size of the court and elimination of the Electoral College, clearly you’ve moved into a mode of vengeance where you are willing to transform the country away from a Representative Democracy.

Or, more likely, modern Democrats don’t know how to win in a Representative Democracy nor do they care. They want more Socialist models of government in the US and they want themselves locked-in as true 1 percenters.

It is all about WINNING

Republicans won the Senate and blocked Obama from filling Federal Court seats along with blocking the filling of a Supreme Court vacancy for a year.

Dems win the Senate, they will end the filibuster and add judges to the court.

Who cares as long as you WIN
Voters don’t care

Adding judges will be a radical departure from the Constitution. As much as Liberals will be celebrating the WIN in that scenario, it would expose significant failure among Democrats in the arena of winning mind share among voters with ideas and vision. I already know this about them.....they can't win on their own ideas, they must win by smearing their opponents.

If the Constitution wanted 9 judges, it would have said 9 judges

Instead it left the number up to Congress. Congress had a tradition of 9 judges, but we have seen what happens with Congressional traditions
If you're going to pack the court. Admit it. Tell America. Tell Biden and Harris to say it.

Quit the deception and say YES, if elected, I will pack the court with leftwing activist.

..... and grow a pair and stand behind fracking. Actually, when Harris looked straight into the camera and channeled Obama with “Let me be clear....” and proceeded to tell the American people she and Biden would not “ban fracking”, that is exactly what they are going to do. That message really was, “Fuck you and fuck the American economy. You can call us out for lying and we are still going to say, fuck you.”
Obama did not ban fracking. He had more restrictions than Trump but he didn’t ban it.

Biden will do the same

Responsible fracking

Democrats are total scum.

Both Biden and Harris have said they will ban fracking. Saying they won't is a lie.

You are a liar and anyone who believes you is an idiot.

Both have made it clear they won’t.

Your fear mongering won’t work
Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.

I have come not to rely on your powers of observation as they are often biased. It is safe to say that the trajectory of the campaign has not changed.

It is the Republicans who have changed the rules. They changed them in 2016 and in 2020. It was all in their quest for power. If the court veers off to the far right then it will be justified.
You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Actually, the problem developed when Republicans refused to honor the nomination for a replacement justice made by President Obama on March 16, over seven months before the next election and has been compounded by naming a replacement for Ginsburg less than two months from an election. Democrats will always feel cheated, and hence, justified for an evening of the score.

Evening the score is all part of politics but when that involves radical transformation that includes increasing the size of the court and elimination of the Electoral College, clearly you’ve moved into a mode of vengeance where you are willing to transform the country away from a Representative Democracy.

Or, more likely, modern Democrats don’t know how to win in a Representative Democracy nor do they care. They want more Socialist models of government in the US and they want themselves locked-in as true 1 percenters.

It is all about WINNING

Republicans won the Senate and blocked Obama from filling Federal Court seats along with blocking the filling of a Supreme Court vacancy for a year.

Dems win the Senate, they will end the filibuster and add judges to the court.

Who cares as long as you WIN
Voters don’t care

Adding judges will be a radical departure from the Constitution. As much as Liberals will be celebrating the WIN in that scenario, it would expose significant failure among Democrats in the arena of winning mind share among voters with ideas and vision. I already know this about them.....they can't win on their own ideas, they must win by smearing their opponents.

If the Constitution wanted 9 judges, it would have said 9 judges

Instead it left the number up to Congress. Congress had a tradition of 9 judges, but we have seen what happens with Congressional traditions
If you're going to pack the court. Admit it. Tell America. Tell Biden and Harris to say it.

Quit the deception and say YES, if elected, I will pack the court with leftwing activist.

..... and grow a pair and stand behind fracking. Actually, when Harris looked straight into the camera and channeled Obama with “Let me be clear....” and proceeded to tell the American people she and Biden would not “ban fracking”, that is exactly what they are going to do. That message really was, “Fuck you and fuck the American economy. You can call us out for lying and we are still going to say, fuck you.”
Obama did not ban fracking. He had more restrictions than Trump but he didn’t ban it.

Biden will do the same

Responsible fracking

Democrats are total scum.

Both Biden and Harris have said they will ban fracking. Saying they won't is a lie.

You are a liar and anyone who believes you is an idiot.

Both have made it clear they won’t.

Your fear mongering won’t work

The only thing “clear” is the mixed messages shared by both of them. The only “fear” is shared by the Harris-Biden campaign that they will be exposed for supporting anti-fracking. If you believe in it, State your case and stand behind it. Don’t flip flop.

My opinion is that fracking is not popular among the green-dealers because it keeps the US ahead economically.
Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.

I have come not to rely on your powers of observation as they are often biased. It is safe to say that the trajectory of the campaign has not changed.

It is the Republicans who have changed the rules. They changed them in 2016 and in 2020. It was all in their quest for power. If the court veers off to the far right then it will be justified.

I stated an opinion. I did not present it as fact as so many Leftists here on USMB tend to do. Are you aware that opinions are biased?
You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Actually, the problem developed when Republicans refused to honor the nomination for a replacement justice made by President Obama on March 16, over seven months before the next election and has been compounded by naming a replacement for Ginsburg less than two months from an election. Democrats will always feel cheated, and hence, justified for an evening of the score.

Evening the score is all part of politics but when that involves radical transformation that includes increasing the size of the court and elimination of the Electoral College, clearly you’ve moved into a mode of vengeance where you are willing to transform the country away from a Representative Democracy.

Or, more likely, modern Democrats don’t know how to win in a Representative Democracy nor do they care. They want more Socialist models of government in the US and they want themselves locked-in as true 1 percenters.

It is all about WINNING

Republicans won the Senate and blocked Obama from filling Federal Court seats along with blocking the filling of a Supreme Court vacancy for a year.

Dems win the Senate, they will end the filibuster and add judges to the court.

Who cares as long as you WIN
Voters don’t care

Adding judges will be a radical departure from the Constitution. As much as Liberals will be celebrating the WIN in that scenario, it would expose significant failure among Democrats in the arena of winning mind share among voters with ideas and vision. I already know this about them.....they can't win on their own ideas, they must win by smearing their opponents.

If the Constitution wanted 9 judges, it would have said 9 judges

Instead it left the number up to Congress. Congress had a tradition of 9 judges, but we have seen what happens with Congressional traditions
If you're going to pack the court. Admit it. Tell America. Tell Biden and Harris to say it.

Quit the deception and say YES, if elected, I will pack the court with leftwing activist.

..... and grow a pair and stand behind fracking. Actually, when Harris looked straight into the camera and channeled Obama with “Let me be clear....” and proceeded to tell the American people she and Biden would not “ban fracking”, that is exactly what they are going to do. That message really was, “Fuck you and fuck the American economy. You can call us out for lying and we are still going to say, fuck you.”
Obama did not ban fracking. He had more restrictions than Trump but he didn’t ban it.

Biden will do the same

Responsible fracking

Democrats are total scum.

Both Biden and Harris have said they will ban fracking. Saying they won't is a lie.

You are a liar and anyone who believes you is an idiot.

Both have made it clear they won’t.

Your fear mongering won’t work

The only thing “clear” is the mixed messages shared by both of them. The only “fear” is shared by the Harris-Biden campaign that they will be exposed for supporting anti-fracking. If you believe in it, State your case and stand behind it. Don’t flip flop.

My opinion is that fracking is not popular among the green-dealers because it keeps the US ahead economically.

They will agree to safe fracking.......Just like Obama/Biden did

Unlike Trump, Biden will listen to BOTH Environmentalists and Economists to decide how much fracking to allow

I don’t think Trump ever allowed an Environmentalist in the Oval Office
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Packing the Courts is purely hypothetical right now

IF Biden wins the election
IF Democrats take the Senate
IF Democrats hold the House
IF Republicans lose Bigly at all levels
IF Republicans fill the vacancy as a Lame Duck that the public soundly defeated after claiming the voters need to decide
IF a Democratic Congress gets rid of the filibuster
IF that Congress decides to pack the courts

THEN it would be up to Biden to fill those vacancies

Too Hypothetical......I would just answer... We’ll see

What is not hypothetical is that Liberals NEED the Courts more than they do winning the hearts and minds of American voters.
Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.

I have come not to rely on your powers of observation as they are often biased. It is safe to say that the trajectory of the campaign has not changed.

It is the Republicans who have changed the rules. They changed them in 2016 and in 2020. It was all in their quest for power. If the court veers off to the far right then it will be justified.
The courts do not move to the right. They stem the movement or slow it down to the left when there are more people on the bench who are not Prog Socialists. Progs use the courts to advance agendas. You still have many in the courts who will make laws, so don't fret.
Packing the Courts is purely hypothetical right now

IF Biden wins the election
IF Democrats take the Senate
IF Democrats hold the House
IF Republicans lose Bigly at all levels
IF Republicans fill the vacancy as a Lame Duck that the public soundly defeated after claiming the voters need to decide
IF a Democratic Congress gets rid of the filibuster
IF that Congress decides to pack the courts

THEN it would be up to Biden to fill those vacancies

Too Hypothetical......I would just answer... We’ll see

They almost have to get rid of the filibuster. Congress has to pass something or the courts will take advantage of this. DACA is a good example. Roberts refused to get rid of DACA entirely. This was because he wanted the Trump Administration to deal with the people who were already in the program. This new court could potentially overturn this and rip people who have no memory of another country would be ripped from their homes. Legislation will have to be very specific.

If the court veers to the far right then they will have to expand the court. I suspect when voters see what this court does they could support this as well.
You have a problem with that?

I do. I think it is a childish, knee-jerk reaction to a “problem” that was not a problem until modern Democrats lost elections and their most powerful vehicle for shaping the direction of this country, The Supreme Court.

I have a problem in that a vote in Montana should count as much as a vote in Chicago. I have a problem in that the Legislative Branch and the States should have the biggest weight shaping the direction of our Country.

Harris-Biden will fundamentally transform that.
Actually, the problem developed when Republicans refused to honor the nomination for a replacement justice made by President Obama on March 16, over seven months before the next election and has been compounded by naming a replacement for Ginsburg less than two months from an election. Democrats will always feel cheated, and hence, justified for an evening of the score.

Evening the score is all part of politics but when that involves radical transformation that includes increasing the size of the court and elimination of the Electoral College, clearly you’ve moved into a mode of vengeance where you are willing to transform the country away from a Representative Democracy.

Or, more likely, modern Democrats don’t know how to win in a Representative Democracy nor do they care. They want more Socialist models of government in the US and they want themselves locked-in as true 1 percenters.

It is all about WINNING

Republicans won the Senate and blocked Obama from filling Federal Court seats along with blocking the filling of a Supreme Court vacancy for a year.

Dems win the Senate, they will end the filibuster and add judges to the court.

Who cares as long as you WIN
Voters don’t care

Adding judges will be a radical departure from the Constitution. As much as Liberals will be celebrating the WIN in that scenario, it would expose significant failure among Democrats in the arena of winning mind share among voters with ideas and vision. I already know this about them.....they can't win on their own ideas, they must win by smearing their opponents.

If the Constitution wanted 9 judges, it would have said 9 judges

Instead it left the number up to Congress. Congress had a tradition of 9 judges, but we have seen what happens with Congressional traditions
If you're going to pack the court. Admit it. Tell America. Tell Biden and Harris to say it.

Quit the deception and say YES, if elected, I will pack the court with leftwing activist.
There is no way for knowing how the American people will feel about this topic in 2021.
I could see this being an issue if the US had not fluctuated on supreme court justices in the past.
I think it's an issue, and imo Biden correctly perceives that changing the number of justices only works would not be popular with voters unless the SC itself does something that is divisive and unpopular …. and seen as out of bounds of it's proper power. I doubt either Gorsuch or Roberts would vote to not allow women to obtain abortion meds via telemedicine. But something like that, or even allowing states to ban IUD might do it.

In 1869 the gop got away with court packing, but only because the SC tried to stymy Reconstruction in the South. Eventually reconstruction became unpopular, but the SC trod on Lincoln's shadow, and the public shot it down. (pun intended)
If all the Democrats do in the first two years in power is pack the courts I'll be happier than a pig in filth.

Republicans have been on a Jihad to get their far rightwing Supreme Court judges and their on the cusp of getting it, after horrible political shenanigans in recent years and a streak of luck in the last month.

Democrats need to BREAK the Republican's tools.
Democrats openly admit they will pack the court.

Republicans need to start packing the court right now with Republican activist because Democrats will the moment they gain power.
Republicans have been RAMMING the courts w/far rightwing judges for many years now, most of them since Trump came in office.

You guys have posted as much here on USMB before you came up w/this bogus argument in the last month.

Why lie?
Congress has always had the authority to dictate how many SC judges there are. They can make it 100 judges and it's perfectly constitutional.

The fact that we're seeing democrats talk about doing so under the pretext that they're using is clearly indicative that they're only interested in relying on the court to enforce their agendas on the electorate. That's what's wrong with the SC.

That kind of agenda driven, political manipulation of the court is precisely why we need to get back to letting the state justice departments handle things and remove federal jurisdiction where it shouldn't be.

Republicans are not? Clearly they want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs Wade and Obamacare.
Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.

I have come not to rely on your powers of observation as they are often biased. It is safe to say that the trajectory of the campaign has not changed.

It is the Republicans who have changed the rules. They changed them in 2016 and in 2020. It was all in their quest for power. If the court veers off to the far right then it will be justified.

I stated an opinion. I did not present it as fact as so many Leftists here on USMB tend to do. Are you aware that opinions are biased?

Your opinions tend to favor Trump so they are meaningless. My opinion is nobody hurt themselves. I voted for Biden but I can be a honest observer.
Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.

WTF do you think Trump's been doing for the past 3.75 years??????????

Trump's 200th judicial appointment: Less than meets the eye › blog › fixgov › 2020/06/26 › tr...

Jun 26, 2020 — The Senate's 52-48 vote on June 23 to confirm Cory Wilson to the Fifth Circuit court of appeals allows Trump's 200th appointment to a ...

Trump's Judges, Mostly White Men, Will Rule For Decades ... › 2020/07/02 › trump-and-mcconnell-via-s...

Jul 2, 2020 — "So the reason President Trump had 200 judgeships to fill in the first place is because McConnell obstructed." Obama made the nominations, but ...
Harris came off like an insecure HS sophomore last night sneering and jeering and shaking her head at Pence when he was calling out her record. She didn’t have the balls to stand on her own record.

The most confident she got is when Pence called her out to see if she was going to pack the court. First, she played the race card which is what Democrats and Liberals do when they can’t argue then she tried to invoke Lincoln..... but never answered the question.

Democrats lose and they immediately want to change the rules. A Harris-Biden Presidency will result in an expanded Supreme Court and Elimination of the Electoral College.

Harris-Biden. You read that correctly.
Kumala got destroyed last night. In an election between the two oldest white men ever running for POTUS, one with obvious dementia onsetting and the other just recovering from covid19, Pence appeared measured and presidential while Harris comported herself like a silly high school drama queen. The fear of toilet paper was classic. One of these two could very likely end up as POTUS, and Harris is obviously above her pay grade. The more she and Biden dodge key questions about the SCOTUS/GND, the more they are exposed as duplicitous politicians, willing to do anything for power. Not a good look.
Democrats openly admit they will pack the court.

Republicans need to start packing the court right now with Republican activist because Democrats will the moment they gain power.
Republicans have been RAMMING the courts w/far rightwing judges for many years now, most of them since Trump came in office.

You guys have posted as much here on USMB before you came up w/this bogus argument in the last month.

Why lie?
We haven't packed the court, but if we win and do it, you will say it's okay because you would do the same.

After the Obama years, our MO is, what would Harry Reid do?
Republicans are not? Clearly they want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs Wade and Obamacare.

It's doubtful that RvW will be overturned. And a republican administration is gonna give us an equally fascist healthcare bill as Obamacare. The federal government shouldn't be involved in it anyway.

When I look at the agendas of both the blue helmets and the red helmets, I see very little to no meaningful difference at all policy-wise.

Both sides of the duopoly hate the electorate for their freedoms. The quicker the electorate ditches both sides of the duopoly, the better off America will be.

Really, people should take note of the progressive hijacking of the democratic party. Because the same thing is going to happen to the republicans. In time.

And it won't be until then that we can kick the dems and republicans to the curb and get progressives debating the critical issues of the day versus more liberty minded people rather than the same old nonsensical charade we have going on with the two sides of the duopoly running a game and pretending they are different some how. They're not any different. At all. And they shouldn't be dictating the terms of controversy at all. At all. At all.
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